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Everything posted by Inspiron

  1. For your condition, software that suppose to help would not help now.I suggest bringing your harddisk to a professional repair center to get your data out and tranfer to another new drive. Your current drive may due to a motor failure or something related.Unless you want to give up your data, repair it.
  2. If I meet God, I know I'm already be dead, unless he comes into my dreams to tell me something.Well, I basically woundn't ask anything because I would be too surprised to meet with God. I'd stay blur for some time.
  3. Okay, I'll go along with MSN, and discard ICQ... Look promising Google Talk.
  4. Hey dude, DotA is a custom game/map for Warcraft III: Frozen Throne created by a bunch of people who likes hero killing. It's free, you just got to pay for Warcraft III and the Frozen Throne expansion to play it. Not forgetting your internet, it requires internet to play multiplayer, it is useless playing alone. Check these out http://dotaportal.com/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  5. Not only Linux ISO, there are also Windows ISO as well released officially by Microsoft. An example would be the the recent Windows Vista beta ISO downloads for MSDN subscribers where users or developers can try out Windows Vista before the full version is released officially to the public. Otherwise, most ISO you find in p2p networks are illegal. ISO is basically an exact copy of the physical disc in softcopy form or digital form.
  6. Oh, I thought this thread is talking about a game called Crazy Frog, then I thought it was a real frog that went crazy. Later you guys talk about music then I realised I've heard about this Crazy Frog which Ao)K-General was talking about. Crazy Frog is the name of a techno music album. I've heard some of the preview tracks on television but I didn't buy them. I don't really like techno music, simply too noisy for me.
  7. It's very natural that google is able to find other search engines. Try searching for "Yahoo", "Ask Jeeves", "AltaVista" etc. or simply "Search Engines", Google will just list them directly. It will only be impossible if it doesn't.I don't think so, if you are trying to say that Google search is based or leeched from other search engines. Gmail is also based on Google search engine for searching for a specific email, so it couldn't be based on a foreign search engine.
  8. I use Window Media Player for music and videos because I don't find any point of installing another player that does the same thing, since Window Media Player is already included in Windows OS which we've paid for it.The features in Window Media Player and Winamp doesn't make huge differences as well. If anyone prefers Winamp, please state your reason too, I really want to know why people still like an additional player which does the same thing.
  9. Wow...Game races from Legendary Orcs, Globbins, Dwalves to modern world machineries.. Cool layout I should say.But 17 races, isn't that abit alot?You might have trouble creating them... as well as game balances..By the way what is the website that you host your games? I would like to try it...
  10. MAC had a good eye-candy look. I always like that look and appearance of the mac, be it in its softwares and hardwares. It is based on Unix core, so it's less vulnerable to viruses than Windows as virus writers would rather target at the large Windows users.However I feel Mac is a little harder to master as with Windows. There are lesser guides, helps and manuals and to be someone who knows Mac from top to bottom is not so easy. Comparing with Windows, it's easier to handle and become professional is just a few understanding.I would, therefore, prefer Windows than Mac, unless there's more help and guides for Mac.
  11. If you want good and cool looks for your website, try searching for templates in Google. Here are some... Free Web Templates https://www.freewebtemplates.com/ Free Site Templates http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Steve's Templates http://www.steves-templates.com/ Microsoft Web Templates https://templates.office.com/?legRedir=true&CorrelationId=f67f98f9-d35c-46cb-9a25-7e9ea7940589
  12. Someone could be downloading files from your webhost that you might not take notice. It does not really mean they need to go to your website first before downloading. They can hotlink from other sites directly to the file source.Probably also, you might be hosting large files which takes alot more bandwidth. You may however, if you would like, block these IP address from downloading from your webhost again in your cpanel. Only do this if you think the IP is static and it is always leaching bandwidth...
  13. Hi I've had warning too and it took me about 4-5 months for it to be removed. Initially I also thought the moderators would have forgotten about it. I didn't bother much later because I'm trying my best not to create another problem which could increase my warn level again. My warn level returned from 20% to 0% just recently, so I believe the moderators are still looking at it behind the scenes.
  14. Ah... Freedom Fighters, an aircraft shooting game.. Here's the link https://www.ea.com/games
  15. I used to sleep 7-8 hours on weekdays and almost 12 hours on weekends.But recently I'm on DotA frenzy, a custom map game in Warcraft III, that makes me play every night. Each game last about 1 hour and I play at least 2 games before I sleep.True enough, I am a walking zombie everyday since then.
