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About wassie

  • Rank
  • Birthday 04/20/1988

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    the bath-tub...
  • Interests
    helping people :P

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  1. My Name is Miss Miracle Goodwill.

    I saw your Profile today at www.knowledgesutra.com and i became intrested in you, and I will also want to know more, I want you to send mail to my email address so I can give you my picture for you to know whom am.I think we can move from here.I am waiting for your mail to my email address (Remember the distance or color does not matter but love matters a ...

  2. My Name is Miss Miracle Goodwill.

    I saw your Profile today at www.knowledgesutra.com and i became intrested in you, and I will also want to know more, I want you to send mail to my email address so I can give you my picture for you to know whom am.I think we can move from here.I am waiting for your mail to my email address (Remember the distance or color does not matter but love matt...

  3. Happy Birthday, just from a random guy... :)

  4. well in the newspaper there was this article that scientists could control pigeons with chips in their heads... so look out, maybe one day you will wake up surrounded by evil penguins and sea turtles... which like sing punk and stuff... and they'll use that as a torture method... be afraid!
  5. hey welcome back :Pif your an old member, you might remember me
  6. i play Americas army for almost 5 years now...i'm a true vetran, but i see your clan is all from America.give me your ts ip and stuff so i can play with you guys, just for fun
  7. i like school in more ways,first of:my friends, i always laugh at school, not a day i am bored.second, the other pupils, you can laugh at them if they make something ugly :Pthe thing i dont really like is that you go there to learn something, but just dont learn anything at school,i'm working with a company for a year (have to do that for school) and i learned more than 3 years of school.
  8. make the other render blurry 2else it wont blend in, or just the left side that could be 2,do something more with your font. The non blurry render make the contrast less, and with the other render,if you want to make it more sharp, i got a method for it, but what you can also do it duplicate it and gaussian blur it, and than go to edit>Fade gaussian blurand put the blending mode 2 darken. You'll get a cartoonish style, do that with your other render and it will blend in more.good luck
  9. lol do you mean anything with that render? :Dthanks man i like it
  10. well i just use hotmail,cause probably gmail has way more service thingys and is faster and what ever. But the thing is, i don't use all of that. Hotmail is still really a common name and brand, if people ask you for your mail, the thing they usually put behind it is @hotmail.comGmail is easy for somethings but not really for me, maybe for storage. Hotmail is doing fine for me
  11. hmmm the renders... well render world or something is the best i think, make a couple of posts, and you can get in the premium part if i'm not mistaken. Or just go to google and search for renders or something close to that. Thats how most people come with their renders. Or another thing you can do is go to deviantart or look it up with google, search for 'Render package'. You have tons of those.Fonts, thats the hard part, what i tend to do is save all the fonts i ever used, also the ones i downloaded on dafont or whatever. Put them all into suitcase or some other program that handles fonts. And just scroll till you find the good one. Its allways a struggle to find the good font.
  12. i would recruit like, mentally perfect penguins and sea turtles.they will fight for me and we will take over the world together...yeah this will work!cause they can throw like milk and stuff... and soft things, and they can cuddle you to death...fear me...
  13. i got a samsung D900,But cause it was in the sales and things, everybody has it now... i had it befor the hype...
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