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Everything posted by Inspiron

  1. Yeah.. I love Command and Conquer game series..I used to play since the primitive Red Alert until the current Command and Conquer Generals : Zero Hour.Yuri's Revenge is nice.. but since Zero Hour is already out, i'd think Zero Hour is better Kindda obvious..Hope a new series of Command and Conquer will release soon..
  2. 1) Shut down auto-protect antivirus and firewall if you are not online2) Shut down MSN, ICQ, skype, and all broswsers if you are not online3) Shut down any media players4) Close applications that does not require for startupLastly, the most effective way..5) Buy new and more RAMs...
  3. I don't think it is possible for you to install the copy of Windows XP on another harddrive since the WPA also checks for Hard Drive Volume Serial Number as mentioned by zoomingrocket. Every hard drive has different volume serial number. It's not a software code where it can be easily changed. Rather I think it should be a serial number fixed and attached to the physical drive itself, resulting the serial number to be unchangable.You can however find some software on the Internet that bypasses the WPA after installing Windows XP on another device. But you will have to do it on your own risk as this is no difference from hacking..
  4. Your description of your current status of computer is too brief..I'd suggest uninstalling programs that you no longer need and clear all cache and temp files. Also, remove unwanted auto-startup programs as they really slows down your computer alot during booting...Also, avoid 2 anti-virus and 2 firewall softwares running at the same time.. It usually crashes your system instead..
  5. Top on my list is the classical musical, "The Sound Of Music".. Then next is "Miss Saigon"..I remembered playing music pieces from "Miss Saigon" in a band and it felt great..
  6. It can't shutoff anytime without any causes.. I believe as what you said, to be the fault from the power supply. Try getting another one with high power..I don't think it was caused by your RAM.. If there's any error that caused by the RAM, your computer would most probably reset during bootup and you'll need to reconfigure the BIOS settings..
  7. I've found some stuffs and find them interesting.. Would like to share them here... It summerises well as for products in the past decade as the new year comes... Top 10 BEST products of the decade https://gen.xyz/ Top 10 WORST products of the decadehttps://gen.xyz/
  8. I've found some differences about Blu-Ray and HD-DVD... I think for now, we shouldn't buy one of the technologies because they are still fighting to become the market standard. It's definately highly priced, even for it's disc. Both have their advantages, but we still cannnot use both technologies in a single device yet. It's best that we wait for them to settle down while their prices drops, and get a DVD player that is capable of handling both Blu-Ray and HD-DVD standards, like how dual-DVD players worked for DVD+ and DVD- standards now.. So what's the big deal between them? We'll just wait and see.. Anyway we're the consumers and shall make use of both their advantages, rather than supporting either one to become a standard and limits the other to our own use..
  9. I came across this topic when I was having an open discussion in my school. We were discussion if the use of law is able to solve all technological problems upon the uprising technology advancement.I find this an interesting topic for us to be aware of the Laws around us in the use of IT and its technologies. Meanwhile I could also use some examples what you guys may provide when this topic is discussed again next week in my school.Anyway this is what I think.. I think the presence of Law may deal a certain level of feedback to offenders. However it certainly cannot stop because there is always someone out there on this planet trying to destroy some networks to achieve and steal stuffs for just being greedy. Worst still, they do it without any objectives, or plainly for the fun of it..So what's your views? Is the use of law able to solve all technological problems?Any examples?
  10. It all depends on our own preference.. Probably Microsoft would inside a toolbar inside Internet Explorer in the next Windows Vista such that the MSN maps would be easily accessed without downloading any more software, could prove convenience.. Google maps, as we all know it, is alot better then MSN map, can however lose out when people uses MSN maps because it is just convenient, no hassle to download and install another program or something..For me, I'll definately use Google for sure..
  11. Yeah... You can also do it with Windows GUI in Display Properties too.. That should save the trouble of searching inside the RegEdit and safer too..
