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Everything posted by Inspiron

  1. You may like to take reference from the following sites.. Upgrade Guide: Install a Bigger, Faster Hard Drive http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ How to partition and format a hard disk in Windows XP https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/17418/windows-7-create-format-hard-disk-partition Hard Disk Installation & Set-Up Guide http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ [PDF] How Do I Partition And Format My Hard Disk Using XP Set-Up http://xphelpandsupport.mvps.org/404.html
  2. I see that many don't understand why they are getting far less speeds than their subscribed subscriptions offer. Probably you are already getting the best speeds already, yet you didn't know.Here's how it explains..If you are subscribed to a broadband service, whether DSL, cable, satellite or any broadband services, with a 3500 kbps plan for example.Kbps = Kilo-bits per secondKBps = Kilo-bytes per secondYou maximum download speed you will see during your download is (for a maximum) : 3500 kbps / 8 bits = 437.5 KBps Likewise for your upload speed.So for Sirius's case, he is subscribed to 1105 Kbps service.What he will see in his downloads will be (for a maximum) : 1105 Kbps / 8 bits = 138.125 kBpsBut he's reported that he downloads at 135 kB/s, which means it's incredibly fast! Almost hitting it's maximum speed limit.
  3. I guess you can find more Forefox hacks over here a: http://www.oreilly.de/book_details.php?masterid=
  4. Hi.. I'm not a Linux user, rather an idiot on using Linux. But I've searched the Internet and found these that might help.. http://www.alegsa.com.ar/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Refer to the Palm Pilot part http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  5. Linear Inequalities How to draw linear inequalities by graphing : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.purplemath.com/modules/syslneq.htm How to solve linear inequalities (with examples) : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.iyfnmi.com/?dn=mathematicshelpcentral.com&pid=9POE4P5QV http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ System of linear Equation Basics : http://mathworld.wolfram.com/LinearSystemofEquations.html http://www.purplemath.com/modules/systlin1.htm https://www.yahoo.com/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Coincident http://www.mathnstuff.com/math/spoken/here/1words/c/c22.htm Try search google for the terms and more of their information.
  6. Skype is able to call landlines, or fixed-lines, but for a fee. You need to subscribe to them in order to call from a computer to a fixed-line or a computer to a mobile phone. Skype is only free for calling PC-to-PC, with multiple users connected together in a conference and excellent for its voice and bandwidth quality. Skype has a additional add-on, created by its fans, to enable video conferencing, for free. Google Talk is going quite the same way as Skype. Not much of a difference rather. Just how you trust their products. No add-on for video conferencing yet, but it might be soon, for sure.
  7. Yeah... This freeware basically gets a normal-sized picture file into a huge poster that you see along the streets or in the exhibitions..The process requires quite a large amount of memory if you are going to use it for publication for it's highest quality.Very simple program. Just that very function it can do...
  8. Hey guys, there's a new game that is very similar to Command and Conquer series. It's called, Act of War : Direct Action. Web Page : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Screenshots : Download the Demo : Single Player : http://www.gamershell.com/download_8049.shtml Multiplayer : http://www.gamershell.com/download_9001.shtml Even the demo rocks...! If you like Command and Conquer series, you will love this... Trust me... !
  9. Ok man, you gonna thank me for this... Here's what I've got for you.. Here's the web source :http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  10. NoNo...! I guess you just wanted to direct visitors to a dedicated site meant to their browser specification. If this is true, the method you are doing issn't quite right. It would still work, just require extra resources and memory since it's dealing with transitions between pages, opening and closing. The proper method for browser detection can be easily found on the internet. They can detect browsers used by visitors and do to your request as programmed in the script. Now this require javascript knowledge. If you didn't have some, probably you would need to post step-by-step request so the people in this community, javascript geeks i meant, can help you in no time. Anyway, the browser detection scripts can be found at these sites: http://www.quirksmode.org/js/detect.html http://www.webreference.com/tools/browser/javascript.html http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.keynote.com/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  11. Yes it should. He's still new to this forum so I guess he doesn't know the rules quite well. Hope the Moderators would give him some chance. Anyway, the details of his post were taken from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  12. Because all the security vulnerabilities happen behind your back without your knowledge. No one knows what's happening until it has already happened. Here's another post of Microsoft's release of another patch recently: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/28640-microsoft-plugs-windows-worm-holes-14-flaws-in-windows/= In other OS, things like these seldom happen. Users of other OS have peace of mind using their computer for personal or businesses. You cannot afford to have errors, problems with the computer or the network in businesses. If security issn't tight in Windows, businesses will have problems running. That's one reason why most internet servers are based on Linux and not Windows, because they cannot afford to have the network going down.
  13. Hey dude, firstly .rmvb stands for RealVideo Variable Bit Rate File. So sensibly, play it with Real Player. http://www.real.com/de Here you can find more information about this extension : http://filext.com/file-extension/RMVB
  14. It's just a film that produces light. It's very thin, well suited for new-age mp3 players and mobile phones. If computer monitors or television screens are also made with this technology, they would be even thinner than the current flat screen television. You can find more about this technology here... http://www.wave-report.com/tutorials/oled.htm
  15. Inspiron

