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Everything posted by Inspiron

  1. You might have used the wrong settings to burn the DVDs or the original DVDs are burn-protected or copy-protected. You can try some DVD-recueing softwares. If the data can be successfully rescued, you will need to rip it off into a video file rather than keeping them in the disc as these processes takes long and you won't want to do it again just to watch a movie if its the case. Try these recue softwares... CDRoller 6.02 Download : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ [Trial] Website : http://www.cdroller.com/ IsoBuster 1.8, DVD and CD Data Recovery tool Download : https://www.isobuster.com/bn.php [shareware] Website : https://www.isobuster.com/ CD/DVD Data Recovery 1.0 Download : http://www.batchconverter.com/404.shtml [shareware] Website : http://www.batchconverter.com/404.shtml DVD Data Rescueâ„¢ 1.2 Download : http://www.naltech.com/download/dvddr.exe [Trial] Website : http://www.naltech.com/ DVD-X-RESCUE Download : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ [Demo] Website : http://nycsoftware.com/DVDxRescue/ Unfortunately, there is a higher percentage that your burned DVDs will go to waste.
  2. "thumbs.db" is a database file that stores a profile of your directory settings such as the background wallpaper, viewed as Tiles, Thumbnails, List, etc. Deleting this file will not cause serious problem on the operation of your operating system. Check these out http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  3. At first I though eMachines are something new or old, never heard of before. I've searched the Internet and relised it's just a series from Gateway computers. Anyway, I believe you will just need a boot disk. You can try making your own set of emergency bootdisks in the case of such happens again. Check these out.. http://www.bootdisk.com/bootdisk.htm http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.bootdisk.net/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.nu2.nu/bootdisk/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  4. I don't think there's anyway that you can open the site directly to suit in a specific size. An alternative, you may try making a splash page as the index with a "ENTER" link or something related. Thereafter the visitor clicks the "ENTER" link, a new window will open according to your size specified.
  5. Hi, I've noticed that whatever things I've uploaded into my hosting account, it doesn't update. Only after I open directly from cPanel and then click Refresh manually, the newly uploaded stuffs will then be updated. Or else it will still stick to the old files even on another computer or with history and cache deleted. Simply clicking on the direct URL will also not update.This problem I've noticed from the time when I first got this webhosting account. I though there might be a problem in the server and might recover afew moments later. But it doesn't seem to improve. This problem cofuses me whenever I want to update my site, thinking that it is still not updated, even a few hours later. It is also fustrating when I upload in bulks.Can I know it this is a bug in cPanel? In other webhosts that I've used, the newly uploaded files were immediately updated even without refreshing the pages or clearing the history or cache.I'm very gladful if someone can help me in this problem.
  6. VoIP, Voice over Internet Protocol, is a way to tranmit voice signals through the internet without using the POTS (Plain Old Telephone System) telephone network. Because it uses the Internet to transmit voice signals, it will require a modem that is powered for 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, everyday to replace the POTS system. Unfortunately, it required additional power supply to function the VoIP system, whereas the normal fixed-lines does require. Also, in times of power-cutoffs or backouts, VoIP network will simply go down whereas the POTS will still stay alive.What about the pros of VoIP? The call rates of these new system are very much cheaper alternative as compared to POTS in terms of long run and especially making overseas calls. Making overseas calls on a POTS network will probably rate higher. However due to the internet-dependant technology, calls made to overseas will appear the same rate as calls made in local. Also, VoIP phones are now computerised and smarter, or rather a its a computer itself as it may be used to download phone numbers, profiles, ringtones, transmit multimedia messages and videos, videoconferencing etc.VoIP technology is therefore the future of the telephone systems. However, I believe POTS will still stay as a form of a drop point or backup when power source is limited during emergencies.
