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Everything posted by shigajet

  1. Nice tutorial. I have Flash MX, but this is a nice simple tutorial that'll help me try out the tweening feature, as the help files that same with the program were a bit complex.
  2. Welcome aboard, Jesse! I think you've found an excellent community with a great hosting service. As there are many topics and threads that may suit your interests, I don't think you'll have a problem collecting the hosting credits. As well, the people here are friendly and very supportive. Hope you enjoy your stay, and come back and post as often as you like.See you on the boards!
  3. Yeah, yeah. I know many of the hockey fans out there may have turned away from the NHL labour dispute that wiped out last season. For those of you who are eagerly waiting to watch NHL hockey again, there have been a lot of changes among many of the teams. So...which teams have the potential to make it all the way to the finals and win the Cup...at least, on paper?My list of teams that are in a great position coming into this season are:Tampa Bay LightningOttawa SenatorsCalgary FlamesPhiladelphia FlyersHow 'bout your predictions?
  4. shigajet

    I Hate Greenday!

    I never got into Green Day's music - except "Time Of Your Life" which is a simple, well-crafted song. Great lyrics and a great mix of acoustic guitar and strings.
  5. Well, they do give you about 2.6 GB of storage (and counting). My e-mails are usually short-ish so this is the first time I heard of someone having trouble with longer messages.
  6. I haven't heard anything about whether Skype has a delay in the audio. I'm considering getting it myself since I heard it's a really good deal. We just need the web cam before we add the video conferencing. And, of course, I'll be careful with how personal info to submit.
  7. Welcome aboard, Dizzle102. I think you've found a great place to post and have your site hosted. The people here are friendly and very supportive, and if you have a problem I'm sure any of the moderators/admins can help you out.Anyway, hope you enjoy your stay and come back and post as much as you like!Cheers!
  8. Wow! She's only 10 and she becomes Microsoft qualified already! On the flip side, it may not be that surprising when a child prodigy emerges. I'm already behind, since I really became interested in computers at around 15-ish...and that was about 20 years ago!
  9. I saw several of the ads for Advent Children for PSP and it looks awesome. It's already released on this side of the Pacific (Japan, that is), but I wouldn't be surprised if it came out in North America around the Christmas holidays. The only other big news I'm awaiting is the release of FF XII.
  10. That's kinda neat, even though I've yet to see any of those models in Japan. Then againm it's been a long time since I've been to Akihabara and/or DenDenTown in Osaka.
  11. I just saw the iPod nano commercials here in Japan, too. Thing is, I already bought an iPod Shuffle a couple of months ago. As much as I'm tempted to purchase one (no matter how small it may be), I'll stick with the Shuffle, as it has a lot of things I like. Since I also don't spend my time looking at the screen, I'm debating whether I really need the nano (other than trying to purchase the latest toy).
  12. For the most part, IE 7 looks good, if a little bit cluttered. (Thanks for the screenshot, St. Michael) I'm wondering how it'll compare with the Beta version of Firefox 1.5, though.
  13. Hi there, and welcome to the Xisto community. I think you've found a great place for you websites. I'm sure the moderators/admins can point you in the right direction as to how manage them. As for building up and maintianing the hosting credits, I don't think you'll have a problem. All you have to do is visit the boards often and post as much as you like. The members are friendly and really supportive. Hope you enjoy your stay here!
  14. Like Geocities, I never hosted my site with Tripod. To me, it seemed a lot like lycos/angelfire - only the name is different. Perhaps a beginner would find it useful, but you may want to move on soon after. As for freewebs, it's not bad - except for uploading one file at a time for the free account.
  15. I think I've managed to stay away from Geocities for webhosting all this time. I hosted my first website on Angelfire (which also used to have an e-mail service), then Bravenet, then tried a bunch of others before I found Trap 17. No FTP, forced banner/pop-up ads and limited amount of space steered me away from Geocities in the first place.
  16. At home, we have two computers. The one I use the most is our Fujitsu model - which came with Windows XP pre-installed. The second one (which I sometimes use at work) - and I use this mainly as a word processor - has Windows Me. So...I voted for Windows XP.
  17. I also went with the starter pack to "test the waters", so to speak. As well, I was considering how much webspace I actually see myself using so I decided to start small and if it turned out that I needed more space I would apply for Package 2. So that's what I did within the first month, and my credits were reset both times. Now, I'm mainly maintaining (and slowly building) the credits to when I don't have to post often.
  18. Welcome aboard, Mature Lamb! I think you've found a great community here at Xisto. The people are really friendly and supportive. Feel free to peruse the forum, as there are lots of topics and threads that will suit your interests. As for the hosting service, as long as you post often, you'll have no problem building up the credits to have your site hosted. Hope you enjoy your stay here and post as much as you like. See you on the boards!Oh, I almost forgot. I'm from Canada, but I've been living/working in Japan for about 5 years...so if you have a Japan-related question (or comment), send me a message.Cheers!
  19. Sounds really lucky. Perhaps it was just coincidence, or that s/he's a generous neighbour. After you mentioned what kind of PC broke down, I'm feeling a bit more apprehensive about what may happen to my old laptop (64MB RAM, Pentium MMX...and can handle Windows 98 and/or Me).
  20. It depends on what anti-spyware you download...and you sometimes have to be careful of what's out there. Some may make the claim that the program can eliminate any spyware/adware on your computer, but may in fact may make the problem worse. So far, the only trustworthy anti-spyware programs I've found are Ad-Aware and Spybot - Search and Destroy. If there are any programs that do a much better job than the two I mentioned, feel free to let me know.
  21. shigajet


    Welcome aboard! I think you've found a great community here to take part in. The people are friendly and very supportive. Since there's a variety of topics and threads that will suit your interest, I'm certain you'll come back often to find something new to talk about.Hope you enjoy your stay and post as much as you like!See you on the boards!
  22. I think I wouldn't give out much more than my email address. If I see a hosting service (or anything else, for that matter) that asks for more than that (like mailing address, phone number, etc.), then I'd think twice before signing up.
  23. I think Windows 2000 and XP are among the more secure operating systems out there, providing that the user knows how to use it effectively. Of course, if one downloads one too many things to install on the computer, the computer may slow down a bit and may be threatened by what may be contained in the software. Anyway...I digress. Apart from the Windows OS I just mentioned, I heard a lot of raves about Linux, too. Thing is, I haven't used it yet to give an opinion on it.
  24. Since I currently have an iPod (Shuffle), I'd have to go with iPod. It may not have the display screen like mini or regular iPod, but I like how you can recharge the battery but just plugging it into a computer that has iTunes on it. Pretty much all the files I have on the player or in mp3 format, although I'll give the Lossless encoding feature a try someday.
  25. It depends on what the person wants to use it for. Many users use it as an online journal , while others make a comment on current issues, others still use to make a review of some strange food/drink they tried and venture forth to tell the whole world about it. The advantage of having weblog services is that is gives people a chance to make a personal website without having to dig through a lot of code. On the flip side, as somebody stated earlier, just as many people who use the service may not have a concrete purpose for the site - and these days, it's pretty much like if you've seen one personal blog site, you've seen them all.
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