    Amd Vs Pentium

    AMD as compared to Intel generally gets hotter faster. For that, it gives slightly faster processing speeds ideal for games. That's where AMD needs more cooler and fans than Intel.As for Intel, its the opposite. It has a reputation there for its stability, and therefore comes in high prices. Because of this, more companies that wanted to be called as professionals take Intel for its reputation. Afraid to be called as cheap companies, they wouldn't get AMD because its cheaper than Intel by fact.AMD however will be a market favorite very soon for its low prices and high performance. Generally AMD is used by individuals than organisations.Gaming organistions are exception, of course you always see them having AMD computers...
  16. You can also find this exact topic from an HTML webpage here : http://www.theeldergeek.com/slipstreamed_xpsp2_cd.htm Other alternatives of Slipstreaming Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2), visit these sites : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ https://www.petri.com/windows_2000_xp_sp_slipstreaming http://www.motherboards.org/articles/guides/1483_1.html http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.osnews.com/story/8493
  17. Inspiron

    Style Xp?

    Generally these skinning softwares takes up lots of memory to skin your computer and give proper look and feel theme. The scripts in the various themes will take up even more memory for processings and skinning your computer.If you didn't experienced any slowdowns or insufficient memory, you probably have more than 512MB ram or your computer doesn't have an anti-virus or a firewall software, or any programs that takes huge resources upon computer startup.Or else these skinning programs will basically finish up all your memory, leaving you a beautiful desktop but slow in responds time and lagging behind every mouse clicks. Worst still, it may take hours to open Microsoft Words, Photoshop or Adobe Reader. Needless to say if you are launching to play an impressive 3D game.If you want to have a reliable and speedy computer, discard the beautical cosmetics of your desktop. If you want extra speed, disable Windows XP theme, giving you the look of Windows 98 or Windows 2000, except that its alot faster.What's there from skins if a computer is made for performance?
  18. I guess that script only work for IE. Firefox probably would work but I'm pretty sure Opera doesn't. Needless to say other lesser known browsers.I'm also afraid that you have posted this topic in the wrong forum. This forum is about "Security Issues & Exploits" and not for a javascript that snooze the time with a user specified sound.You seem to be new to this board so probably the moderators would just give you this chance..
  19. As Tyssen has noted about the compatibility with IE, I'll take this chance to say that having CSS on webpages can be cool and easy management of the look and feel of the webpages. However, CSS can also cause huge and major compatibility problems and errors on different browsers. Fortunately, Firefox browser is able to respond quite close to IE, but still a little issue if you have been noticing and developing webpages for long.Unfortunately, Opera and other browsers appear quite differently from Firefox and IE. Developing HTML webpages has been easy for me. Instead of javascripts, CSS is the real headache when I view my developed pages on different browsers as they need to look identical on different browsers to be of industrial standard. I took alot of time of this compatibility issue.Definately I'm not going to ignore the look and feel for Opera users and focus on Firefox and IE.The alternative method that Tyssen pointed is a very good example for the compatibility issue. Another one is the iframe transparency, which Opera doesn't follow the CSS methods that Firefox and IE does.Worst still, the usages for the CSS 2, a next generation of CSS, where multimedia can be added, from images to flash, audio to video, to provide the worst case compatibility issue.My point to we developers out there is to download different browsers and test your webpages on them before publishing on the Internet. I bet you wouldn't want visitors using different browsers to leave a bad impression on your site if the looks are not as what you expected..Happy developing..
  20. Hmmm... A free domain is something I've been longed for..To the requirements:1. You must already have your site hosted by Xisto. - I've my own site running and hosted by Xisto.2. Your site must have been up for longer than two months. - It's probably up for more than 6 months.3. You need to reply to this topic with reasons why you should receive the domain instead of the other competitors. - I've been a loyal member who uses only Xisto to host webpages - I did not spam in the forums. - I only post when I know it is going to help the topic starter rather than a comment for achieving hosting credits. - I did not host illegal items and/or stuffs on Xisto. - I always try to help as much as I could to the Xisto community. - I've been inviting friends to Xisto service. - Most importantly, I respect the admins and mods and the superb service of Xisto.4. Moderators and admins cannot enter. - I'm just a member, but a loyal one.Hope I can qualify. Thanks for this offer by the way...
  21. Well, I've seen something exact to this post before somewhere. For HTML web version, visit these sites.. http://www.theeldergeek.com/upgrading_to_windows_xp.htm http://www.techist.com/forums/f14/visualboy-advance-help-3613/ Thanks for that information...
  22. Probably it's some settings to my account?I've used different browsers, didn't help either.
  23. My Linksys BEFW11S4 had recently lost sensitivity to wireless connections and often had drop packets. Pinging the router replies with "Request timed out".I'm thinking of getting a new wireless router. I've not used other brands before but thought of changing brands as I'm afraid another Linksys product might cause the same problem. However, as Linksys is part of Cisco, I feel a certain sense of sercurity in Linksys products.I'm not sure which brands I should get.This poll might give alot of help to me and also please leave comments and suggestions so I can decide on the best brand to go for.Thanks in advance.
  24. I'm very sure that the problem is not from the speed of the server because I'm been using this service for about 1/2 ayear already and the situation didn't improve. Rather it should be a configuration or a bug that is existing causes this problem.I hope an administrator can help.
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