  7. Well I believe its something got to do with fibre-optic networking. These cables are made of glass or plastic core that allows light to travel through then in a way that the cables may be bent and not disrupt the tranmission of the signal. The light signal is modulated in various frequencies so that many signals of different frequencies may be multiplexed into a single fibre-optic cable. This means many signals can be transmitted without using alot of cables. Because it the network technique uses light to transmit signals, the speed of transmission is almost comparable to the speed of light. It will not be exactly at the speed of light as the fibre-optic cable itself slows the speed down as the cable goes longer, just like when light goes through a freespace and another light goes through a smokey-densed area. But still, fibre-optics technology is still the fastest wired-based technology in current. Fibre-Optics technology is been used for the backbone of the world's internet to provide the fastest transmission time. People had also implemented fibre-optics networking into LAN networks, called Fibre Optic Ethernet (10BF). More information about this, refer to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ More information about how fibre-optics work, refer to these sites : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://computer.howstuffworks.com/fiber-optic.htm http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  8. What I would do if all doesn't work...1) Backup all your files in a CD-RW, flashdrive, potable harddisk or any backup devices2) Go to DOS and remove all extended drives3) Format your harddisk as a whole, meaning you only got 1 partition and format that partition.4) Install OS and replace all your files..This is the best way out if you didn't want to bother to check for spywares or viruses. And also, this method guarentees your computer to become as good as new, fast speed and again, fresh...However, this step is not reversable. So make sure you backup all your files.
  9. Firewalls are definately a must in today's internet technology. Without them, trojan horses and viruses can get into your PC without your knowledge. I am using Norton Internet Security and so far it has been serving me well. However, it's interface and load time seems laggy and takes a long time to load. It always slows down my computer likewise.I'm not sure about other Firewalls. Probably if anyone can tell me which Firewall loads fastest and doesn't slows down a computer in anyway, still serving as a good firewall that protects from pop-ups and keypresses records additionally.
  10. I think he meant a Google Portal which what it will look like in http://yahoo.com/ for example.
  11. Great help... Here's another version : http://www.acmehowto.com/howto/pc/hardware/cdrom/replace.php And for the iMac users : http://www.sterpin.net/uk/imacslotinuk.htm
  12. Hey, just to add on, Skype actually has an addon for voice conferencing.. Check it out here... http://www.video4skype.com/ So we can now discard MSN for the voice, webcam and data transmission. Use it solely for text messaging.
  13. If you are using a router, you are in alot of luck. Routers have the feature of auto-connecting upon powerup. In addition. they can also be configured to re-initiate the connection immediately after a connection lost automatically.If you do not have a router, your ISP should have provide you with a software that allows you to connect to the internet. In that software, there should most probably be a feature where you can connect automatically like how MSN connects automatically upon a found internet connection.
  14. Skype is not just for messages and chat. In fact Skype is made for voice calls over the internet using Kazaa p2p protocol method. And also, Skype is by far the best provider for free voice calls over the internet. If you are just calling your neighbour next door and the responds of the signals are bad, it's most probably be your internet connection. Also note that Skype uses your internet bandwidth to transmit voice signals, your usage of the internet bandwidth especially downloading or uploading files while using Skype will definately affect the voice quality. MSN is rather, I would say, quite bad in terms of transmission other than text. Text-messaging would probably be better for MSN. If you try to send a 1MB file to the same person using MSN, and then using another data transmission program, etc IRC DCC, MSN would most probably end up last or connection terminated without even tranmiting the entire 1MB file. Voice wise, it's still alright but not for quality-hungry people. I would rather say MSN voice is often laggy and the connection is bad.TO summarise, Skype wins in terms of communication, be it data transfers or voice calls.
  15. I agree with this as there's not really a point wheather it's able to download and play old games like pacman or super mario. The generation now is towards 3D, real-time, and real-life so much so that you yourself can be a character in a 3D world of pacman while your friends are the monsters, and all these happen to the player physical self. Sorround sound and high defination graphics are a must for the future gaming industry. And that I think the Nitendo Revolution will lose out severly and ultimately lose control of the gaming industry.
