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Everything posted by t3jem

  1. I would bring it up to the school board, get everyone from your organizations to sign a petition and stuff. I know at my school there is much support for school organizations, so I'm sure it's a matter of the school view on things, so I definitly suggest petition the school board and you can even get parents involved too.
  2. Never heard of it, but it would be nice for a link, then I could find it. I'll google it anyways, but might be nice to have a link as some people would be too lazy to google :rolleyes:EDIT: I found their website, the problem is there doesn't seem to be much information on gameplay and things. What's the game like? how's it play, what does it compare to bigger games such as World of Warcraft and Everquest? I couldn't find any of this on the site so I'm not going to waste time downloading, will check back to see your opinion though.Edit: Thanks for posting the link to the ad, I'm downloading now, looks interesting so i'm going to try it. A match up against larger MMORPGs would still be helpful though if you've played them before, if not then in a week or two I should be able to provide comparisons to Anarchy Online at least.Last Edit: Ok, so i finally finished downloading the game and completed the tutorial thing. It's an ok game; however, the interface threw me off, you have to click to move, whereas in most major games of the same genre you can move using W,A,S,D. The whole skill control is difficult at first as well. I think that anyone looking into this game should just stick with runescape unless you don't mind waiting about 10 hours for the download. Once you download the 1.7GB client you download all the files again as updates. I didn't seem to load anything smoothly in game either, whenever I was loading a part of the world it would lag up and I couldn't move. When I went to the mainland I almost walked away from the computer for awhile because it lagged so much. I think anyone content with runescape should just stick with it; however, if your looking for a light world of warcraft replacement, this may just do the job.
  3. I've seen this, it's neat, but a bit impractical for the people who are on their computers all the time anyways, but great for the families that watch tv in the living room. So while they're watching TV or there's a party they could use the table and stuff. I don't think it'll revolutionize computing, but I do believe it's starting to bring computers into house furniture.Edit: ok, so i didn't see the video, just heard about the table. Decided to watch the video and the whole interacting with real items on the table (such as the glass) and stuff, that's unbelievable. Maybe it'll be more than just a cofee table, lol
  4. I got the same, thing, what browsers is this supposed to work in? I use firefox.
  5. This is very helpful. I was actually planning on adding adsense to my website soon (as soon as it starts getting visitors). Thanks for the tips, i will definitly keep them in mind.
  6. Dude, and I though 5GB from tribes vengence was big. That's completely out of my league, i would need to buy an external just for the game. Looks neat though, I bookmarked it, will try when I get my new computer probably (My current one wouldn't run very well) and when I get a USB joystick. Thanks for the find though, very interesting. I see the biggest downside (haha, pun) is the diskspace that is required, but other than that, i'd give it a try. Maybe my desktop could run the demo *thinks about trying*. I'll probably test it some other time.
  7. hahaha!! that's awesome!! completely hilarious. That's a good one, i'm going to have to use that sometime
  8. Well, I don't know of any resources, but one thing you could do is think of any real world situation and then fix it. such as "a user comes up to me and asks for a page that users can use to send email to him without them finding out his email address". Or you could do something completely different. If that doesn't work you could go around the web and look at websites that are built with PHP and try and rebuild the PHP part of that website.
  9. I actually made a solar system in glut before, I found it very easy, it comes with a single line of code that creates the sphere and it doesn't take much more to texture it. I've never programmed in java before, but I think I would go with GLUT it is a nice to know.
  10. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/404612 That's a pretty fun game. It's based off of Valve's portal game, except it's 2D quite fun.
  11. My website 3dquid.t3jem.trap17.com is dedicated just to hosting the 3d quidditch game I made. I believe it is the very first 3D 14 player quidditch game to date and i'm excited about it. It's nowhere near completion and should probably be classified as alpha version rather than beta, but oh well. My site only gives updates about what i'm doing with it, features, planned features, a download, and an email page to send me messages and or questions.
  12. I've been programming since 7th grade (i'm in 12th now). I started out with my dad's old C++ book and then about a year later moved to OpenGL. I make games too, but mainly because I can't make anything else really; though, i am starting to get more into applications too now. I like more first person shooter games, but i'm working on a 2d scroller game for a contest just for time and ease. I've probably only completed 2 games (battleship and pong), but have incompleted about 3 dozen, I hope to finish this contest one though . I'm also working on a hobby game that is FPS genre except without the shoot-em-up. It's actually a recreation of the harry potter quidditch game except instead of only being 2-player like the EA games version it is 14 player and you can play as everything, I'm trying to make it as real as possible. It's no where near done, but you can get the beta version of it here. My compiler is microsoft visual C++ 6.0, i've been using it since I started. I do plan on getting a career in programming, but I'm not so hard set on game programming, I think i'd probably do better in application programming anyways. I think my biggest dream is to eventually work for Google, but I'm probably going to start out by working for IBM.