  16. Hi you can try these programs, Easy Icon Maker http://www.icon-maker.com/ Axialis IconWorkshop http://www.axialis.com/iconworkshop/ Alpha Icon Creator Utility http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Icon Constructor - Advanced Icon Creator 2.2 http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Wise Icon Maker ver. 1.5 http://www.download3000.com/download_6329.html More... http://www.fileflash.com/
  17. Ha... technology is a wide range..I would like to be teleported from places to places and if possible into space. I've read of an article that teleport technology is now being researched and the research team had successfully teleported a speck of dust. The explaination was quite complicated and I've lost the weblink already, else I can share with you guys.How about having to turn invisible? I think it will be cool and superb technology. Of course people might use this technology to do mischievous stuffs and against the law.What about physic detectors and transmitters? New way of transmitting wireless signals... :)Just some stuffs that I can think of..
  18. So you have 3 computers, 2 desktops and 1 notebook. The older model of wireless card for one of your desktop should be compatible with your linksys router. Or rather to say, wireless routers are suppose to connect any brands and models of adapters or client-sided devices without any or much configurations. Wireless router backwards compatibility I assume you are trying to say it between Wireless-B, Wireless-A, and Wireless-G. Sadly to say, if this is the case, that your wireless 2.4ghz router only support Wireless-B standards. Unless being told that your router is a Wireless-A+B type then you can connect between both standards. Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP SP2 and Windows 98SE have features called "Plug and Play" and "Hot Plugging". I believe that Windows 98 does not have these features and therefore your computer might not be able to detect your wireless adapter. In such cases, you will need to manually install the drivers provided with the wireless adapter package. You wireless router will be able to accept 256 wireless clients if I'm not wrong, unless you have configured your router to accept in terms of MAC address, filtering or any form of wireless blocking. This is to prevent unauthorised users from connecting to your network from a further distant. Good luck!
  19. Yes it is free to register a channel in IRC. However, different IRC servers have different sets of rules and regulations, and methods of creating and administrating your channel. Usually you will be given some brief introduction to the server and its information when you connect to IRC. I've got a channel in Glaxynet, and the channel administration bot, Q, will protect your channel against stepping over, opping and kicking users off the channel. Some servers uses NS as the administration bot, likewise for other servers.
  20. If you would mind to show the source codes here rather.. Because the codes are being covered by Tripod's webads and it's hard to see your real codes...
  21. I own a Dell laptop and I got another desktop in another room. Laptops are generally more expensive as a whole as well as in individual parts as compared to desktop. I have to agree that desktop is the more powerful unit in terms of processing, speed and memory. Laptop however is mobile which business people and students will find it convenient to carry it along as the powers are competitive to desktop.Depending on your usage, get a laptop if you think you would need to carry it along with you and work on it wherever you are, and you don't mind the high prices for upgrades and repairs. On the other hand, get a desktop if you only do your work at home or you are on a tight budget, however, a desktop brings higher processing power than a laptop so you will probably be more efficient if you work 24hrs on it.
  22. I believe the real future technology will take off from the gaming industry. Let's take alook at the current gaming products: We've got Xbox and PS with their newer versions coming out a few months ahead as these gadgets turn more powerful. The coming PS3 will be the first electronic device to have support with Blu-Ray disc with an overwhelming respond. The XBox and Nitendo sets are also coming with more competitive features. Apart from gaming consoles, sound systems and surround speakers are also re-made and re-mod for a superior gaming experience. The race in sound technology therefore increases with the gaming industry. Going same for graphics, graphic card manufacturers are also producing very fast handling, multi- and hyper-threading graphics cards for the gaming enthusiasts. Some companies came into ergonomic considerations for gamers too. Some examples are the Wolfclaw Gaming Keyboard which designed to handle games using WASD keys, Razor Gaming Mouse which provides the confortable grip and high precision pointing for games like CS, and etc. Such peripherals are upgraded from the normal standards into high performance gadgets are also examples of how the gaming industry makes the future technology.So this is how I see things and I believe there will be people agree with this..I won't be surprise in future gamers will be playing without visible gadgets.
  23. I've using Opera and i understood your situation, cos I had the same problem.Just press Ctrl + R to refresh the page. Opera takes the page from it's cache. Refreshing the page will help.
  24. Hmmm... I believe they are trying to say the forum servers. Because lately the forum really loads very slow. Sometimes the page can even not found. That only affects the forum pages only, not Xisto.com or any of our webpages.
  25. Hey dude doesn't your PC lag after you mod your explorer and desktop?I used to mod my computer also and it became very lag. I couldn't play games then as my computer just goes too slow for games already.I might give another try if your method works...
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