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Everything posted by TheDisturbedOne

  1. That is a great idea what you did, disabling the stats. When my forum was slow, I disabled the stats, and it helped a little. If guests see if there hasn't been much posting, they won't join. I think you will do well
  2. Yes, unless you modified your database, or used MODs that didn't come from the SMF Mod site, you shouldn't get database errors. That is most likely the host's fault. 000 is a terrible webhost, they don't have cPanel, and their version of cPanel is complete junk. Xisto is the way to go
  3. I would suggest setting up a test forum, to see how you like it. There aren't many themes out for it (though if I get time, I could convert some), but it will be the main SMF say in 3 years from now. If you are running a forum with no MODs, you could just run the large upgrade and upgrade to 2.0 RC1. If you are running MODs, post which ones (or even a screenshot here) and I could try to help you with a conversion. My forum has about 50+ MODs (about half of those are small MODs I made for the forum), so upgrading was practically impossible. I am making a new forum anyway, so I started on 2.0 RC1 for that, as it will be news related, and the RSS Feed poster for 2.0 is much better then the one for 1.1. Though I am not giving the url to the new forum out, as it isn't complete, I have tested out the features of it, and like it better then 1.1. Some of the new features (including some MODs for 2.0 only are):SMFwiki (not out yet though) RSS Feeder (Automatically post RSS Feeds on your forum). Advanced Reputation System (Similar to that of vBulletin) Custom Profile fields (Ex you run a music forum you could have a field that says Favorite band: and they could put info there, already possible on 1.1, but you need to do it manually, as the MOD had an SQL inject vulnerability) Ability to have no theme edits whatsoever (Install a MOD, it installs on all themes, main reason why I like 2.0 over 1.1) First of all, I wish that all software was free. Even software that I have paid for. Freeware is the way to go. That in mind, I have never bought vBulletin, because it was paid only. I have tried out the demo, and liked it. The Admin CP took some getting used to, but it looked nice. There are tons of features, but I couldn't test them all out (themes, MODs) since it was a demo. The thing with vBulletin (may have stated it before) is that most themes (and almost all good themes) you have to pay for. If you want to go with vBulletin, get ready to pay a lot. I am actually using 1.1.8 I am using this host. I have had minimal downtime, and (unlike the other host) my website hasn't just vanished into thin air. The great thing about SMF is you can download a SQL backup right in the admin CP, without having to go through cPanel. No problem. I answer questions like these all the time. On the SMF support forums, I get questions that are completely ridiculous. "My host closed down my website, can I get my site back?" "How do I create a new board?" or even the worst "I have Fantastico, but I can't find the Install button??" I am TheDisturbedOne on the support forums. Also, what is the url of your current forum. Just o get an idea about themes, mods, number of members/posts.
  4. I'll give you a few tips, but fortunately I haven't had to deal with bullies in a few years.Though it depends on the situation, you could just ignore him. Eventually he will get tired of it, and realize that it's just making himself look like a fool. Although it will bother you for a while, just pretend that it doesn't effect you. Like the Korn song Coming Undone says "Sing along mockingbird, you don't affect me", don't let it effect you. Talk to the people that you do talk to, and remind yourself that you only have a few months of this crap to put up with. Don't let this idiot keep you from having bad memories of high school.
  5. Can you make it so that anybody can see it? I would love to take a look at it.Keep in mind that I have no PSD->HTML knowledge so I won't be able to copy a screenshot.
  6. I think you will get refunded for the amount that you haven't used, but they might not be able to refund you for any of March's fee.
  7. SMF is a great software (I use it). If he hasn't already, I suggest he use SMF 2.0 RC1, as it has many more features then 1.1.x. There are less themes and MODs for it (I still have to upgrade my MOD to 2.0), but in the long run it will be much better. Almost all MODs install on all themes without having to edit the code yourself (exclusive to SMF).
  8. Actually chocolate chip cookies can have a copyright. Toll House :DBut I understand what you mean
  9. I would sign this, but there are news stations that have these plastered all over when there is a warning. Pplus I could go on weather.com, if I wanted to see alerts.
