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Everything posted by t3jem

  1. This worries me a little of course, but I think that even without tractor beams we have enough nuclear explosives to blow any size asteroid off course, if not to pieces. So I'm not too worries, I'm sure they will have no problem stopping this.
  2. awesome, I'm going to try this trick when my harddrive dies, sounds like it would work because when you freeze it the conductors are closer letting the electricity flow better, heating it up wouldnt work because if there is a crack or gap in the circuitry it will only make it bigger and prevent any data from being processed.
  3. After you reformat your harddrive and reinstall your operating system you will have basic drivers, but not all the drivers you need, I suggest before you reformat to download the drivers you will need (i.e. network card, wireless card) so you can install them after you reformat. I can tell you from experience it is a major pain if you don't have your drivers after a reformat. Hope this helps
  4. I don't think we have anything to worry about, because from my understanding of black holes and how they work they would never be able to make one on earth. The power of a black hole comes from its mass, black holes are made of tons and tons of matter squashed into a very small spaced refered to as a singularity. Because the Earth doesn't squish us into the ground I don't believe we could get enough matter to form a black hole here on earth.
  5. t3jem


    Thank you everyone and I am already enjoying Xisto just as much, if not more than Xisto.
  6. From my experience if the Power supply unit doesn't output enough power then the your computer will not run as good and will lag alot. (Found this out when I replaced a 10 year old video card with a 5 year old one, the newer one was twice as slow because it used too much power). I learned in my CISCO class that if the mother board is cracked (microscopically) then when it gets heated up the cracks will widen and the electricity cannot pass through the wires and crash the computer. The motherboard can crack when the computer is put together unprofessionally. If there are not enough stubs under the motherboard to keep it straight when the CPU is clipped onto it then the bending of the mother board can cause the cracks; however, I do not know how to test this other than find another way to heat up the motherboard without excersizing your computer (I.E. heater to the computer while in idle), I have never troubleshooted this before though. If your computer is from a major manufacturer it is likely this is not the problem, but if it was custom built or modified it could be. I hope this works for you, good luck.
  7. I don't have a favorite, but as long as it is good enough to make my breath smell nice and keep my teeth white i'm happy.
  8. I have a friend who is making money on ebay. What he does is he buys tons of merchandise in bulk then puts it all on ebay and sells them higher than he bought them (of course!). For example, he bought a few dozen calendars for 50 cents each, when he sold them all on ebay he got about 5 dollars each for them. Now if you could do this with more expensive stuff that sold higher and sell them in greater quantities you could make some good cash, but even if you didn't its still a nice second income to get.
  9. Wow, I would have never thought about this, I am glad that this came out long before it would happen. At least it will be fixed before the date occurs and save us from a lot of uneccessary trouble and annoyances. If this never got out and wasn't fixed there could have been a major disaster. I'm glad I know of this now for when im working on my programs to check this and make sure my applications will keep working.
  10. I actually use the windows live hotmail. You do get 2 Gigabytes of space and the layout is very nice. It is easy to use and look at your mail as well. The light version is alot like the old layout, but it loads alot faster. I love the extra space and its much easier to sort your email. I haven't used Gmail before, but from what I heard the live mail definitly competes now.
  11. The PS3 may have great graphics, but I still believe that the Wii is the better system because of the gameplay. The PS3 is so overpriced as well you could buy an Xbox 360 and Wii for about the same price as the PS3. The Wii actually puts you into the game and gives you excersize while playing, it gets the gamer off the couch and in the game. I have a Wii myself and I must say that it is the new generation of gaming, Nintendo is definitly going the right direction. As for the graphics, they are not that important during gameplay, the important part is how the game works. I could care less if the PS3 can create a scene so realistic you would bet it was real if you can't play it very well. I love the Wii remote and the nunchuck system. Boxing is one of my favorite sports games. The wii remote is the best controller for first person shooter games as well. the remote is perfectly suited for them and the nunchuck makes it so easy to move around. I think the Wii is the best next generation system hands down.P.S. juice I thought I would just add that Sony is having a huge problem getting the PS3 shipped and they are pushing to try and stay even rather than lose money. Not flaming or anything, just wanted to point it out
  12. t3jem


