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Everything posted by Inspiron

  1. Unfortunately the links doesn't seem to load.. Anyway if there's big news about Firefox, there could have already an active thread here talking about it since many of us uses firefox..
  2. You cannot change or remove the integrated graphics card. As what the previous posters said, the integrated card was soldered onto the motherboard itself. However I think by buying another graphics card (non integrated) and install to your computer will make this new graphics card a primary one. Meaning with the non-integrated card installed, your computer will work with it and put aside the default integrated graphics card. Anyone please correct me if the information is wrong..
  3. But why you wanna do that for a home or small network? I think these types of routers are considered quite powerful and to be used in super large networks, e.g. Microsoft Cooperation or NASA..Otherwise a normal Cisco router can do the job.. It saves power and space as well..
  4. There are many types of viruses and they do different effects to your computer.. So what are the effects that the viruses did to your computer...? With this, then we can identify the viruses and solve your problem.. So get yourself some free anti-virus software as mentioned by posters earlier to determine the viruses..If you think your computer has gone over crazy and the anti-virus program cannot fix everyone of them, I suggest you reformat your computer.. This will make sure every single unwanted stuff cleared from your computer.. Hope you understand what reformatting means because its gonna wipe out every single data on your computer too.. So do remember to backup your important data before you format.. This method has always been my best choice because it guarantees removal..
  5. Wow... the Shrimp thumbdrive looks so real..I'll eat it definately if no one tells me its a USB device...
  6. Inspiron

    Asp Or Php

    1) PHP is free, ASP is not2) PHP is backed by open-source community, you can find tutorials and help from almost anywhere on the internet.. ASP however has lesser community..3) PHP is more often used in many applications than ASP and JSP.. Hence compatibility comes priority to PHP..4) PHP server is easy to setup5) Open-source will eventually rule in the future IT world, I believe.. So does PHP..6) PHP works on any platform, whereas ASP only works on Personal Web Server (PWS) or Internet Information Server (IIS) under Microsoft Windows operating systems..
  7. When it comes to sound systems, I'll put my priorities on sound quality on top of appearance... So usually Apple speakers wouldn't appear in my mind.. If in terms of gaming, I'll vote for Altec Lansing for its boosting bass that really rock the house and scares the hell out of your seat when you are playing games like Doom3..Otherwise, and most probably for movies, I'll go for Creative for its pure and almost perfect surround sound.. The faint sounds it produces can stimulate as if they came from a distance behind or in front of you.. And what I think really cool about Creative speakers is how they transition the sound from the left speaker to the right speaker.. You woulnd't hear the transition, but in fact, you can feel the sound coming in from the left instead.. etc.
  8. Inspiron

    Net ?