  12. I've read another news on the leap second on http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ According to this article, this year will be the 23rd year to include a leap second since 1972. And the previous leap second that was inserted was 7 years ago. Meaning, we're all actually lagging behind time by 23 seconds from the real time assuming no leap seconds were introduced. And also if calculated, by year 2800, we're all lagging behind the real time by 1 day (24 hours).. Wow...!
  13. Firefox is not created with Visual Basic however. Rather it's impossible to believe that Firefox is created with Visual Basic because Microsoft owns Visual Basic and this language isn't free. So if Firefox is created with a paid programming language, then why it would be distributed free?I'm not sure but I have a feeling that Firefox is created with C++ language..
  14. I think in a way Google is keeping a database of phone numbers for another of its project or something.. This could be some huge comunication project.. Who knows..?Anyway that still optional for us to signup via mobile phone. We can still ask around for an invite on the PC and probably its still safer...
  15. It's also possible to do it with VB.NET. The internet browser created with Visual Studio actually takes the properties and settings configured for the Internet Explorer (IE) browser on your computer. So basically, in other words, you have created a customised IE rather than your own browser.
  16. Just upload all the contents of the php script into 1 directory on your webhost and follow the documentation provided from the php script itself. It shouldn't be a problem. Installing a php script is just simply uploading the contents and configure the variables to suite your needs or the webhost's read/write permissions..
  17. Hmm.. Seems like we can see more exact information here.. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I'll be waiting for the new player to be launched.. Hopefully it doesn't slows down when loading now..
  18. Wow.. These are indeed very good security tools.. I guess it doesn't only work for Linux cos most work well with Windows too.. And here's my contribution to add on to the list.. Cain & Abel - A Password Recovery Tool for Microsoft Operating Systems http://www.oxid.it/projects.html
  19. It says renewal after 1 year cost money. Then can we ignore it if we doesn't want to continue holding on the domain name or if we must pay for renewal charge after 1 year?
  20. I guess he will go crazy reading all the posts since there are many alternatives to remote accessing a computer. Anyway I'll summarise them.. More Information About VNC Website : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VNC These are the common remote computing software. There are many others where you can find them on search engines. However they may lack of support and documentations that you can seek help to.
  21. That is certainly a good news. If this is true, a new Google document standard will definately be formed and become a more commonly used tool than Microsoft's. Where can we download these software from Google? Or is it still under development?If Google goes on and develope an OS and distribute for free, then we'll say bye bye to Microsoft and watch it dominated by Open-Source and Free-Source community..
  22. It's probably your settings that you could have changed in Firefox or you have been infected with a virus. My Firefox 1.5 with FasterFox works perfectly... No browsing problems, unviewable pages or download error or whatsoever.. It's still working perfectly alright.. The only thing I'm now experiencing is faster browsing speeds with FasterFox..It jerks the network settings? No, it tweaked only Firefox configurations so enable full speed for every tab or window to load. It does not, or rather never touches your computer's network settings. Once you uninstalled Firefox, the fasterfox tweaks will also be removed because it stays together with Firefox only.If you are trying to let us know that what the information you provided is true, include the source. Firefox users will be glad to know if this is true..
  23. There are guides to remove spyware and malware from Symactec.. You guys may like to check it out.. https://www.symantec.com/security_response/landing/risks/
  24. Hey hey hey... Put that in quote tags or the moderators shall penalise you for that..Anyway, I've already felt that Symantec seemed to be vulnerable to attacks afew years ago when I was using Norton AntiVirus 2000. Their products are running real slow on any computers, worst still resulting bootup times to about 1 minute longer.. I cannot stand such speed.. But I cannot deny that Symantec issn't working well. They seem to catch every viruses that other free antivirus software don't. The way they make people update their software makes me suspicious about vulnerability issue. The update program seem to open another gate to welcome virus if we don't pay for subscription with Symantec, it seemed to be though might not be true.I believe Symantec will lose in the market if some other anti-virus software companies load their programs faster, free and catches viruses and threats more efficiently than Symantec..
  25. No Firefox, use Opera then.. Internet Explorer still have a long way to go to become our favourite browser again...
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