  13. I definitly vote Gmail. Hotmail may have 5GB now, but gmail has 4.5GB or somewhere close, and even with 500MB less space gmail does run nicer and doesn't have all the flashy looks hotmail provides that adds several seconds to loading times. I also love how i can chat with some of my friends through gmail. I was working with a friend on a website and all I had was his gmail address, didn't need to get his email and AIM, just his email and you can chat with your friends on the side while checking other mail. Also, Gmail comes with a google account so you have the same account for about 50 different google things including: orkrut, image portfolio, web space (100MB i think), igoogle (custom home page with widgets), spreadsheets and docs (write school papers on multiple computers without moving your files), and so much more. I think it's not just gmail that's better, but the whole google service. I've found that microsoft products are always way too bloated and just take up to much processing power/ bandwidth.
  14. This is great information, i'm glad you posted it, I hope it helps keep everyone safe and not just females. Guys can get mugged and abducted too, this is good information for guys too.
  15. I think I just tend to write the page, do all the pages the same then just add content to each of my pages. I never truly finish my main website, but rather keep on working on it. There may be times when I don't update for several months, but if I find there is something to add i'll add it. I never really plan my sites though.
  16. I think it's good that social networks, which would also include image sharing sites, are being watched. I'm sure they don't check every image uploaded, but probably randomly check images, especially from IPs uploading tons of images. If an IP is found uploading bad content then the IP's images are more thoroughly checked. I think it's good practice to protect the reputation of the site. In my belief anything on your computer or system you are allowed to view/filter/check. Images uploaded to image sharing sites fall under the jurisdiction of that site.
  17. Well, it sorta looks like she likes you. I would talk to her about it, like just ask why she always puts stuff on your desk and stuff. She may just be trying to strike up a conversation or just get you to notice her. But you should never let something bubble underneath, if you have a problem with somebody you should always let them know about it, but in a nice way.
  18. gah, didn't even catch this until now, dang, just a little too late, hope everyone else enjoyed their tacos though !
  19. I remember those days, vaguely though. I was really young. I think I only had a NES though, but I had a huge bookshelf of nothing but NES games though, it was pretty fun, but then something happened to it and we ended up selling everything. They definitly did make good games back then, too bad today's games aren't always that great.
  20. These specs look outdated. I have a desktop next to me at 1.5Ghz. It's horribly slow, even just for chat and internet; however, it does only have 390 MB of RAM. Even so, I would never suggest a system under 1.8Ghz, even if it was just for chatting, and if your getting a new computer you will need more to run Vista than just about anything else you'll do.
  21. I might get this for christmas or something, it's a good franchise, but I don't think it's worth the $100 to buy it. I also hope that they have good songs in this one. The second guitar hero had songs I wasn't into and didn't like, but the first one was really good. I can't wait to play, especially with the online capability. I'll be getting for wii if I do, will be very fun if my friend gets it too so we can jam together online. Thanks for the review though.
  22. haha, that was good, very interested in how someone would put up with making an entire movie in ASCII art.
  23. I too am looking into programming. I've taken 3 years of highschool programming; however, these programming classes have been more like a free period for me since I started programming in seventh grade. I self taught myself just about everything I know; however, I don't know as much as i even dream I did. I plan on going to college for a computer science degree. I program in C++ and OpenGL, I also know a bit of php, what are your favorite languages?
  24. I believe cell phones should be given to children who require it (such as kids who are constantly on trips and stuff and you want to get a hold of them), but not so they can get it just to talk to friends. I think the child should be ready for the responsibility when they get the cell phone. I didn't even really get my own cell phone until I was 16/17 (when I started driving) and that was because my parents needed a way to get a hold of me. So I don't think age should be set as the limit, but more on the need of the parents to get a hold of the child.
  25. Well, what does she want you to do? I assume she wants you to go back to her, but I could be wrong. If she does want you back what happened to make you two break up and what are your thoughts at the moment as to what to do. What are you asking us to advise you on?
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