    Well.. Whether we like it or not, .NET technology will rule over all Microsoft products in future.. The next Microsoft operating system, Longhorn/Vista, is built based on .NET technology.. It definately will give a strong fight against Java API.. The .NET framework will also be free for download. Only it's developing tools, Microsoft Visual Studio, will be priced. However the latest Visual Studio 2005 Express Edition is now free of charge for download until November next year.. Free, yes it is free for download and we all can use that copy even after November 2006 without infinging any copyright rules or whatsoever.. Check out Microsoft Visual Studio website for the downloads..
  9. Wow it works.. But crappy.. Think the developers programmed IE in a way such that it uses any text editors available on the desktop first..Easter Egg..? I was think it might be it also..
  10. If your girlfriend prefers lightweight, get a nano definately..If she likes style then try the pod picso or mini..Otherwise if she prefers heavy-duty, get the normal one..
  11. Pity.. The script should work only on IPB forums.. I'll definately get one if it can integrate into normal HTML..Nice finding though..
  12. Ah... This is another classic network question..Firstly, and most probably, the problem lies on the settings of your router/firewall.. If its not your router/firewall, its probably be your ISP's or a gateway, or a company's/organisation's router/firewall that your connection is needed to pass through.. It depends on their settings on profiles.. They, the administrators, might have configured such that it worked such way, blocking access on various times etc. It is possible for advance routers/firewalls.. Cisco have that...Secondly, check your own software firewall if you have one..Most probably you need not format your computer because it should be a minor network configuration setting..
  13. You have to recreate a new account.. The gender of your character follows your gender when you enter your particulars upon creating a MapleStory account..I've played once and didn't continue because basically the game doesn't have any objectives.. Its just play for fun type.. Kind of boring for me..
  14. Firstly there's no way of editing your posts befores the administrators disabled it to prevent misuse...I play Warcraft 3 too and I'm a crazy fan of the game.. But how in the way the player hacked? I don't see any hackings that took place in the game...
  15. To reply to those who doesn't know what is a Wap gateway.. A WAP gateway is basically a converter of HTML pages to be viewed on your mobile phones.. So with proper configurations stated on http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ , you can check your web-based email, gmail, yahoo, hotmail, etc on the move. You can even come to Xisto.com to post in the forum.. all on your phone. Though because of the limited capabilities of a mobile phone, it may not handle or perform tasks and scripts correctly, and it is not secure. So do not try online banking transactions unless you think you are Santa Clauz..
  16. LANcraft is an application that connects your computer to a simulated LAN environment network with a friend's computer across the network. It is a very basic tool performing simple tasks. It should be working similarly as Hamachi, but hamachi is able to perform more task.Another script that does LAN emulation is ZION for IRC. It is basically an IRC script that is written dedicated for Blizzard games on a simulated LAN environment over the Internet.
  17. Is it possible if you paste your animation codes here?Otherwise, if the codes are in javascript, probably you disable javascript in your browser..
  18. I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for.. Check it out... http://www.vb-helper.com/howto_upload_files.html Otherwise use the FTP protocol method... http://www.vb-helper.com/howto_ftp.html
  19. Try this.. You should have a CGI or a mail server to execute your mail sending which I can't provide you.. I think Xisto provides a mail server too.. Other wise search up at google for CGI mail scripts.. <CENTER> <FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="[b]You CGI mail script here[/b]" ENCTYPE="text/plain"> <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="username"> : name <BR> <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="email"> : email <BR>comments <BR> <TEXTAREA NAME="COMMENTS" ROWS="10" WRAP="hard"> </TEXTAREA> <BR> <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Send"> <INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="Clear"> </FORM></CENTER> Alternatively, you can check out another script here .. http://www.javascriptsource.com/ Other ready made scripts.. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  20. Your "index.html" file must be placed in the root of your "www" folder in that file manager.. After then it should work..
  21. Wasted... you should make this post to the Tutorial section..Very good one for people trying to make a server out from their computer..
  22. Refer to these sites.. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ https://www.phpbb.com/kb/article.php?article_id=21
  23. Inspiron

    Which Linux?

    I would put MadrakeLinux first on the Linux list.. Because almost everything is automatic upon installation.. Quite a good feature for people who know nothing about Linux..2nd on my list is Linspire.. It looks like Windows XP by interface.. So its another good feature for Linux idiots too..
  24. Dude.. check these out.. InvisionFree / Invision Power Board http://www.zifboards.com/ http://www.forumer.com/ http://www.myfreebulletinboard.com/ http://ww38.ipbfree.com/ http://www.afternic.com/domain/forumat.com phpBB http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.forumer.com/ http://www.myfreebulletinboard.com/ http://www.forumforfree.com/ http://www.jconserv.net/ http://www.forumsplace.com/rg-erdr.php?_rpo=t http://www.easyphpbb.com/ http://www.phpbbweb.com/ http://createforum.com/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.afternic.com/domain/forumat.com That's a huge search.. Most of them are ad-supported and have various limitations.. Try them all and get 1 that suits you best.. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Never, ever list this many web URL's without using the proper quote tags.
  25. Huh...? Your temp cache files are stored on your computer.. So your visitors won't visit your temp cache.. However if they had visited your site before you set up the hotlink protection, they might be able to "hotlink" still because it's still in their cache.. It will not last long however. Eventually no one can hotlink your resources.. So rest assured..
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