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Everything posted by Sprnknwn

  1. Oh, this is a very interesting code, yet really long I'll try to give it a look patiently this weekend and see if I can follow all the steps. Thank you for sharing it.
  2. I'm only pro-surgery for serious medical purposes. So I'm totally against changing your face or body just to look nicer or younger. Why do you want to look like you have 10 years less when you are going to die at the same age. It's no use to skip to a previous generation. And I must say that these surgery is easily recognizable. You may know who have done it if you look carefully... in some cases are more evident.I also think it's like a drug. First you only want to get rid of something that makes you feel ugly. But then, you like the results and you feel the urge to "improve" yourself to be the perfect man or woman. And imagine if we all did plastic surgery, having the same icons, actors, actresses, top-models, etc, we would all look the same. It would be boring, alienating and terrible.
  3. Love this post. I go with the "smoking" answer, and it's winning so... I can't discuss on this but I think a circle it's a circle and yes, it's also a polygon with so many angles that the eye can't see them and the final look is curved and sharpened. Both things, or one thing forms another, whatever. I need more inspiration to answer properly.
  4. Well, the fact with fast food is that really taste good to a lot of people, especially children, although it's awful for our body. It would be great if simply healthy food tasted good and unhealthy food tasted bad, but since it's not so easy, we have to be responsible. The same way that we don't do what we like when we like (like obeying rules, laws, social conventions, etc), we should know where is our limit in eating food that we know it's not healthy. And of course parents should put some limit for their children.
  5. I'm from the south of Europe, Spain. Some people say it's the beggining of Africa but I'm from Bilbao (Basque Country) in the north. Near France indeed. I don't know if there's anybody else form Spain at the trap.You should have put Asia in that poll because I believe there's a huge asiatic comunity here.
  6. Yeas, the blue is too bright. And well, in fact I don't think this is much of a template... I see a background and three blue squares with transparency. You should have some structure there, where to put the links, navigation bar or whatever. So you have a graphic idea but not a template on its own. You say you haven't finished... it would be better to show it in a more advanced step.
  7. I go for Albus because I like the render more. I don' like that font though, I found it awful. But I don't like neither the repetition of that simple font in Ridwan's one, sorry. So:Ridwan sameer: 0Albus Dumbledore: 1
  8. Spiderman 3 although I think it's gonna be a waste of time and money... but I am some kind of masoquist viewer Shrek 3 could be good... Oceans 13... I don't know, doen't appeal to me.
  9. Well, you have to think that some years later when yous school time will be over you'll have to work a lot of hours a day and you'll miss the school, you have to believe me. Now I wish I were a little boy and I spent my time in the school where your responsibilities are much more light. You should try to make the best out of your school period, because it will be the base of your knowledge and there you start to develop as a person
  10. Cats for me. I love their independent character, they're much like me. It's not like your dog that you have to look after him constantly, cats are in that sense more like an equal partner, while the dog is obviously subordinated to the human. I like the fact that a cat have no fear about you, so it's like a symbol of freedom and dogs are symbol of some kind of natural slavery. I suppose that dogs are more friendly for kids though.
  11. I choose Wii. Obviously is the weakest from a graphic point of view and that's no discussion. But I think that is the best by far because of his control, which is a truly innovation that put consoles a little closer to what we know as virtual reality. It's a risk that Nintendo has taken and I think it's pretty cool. And I don't mind if the graphics are poor or even the same as GameCube ones at least there are good games for multiplayer fun, which is always the strong point of nintendo consoles.Besides, nowadays lot of people complain about children playing consoles all time and not wanting to make exercise. It's not the same but at least they move while play videogames that is better to sit in the sofa for hours I guess.
  12. I don't think the next step in web browsers is going to be the jump to integrate completely web2.0 features. The browser evolve slowly, especially look at the firefox with all the periodical fixes and that... so the evolution will be more gradual and we probably won't be able to draw the line at the point in which web browser should be called as web2.0 browsers until some years pass and we can see it with some perspective.
