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Everything posted by TheDisturbedOne

  1. Both are terrible, but I would say Proboards is better, since it seems to be based off of YaBB, which is a great software. I have been a member on both, and as a member, they are both about equal.
  2. Having guests post is the WORST thing to do. You will have no idea who they are, and it will be used by more spambots then normal people.
  3. I really don't think 250GB is too much to be asking, as long as you aren't paying a lot for the service. Unless you are downloading tons of videos (or your neighbors are), I highly doubt you will go over it.
  4. I think the key to a good forum is a good topic. If somebody just makes another gaming forum, I think I'm going to die. You should also pick a good software (SMF 2.0 RC 1 is a good one ). SMF is my favorite because they have a ton of themes, and the MODs install easily and fast. You also want to have a good moderation team going. If you get attacked by spambots, you don't want the topics to sit there forever. Get a bunch of your friends to join and help bring it up. I did that with mine, and we're at around 150-200 posts per day over the last month.
  5. Although I have never bought one of their computers, I have heard good things about it. It is a cheap way to get a good computer one of my friends told me.
  6. It is an ok game, as long as it isn't too hard. I learned how to do it on a train back from New York City. Didn't take that long, but the games were hard.
  7. Did you guys hear? sandy koufax was once of that scammer's clients . And so was the Mets owner.Ready for Spring Training?
  8. Considering all the training the troops have to go through, they are the best for that job. I don't know if you are trying to say that they are the smartest, because that depends how you look at it, but they are the best soldiers I can think of.
  9. It is very good software (as I have no knowledge of Javascript whatsoever), but it will probably only work for websites. Forums have template systems and built in CSS....
  10. i think the NFL season is too short. I don't think that you can get an accurate representation of how a team does after only 16 games. I don't like how the NFL only has games on two days of the week also. Baseball is nice, since you can turn the channel and a game should be on at least one channel everyday.
  11. Well the Mets really need him in the bullpen, as they haven't had a good bullpen since the Armondo Benitez (forgive me for the spelling) era. The Mets would always blow the game at the end, and it would really make me mad.
  12. Late February that is :PBen Sheets would be great, as the Mets could always use pitching. But I wonder, if they get him, would the put him in the bullpen? I don't think he's been there much before, but I think the Mets could make it work. Maybe work him in like the Yankees did with Joba (but in the opposite way), and hope he does better then Joba did when he changed.Speaking of Joba, he's due in court soon :PNL West will be Dodgers all the way. The Yankees were very stupid in letting go Torre (Who made the '08 Playoffs?) and he is doing very well in Los Angeles. AL East will be up for grabs, as it always is. Now the Red Sox and Yankees have do deal with the Rays, which will make postseason hopes smaller. After all the Yankees, Ray, and Sox could fight over 1st place and the wild card, while some team in the Al Central takes the wild card away on the last day of the season. I really don't think the O's and the Blue Jays will have a chance, but who knows? The Rays were the surprise of '08, maybe there will be another surprise in '09. The Rays were smart and took a few chances on young players, and it paid off for an AL Championship.
  13. Let's see if anybody else is going to see this and join in.I saw today that some more players got signed for longer deals. I also saw that Ryan Howard is asking for $15 Million! That is complete B.S. and I hope that the Phillies don't sign him. He is hardly worth what they were paying him, and I could really see him getting injured for the whole season. Usually that happens to somebody who has been hitting tons of home runs.Well only a few months till spring training! I can't wait!
  14. I thought that mine weren't responded to, but I checked back today and they were all responded to a day or two after I submitted them. I know that I didn't see them like that before, so it must have been a bug or something like that.
  15. I think Cano is too good for the Yankees to pass up. Speaking of which, are any of those injured players of the Yankees coming back next season? I remember the DL being filled with Yankees players (from what I remember quite a few out fielders) last year.Also do any of you guys play fantasy baseball? I'm sure we could get a league started up here. I played it last year, but gave up when my ranks were so low. I lost a bunch of people to the DL. And don't use Yahoo Fantasy, you can't see any details of the rankings.
  16. It could be transferred so that it won't happen, but it looks you are in a line if you want it.
  17. Linkbacks can really help you out. I run a PR1 site that has very few linkbacks, but they are to good sites that also have a high PR. (simplemachines.org and a topsite. I have links on other high PR sites, the official site, but Google has yet to get those).SMF is pretty much SEOed to the max, but there is SEO4SMF (not on the mod site though), but I haven't used it enough. Google indexes my pages well, and I still have pretty high ranks on it. Mine gets crawled at least every hour, and I run SMF too. I think it is just a matter of how lucky you are.I don't sitemap (mine is broken, maybe SMF 2.0 RC1 will fix it?), but I know they help. I think 1 sitemap does the job, but I'm not completely sure.Forums are hard to get crawled and placed right. My top 2 on google are the main page and a suggestion board. Yahoo I believe has a thread as the first one. Maybe this is because there is no sitemap, but I know some other forums that have the same problem.Good Luck!
  18. I think they are the best because they offer free VPS and free domain (provided you can post for it). With most other sites this is unheard of.
  19. Mine dropped four dollars and it still hasn't been brought back up. I haven't checked my email for a response (which I should), but I still haven't gotten the $4 back. I am good until late February though, but it will be a bit harder to renew the domain (I will have to post more).
  20. Soda DOES expire. I have drank a soda that was from 1997 (Promoting the new PS one ) and it tasted terrible.
  21. The problem with vBulletin is that if you want a good skin, it will cost you a good amount of money. As far as I know phpBB has a bunch of good themes for free. Good luck running a nulled vBulletin, they shut those down quite fast.
  22. Well you could google "Free CSS templates" or "Free HTML templates" to get started. They won't look the best because nobody puts much time into those free templates (unless they have tons of time), but they should be good if they are your first website. If you have photoshop or HTML/CSS skills, you can make it look a lot better.
  23. Well the money could just sit there then. PayPal will earn interest on it, but it's still your money.
  24. Well in SMF you do have to do theme edits as well (in SMF 2 Beta 4 it is much easier, sometimes it does it for you), but there are less edits to do. If you have a theme that has a custom index.template.php and BoardIndex.template.php (which most themes have) and you install a MOD that edits the index.template.php, you will have to do the theme edit on that theme file (it only takes a few seconds to do it). Most themes only have 2 or 3 custom files, and the most I have seen is 7 or 8 (and even with those, usually a MOD doesn't modify every page in the theme).For personal experience, I suggest start off by installing about 4 themes, and after that start installing MODs (doing the theme edits if necessary). I have about 30 MODs installed right now (most of them are just small code edits that I made into MODs so that I can get rid of them fast if I wish), and I was thinking of adding another theme, but it would take so long for me to do the theme edits all at once....you get the picture. Start off with themes, and add the MODs to them once you install the MODs. It will make your life much easier.
  25. DeM0nFiReI opened a PayPal account just for getting donations, and it said that I could only receive $0.00 until I got their PayPal credit card or tied it to a bank account. Though they may have had different rules earlier on, as of November, I couldn't receive any money.
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