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Everything posted by shigajet

  1. Flickr and Swish would be my top choices for making a Flash photo album. Having said that, I wouldn't make a photo album out of Flash myself, as most users don't have flash on their computer and there are quite a few people out there who are still on dial-up.
  2. First of all, Season's Greetings to everyone out there, and I hope you safe and wonderful holiday season. I have a few things to be thankful for. My family, even though they are on the other side of the world from where I currently live, continue to give me support and advice if run into any troubles. I'm also thankful to have found a new job and not have to move very farl, as well having supportive co-workers and neighbours in my new place. Luckily, everything is working out so far...but it could be better. (More on that later.) My main wish is that my grandparents continue to be in good health. They've been steadily on the decline recently, but I hope to see them again in the new year....especially since me and my own family don't get to see them that often. My wife and I are also looking forward to seeing our son continue to develop over the next year. He's accomplished so much over the first year or so of his life and although it's tiring at times, it's a joy to watch him grow right before our eyes. As for my own goals, I wish to further develop myself professionally and take the necessary steps to make the move back to Canada in a few years. I've taken a look at what positions I could do...all I need is a little more advice and someone to guide me in the right direction. Happy Holidays, everyone...and have a Merry Trap-mas! Notice from BuffaloHELP: Credits to transfer : 2
  3. Although we haven't heard from most of the teeming masses, I think we're pretty much in agreeement about how good the Trap is...al we have to do is spread the word and invite people to join out of the goodness of our hearts. Funny how we only have two pages so far on this thread.
  4. Welcome aboard, Andrew!Seems we share some interests - art and music are two of my hobbies (plus computers, of course). Anyway, I think you've found a great community here at T17. The people here are friendly and supportive, and there are lots of topics and threads for you to share you knowledge. Hope you enjoy your stay here, and some back and post as much as you like!See you on the boards!
  5. A few years ago, I used ebay several times to buy some electronic goodies for less than what they selling at the retail store. I've haven't had any bad experiences back then....although I remember purchasing a Palm Pilot Vx from somebody who lived in the same city as me...even met the guy in person at a local cafe and paid him in cash (better than using a credit card, at least) to get the device.
  6. Hmm...all three sigs are not bad, but there's room for improvement. I agree with another poster about the use of bevel. The drop shadow effect would probably work better... Still, it's pretty good to start with. Like the Scorpion animation, though...
  7. Thanks for the info. I also live in the countryside and, assuming the weather cooperates, should be able to see the planets (provided I have a good telescope of course).
  8. I see many of the so-called make money online sites with a skeptical eye, like most people. Like the old saying goes, if it sounds (or looks) too good to be true then it probably is. Having said that, it seems Google Adsense is a service I can trust. It's not a get-rich-quick scheme, as many posters here have mentioned how they were successful making a little extra money with their website. A couple of friends of mine has started to do so, and it may be a matter of time before I start doing the same.
  9. Happy Birthday, Opaque!...and many more to come! Hope you have a good one! Let me buy a pint of Guiness for him.
  10. At 2.6 GB, I have more than enough storage space for my e-mail. I keep most of my messages, but I often delete the ones that are no longer important. Hence, even now I'm still using 0 % of my total storage space to this day.
  11. Wow! Now THAT's an introduction and a half. Quite an interesting read, I must say. Anway, welcome to the T17 community! This forum has a lot of topics and threads that'll suit your interests, and the people here are very friendly and supportive.Hope you enjoy your stay here, and feel free to come back and post as often as you like.See you on the boards!
  12. Welcome aboard, Nascarmama! I think you've found a great community here at Xisto, and we have plenty of topics and threads that may suit your interests. So...hope you enjoy your stay and feel free to come back and post as much as you like!See you on the boards!
  13. Welcome aboard, Totalwar! Great to have another teacher join our community. I've been teaching at both the elementary and junior high school levels here in Japan...although I would really like to try teaching in a university here. Anyway...congratulations on your upcoming marriage and I hope you enjoy your stay here. There's a lot of topics here on the boards, so I don't think you'll have a problem building and maintaining your hosting credits. I'm a hosted member and so far the server's uptime has been very reliable. Hope to see more of you on the forums!
  14. Love the site design...now all you have to do is create your own logo to replace the Yahoo! one. Anyway, it's very unique and I give your work two thumbs up! Pity that you don't update it much anymore.
  15. Seems that OS X and Windows Vista are slowly starting to look similar to each other - making my decision as to whether to purchase my next computer more challenging.
  16. shigajet

