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Everything posted by Inspiron

  1. Currently you cannot determine if it's your wireless router's fault, your broadband modem's fault, or your internet connection's fault. I would suggest the following to scaledown towards rectifying where the fault lies.. Finding if its Wireless Router's fault 1) Disconnect the wiring cables between your computer and the wireless router 2) Reconnect the cable from your computer to the modem directly 3) Connect to the internet using the software provided by your ISP or manually This method bypasses the connection to your wireless router. It connects directly to your modem and to the internet, making sure you are the only user in the connection. If the internet connection still fails, the fault could lie with the modem or your telephone line or cable line. If it's working perfectly already, then the problem lies with your wireless router. The settings on the wireless router could have been badly configured, or it's physically damaged. Make sure its properly configured, otherwise get a new wireless router. Finding if its broadband modem's fault 1) Disconnect all wiring cables from your computer to wireless router and modem 2) Enquire your ISP or a friend for a loan of a broadband modem (cable/ADSL according to your subscription) to test the network 3) Reconnect the cable from your computer directly to the loaned broadband modem 4) Follow according to the settings of the loan broadband modem if required 5) Connect to the internet using the software provided by your ISP or manually This method is using a another modem to connect to the internet. If the problem persisted, it could have been your cable/telephone line problem. You would have to call up your ISP then. If it's working perfectly, the fault lies with your broadband modem. Get a new broadband modem. Remember the type modem (calbe/ADSL) you will be getting, and return the loaned modem Other Alternatives a) You may have to check if the cable's are working fine, make sure they are not twisted or placed near any power sources or power cables Check if there is a problem with your network adapter for hardware damages. Ethernet card should be checked if it's a wired connection, wireless adapter should be checed if it's a wireless connection. My Suggestions I had my wireless router starting to drop packets and frequently getting ping timeouts. After afew researching and experimenting, I realised that it's due to the long hours of usage to both the wireless router and the wireless adapter. These wireless devices cannot and will function abnormally when the presence of heat is high. I would recommend that you turn off your wireless router for every 6 hours of usage. Even though it still works after 6 hours, it problem might come sooner or later. That's a way to protect and maintain my wireless router and adapter.. Get on going...!
  2. Hey dude, I've just started playing Age of Empires 3 too. The campaigns are long.. and they seemed hard for first-timers (I've haven't played Age of Empires 2 for long already). Fortunately I'm able to recover some skills :)The graphics are cool, real cool and best of all, the game doesn't lag and slow down my computer. Warcraft III does slow down my PC I'm surprised Age of Empires 3 doesn't for it's high quality graphics..This game I felt is concentrating more on resource management rather than war. They have markets, mills, and all other means of resource gathering that they seem never to deplete.I'm still new on this version and have yet to explore more things. But it's certainly a good educational game, in terms of history.
  3. The update will need your original Office XP software installation disc to continue your update.“PROFLUS.MSI” is one of the files in the installation disc which the update setup requires to reference to. If you do not have your Office XP installation disc, you cannot update with the service packs.Otherwise as what moogie suggested, do download the full version of of the service pack package. The full version doesn't require your original Office XP installation disc.
  4. Hey dude.. This is what you will really need.. Free MySQL Hosting http://www.hotsql.com/ (Pure MySQL Hosting) http://www.host.sk/ (Web-hosting with MySQL database as an added feature)
  5. Even if you have the newest monitors doesn't mean you had the latest one. Ghosting effects happens on older monitors where their FPS are alot slower, as there is latency in the monitor itself. Lastest monitors now gives 8ms responds time, which is perfect for gaming. Another problem about older LCD monitors is that they imprints an image on the monitor itself. You can see those imprints/enbossments on the screen even when the monitors are turned off. I forgot the cause of this problem but I've encountered it on my notebook after I played a game called Command and Conquer Generals. You can find more about the monitors at this site... You won't know so much about monitors after visiting... http://computer.howstuffworks.com/monitor.htm
  6. Actually I'm kind of agree with Elegost's suggestion..With account freeze mode or something, users can stop their webhosts from serving webpages for a period of time. During this period, no hosting credits are to be reduced. In exchange, all webpages in that webhost will not be served..This proves good for people who are out for a holiday or have important stuffs to do so much so that he might have to stop posting for quite some time. However he still wants the webhost from Xisto.comI guess this is somehow give and take.. Probably Opaque or Xisto owner can do something about it..Well, we still need to be fair sometimes...
  7. If this harddrive is your primary drive, you will have a little more trouble with it. You probably had formatted wrongly. You might not format the entire drive and create the entire drive as 1 partition. So currently, your 320 GB becomes 127 GB. The remaining space is still available. It's just on the unpartitioned area. Follow the steps below. 1) In your Desktop, right-click My Computer 2) Click Manage 3) Select Disk Management under Storage tree 4) You can see your unpartitioned space there. Select that space and partition it. 5) Right-click on the unpartitioned space 6) Click Partition or Format. Create the partition as 1 single partitiion so as to make the entire unpartitioned space for use. 7) After partitioning, you will see an extra drive in My Computer. Refer to this site for detailed steps : https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/17418/windows-7-create-format-hard-disk-partition Optional ---------- 8) If you want to combine the drives together as 1 single 320 GB drive, you will need to use 3rd-party software. PartitionMagic: https://us.norton.com/ [Windows] Parted: http://www.gnu.org/software/parted/ [Linux] Alternatively, you can refer these pages for reference... http://www.michaelstevenstech.com/format_XP.htm http://helpdesk.umd.edu/ http://xphelpandsupport.mvps.org/404.html http://www.theeldergeek.com/xp_pro_install_-_graphic.htm http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  8. What would you do if computers didnt exist? ________________________________________________________________ Would you go crazy? Definately not, since I don't know about computers if