  13. This search thing happens everywhere. You can put "and" in google but... you aren't bound to find nothing interesting I guess. You have to exercise your brain a little more and try to do a clever search. Anyway I think that if we search for everything we post, nobody would talk because there are so many topics that it's difficult to talk about something else, apart from the news and new technology, software, computers, etc. But I don't think that mods are so strict, I have red a lot of posts like "what do you prefer Explorer or Mozilla/Dreamweaver or Frontpage" in the time I have been around here. And it's ok, if it's not too redundant. But of course, there are people capable to make the same topic that someone posted two rows bellow. Some because haven't noticed, some because want credits at all cost. I think mods do it well.Anyway, in this funny thread I have learnt that jews are supposed to be constantly complaining?
  14. Good sig, cool effect and funny theme. Maybe it would be good that you mention those problems you've come across. Most of us haven't CS3 still and is always better when you're aware of these things beforehand.
  15. I suppose admins are still dealing with the problems derivated from the necessary hdd change some weeks ago. So we can do nothing but be patient. Anyway, as Sm said, Fantastico is not so vital, you can make your website without it, probably it's more difficult but you'll learn more things that definitely a good webmaster should know. In fact I've never used it.
  16. Opaque spoke so there's no discussion here. But for me it's totally unconceivable that one user of a free webhosting uses that account to give free hosting to others... the server will suffer for lot of people using only one account. I wouldn't even propose something like this, doesn't seem fair to me.
  17. I suppose I'm lucky. This time I haven't noticed any downtime nor in my website neither in the forums. Probably some update, as it's usual because today I have to log in again, as it usually happen when they upgrade something.
  18. This looks really interesting although I'm never sure if these kind of programs are really worthy to develop websites, because if you don't know codes really well you aren't going to come with anything good, no matter that the program you use is the best. Anyway, as PHP is such a common language I suppose there must be a program like this but fully freeware, with similar features to what this one offers in the "professional" version.
  19. I suppose that you shouldn't pass too much time in front of a computer because although you are sitting, you would be better in a sofa or a bed than in a chair. Yes, it will be boring probably... but it's your health. I think there are lots of good suggestions here, but anyway, ask a doctor... it's their job.
  20. Don't know the answer but I think you should not write in that font size and colour. Some mod may warn you for that.As t3jem said I think there should be an option in the menu... and of course, notice that you'll only be able to play in network if you have bought the original game.
  21. I'm also suffering from these mysql connect errors here and there that dissapear after refreshing but that are, like you all said, really annoying sometimes. I hope it will stabilize soon...
  22. I'm experiencing some "little" problems whose nature I am not able to define. Some mysql errors here and there that go away when you refresh and some strange behaviors for example uploading images... I suppose that also related with mysql but I cannot determine. And I have a "date" field in a couple of tables that seem to have gone one day before. I had a backup two days before the change that I know it was ok, but the result importing it is the same. As I said they're minor problems that probably I will get the way to solve on my own but undoubtedly they're related to the HDD change. I only put them here to let you know, just in case it could help to solve other users problems.
  23. Yes, I know people was complaining over and over again, and I don't support that... in a a free hosting like this. It's really selfish. Admins are human beings and you can't expect them to work for each user for free. Anyway, based on previous experience, I think Opaque does it and pretty well. But I think is better to let the people talk about the problems in their sites than shutting their mouths because this way they'll feel unheard... when we know that it's not like that. As for the cpanel I don't know much, so I was just asking. I didn't know that CpanelX was the newer version and I didn't know that it had more features (it doesn't look like it, at first sight) but I found the previous version better, at least visually... for example the first thing I noticed is that there isn't a direct link to phmyadmin (probably the feature I used most) and you have to enter first in mysql databases. Anyway, I'll get used to it... as I said before, I was only asking, not really complaining. Sorry. EDIT: To say that I can enter phpmyadmin now
  24. We told what happened in the other post and now is closed so this is probably going to be closed soon also. Be patient, I know it's hard but I'm sure they're working on it. Anyway I don't understand why did they close the other post, because Opaque told us to keep him informed on possible errors after change and that's what we were doing... my problem is still that I cannot access to phpmyadmin. I also don't understand why the panel has changed and if this is temporary or not, because I liked the other most.
  25. Hahaha, congratulations to Bangladesh. Anyway, I don't think that we all know about it... I guess some people even don't know what cricket is about. I only know that there's a ball and something between a bat and a racket (without cords) and that is something very british. But is funny that England is beaten by their ancient colonies in this sport.
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