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Everything posted by shigajet

  1. I don't think I've ever seen it at any of the electronic stores here. I think your only options are to buy it off the online store or get it from some "recources".The new Studio 8 lineup looks impressive, but it's far, far out of my price range (like it is for many people out there).
  2. Welcome aboard, J-C!I like the list of hobbies so far. Do you watch college and/or NBA basketball as well as play it? Anyway, I think you've found a great community here. The people are great and they're very supportive. We've got pretty much every topic under the sun (well, almost every topic) but there's always room for more.Hope you enjoy your stay here and come back and post often. If you have a website in the works, feel free to show it off after get the hosting.See you on the boards!
  3. If you have a new PC, chances are you may have some software pre-installed. Among them may be WinDVD creator and/or Sonic MyDVD.If you have a Mac, I believe there's an iDVD that already on the computer as well.I've created a couple of DVDs before (Windows), and I used a combination of Windows Movie Maker 2, Panasonic Video Editing Software and Sonic MyDVD (both came with the machine). The first two I used to make the movie, whereas I used Sonic to make an index menu. (Didn't make "chapters" for the movie, though.)
  4. I'm surprised that noone has mentioned another modern tradition (from the late 1970s to the present, anyway) of Halloween: The Rocky Horror Picture Show.Depending on where you live, many art movie theatres across North America make a "tradition" of showing the movie every Hallowe'en night. Like Hallowe'en parties and/or trick or treating, people come dressed up in their favourite costume, bring the necessary props (toast, rice, squirt gun, toilet paper, etc.) and participate in the movie by acting out the scenes, shouting responses to the characters' statements on the screen, and use sad props at approriate points in the movie. All in good fun - and it wouldn't be Halloween without it!
  5. What I've always wanted to find out was how to increase one's singing range. By this I mean being able to sing falsetto notes as well as the lower notes. Is there a certain trick /special training to help one achieve this?As well, how should one use the diaphragm (sp?) to project the singing voice as much as possible?
  6. Enigma...now that name rings a bell.The group that made "Sadeness", "Mea Culpa" and "Return To Innocence" about ten years ago? I really liked their first two CDs, but I haven't listened to much of their music since then. Did they come out with a new CD recently?
  7. Great to have you join our community! Just remember to avoid making those one-liner posts - lots of red flags will go up at the first sign of (suspected) spam around here. Anyway, hope you enjoy your stay and come back and post as much as you like!Cheers!
  8. The last couple of sigs are really well done. Excellent job by one of the most prolific sig creators in the T17 community. I particularly like the background in both sigs, as they contrasted well the character in one (Tech Warrior), and blended in well in the other (Saint Michael).
  9. Perhaps my vote is paritally influenced by the fact that I live in Japan. (Everyone around me has either brown or black eyes). On the one hand, a lot of people are interested in my eye colour (they're blue), so it's kinda cool to thrive on this kind of difference. On the other hand, there are times when this kind of attention makes me uncomfortable.In the end I am what I am and I wouldn't change a thing.
  10. Last year, Japan had more typhoons than usual, this year the States get hit hard with several major hurricanes. What's with the crazy weather all of a sudden? In any event, I hope everyone who happens to be in those areas are okay. It's really unfortunate to have not one, but several storms hit the Gulf Coast.
  11. Welcome aboard, gogoily!I'm sure you'll find yourself at home in this community. You'll find plenty of topics and you'll receive a lot of support from the members here.Hope you enjoy your stay here and come back and post as often as you like!See you on the boards!
  12. That's an interesting formula to determine which sites gat a higher rank than others. I guess for the average person, the more important a website is to everyday life (news, corporate), the higher the rank.
  13. The first computer I used on an everyday basis was a Mac. Mind you, this was back in 1984 when they first came out - in all it's monochrome screen glory. Since then, 've been using Windows. Nowadays, with the new iBooks and PowerBooks on the market - not to mention the popularity of the entertainment software (QuickTime and iTunes), Macs are back in style! I'm a Windows XP user, but at times I'm thinking whether my next computer should be a Mac.
  14. I'm sure you can find several good HTML editing software without paying anything at all. One in particular that comes to mind isFirstPage 2000/ FirstPage 2006 (beta). Give it a try and I think you'll create a great website.
  15. Just came across this website Last FM. It's basically where you build your music profile by listening to music you like on your computer. From there the site builds the profile and finds other people who have the same or similar tastes in music as you. Feel free to check it out when you have a minute and tell me what you think.
  16. I have several favourite cards games: Let me start with the fairly simple ones like: Uno (and/or Crazy Eights) Euchre Blackjack 99 (I remember playing this many times, but saying the numbers in Japanese) To difficulty level a tad, I also like: Bulls**t (or "Doubt" as it is called in Japan) Poker And to end off with a complex card game where new rules are made and the duration could take hours on end, I gotta go with: Mao
  17. I doubt if including quotes increases the number of credits for a post. Besides, I rarely use the quote feature - if at all - unless I came across something that caught my attention and provokes me to make a comment on it.
  18. shigajet