then. Would YOU not exist? Huh? I'll still exist.. Computers are just another invention that doesn't affect my existance.. Would you be bored all day? might not.. probably there might be World Board Games instead of World Cyber Games by now if then.. Would you be board at school all day? Nah, I don't play computer games in school.. Would you be stuck playing board games and stuff all day? probably.. who knows.. Would you end up working all day? probably.. paper work just take too much time.. Would you be determined to invent computers? might not even think about it.. Would you keep a computer secret in your closet and use it when no ones looking? what's the point? I'd rather sell my invention and make money out of it.. Would you just be a all around idiot? Computer idiot probably.. Would you drink coffee all day? I prefer Milo and softdrinks.. Doesn't affect computers anyway.. Would you sleep all day? Even with computers around, I still sleep as long as possible.. Would you kill yourself? Crazy! Would you be a cop? Any job will do.. Not related rather.. Would you be a robber? Crap! Would you be a mugger? Crap! Would you be a regular person? Most probably.. even with computers around.. Would you like to exist on this earth? Repeated question? Would you die of boredom? nah... Board games might be as interesting.. Would you invent games? Real life kick-boxing for kids... Would you invent more games? Superman Saves Earth for kids.. Would you think about inventing computers? Not even so.. I think it should go to spam too.. I'll just contribute since it seriously boost hosting credits by loads..
  9. This really adds on as an eye-candy feature to your desktop. I can actually download extra Widgets suit to my own preferences. The memory usage is based on individual Widgets. So if one of them takes up too much memory, just close that Widget and it frees up automatically.Among the many Widgets available, I only find the Analog Clock, What To Do widgets useful. The rest are quite optional.Thanks for such beautiful introduction of this software..
  10. Hmmm.. So what's really new is the Data Recovery feature which Norton has never implemented before in any of it's products. I guess that will be a very big add-on that will benefit alot of people, especially those in important administration like the government and huge incorporated companies, like Microsoft etc.I guess this version will still make your computer performance slow down alot. I'm using Norton Internet Security 2005 which has Norton Anti-Virus integrated, is running very slowly when I launch its control panel. It also run slowly when I've downloaded huge files (>= 300MB), due to the auto-protect from the Anti-Virus.That is the main drawback that is making me turning to other alternatives. If this new version doesn't slows down the computer, I might continue with Norton products.Thanks for that review too...
  11. I've read my local computer news and found this article. It's a new product from Netgear, delivering 240 Mbps speed for wireless networks. That's insane! Really! It's faster than the wired Fast Ethernet, running at 100 Mbps. If this product comes to sale in my country, I'll definately change my router to this one. Check it out this wireless router here : http://www.netgear.com/products/details/WPNT834.php https://www.qualcomm.com/company/about
  12. Dude, it's Ethernet Connection. It's a connection within Local Area Network (LAN), not over the Internet. It's not for broadband, not for the internet. Today's fastest broadband connection have not reached today's fast ethernet connection (100Mbps), so it's very likely to be impossible for 1 terabit broadband connection by 2008. It would probably need another 8 to 10 years or even more to own a 1 terabit broadband connection.
  13. Gladly...Remember to install Anti-Spyware programs to remain free from these nasty virtual bugs crawling within your operating system. A firewall although is more important, but they not functioned to detect these creatures. It's best to have these 3 software running to keep your computer healthy:1) Anti-Virus2) Firewall3) Anti-SpywareSo long...
  14. I'm not a Linux user but I guese these sites might help: http://www.linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/reviews/4122/1/ http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/wiki/index.php/Quick_HOWTO_:_Ch21_:_Configuring_Linux_Mail_Servers http://www.linuxjournal.com/ https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/
  15. I'm living near an army base. I am able to see my house in Google Earth but not the army base. Not that I cannot find the place, but the place was entirely in blacken patches. Somehow that place was blocked from satellite cameras. I believe army bases uses a device called radar jammer, like what a unit has in a game called Command and Conquer.So I believe we can never find Area 51. Even if we could, it will be blacken.
  16. Hi, I guess it's just a regular popups that people used to have. There are already threads in this board talking about anti-popups softwares and scripts. You might like to search for them. If it's an internal popup, probably you had installed WinFix2005 then. A search on google says it's a spyware from Norton itself. Basically Norton installs this spyware when you install Norton products such as Norton Anti-Virus, Norton Internet Security etc. This is said from a comment of a Norton user in this page.. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ True enough, there are ways to remove this nasty spyware. Take a look at these sites: http://www.paretologic.com/our-support/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  17. This new environment and style looks good. I've created an account with goowy. But it occasionally seems slower then web-based emails in terms of loading a page. The flash application also hangs when the connection is lost. It will be misleading for the terms of usage on the first place because they had their desktop blank with nothing on it.So to summarise, this new style of email is really cool. However in terms of efficiency and reliability, I guess hotmail is somewhat better. Needless to say Gmail.
  18. Hey dude, basically you might want to try this .. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ They are midi player scripts that you can integrate onto your webpages. However, you have to find your own midi files on the internet on add on to it's playlist. Best of all, the scripts are free to use. Look into this if you want it to play MP3 instead... http://musicplayer.sourceforge.net/ You will need some knowledge on ActionScript 2 for loading the playlist. The player is made with flash. Otherwise you might like to try PodCasting.. Here are the players that I've found.. http://juicereceiver.sourceforge.net/index.php https://amarok.kde.org/ You can find more information about PodCasting here... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Podcasting This site contains other sources that you might want to look into.. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  19. Hey dude, Terabit Ethernet is possible and coming very soon, probably near year 2008. Check this site : http://www.directionsmag.com/entry/10-terabit-ethernet-from-10-gigabit-ethernet-to-100-gigabit-ethernet-to-1-t/123897
  20. Inspiron

