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Everything posted by Inspiron

  1. Its all the same thing... Naming it Image Swap or whatever but it still produce the same output.. Basically the script changes an image upon a mouse over it event. That's a simple animation that web developers play with..If you really understand that script, you can even use the same method to change images when the website is loaded or any other related..The idea is very simple.. but it is just written in a complicated way.. ;)In fact just 3 lines can do the job..
  2. Haha... this is so damn funny...I was thinking of downloading this video and show my offline friends..
  3. I was thinking 256 x 256 for my MSN avatar too..so actually a standard size of 256 x 256 suits all needs...
  4. Many... Try these.. http://ww38.ipbfree.com/ http://www.forumhoster.com/ http://www.forumer.com/
  5. Try this.. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  6. I don't see any new features in Firefox 1.5.. except the interface changes in Options panel.. nothing else..So I'm not so surprise or excited about this version...
  7. I own a Dell notebook too..Simply flip your notebook upside down, you will see a small screw at the CD-Drive bay. Usually its only 1 screw.. Unscrew it then flip it back to the normal position.. At the side, facing the CD-drive you will find a rectangular button/clip. Press it to eject your drive out of the bay..That's how..
  8. It will fall as usual and generally..Commit Charge is basically the power that is used by your processor.. And page file is a virtual RAM on your harddisk, which everyone will have, to run applications faster and acts as a dual RAM on top of your physical RAM.I see that you got 96MB RAM, that far too little for a computer running Windows 2000. I've got computer with 128MB RAM running Windows XP. Though it works fine but its really very slow. Basically when your physical RAM is near to using everything up, your computer will stress the RAM to your page file, which is stored on your harddisk.. During this process, your processor is generating, creating, modifying and processing data into this virtual RAM file. Therefore it increases your commit charge, because now your processor is involved.Basically for a computer with 96MB RAM, you will hardly, or never, see your computer's commit charge fall.. It's basically working all the while from the time you boot the system up to the time you shut it down..What's worst, you can get your harddisk damaged, because it's been writing and writing non stop, as well as overheating and consumes alot of power..So solve this problem, upgrade your physical RAM to at least 256MB.. But I would recommend 512MB because for Windows XP, Windows 2000 or and later OS versions, it will take quite a certain amount of memory, yet you still have some left for your own applications.. You wouldn't want a computer just to run Windows OS without any applications right?
  9. Yap.. the entire Xisto.com and its network went down yesterday.. I think Opaque said it was due to the harddisk crash in their servers or something..Xisto.com, Xisto.com and whatever sites related to Xisto Corporation were down..So you were not alone..
  10. You might want to try a free version of a Microsoft product, Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition. Download here : go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=57037 Website : visualstudio.com/en-US/products/visual-studio-express-vs
  11. One very common mistake for this type of case is muting of the player.Check if you had muted Windows Media Player. It's definately not your sound card problem as it still plays well on Nero.
  12. Probably you haven't tried Opera, which is better than the current Firefox 1.5.Yes I have to agree very much to every one who says Opera is more secure and fastest web-browser on earth. Fastest, in terms of loading of webpages, single or multiple pages at any one time. This is certainly the best basic standard for web-browsing. On top of that, Opera includes an integrated email client, rss reader and IRC client to connect to your favourite IRC chatrooms all in a single program, hence taking much much lesser system resources. Definately you can't say Firefox has these features. Well, people can just develop add-ons to Firefox though, but it might not be very stable and may contain bugs that may not be fixed. For those who uses Firefox, but not Opera, give it a try and you will know why. There's always something better in this world. Needless to say IE users.. Stop using IE and get on to Opera, unless you want to be nuked!
  13. There are other ways to mass email, try using this script from HotScript.com http://www.hotscripts.com/category/scripts/php/scripts-programs/mailing-list-managers/ Its a PHP mass emailer, so you can do it without programing a VB application.
  14. What kind of ads your Firefox blocked? I've got Firefox 1.5 with AdBlock installed and I can still see the tabbed-ads just below the shoubox.I've also customised AdBlock to block all google ads.. So probably you did configured the same way.. Try removing the blocked entries in AdBlock..
  15. Can you post your source codes here.. as well as a link to the page hosted online so we can see it practically..I don't quite understand what you were trying to say without examples..
  16. This is by far the best open source free 3D online (Mass Multiplayer Online) game I've ever seen according to its screenshots..The game play is kindda like Halo 2.. I'm downloading it now.. I'll get back to post a review on it..
  17. Basically members of Xisto have to know the basics of HTML, or at least know what is HTML, being a webhosting community. Those who doesn't know HTML would probably come into the wrong community..Anyway, having to master HTML does not mean one is a web engineer. We all have to know other web standards like CSS, XML etc, or at least PHP as its being used almost every web communities. Others include JSP, ASP, SQL etc.
  18. I always see a larger-than-star sizes lights in the sky and always either orange or yellowish white. I thought they were some alien stuffs or nearby planets, like a few years ago where Mars can be seen with naked eye too. But to my surprise, my sister told me that if that light doesn't blink, it certainly not a star, but just a satelite. I didn't believe at first but with a little thinking and from my knowledge from my school studies (I studied Info-Comm Technology, Wireless Satelite transmission was part of my modules), I know that there are thousands of earth satelites in space transmitting our communication links and Internet. These thousand satelites are linked with one another such that they virtually creates a web-like infrastructure all around earth, wirelessly.So to confirm if it's a planet, or an alien stuff, I suggest to use a telescope.. Definately it's sure to be fun..Anyway I'll take down LocalSeer's notes to see if I'm on any luck...
  19. Inspiron

    Amphp php/amphp

    Nope I'm not into Flash.. I know nothing about Flash.. But I think you would need some little help from their forums and wiki pages... http://amfphp.sourceforge.net/wiki/doku.php https://sourceforge.net/p/amfphp/discussion/
  20. I always have problems working with shells.. I've once got an IRC BNC/shell that is suppose to hide my IP address, but it didn't. Did your shells come with step by step guide or something... ?
  21. Firstly, why not exchange wireless cards to test out which card has the problem?You friend's notebook might be in range with the router without any blockage or noise the the middle. On the other hand, your notebook might be blocked or intruded by foreign signals such as cordless phones and ovens, or walls and metal.Otherwise there will not be any problem and both computers can surf with a similar signal power.
  22. Inspiron

    Amphp php/amphp

    There's no such thing as AMPHP. Like what beeseven has said, the nearest to this term is AMFPHP. It's just php combined with flash, so that a flash application can work and execute server-side commands like normal HTML webpages, at the same time delivering a Flash interface for animations, graphics, etc. You can find more of AMFPHP here.. http://www.silexlabs.org/amfphp/
  23. If you are trying to compile and execute a java application, try these... Compiling Java source to class ... Assuming your source java file is "xyz.java" C:/>javac xyz.java Executing Java class application... Assuming your source java file is "xyz.java" C:/>java xyzNote that when you execute a java application, you need not enter the extention of your application file. For more Java parameter options C:/>java /? Java Notes xyz.java ---> Java Source Code file xyz.class ---> Java compiled application file (similar to common *.exe file) xyz.jar ----> Java Archive file (package of classes, images, music, similar to executable *.zip file)
  24. This is a common classic problem of DIY computers...Here are the possibilities if it..1) Overheated - The cooler or fan is not powerful enough to cool down your processor or graphics card2) Parts / Components disconnected
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