    Hosting Credits

    I've been a member of the T17 community/hosting service for about six months so far, and I don't have any complaints about the hosting credit system. I think it's very fair: it's much easier for me to make good, quality (and lengthy) posts than to post a set quota per week. Like a few members have mentioned, just find some threads that you are know a lot about and state your opinion on them...then you can rebuild the credits you lost. For the record, I also work for a living and I have a family, yet I can still find the time to drop by the forum and post.
  19. Last year it was the Red Sox who lifted the Curse of the Bambino and came out victorious. This year, it's the Chicago White Sox who finally ended a long drought of after the "Black Sox" scandal of 1917. Congratulations - you truly deserve the championship! Houston has a great team, but Chicago wanted it more and had the breaks.Which team is next - Chicago Cubs?, Los Angeles Angels? Anyway, I'm glad to see that a few other teams other than the New York Yankees get a shot at the World Series title.
  20. Well, this may be not happen for a while, but I was thinking it'd be cool to go as Black Jack (from the Osamu Tezuka comic of the same name). For the record, I've been: a ghost, a vampire, The Joker, Lupan the 3rd, and Austin Powers, a farmer ...and a few other I might have forgotten.
  21. Welcome aboard! I'm sure the search was worth. Feel free to look around the various topics and threads here at Xisto and post as much as you like. Make sure you make good quality posts and you'll build up hosting credits in no time. The members here are friendly and very supportive.Hope you enjoy your stay and come back and visit often.See you on the boards!
  22. Welcome aboard, xtreme! I think you'll enjoy your stay here. The people in this community are friendly and supportive. Sorry to say I'm not into Warcraft myself, but I know a few people who are. Anyway, hope you come back and post as often as you like. As long as you follow the rules, you'll be fine.See you on the boards!
  23. One of the computers I use has Windows Me (don't laugh...I got it free through some "resources" and I haven't had any major problems with it). I'm tempted to get a new (or newer computer) once I'm in the market for one. Upgrading to Windows XP on one of my machines would not make sense. It has 64 MB RAM with 2.1 gig hard drive. Running XP on that would just make it even more sluggish. Heck, it's getting kinda slow as it is.
  24. Pardon me if some of these titles are paritally based on another forum I visit from time to time. As much as I like the current titles here - and the customized title at 500 posts - at Trap 17, it certainly doesn't hurt to add some more. Here are some of my suggestions.For the lower levels/newer members:Just popping in to the TrapTesting out the TrapIn and out of the Trap oftenFor those who've been here for a while:Always in the TrapAddicted to the TrapI'm sure there are lots of other ideas out there.
  25. I currently have FileZilla and FTP Commander on my PC, but since I've heard a lot of good things about SmartFTP I try it out. Thanks for the tip.
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