  16. It will never happen suddenly. It all started of a cause. DDid you installed a new hardware device to your computer? If you did, remove it and see what happens.Did you installed a software before this happens? If your did, you have to reformat your computer because most probably the boot files and parameters had gone out of order that there seemed impossible for another alternative.Did it happened suddenly? Is your CPU fan got stuck or getting old in age? Change the fan and ensure a good ventilation inside your CPU case.If all doesn't fall in above categories, your BIOs is most probably corrupted by either a virus or something likewise. Get your BIOs reflashed with a latest firmware, or get another motherboard.
  17. Yeap I used to have a Windows ME PC when I bought a computer from Dell a few years back. It was still alright for the beginning until when you need to install additional applications or add on devices or hardwares. The OS may hang or even got stuck at the "Blue Screen of Death" when a flashdisk is inserted in the USB port when it thought to be hot-plugging. Installation of drivers were worst. They seemed not to work even the drivers were of correct versions.I noticed that after 6 months from the time when Windows ME was released, it was never produced again. Soon Windows XP took over and I've upgraded to it. Well I think Windows ME is a tactic from Microsoft to "trial" the responds of the public so as to earn extra upgrade profits when customers were "forced" to purchase Windows XP to replace the problematic OS. Since than I've never installed Windows ME and in any case when needed, I would install the older Windows 98SE.
  18. Wow I thought it was a site that telling about how heartless people create tools and stuffs to ill-treat other people or animals. It was your own site instead. Not a bad look but there's relatively nothing inside. Probably you need to add the features soon and probably articles on "Heartless Creations" for what it really means...Nice Xisto logo there too...
  19. Imagine if Google buys Skype.. It will be pure ownage for the mix..
  20. Actually PHP can be used on Windows too. ASP however is only meant for Windows since Microsoft developed it.PHP is free and open-source and alot better than ASP in terms of stability, features, wide population of programmers, requires low resource.ASP is paidware, closed-source, developed by Microsoft, more security loopholes and vulnerabilities, and usually used by big companies because of the reputation of Microsoft.Basically PHP and ASP operates the same function.
  21. I played Kings of Chaos before and I've swtiched to DarkThrone instead. I never continue it since age 4 started. Comparing Darkthrone and Kings of Chaos, I think DarkThrone is so much better in terms of game design, skills, and most importantly logic. After playing DarkThrone, I felt that Kings of Chaos does not really make sense. Hard to explain, you got to try it yourself to experience it. Well anyway they are just games to kill time.
  22. Yeah I think so too...But MP3 market has the biggest share, even Microsoft's WMA format is competing with MP3 format. I doubt OGG will become known to the public that easily.Unless some big music-player companies like Apple or Creative adds on support to OGG, then it will become popular, probably even better than MP3 because of its small sizes. There aren't much players (software) that support OGG format too...OGG is open-source music format, probably no company can be able to patent it so it might be a fair play for the music industry.Anyway, I've heard that Creative won the patent for MP3 format and its features, so probably I think Apple will be in troublesome lawsuits soon if they carry on pushing their IPODs. I'm not sure about this.
  23. Well in fact public computers like those in the Internet Cafe and Schools cannot guarentee total privacy and protection to its users, meaning it can never be safe. You won't know if they had planted a key-logging software or whatever related that can intrude your privacy. What I suggest is that, never do your private and confidential stuffs on a public computer such as internet banking or anything that relates to your money, home, or any govermental related.Best still, not to use a public computer.
  24. I don't think Motorola allows the ability to change or add your custom ringing tones...
  25. Hmmm.. Now let's be fair about VoIP.As you guys know Skype is currently top provider for free VoIP voice calls, and now comes with GoogleTalk which is still in Beta, let's rate fairly between the services in terms of voice quality, bandwidth and tranmission, ease of use etc.I'm using Skype for VoIP and it has been serving me well for some time without problems. I'm very satisfied with Skype for its voice quality and no lags. I'm not sure about GoogleTalk, maybe some guys may share it here...
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