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Everything posted by TheDisturbedOne

  1. rpgsearcherz,I didn't read your post until now, but that's a great career choice! Though I will most likely go into computer forensics or forensic engineering or forensic chemistry, I am still considering Forensic Psychology. The problem with most Forensics schools (at least for me) is that I can't find any! If I can, they usually cost a lot, and aren't in my state.
  2. You will probably see that it is much easier to customize SMF than phpBB. In phpBB you have to do manual edits, and I have never figured out how to install a new theme. I'm glad you like it
  3. A solution to if they were to withdrawal without permission is make a bank account and put $10 in it. If they take the money, you could fight it and demand that they give it back, or if you don't want to, you could just close the PayPal account. After all you would only be losing $10.
  4. I used to be hosted with them but as you said the forums are dead. The admin helped me a bit on there, and the website is well built, but the 500 posts for 1 GB of space is outrageous.
  5. I personally like cooking with butter, because it tastes so much better. Of course it costs more, but the taste is noticeable!
  6. In order to receive any money you MUST either tie it to a bank account (it doesn't have to take money out though) or get a PayPal credit card.
  7. Not to have a New Years Resolution.They never last a year, and the one that I had with chocolate only lasted a few hours.
  8. I think before K Rod the Mets had no bull pen :)They had good starters though.
  9. I have never been rated, since I played chess when I was smaller. I think I was in the 500's (Intermediate) if that sounds right. Haven't played it in a while though.
  10. I think the Mets can win it without his stupid mistake. This year it will be pure domination.
  11. I think I have made some improvements in the past month :)Anything else I could be doing?
  12. I haven't gotten answers to my support tickets either. They may be backed up.
  13. africa,Though I haven't used the full version of vB, I can tell you that it is quite hard to find a good/great themed skin for vB without paying a lot for one. As it is, most vB skins aren't free, and a lot of the places that charge for them charge outrageous prices for them.
  14. Twinkies keep forever. With all those chemicals and preservatives they better last a long time!
  15. Pretty please! I would love an '86 repeat! I couldn't see the Yankees doing as good as they did last season, I'm looking at 90 loses for them this year. I think the Rays won't do much better, look at the Mariners. They had a 116 win season, and the next year they were back in last place. I think that the Rays will slide, but not back into last place.
  16. As you can see there are 2 different definitions (that are actually kind of the same).It can be your computer's bandwidth, as in you are listening to streaming radio, watching youtube, and downloading a 10 GB file: your bandwitdh is low. Or it could refer to what Forte said, with the content on your webpage. I wouldn't worry that much about how much you are using, as 10GB is hard to eat up in a month for small sites (I will likely only go through 1GB, and I have tons of pictures), but if you are using a lot, then you could probably afford paid hosting (but Xisto is just as good *waves fist*).
  17. I thought it would be resolved, but support still hasn't given me any updates. I can still earn credits, but I went down about $4, which sets me back a bit.
  18. So I'm not going to get back the money that I had before S_M?Mich, I would read the topic. There was a sort of "bug" and everybody's credit's got lost.
  19. I should try this out, as there are only a few forum softwares that I haven't tried out. Most likely I will stick with SMF for my current forum, because it's easy to use admin panel, but If I make another forum...you never know I may switch softwares.
  20. NOTE: This was four years ago. Things have changed a lot and there are now a lot more places to post.
  21. Well they can always change the date on meats and stuff like that, but if you see a steak in the store and it is brown (and the sticker says it expires in a week) it was obviously changed, so don't buy it.
  22. Forumotion is a free host, which won't let you get the most out of the forum software. As I am more of a SMF person, I don't like phpbb, but no matter what host you go with, don't get a free host (use a web host, like Xisto) as you have NO control of your forum. The host can shut it down if they want, or place many ads on it. The best thing no matter what software you use, is to host it yourself!
  23. Wow! That's quite funny that even the admins here were hit! The Negative credits hit, so now if it isn't resolved (or I get my @$$ posting) my hosting will run out in late Janurary. Hopefully it gets resolved by then. You may want to check the coding of the MOD, it may be counting the posts as negative (as in if I earn $2 from posting, it deducts $2 from my account).
  24. They never told me to upload a file, but I will try to register again. Ok I started registering again, but I get this message It says that I have to change something in my admin panel, but when I go to my site on google apps, it gives me a 404, that it doesn't exist? Do I have to contact Google to prove that I own the domain?
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