    Usb Ports?

    Thanks pawitp for that notice. I'm just afraid the topic starter didn't know the types of USB and might be confused with them, since they are all USB. Their differences of course doesn't allow another type of USB to be connected to another USB port.You stated it's not a USB "MINI" type or an USB "A" type, then probably it isn't USB at all. We all know how USB looks like and they are all in standard sizes and shapes.Now I have a certain feeling that the topic starter means it's just an USB "A" type with a little wider. If that's the case, the USB connecter might have dropped or hit on something hard, cauing it to be a little out of shape. I've got a friend who had his flashdrive dropped on hard concrete floor. He didn't realised the slight dent until he tried to insert to the USB port. The connector looks alright without detailed checking. Of course it's certainly not alright when you look at the connector carefully.Otherwise, it's most probably not a USB. Could be firewire.
  21. Inspiron

    Usb Ports?

    Probably you didn't realise and know about USB technology. Below are the types of USB today. USB "A" connector (Picture sourced from howstuffworks.com) This is the most common type of USB you will see among most peripherals. This part connects to the computer USB port. USB "B" connector (Picture sourced from howstuffworks.com) This connector is always on the other end of the "A" connector to connect to the peripheral itself. This part connects to the USB device. For example, printers, scanners etc. USB "A" connector to USB "MINI" connector (Picture sourced from mercadolibre.com.ec) This is a typical cable to connect a mobile device to a computer vis USB. This USB "MINI" connector connects to the mobile devices such as MP3 Players, Digital Cameras, Mobile Phones, etc. USB "A" Port (Picture sourced from crutchfield.com) This is a USB "A" port that you oftenly see on the computer itself. USB "B" Port (Picture sourced from allerc.com) This is a USB "B" port that you will find it on the USB devices. USB "MINI" Port (Picture sourced from atmarkit.co.jp) This is a USB "MINI" port that you will find it on mobile devices. To find out more about USB technology and how it works, visit http://computer.howstuffworks.com/usb.htm Point to Note USB - Universal Serial Bus
  22. A google search on "wytchtext" brings absolution nothing. I may suspect it may be a spyware or something related unless you are sure that "wytchtext" is a program that you are really running.Else, it might be some library or component error or missing. A "common language runtime debugging service" error usually when an error as occur for a bad programming coding using the .NET framework. It may be of different .NET framework versions used when the application is launched on different computers. Try update the computers to the latest .NET framework and run the application again.It may not be the fault from .NET framewoek however. But the fault lies with bad programming codes basically.
  23. Hey dude, I've visited your site and realised your interest about spudguns. Not sure if you had come across these sites, which you may like to take reference in building and construction. https://www.spudtech.com/ http://www.spudgun.com/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  24. There are many other RAID types too. Check out at Wikiopedia and Webopedia http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/R/RAID.html
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