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About SystemWisdom

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 12/19/1979

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  • Location
    A Canadian South of the 49th Parallel
  • Interests
    Everything & Nothing Simultaneously!
  1. Simple definition: About: Octet A stream would be a continuous series of something, in this case: Octets (or Bytes)...
  2. Try to remember that arrays are pointers already, and thus you shouldn't need to pass the address of your variable to the function.. Try something like: BYTE record_stream[512];ReadBlock(some_index, record_stream, 1); I hope that helps a bit..
  3. You should check out: readfile() fopen() file_get_contents() Maybe those help?
  4. I usually use 2 or more CSS files, one for common stuff, one for layout, etc.. but I find this a bit cumbersome, not to mention that having it all in one file makes for easier validation, by providing a single link to validate the single CSS file.. Not that validation matters much to the end-user in most cases..Ultmately, I think it is personal preference really..
  5. That's a sad story! How lame can some people be?? My best friend is a girl and a computer guru! She has a degree in Electronics Engineering Technology!!Anyway, there is one more possible explanation: He is a fully-fledged computer geek and has never had the opportunity or courage to talk to women without a chat-room!!
  6. You have to upload it to your www folder, and that should be all.. then go to your web browser, and type in the address... Of course, the file index.html should have some HTML and/or other code in it!!
  7. I wrote a script like this not too long ago... The theory is: You make a random string, save that random string to your sessions (for later comparison), and then generate and output the image.. First, the class file: <?phpclass TuringImage{ // Font Settings var $m_szFontFace; var $m_iFontSize; // Image Object var $m_oImage; // Image Bounds var $m_aImageSize; // Image Text var $m_szImageText; function TuringImage() { // Font Settings $this->m_szFontFace = 'fonts/mtcorsva.ttf'; $this->m_iFontSize = 20; $this->m_oImage = 0; $this->m_aImageSize = array( 110, 40 ); // Image Width & Height $this->m_szImageText = ''; } function GenerateKey( $iLen ) { $szRandStr = md5( uniqid( rand(), true ) ); $iRandIdx = rand( 0, (strlen($szRandStr) - $iLen - 1) ); $szRandStr = substr( $szRandStr, $iRandIdx, $iLen ); // Replace O's and 0's to reduce confusion $szRandStr = str_replace( "O", "X", $szRandStr ); $szRandStr = str_replace( "0", "4", $szRandStr ); $this->m_szImageText = strtoupper( $szRandStr ); return; } function GetKey() { return $this->m_szImageText; } function Create() { $iTextLen = 5; // Create Image $this->m_oImage = imagecreate( $this->m_aImageSize[0], $this->m_aImageSize[1] ); // Get Colors $oColorFG = imagecolorallocate( $this->m_oImage, 143, 168, 183 ); $oColorBG = imagecolorallocate( $this->m_oImage, 30, 42, 49 ); // Set Background Color of Image imagefilledrectangle( $this->m_oImage, 0, 0, $this->m_aImageSize[0], $this->m_aImageSize[1], $oColorFG ); imagefilledrectangle( $this->m_oImage, 1, 1, $this->m_aImageSize[0]-2, $this->m_aImageSize[1]-2, $oColorBG ); // Obfuscate Image $this->ObfuscateImage(); // Write Verification String to Image for( $i = 0; $i < $iTextLen; $i++ ) $this->WriteTTF( (10 + ($i * 18)), (24 + rand(0, 5)), rand(-15, 15), $this->m_szImageText[$i] ); // Output Image to Browser imagegif( $this->m_oImage ); // Free Image Resources imagedestroy( $this->m_oImage ); return; } function ObfuscateImage() { $oColor = imagecolorallocate( $this->m_oImage, 143, 168, 183 ); // Random Pixels for( $x = 0; $x < $this->m_aImageSize[0]; $x += rand( 3, 7 ) ) for( $y = 0; $y < $this->m_aImageSize[1]; $y += rand( 3, 7 ) ) imagesetpixel( $this->m_oImage, $x, $y, $oColor ); // Random Diagonal Lines for( $x = 0; $x < $this->m_aImageSize[0]; $x += rand( 15, 25 ) ) imageline( $this->m_oImage, $x, 0, $x + rand( -50, 50 ), $this->m_aImageSize[1], $oColor ); for( $y = 0; $y < $this->m_aImageSize[1]; $y += rand( 15, 25 ) ) imageline( $this->m_oImage, 0, $y, $this->m_aImageSize[0], $y + rand( -50, 50 ), $oColor ); return; } function WriteTTF( $iLocX, $iLocY, $iAngle, $szText ) { $oColor = imagecolorallocate( $this->m_oImage, 255, 255, 255 ); imagettftext( $this->m_oImage, $this->m_iFontSize, $iAngle, $iLocX, $iLocY, $oColor, $this->m_szFontFace, $szText ); }}?