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Everything posted by Inspiron

  1. Weird topic.. but I'll just contribute mine..I search anything and everything using Google search engine on the internet only. I didn't use Yahoo or MSN search as they're results are not as specific as Google's results. Furthermore Google has a more decent toolbar that is easier and more user-friendly. Google has also inplemented free softwares to download and their software are all of industrial use, such as Google Earth, the original creator of satelite map images of anywhere on Earth, Google Blogger, the most common and well-known free blogging service etc.Google is simply too much of excellence as compared to MSN and Yahoo's search engine. Definately unstoppable.
  2. I'd do what believer had just posted as it tells if the router/hub is giving the problem. If you've tried connecting directly to the internet via the modem and doesn't experience any disconnections, it's definately going to be your router's/hub's configurations or a hardware problem. As of my experience, my laptop is connected wirelessly to my Linksys router and is also getting more disconnections these days. The desktop which connected with physical wire doesn't experienced an disconnections however. The Linksys router's wireless hardware component is somehow failing for mine. If I connect my laptop via wired to my modem directly, I would not experience and disconnections. If I'm connected wirelessly through my Linksys router, I'll experience disconnections while the desktop via wired will not. Hope this will give you a clearer picture of a middle-man hardware problem that could be the cause for your case also.
  3. Firstly, it can happen as the result of drivers crashing which you might have installed a wrong or bad version of drivers before the computers went into crazy-mode. If that's the case, try removing the bad drivers from safe-mode as that BuffaloHELP has suggested and install a clean and proper driver.Secondly, the hardware components in your computer system might be suffering in high heat content so much that the time the components generate heat to become overheaded can be from the time you turned on the computer to anytime before Microsoft Windows has peoperly started. If that's the case, your computer BIOS is programmed to shutdown the system immediately after reaching a certain temperature to prevent destruction of your hardware components and precious data. You can try to solve by determining if any cooling fans or systems is in working conditions. I also suggest you to open up your computer case and face your home fan at it at top speed while you turn your computer on. If your computer is able to boot up prefectly then, you will need to change your cooling system.Thirdly, if you think its not a hardware problem, simply backup all your important documents in safe-mode, since you are able to access into it, and later on re-format your computer harddisk. This will make sure every data on your harddisk is wiped out, including Windows configurations and settings to viruses and irritating errors. You will need to re-install Windows again after formatting complete.We wouldn't know what is really and exactly happening to your computer but these are the possible solutions that I can think of to your problem. You have a better idea of what's going on to your system, so you are in better position to decide what to do with it. Hope these helps..
  4. XHTML means EXtended-HTML, a further improved version of HTML standards. So the validator can also validate normal HTML files.I've tried ths validator once and it often resulted in many errors. Even when you test https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl, you'll still find errors there. Practically, I think that no websites are perfect.
  5. Yes this is a very good idea and a realistic outlook alternative to label stickers. However you have to purchase the CD medias, the compatible CD-writer hardware and software for it to work. It'll be good for a CD-burning company that does the service at large scale. But for home users, it's not quite practical as it could cost quite a sum of money just to purchase those compatible requirements. A normal and hassle free sticker label need not require such requirements and its more practical to be implemented.Moreover, according to the flash demo of how is label etching works, it only results in single color. There's no way to make color labels. However the current way of sticking paper labels now is able to have them colored.A nice technology however not quite practical for home use. Might cost unnecessary sum of money for minimal CD burning needs.
  6. Okay, I've some interests to 3G phones and new 3G network and services happening in my country and it's becoming a hot subject everywhere locally. Now some questions that I really want to know and find out more about this architecture.1) What applications are using 3G technology?2) Why 3G requires high bit rate?3) How 3G network is structured? (a block diagram or something will be good)4) How is it able to communicate with other cellular standards? eg. GSM5) What are the problems that is now happening and likely to happen in the deployment of 3G system?These are some quite technical stuffs that I would really like to know. Well, I'm quite a tech-savvy guy so I'd ask these. I can't really get a standard answer so maybe people here might help.I'd be glad if you can post web-links to reference so I can get more information there.. Thanks ALOT in advance..
  7. So Google respected its consumers' rights of privacy? I think that's a good move from Google to stay in good reputation and go along with its terms and conditions. Probably only users who misused the search engine to break the law or carry out a criminal act, Google would more than willing to submit information to repective authorities..
  8. The BB Code, [notice], seemed to be a customised one created by you. If so, you may like to post here the contents of what it will work at the back-end for detecting a [notice] code.Also, what you meant by 50% of forum reply page? Do you meant you want to resize the reply textbox?
  9. Here's a whole database of RPGs that you can choose from... http://www.onrpg.com/
  10. Wow nice findout.. I like the FExplorer best. It can serve me good giving a Windows like explorer interface on my phone. I'm gonna get it into my phone and start exploring away..The games are really cool too.. I should say the best games among the Java gaming community for mobile phones. Wow, imagine running Doom game on your mobile phone. TibiaME is another sweet RPG with sleek graphics for a mobile phone..Thanks for these findings..
  11. Yes Skype is totally free for PC-to-PC calls only. You may conclude that there are other alternatives such as Google Talk, MSN and Yahoo voice conversations being around so why Skype. For it's voice quality and encryption technology to it's data sent over the internet, the users experience minimal lags and voice is heard as if it's immediate and real time. MSN voice conversation I don't think is quite possible for such quality often. There are lots of noise in the voice conversion when I used MSN to talk to my friends. You can find out more it Skype's features here and what makes Skype product superior voice quality. https://www.skype.com/en/download-skype/skype-for-computer/ Definately you will fall in love with it. And probably you will replace your home fixed line phone with just using Skype PC-to-PC calls like what I'm doing now..
  12. Hmm I see your point. If that's the case, try reading the documentation for the VMware Player. https://www.vmware.com/support/pubs/player_pubs.html I've used before VMware Workstation in my school for experiments and projects. They can surely be made fullscreen such that it looked and felt as if the virtual machine is the real one working primarily instead. It should be possible for VMware Player to make the virtual machine into fullscreen mode. I've yet to try VMware Player. Or maybe it's just a player, a free version, that doesn't provide fancy features as its paid VMware Workstation. Probably its just a player to run virtual machines in the simplest user interface.
  13. Ok I've done a search on Google and found these.. Hope they can somehow help in designing a HTML picture gallery. http://www.mihov.com/sw/en/gc.php http://www.nonags.com/nonags/htmlgallery.html http://graphicssoft.about.com/od/webgalleryfreepc/ http://www.janim.net/error-404.php I can't post more links here but you can search for more by googling "html gallery freeware" as the keywords..
  14. You've basically allowed the Guest group to post in your board, that's the reason why without signing in, a guest user may also make a post but identified as unknown user or anonymous.To fix this, go to your control panel profile settings and configure such that the Guest group is not allowed to post in your desired forums in the board. lhaslip had explained pretty in detail.
  15. Ah... Nice shot for Linux people to earn some compatibility with ATI. I was thinking if Nvidia could be done with the same method. I'd like to see Linux grow more into entertainment and gaming so I shall sign one in the petition..
  16. I've found some related documents that can be of some help.. https://www.vmware.com/support/ws45/doc/spesswitch_ws.html
  17. It pretty nonsensical to the method of changing the router's IP address to become working in better condition. Really, but why does it happen? It doesn't really make sense. A possible cause that I could think of is a clash in wireless networks somehow due to buggy firmware of 2 or more routers using the same IP address. So probably changing its IP address might help to change the situation.I've got a Linksys wireless router B-standard type and its also now giving me alot of problems. One of such, which is the most irritating one, is randomly times of ping-timeouts. For every 4 or 5 pings, there's sure to have one ping timeout. Hence the are lost of packets. It is really terrible especially with I am playing online games and it got stuck every few moments and lagged alot. However, I realised this only happened on wireless situation. The desktop computer in another room connected with physical wire didn't experience such problem.I was thinking if it might be old and needed to be replaced. Probably the next wireless router for me is those with MIMO and extended wireless G for boosted speeds and extended ranges. Netgear might be a good choice for me next..
  18. Yap.. As what moldbuy has commented, it is impossible to process the data or transfer the data with HTML alone. HTML is basically just the interface and GUI of the webpage. What is working behind the scenes are the server-side scripting such as PHP, JSP, ASP etc.For your case, there is no way to even connect and relate your basic HTML page to SQL. Hence directing to a different page will be impossible.
  19. I was using Microsoft Access database once ago for my project done in JSP (Java Server Pages - similar to PHP). Rather my school only taught me to use Microsoft Access. But I've found a way to connect to MySQL database for an alternative database method. You will need another connector driver. By default, Microsoft uses ODBC (Open DataBase Connectivity) for it's Microsoft-based databases. A bridge driver is needed to connected Java applications into ODBC, which then connects to the database itself. For Java, the bridge is called JDBC (Java DataBase Connectivity). As for your case, the current versions of Visual Basics should be based on .NET framework. MySQL has also developed a driver to connect .NET applications to MySQL databases. You will need to download and install the driver to enable the connectivity. http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/net/1.0.html The source codes in VB for connecting to MySQL databases should remain unchanged. The only changes that has to be done is to link your MySQL database into ODBC in Administrative Tools in Control Panel. For more information of these steps, visit the following sites : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.codeguru.com/csharp/.net/net_data/article.php/c19493/A-StepbyStep-Guide-To-Using-MySQL-with-ASPNET--Part-2.htm
  20. Inspiron

