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Everything posted by TheDisturbedOne

  1. About $20, currently have about $6 saved up.Saint_Michael, save us the time and use scientific notation.
  2. I use e107. The flv player there is great, all that you need is the flv file url, and it is embedded. Even if the youtube uploader doesn't allow embedding, it can still be embedded.
  3. Just a quick question, before I do a review. How do you have a $100+ software on free hosting? Are you running a null?
  4. I use imagefilez for one reason. The multiple image uploader. Not many sites have it, and often I have many images to upload. The thing I donot like though is that all images are branded with "ImageFilez". Because of that, I just use it for images that I will only use a few times, or if I'm making a banner, and what I will upload won't be the final image.
  5. You listen to European metal? Ever hear of Dreamtale, Katakylsm, Lacuna Coil or Superior?Some of my favorite bands are from Europe!
  6. Are you looking for a forum or CMS?For a forum, I highly suggest going with Simplemachines. There are no known bugs for it, and the features are amazing! SEO is great, I have only had problems after it was indexed (having it showing up in searches), and once it showed up, it showed up very high. The MODding community is great, tons of MODs, and most of them are still supported. With SMF 2.0, you need no knowledge of PHP to install themes or MODs, simply uploading the MOD in the control panel will install it (and most MODs work on all themes, unless you have tons of MODs).If you want a CMS, I use e107. It is fairly easy to use, but lacks some features.If you have MSN, feel free to contact me if you need help if you choose SMF. The.Disturbed.1@hotmail.com
  7. I listen to some of that stuff too on occasion! I am working on preforming a Mozart piece right now. Bach also has some great stuff. And I'm not talking about Sebastian Bach :DI also like "Oldies", which for me includes Chuck Berry, The Beatles, Jimmy Hendrix, and Led Zeppelin. May not be your definition of oldies, but keep in mind, I'm a younger generation.
  8. rv, how early do the bills get paid? Mine have been being paid either 10 or 2 days before it is due, never really constant.
  9. Great post, with one exception. Killswitch Engage is awesome. Their stuff is heavy, but still great.I must say though, that all the rappers that have the bling with the dollar signs and the titles of thier songs are Got$ Ca$h Bit?h? are great. I idolise them
  10. My forum is at 1016 pixels, I believe, and I haven't heard anything bad about that. The other 16 pixels are for padding.
  11. They said I'll be in the padded room for 6 months, I gotta bring up my MyCents
  12. Here is my lengthy post about what I think of current day music. I don't listen to hip hop or rap music, and dislike it very much. I used to be really into it (mainly Lil John (sounds like a potty XD ) and Outkast), but I realized that these guys were singing about the wrong stuff. They were talking about pimping and hoes and sex. I realized that these rappers could probably never get a woman, and if they could, she would, without a doubt, not be decent. I also wondered "Why aren't these rappers singing about how many STDs they have?", I'm sure they could make a whole album just on that. I am not trying to bring down rap or hip hop, or create a stereotype, but that is the way the majority of rappers are. Another point I would like to make, I applaud all the rappers that are singing about positive things, I know there are some out there. The rappers who don't sing about drugs, sex, and gangs. If I listened to rap right now, I would listen to that music. On to 'mainstream' music, and what I will be discussing will be 'mainstream' rock/metal. First and foremost, no rock band is 100% mainstream. Each has uniqueness, no matter how little or big it is. I am a big fan of the band Disturbed, and have been told many times that Disturbed isn't metal, and it is too much mainstream. I strongly disagree with them, saying that most bands don't have the same sound (the Disturbed song Sons of Plunder sums up music how it is right now very well), and most bands wouldn't travel to Kuwait and play for thousands of troops, instead of earning more from doing a normal tour. I hate the way that music is going right now. The Jonas Brothers are a freaking joke, same thing with Hannah Montana. I just wanted to barf when I saw the Grammys, Jonas Brothers playing with Stevie Wonder? Was that a joke? Stevie Wonder is one of the greats of music, and the crap that the Jonas Brothers put on doesn't compare. To tell you the truth, the Grammys overall is a big joke. It is just another way for a band to get an award. There are tons of bands that are better then Grammy winning bands, that haven't even been on the radar yet. Many that I think of are international bands. A band that isn't from the US will probably have to work 10 times as hard to get a good deal as the ones in the US. Surf progarchives.com, there are tons of bands on there that haven't gotten the recognition they deserve, mainly because they aren't from the US. Many of these bands have broken up, which is terrible, because they make such great music, and eventually could have gotten a record deal. Done wit my rant, will probably be set for the next year with MyCENTs from this post.
  13. Ok, I have added a full fansite, and the domain now goes to a splash page. Do you think I made the right decision? I want the site to be equally based on the message board, and fansite, and didn't know how to do it anyway else.Comments welcome
  14. Your best bet is to post a lot for the next month or so, to save up MyCENTS, or post a tutorial. I don't think that accounts get deleted because of inactivity, but only get suspended if there are no MyCENTs left. I usually try to keep a few months ahead, incase if I get put into a mental institution, get stranded on an island, etc.Good luck in the military, and most of all, stay safe.
  15. Also note, if you use a software (forum or CMS) you may have to do a different edit, as that edit messed a few things up.
  16. I would really suggest getting a domain from Xisto. It is less confusing then a co.cc, and co.cc (legally speaking) can be taken away from you whenever co.cc wants. If you read the registration it never says that you own it.
  17. Have support confirm that your MX record is set to Google. Also make sure that the domain is confirmed and things like that. Something similar happened to me.
  18. Something to remember also-the Xisto Forum home page is 150k+. Most websites aren't even half that size.
  19. Yeah,. I couldn't find out how to change my name on my email, or how to delete my email account. I find the best thing to do is to go to a third party website and ask there, or just to Google it.
  20. I love the home page. The Blog could use more to it, but once you add to it, the website will look great.The graphics are my favorite part. Clean and simple, and great choice of colors.
  21. Since I can't get the discount for recycling it AND get a refurbished one AND get the government discount, I'm going to keep it, and when a friend of mine needs to get an iPod, I'll give it to them. Or I could just give it to the Apple store to recycle. I'm not just going to throw it out.
  22. Is the forum on its own server? It took me about 2 minutes just to get logged in.
  23. It is most likely that those are your hits. I use Google Analytics too, but I have Road Runner. My hits come from an area about 25 miles from where I live. You can check where your dial-up is being routed through on: http://www.ip2location.com/ Put your IP address in, and whatever the place that shows up is where the your hits are coming from.
  24. You should look at my tutorial: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/64457-creating-and-promoting-an-online-forum/ Keep submitting it to Google and Yahoo. If things slow down, make fake users. If you stick to it, it will pay off in the long run!!
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