> Now, that class uses a True-Type font, which you can find in your c:\windows\fonts\ directory, but it should be placed in your web server where the script can access it.. Next, you will want to output that image.. something like: // Create Turing Test Object$oTuringTest = new TuringImage();$oTuringTest->GenerateKey( 5 ); // Length of Key (5)// Store key in sessions for later comparison$_SESSION['SECURITY_KEY'] = $oTuringTest->GetKey();// Set Content Type to GIF with NoCacheheader( 'Content-type: image/gif' );header( 'Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . 'GMT' );header( 'Cache-control: no-cache' );// Output Image$oTuringTest->Create(); Now, all you need to do, is create a form that will allow the user to enter the text they see, and then submit that form back to one of your PHP pages, where you can then get the Posted Form variable, and compare it with the session value.. If it is correct, well, you know what to do!! I hope that helps!
  8. Well, it sounds like you have not made a connection to the database yet... Have you called the mysql_connect() function? And have you passed it valid parameters?? You should do something like: $connection = mysql_connect( "server", "username", "password" );$db = mysql_select_db( "shadow_member", $connection ) or die ("couldn't select databse."); I hope that helps!! Oh, and if you have used the connect statement already, then make sure it is correct..
  9. Counter-Strike (whether it is Steam or HL2) Tekken Tag Tournament Fable Might & Magic VIII Halo 1 & 2 GTA (All of them, even the 2D ones were addictive when they came out) Final Fantasy Series (Except the originals in 2D, I hated them ) Counter-Strike Counter-Strike Counter-Strike Yes I like CS.. my fav game of all time! I couldn't think of any more I would call favorite *that I've played*, and CS PWNS sooo much that I thought I would use it to fill in the gaps!
  10. I think first, it would help to know the data type of the values in your array, but in any case, I don't think it matters as long as your hardware can support such extreme sizes (in other words, do you have enough RAM?)..On an off-note, why are you using such large arrays? Wouldn't it be possible to seperate your data logically into several smaller chunks first, so as to work with smaller arrays?
  11. I do believe they allow relative linking, and I don't think that absolute links are any slower, on the contrary, I would assume they are faster, given the fact that relative links must be implicitly converted to an absolute link..
  12. The meta tag would refresh the page *before* it loads tho..
  13. <body onload="window.setTimeout('window.location.reload()',1000);"> The 1000 = 1 Second...
  14. You could create custom DTDs and host them on your server, then point your pages to use that DTD.. But then most validators wont validate for you cuz you're not using an approved DTD...Besides the fact that creating a new DTD just to validate new tags in an XHTML document is rather pointless, as the extensibility of it is good enough as it is..Anyway, try google searching for "Custom DTDs" and stuff..
  15. It would be good to note, that although the Skype program is free and you can talk to anyone with the Skype program, the Real Phone number, the ability to call land-lines and the voicemail are all extra packages that cost money..But Skype is still a cool program!
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