    Completing Dvd

    Firstly, try the methods provided from the posters earlier by finalising through Nero software.If your DVD disc format is a DVD-R type, finalising the DVD data will not help in reading the disc in a DVD+R format player due to format difference. You will need a DVD+R format reader, or a dual-format DVD player to read your disc.Also note that your player cannot read a DVD-RW format if it's not compatible with DVD-RW format. General DVD players only read normal DVDs or DVD-ROM disc.
  21. I'm in school now.. So I shall test my school's internet speeds... The speed test was conducted from http://www.bandwidthplace.com/
  22. PHP chatroom? I guess it's just another foreign script which you've uploaded..If that is so, simply delete the scripts or the folder that contains them from your webhost and it will be gone. No uninstallation procedures needed..
  23. Real Alternative only provides the RealMedia codec. They will work when you play RealMedias on any other players without the need of RealPlayer. However, Real Alternative still does not support RSTP streaming of RealMedia as yet. Here's what I've found about RealPlayer... This quote taken from http://www.free-codecs.com/download/realplayer.htm This site is pretty trustful, and it certainly gives us the impression of RealPlayer..
  24. I've a project that has to be done on JSP. It is to create an online movie booking service that records customer's details, reserving tickets, changing seats etc.Now the problem for me is to connect from JSP pages to MySQL database so I can store the information in MySQL. Any step-by-step tutorials and ideas? I would appreciate with screenshots are available as I'm totally new to JSP and MySQL.Thanks in advance..
  25. It should be possible if you created *wml files instead and hosted here.. Go to the same address as you would on a PC and it should work on your mobile phone as well.Hosting is just a service, they can be accessed anywhere at anytime as long as you are connected to the internet. WAP is connected to the internet at the back end. So your request on the phone is routed to your web host, which is still functional.In fact, you can upload a midi file to your webhost, then enter that URL of the midi file on your mobile phone, and you actually downloading the midi as a ringtone to your phone. So that's how the ringtone companies work..
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