  10. Do you know about 419 Baiter One of my favorite sites!
  11. I'm reporting the OP. This was most likely made to get MyCENTs. Anybody could just look this up online.
  12. The problem with most ad companies is that all of the money you earn cannot be "under the table" or non taxed. I will look into this adtoll, as it looks legit, and I am under 18 years old. I did promise my members that I would never put ads on the site, so I may put them on my new site. I am quite surprised that adtoll doesn't ask for a SSN or a Tax number, all the other companies do.
  13. Yes, I know I am double posting, but it is a update to the old post, and wouldn't make much sense editing the old one.I brought it in, and the person there brought me to the back area with the genius support, but they said that they can't open the iPod there. I'm sure it is due to somebody saying that Apple broke their computer or iPod, but mine was already broken. The person there referred me to iresque (spelling?).com, and said that they could fix it. Well II have delt with this company before (A++ service), but I'm pretty sure that the cost of repair (a corrupt hard drive I believe) is going to be more then the paperweight is worth. I am looking into getting an iPod Touch though. I do have a question about it-Are there many good applications that are free? If so, what are some?
  14. I'll do a full review on this since: 1. I used to have a non-paid job on a forum reviewing other forums 2. I may be buying another/renewing a domain, and this post could really help me out! What I liked The portal is very nice! There is a lot of color in it, which makes it look great. Many people tend to overdo portals by adding and adding, but yours doesn't have too much or too little. Your banner is very well made! It has a great logo, and I love the flags at the top. The FavIcon is another great addition, and goes well with your theme. What I didn't like The forum looks great with the icons off to the side, but why did you stop and not add some for the last three forums? I think it would make the forum look more complete if you were to add three more. I didn't see a "Who's Online" or Statistics Center, did you just disable these for guests? The theme! I forgot the name of the theme you use (I use SMF), but if I remember correct it is default. Change the colors, and it will look a lot less "Default". Or if you don't know how to/can't change the colors, change the new posts/old posts icons to maybe the African continent, in a different color for new posts? It will further "Africanize" your forum. The term "gayism" in Debates forum. The correct term is homosexuality What I think could be improved Rather then africahangout for the title of your index.php page, how about African Hangout? It would look much better capitalized. As far as I can see, there isn't just a general chat board. I think this is the biggest thing you are missing, as usually this is where the most activity is in a forum. I wish you good luck, as it looks like you spent a lot of time on your forum!
  15. Or you could remotely host the images, but they could be taken down at any point. I usually host non-important images remotely, to not use up space/bandwidth.
  16. Or you could just get a Mac, and the malicious exe files won't work on it as far as I know
  17. Yeah, I'm bringing it in this weekend. I can already get mad discounts . Both parents work for the government, plus I always buy refurbished. But I never knew about that discount...
  18. There is a built in one in cPanel, but I suggest using a FTP program like Filezilla or Fetch. You will find that uploading/downloading is much easier through these, then through cPanel.Yep, you should be fine hosting that site.
  19. As long as it is fast loading I would try it out. Nothing runs fast on this old computer now...
  20. Great sig! Reminds me of a Metallica song and an ACDC song
  21. I'll sign up soon, I just keep forgetting. Don't snag all the Mets
  22. Oh yeah I remember that when I was thinking of copying my PS2 games for backup. But there is no way to track it, there are tons of music stores out there and one could simply say that they bought it online. Or one could say that they misplaced the original media. I highly doubt that DJs have all the music on their hard drive from CDs that they still own or music that they bought online. That would cost thousands of dollars to get all that music, plus *if I remember correct* you have to contact the record company if you want to publicly play the music.
  23. galexcd, the only problem with that (I have done that with my iPod before, and other computers) is that my iPod is 6 years old. The AppleCare ran out 3 years ago . I love the remote reservation thing though.If I were to go there though (I have opened my iPod before to replace the battery) is there any chance that they could help me get it fixed for no charge? I'm pretty sure the hard drive got fried/corrupted as my (stupid) brother threw my iPod at me.
  24. Did you try it? If you can get it on, put it into the computer and try to re-install the OS on the iPod. Mine fails to get this far (I didn't jailbreak mine though), so it is useless to me. If you can get diagnostic mode on and working, your iPod should be fine. My hard drive somehow got corrupted, so diagnostic mode only works for about 1/2 of the settings.
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