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Everything posted by shigajet

  1. Welcome aboard, shadow! (Cool name, by the way!)I think you've come to the right place for showing off your graphics. Hope you enjoy your stay and you're always welcome to post as often as you like.See you on the boards!
  2. I just have a PS2 - even though it's getting kind of old, the best part is that it can double as a DVD player when I'm not playing PS/PS2 games.
  3. I was never much into online gaming using my PC. Personally, I prefer to play games on a console system since they are designed to play games/DVDs. To be sure even the console systems are slowly moving towards online mulitplayer games like FF XI.
  4. When I was in university, Kraft Dinner was a quick, cheap and easy way to make a meal - especially if I was feeling hungry several hours after having the student dorm food. I wouldn't want to live on it, though. One tip I learned in making it is that it tastes better if you cook it in a pot (just like you would with any pasta) than in a microwave.
  5. Great bio, and congrats on making the Graphics Crew for T17. In fact, you should be one of the founders - if not THE founder of the crew - since you introduced the contests and gift sigs.
  6. I'm intruiged by fact #6. I've seen a lot of Seinfeld episodes, but never looked closely enough to notice there is a Superman in the background. Now I'll make a note of that next time I see a rerun (or maybe a bittorrent file of it).
  7. Just check out the website, too. Looks really slick, although the Flash took a while to load (That's more likely because of my old clunker- I mean- my computer's speed). Anyway, I like the simplicity of it. Keep up the good work!
  8. That's excellent news, but I still don't see it in cpanel (yet). I just logged in about ten minutes ago.
  9. Thanks for the extensions! By the way, are there more websites that have Firefox Skins/Themes (aside the official Mozilla page)? I currently have both Firefox and Thunderbird in the Aquatint Theme (to make it look Mac-ish). I was wondering where I can find more matching Themes.
  10. shigajet

    Bad Drivers

    Believe me, it happens everwhere you go. In Japan, I've encountered many a slow/bad drivers on the roads. It doesn't help either that the roads here are much narrower. What angers me the most are the ones who creep out from a side road without warning. If this is what driving is like in a small city, I wonder would it'd be like in the big cities!
  11. Trust me, it happens anywhere you are. Here in Japan, I really have to watch the roads - especially since they're narrower than the roads in North America. Not only do I face the problem of slow/drunk drivers, but those who creep out of a nearby side road onto the main one without warning.
  12. I voted for "gfxtrap" (as an address, it sounds more catchy to me), although I'm still not sure about the slogan that comes with it. (Trapfastic?) How about something along the lines of..."The graphics gallery you'll find yourself trapped in."(On second thought, that doesn't sound much better than the two suggested slogans)
  13. I think Google is the best web search engine of all time. Before Google existed, I used Alta Vista as my main search engine. The best part is they also keep coming up with neat new programs and services - which makes them even better!
  14. I really like Mayank's sig. Really colourful and the flying character blends in nicely with the style.I would also cast a couple of votes for Becca's for its striking design.Samma: 1Mayank: 2Saint Michael: 0Becca: 5Reaver: 0Avalon: 0
  15. shigajet


    Welcome aboard! Hope you enjoy your stay here and visit/post as often as you like! You'll meet a lot of helpful and friendly people here in the community.See you on the boards!
  16. It's a neat idea, but I personally wouldn't include it on my site. For me, I don't think it's necessary for a personal site. If I had a website for an organization, then it would be worth getting.
  17. Thanks for pointing that out. In my first post, I forgot to include my own experiences using an IM service. In the beginning I used ICQ, since it seemed that many friends of mine had an ICQ number. There wasn't anything particularly wrong with the program, except with each new version that came out, it took up more space on my (old) PC. Still, it did the job. After a while I took a long hiatus from the messenger services until recently, when I heard about Skype and MSN Messenger from a few of my friends who are using it. So, slowly but surely, I'm getting back into using an IM service again, but I just want to narrow the choices down to two (at the most). Basically, if you had to choose an IM service, which would you recommend?
  18. Hey all!I know there's another thread comparing the Skype and MSN messenger services, but I thought I'd introduce the other IM services out there - ICQ, Yahoo, AIM, etc. and ask you which one(s) you use often and what features do you like overall in your IM program(s) of choice?
  19. I also went with Trap 17 after what seemed like a constant search for a hosting service. My search began with Angelfire. At the time, it seemed like a good deal for what I wanted to put ont he Web, but then they reduced the amount of webspace and placed too many ads on my site. As such, I decided to move over to Bravenet's service. It was a little better, but again got bombarded by pop-ups and banners. from there, I decided to choose a hosting service that did NOT have any forced ads (or if it did, it would be a very small text ad). I tried out one and posted up my website along with my Blogger journal. Unfortunately, some problems came about with their server, and thus was forced to move again. Fast forward to April 2005, when I discovered T17 via a web hosting service search engine. Since then, I haven't gone anywhere else. T17 has a great community and great service - and it has so much to offer in terms of web space, bandwidth and features....much more than any other hosting provider I've encountered before.Keep up the great work, guys!
  20. During my first couple of years living in Japan, I was on dial-up. It served well for what I used it for, but when I heard that broadband was becoming more common, I made the swtich almost right away..and I never went back. I certainly hope your conntry gets a reputable high-speed internet service provider soon.
  21. Theories and "laws" aside. I usually sleep about 6-7 hours a day. Anything less than that and it's difficult for me to perform well the next day.
  22. I've just installed Skype, so I'll try it out and see if it works. I've read (and heard through word-of-mouth) how great it was. Before that, there's MSN Messenger (and Windows Messenger that came with the machine). They work alright, but nothing special.
  23. I tried to access it, but I kept getting a prompt window for username and password to get into the site...so I still haven't seen it yet.
  24. Welcome aboard! I think you'll enjoy being part of the T17 community. The people here are friendly and very supportive. As well, there are lots of topics and threads that'll suit your interests, so I you won't have a problem posting here..just follow the rules and everything will be just fine. Hope you enjoy your stay, and we hope to see more of you in the future!Cheers!
  25. What? You can export your documents as Flash files? Interesting, although I'm more likely to export any files I create into PDF.
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