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Everything posted by shigajet

  1. It's been quite since I went on an overseas vacation, but I have to say the place I remember the most was when I went to Phuket with my girlfriend back in 2001 during my winter holiday. It was amazing! Clear, sea water...scuba diving, seeing the famous "James Bond Island", getting a foot massage and eating a lot of fresh seafood. Aside from that, the only other place with so much natural beauty that I remember was Manitoulin Island in Ontario, Canada.
  2. I'm starting to use my computer (iTunes, Winamp and Windows Media Player) and my iPod Shuffle to listen to music more and more music each day, but I still listen to CDs and MDs on my Sony CD Walkman and portable Kenwood MD player/recorder respectively....and, believe it or not, I still have the classic casette Walkman kicking around...although it's more than likely to be gathering dust by now.
  3. Although I mostly use Firefox (and sometimes use IE), I'm trying out several more alternatives, though: Maxthon, Opera (the new free version without ads). Even the new Netscape browser looks really good.So..in your opinion, which of the above mentioned browsers - aside from IE and FF - impressed you the most after going through a solid test (stability, loading speed, security, etc.)?
  4. I usually just leave it alone - it's not THAT distracting (I assume you're talking about the little indicator in the taskbar). For me, it's a good way for me to tell whether I'm connected or not.
  5. Many of Canada's universities are facing the same problem...well, at least the ones in Ontario. Due to inadequate funding from the government (both federal and provincial) over the past decade or so, tuition fees have gone up dramatically. The only university I heard of where there has been a freeze on tuition fees for at least 30 or so years is McGill University (also one of the top medical schools in Canada).
  6. I'm excited to hear about the lasest generation of iPods that can play videos. If you see yourself watching videos on it on a regular basis, then this new iPOd is worth every penny (or yen, where I live). On the other hand, it's also nice to cater to customers who just want to listen to the music and nothing else - this is where the Shuffle and the nano come in. All the same, the iPOds just seem to be getting better with each new model/generation. I looking forward to what Apple will come up with next.
  7. Just thought I'd send out my congratulations to the new admins. From what I've seen, they're very professional and very deserving of their new positions in the T17 community.Once again, congratulations, wassie and BuffaloHELP. Sorry 'bout the delay, guys!
  8. shigajet

    Hey :)

    Welcome aboard, Bulb! Glad to see you came to the right place to host your website, and we'd all like to see it once it is up. As for the credits, you won't have a problem building and maintaining them as long as you follow the rules and make some good posts.Hope you enjoy your stay and feel free to come back post as often as you like.See you on the boards!
  9. I remember using it a couple of times, and I was blown away by what it could do. It takes up a bit of memory, but if you run that program only and/or you have computer that's two years old or less you shouldn't have any problems.
  10. shigajet


    Welcome aboard, Plenoptic! I used to play Little League baseball before I started high school. I wasn't a great ball player by any means, but sure enjoyed playing the sport. (Man, that was a LONG time ago). Anyway, welcome to the community and we hope to see more of you on the boards soon.Cheers!
  11. Welcome aboard, Musical Tunes! Glad to hear that you're interested in anime..especially Inuyasha. Feel free to browse the forums and start building those credits to land your free website. If you follow the rules while you post here, you should be just fine. Hope you enjoy your stay here and stay active in the T17 community!
  12. I've never tried any illegal drugs myself. I usually drink (beer...sometimes wine ans sake, as well), but only once in a while these days.
  13. Just thought I'd add another mp3 player you could try out for your site. Check outFlam Player. It's also a Flash-based mp3 player and it's free to use as well. There's also FLAM Express and FLAMcast if you want to explore a little further.
  14. Perhaps it's a good thing for me, since I usually have the chicken wraps, rather than the fried chicken itself at KFC recently.
  15. I quitr like the above sig because of the simplicity alone, although adding another image in the bakcground might make it more interesting. Overall, nice job!
  16. Welcome aboard! I think you found the right place, as we have several threads dedicated to graphics alone - including a sig thread. There's also a tutorial forum if you need a few tips from our wise community here. Hope you enjoy your stay and that can come back and post as often as you like. See you on the boards!
  17. Welcome aborad, Michael. I think you've found one of the most supportive online communities here at the Trap. I use the WordPress CMS for my personal site, myself. Anyway, I'm sure you'll find at least several topics that'll suit your interests. Hope you enjoy your stay here. Come back and post as often as you like!See you on the boards!
  18. It depends...if you mean specifically the first computer I ever used in my household (which my father bought), then it would be the Mac (and a "big" Mac with 512K memory, at that).On the other hand, if you're talking about a computer I bought myself, it was a DELL laptop - floppy drive, originally had Windows 3.1 (which I later upgraded to Windows 95), 486 processor (that's right, NOT a Pentium) and it crashed often...That's about it, really.
  19. If you are able to purchase it, or can get it through some people you know, Dreamweaver is worth using. It was pretty much everything you want in an HTML editor and there are extensions which you can easily connect to other programs like Flash, Fireworks, Freehand, etc. (That is, if you can dive into the full STUDIO package).
  20. Although I have several graphics/photo editing programs on my computer (namely, Fireworks, GIMP and Photo Studio 2000), I've recently started to dig in to Picasa2. Really simple interface, and it make organizing my photos less of a hassle now. Looks like I'll be using more of it in the near future.
  21. It's pretty exciting to see the new Terabit technology become available. Just recently, I saw a commercial plugging a new DVD recorder using Terabit technology and you can record programs on two different channels at the same time. Mind you, it probably does cost an arm and a leg right now, so I'll wait a bit until the prices become much more reasonable for an average user like myself.
  22. Welcome aboard! I think you've found a great community here at T17. I'm glad to hear that you are particularly impressed by the number of services you can get by going for the hosting service. Anyway, the people here are great and they're very supportive. Plenty of topics and threads abound, and if you haven't founf what you're looking for, you can always create it for all to see. Anyway, hope you enjoy your stay here. If you have a site that you want to show us, feel free to tell us about it! Come back anytime and post as often as you like.See you on the boards!
  23. On another thread, there was talk of Samsung opening their own online music store to rival Apple's iTunes. Still, they have their work cut out for them and it'll be an uphill battle if they want to take over the digital music player market.
  24. Let the internet music store battle begin!I still think Apple will continue to dominate the digital music player market, they seem to keep their iPod lineup always up-to-date (nano replaces the mini, new iPod can play videos, Shuffle contninues to sell well....despite not having a display). Things will certainly be interesting in the months to come, but I believe Apple will still have the upper hand.
  25. My lucky number is 7, too.I was born on the 7th (too bad it wasn't in July) 7:07 (I think) in the morning...so it's mainly to do with the fact that there are more seven in the time and date that I was born. Apart from that, the number 7 has that certain appeal for me.
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