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Everything posted by shigajet

  1. Now , that's weird. The Barbie one is kinda funny. Take off the head and plug her into the PC. Quite a lot of food-based USB drives - I particularly like the fried shrimp one. Imagine having one of those sticking out of the PC. idisk is also kinda handy, but too easy to lose (knowing myself and my tendency to lose/forget things). Thanks for the link!
  2. Was it 15+ days? I remember getting a minor warning several months ago and I think it was a bit longer than than before my warning level went back to 0%. I could be wrong, though.
  3. I made my first website on Angelfire (back when they had both the e-mail service and the free web space). It was just a simple personal website, but the design was very dated - especially when you compare it to many websites these days. I figure it was time to put my name on the web, and I thought Angelfire was the best free space provider out there (or so I thought 5 years ago...boy was I ever wrong).
  4. I think 80 GB is enough for most people. As long you have some DVDs and CD-ROMs to burn, you really wouldn't need much more than that. Even the computer I have now has about 40 GB and it's enough space for me (at the moment).
  5. Welcome aboard, Leah! I think you've found one of the most diverse and supportive communities online here at T17. Feel free to check out the forums. I'm sure you'll find something that'll catch your interests. Hope you enjoy your stay here, and come back and post as often as you like!By the way, I also like Star Wars and the LOTR trilogy, among many other great movies.See you on the boards!
  6. Lucky you! Let me know how you like it once you tried out the new Y Beta mail. I've heard about this for a while, so I'm curious as to how it surpasses the current version.
  7. That's a rather odd story, but do you have a link? I know you said you heard it on the radio (in March), but is there an online report available?
  8. I have a Gmail account, and I've seen the new features, too - the auto-save function in particular really is helpful - especially if you don't when your computer may freeze (or crash) while you're writing an e-mail. The RSS feeds are also handy, but it's also great that I can disable it if gets too much. Besides, I usually get my RSS feeds directed to Thunderbird.
  9. Welcome aboard! You're more than welcome to browse the variety of topics on this forum and share your knowledge with members from all over the world!Hope you enjoy your stay here, and we hope to see more of you in the future.Cheers!
  10. I used to use Bravenet's hosting service a few years back. Although they have some nifty tools, the ads on the webpages were a bit much for me (like everyone else who used it as well). ...and yes, I still get the update mail from time to time. It's a good service for beginners, but there are better options out there.
  11. Welcome aboard (again), sammaye. Hope all goes well for you, and you're welcome to rejoin the community anytime. Have fun, and we look forward to seeing more of you on the boards!Cheers!
  12. First off, I think the moderators here are doing a fine job since I joined last spring. In fact, I'm interested in becoming a moderator here myself (for the experience, of course) and I was wondering what are the requirements for such a position. I'm all ears if you have any sage advice and/or tips to tell me where to start.
  13. shigajet

    Hi Joost

    Hello, Joost, and welcome aboard. Looks like you have quite a bit of IT experience so far. If you have any tutorials/samples to share with the rest of us, feel free to post them here in the forums.Hope you enjoy your stay here, and come back as many times as you wish!See you on the boards!
  14. I think it's a great idea - especially as there are many schools in developing countries that don't have computers, this wil be a boost. I read boyCradle's comment that technology is rapidly making a positive change in the ecomony...and of course, like in any subject, theory and diagrams can only go so far with something as technical as computers. It takes a lot of practical experience to reallt get the most out of using technology.
  15. I'm quite happy with WordPress. There are a lot of themes available for version 1.5 (and newer), although I tweaked some of the CSS and PHP files to make it look the way I want it to. I had to admit it was intimidating at first, but thanks to the support I was able to make the changes once I got the hang of it. Joomla! looks to be an interesting one to try out as well. In fact, I'm checking it out on another tab as I'm writing this.
  16. Welcome aboard! I think you've found a grreat community here at the Trap, and there are many topics for you to check out if you want to share your opinions with the rest of us. Great to hear you like Harry Potter. I've only read the first two books (and seen the movies based on those books), although if I'll try to set aside some time to read/see more of the series when get the chance. I sometimes play DDR (but I'm not very good), but here's a website I'll direct you to since it's one of your hobbies. Hope you enjoy your stay here, and we hope to more of you in the future. Cheers!
  17. A friend of mine managed to quite smoking after he read Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking . Without using any patches or Nicorette gum, he read the book several times and it gradually changed his mindset. I think most people who constantly think to themselves "I have to quit smoking!" may find it very difficult to quit, even after they tried to do so.
  18. shigajet


    Welcome aboard, Megahalo! I think you've found a great community/hosting service here at T17. The people here are friendly and very supportive. If you want to share your views, there are many topics/threads in the forum for you to check out.Hope you enjoy your stay here, and come back and post as often as you like!See you on the boards!
  19. I've seen some previews and commercials for the Xbox 360 over here (heck, they even have a cafe in Tokyo under the same name)....so far, it looks pretty impressive. It'll be interesting to see how it fares with the upcoming PS3 console when it comes out.
  20. shigajet

    Public Transport

    When I lived in Toronto, I thought its transportation system was pretty reliable every time I went downtown. I had a car as well, but that's because I lived and worked in the suburbs. The subway arrived about every five minutes, and they ran until 1:30 in the morning. Even if you missed the last train, there still was an overnight bus service that you could use to get back home. My routine was that I usually parked my car at the shopping centre and took the subway. Fifteen minutes later, I was in the heart of the city. Fast forward to where I currently live - Japan. As you may have guessed, most people rely on the train to commute to and from work. In fact, in big cities like Osaka, Tokyo and Nagoya, you wouldn't even need a car...so it really depends on where you live. It goes without saying that the closer you live to a major city (and live near a train station) the more frequent the trains are.
  21. I've had the Christmas wish problem for while as well, and pretty much for the same reason. These days, it seems that all I need more of are more clothes (for home and for the workplace). Since I live overseas, just receiving the money to buy gifts is good enough, since I know what I want - even if I don't have a clue until the last minute.
  22. Welcome aboard, starryrainbow! I think you've come to the right place for your hosting, and we have a great community here to boot! I was also a newbie not too long ago (last spring, in fact), but now I'm already at the point where I can customize my member title. The hosting credit system is a bit of a mystery...and I belive only Opaque knows how it works. What I found out is that you do get several credits in the early going, but once you have many credits accumulated (around 40 or more), you'll get less.In any event, if you make a lot of good quality posts every day, you may even find yourself at the point where you don't even think about how many days you can be inactive.Hope you enjoy your stay here and look forward to seeing more of you on the boards. Cheers!
  23. That's excellent news! Will the skins still work with the new version? I've already heard about some of plugins not working on 1.5
  24. Welcome aboard, SqlByte/Mladen! I can assure I spend quite a bit of time on the computer as well, so you're not alone. I think you also found a great community here at Trap 17, and I'm certain you can find lots of threads and topics to coment on. In short, building and maintaining the hosting credits for your site shouldn't be too much of a problem. Hope you enjoy your stay here and feel free to come back and post as often as you like!See you around!
  25. Still, I'm excited to hear about a car that is now able to go underwater. When I watched the James Bond flick "The Spy Who Loved Me", I was wondering when they might come up with the technology to build something like that. Do you have any links related to that story?
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