    Hey Guys!

    Welcome aboard! You say you're new to the forums? Well, you've certainly come to a great community here at T17. There are lots of topics and threads that'll suit your interests and the people here are friendly and very supportive. Hope you enjoy your stay here, and feel free to come back and post as much as you like!See you on the boards!
  17. I never tried either of those hosting services, but I've had similar experiences before - the main issues with me being pop-up and banner ads, hosts cutting down web space without warning, no FTP access and limits on what type of files to use. Since I went with the Trap last spring, I never looked back.
  18. Welcome aboard, intermission! I think you've found the right place to get into the web forums - and earn hosting credits for it. Plenty of topics and threads abound here and if there's a problem, the people who run the site can help you.Anyway, I hope you enjoy your stay here and feel free to come back and post as much as you like!See you on the boards!
  19. Welcome aboard, seanooi! Well, I think you've come to the right place for web hosting, and it has a great community! There are lots of topics/threads here on the forum, so I don't think you'll have a problem building up the hosting credits.I also went through several hosting services before I discovered T17, and I'm quite pleased with it so far.Anyway...hope you enjoy your stay and we'll see you on the boards!
  20. Quite true. I also have an iPod Shuffle and it's a great little device. It'll definitely support MP3, but there are several different formats you encode/convert to when you sync it with iTunes. I'm starting to hear the difference between MP3 and AAC and I'm considering converting my music over to the latter format.Anyway, I'd also say go for the iPod. I think you'll be glad to have made the purchase!
  21. Welcome aboard! Well, I think you've found a great forum to take part in. It's a wonderful community, as the people here are friendly and very supportive. Interesting to hear you're familiar with Lotus Notes. I used to use it on a regular basis at one of the companies where I used to work.Anyway, great to hear that you found T17, an he look forward to seeing more of you on the boards!
  22. I also want to add that you can reach the main page from any other topic/thread on the forum by click on the link "Free Web Hosting, No Ads".When I first joined Trap 17, my first several posts earned me enough credits in a relatively short amount of time. At the beginning I averaged about 6 posts a day...now it's more like down around 3. It really depends on the quality/length of your posts. Mine usually take up a paragraph.
  23. Welcome aboard! I think you found a great community with a great web hosting service, too. I'm also a Monty Python. I've watched all of the episodes in the Flying Circus TV series and the movies, and I've been known to share Python quotes/jokes with my buddies from time to time. Anyway, feel free to peruse the topics/threads. I'm certain you'll find something that'll suit your interests. Hope you enjoy your stay and feel free to come back and post as much as you like.Cheers!...and now for something completely different....some MP quips:"I didn't know we had a king. I though we were an autonomous collective." (MP and the Holy Grail)"There's nothing more dangerous than a wounded mosquito." (MPFC-Third Season)
  24. Goblet Of Fire will come out in Japan soon (if not already....very fast, considering Japan is one of the last places to receive the movies after they initially premiered in North America/The UK). I've only seen the first two installments of the Harry Potter series (and yes I've read the books prior to seeing the movies), but via the previews I can definitely see the series taking a much darker turn as it progresses.
  25. Hello, and welcome aboard!I think you've found a great place with a great communityin T17. Not only will you find lots of topics to post about, you can get a great web hosting package as well. Hope you enjoy your stay here and post as often as you like (as long as you abide by the rules, of course). See you on the boards!
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