    Hello, Im T3JEMI like to program and play games. I also love to do some sports such as paintball, wakeboarding, and ATC riding (yes a 3 wheeler). I also like kneeboarding, i'm rather good at that . I program using OpenGL, C++, Visual Basic, HTML, Javascript, and CSS (not all together, but those are the languages I know). I plan to make a career out of programming, but I'm not yet sure into which feild (such as Operating System programming, or game programming). I hope to start a multi purpose website here at Xisto. I originally started a hosted account at Xisto, but then I found Xisto is easier post in (I'm not the best at technical talk). I hope to post a few OpenGL tutorials soon to help people program using GLUT.I hope everyone has a great day.
  13. I am against cloning humans, but not certain animals. We can clone extinct species or endangered species to protect/bring them back. I am against human cloning because there are already too many of us. Some countries are even limiting the number of children you are allowed to have (I.E. China's 1 child policy). We do not need to strengthen the problem by creating more of us. Cloning other animals such as cows could have benifits though. You could engineer cows with much more meat that can grow faster to help feed people who are starving. We can also clone endangered animals to help save them. Along with cloning I believe we would be able to learn more about the genome and how to change it and pick attributes that are helpful for a species and take out attributes that are harmful, such as lifetime and growth.
  14. I think the Wii is the best console that came out this year. I love how it puts you in the game. You actually get a workout while playing some of the games (the only reason I managed to get one from my parents actually ). It also has free internet capabilities; though, there are no games that use the online play yet I love the weather and news channel on it. I have Call of Duty 3 for the Wii and have played Red Steel for it and I must say that the Wii remote makes for a great weapon. The name may not be the best they could have chosen but it is always fun to make jokes with it . If I could get any of the new next generation consoles for free I would still choose the Wii, either that or the PS3 to sell and buy a new laptop . I think Nintendo did an amazing job with their new system and I can't wait till some more games come out for it.
  15. Out of the two you mentioned I would pick Dragon Ball Z because it has much more game play in it, I definitly had fun whooping my friend in that game on my second match . But I would also suggest Red Steal, though that probably would not be suitable for your brother it is definitly a very fun game to play.
  16. My favorite types of food are subs, spaghetti, and pizza. Mainly I really like almost all italian food, I'll eat other food, but I mostly eat italian... I think i'm going to get some food now
  17. haha, that is wrong. I'm so going to do this, very funny stuff. My friend is going to kill me when he finds out, but oh well, its fun enough . I think its his turn to be pranked anyways, seeing as he pushed my car across the parking lot last.
  18. If there was no internet I would probably be doing what I used to do before I had computers, I'd be riding my bike and going over friends' houses and stuff. I might have a little knowledge in programming, but since I learned almost everything from the internet I wouldn't be making games or anything. I'm glad the internet was created, if it wasn't i'm not sure where I would be, possibly straight As in school though
  19. The internet is one giant network of computers. The websites you go to are hosts with applications on them that, when requested, will send the web page to your computer. I'm thinking the only way that the internet could be completely taken out is if all the computers in the world were fried. You can host your own web page with your own computer with the right software so it would be just about impossible to destroy the internet ( short of using a massive electro static charge). Very interesting topic though. If someone did manage to destroy the internet I think I'd die .
  20. As much as I would like to get windows vista and try it out, I'm not going to upgrade to it just to give it a try. There is only one computer in my house that would be able to run it anyways, I may upgrade that because it's free for that machine. I think the best feature I have heard about it is the ready boost. When I get a new computer in a year or two I will upgrade though.
  21. My first gaming system was a NES I think, I was real young so I can't quite remember what it was but I do remember it was pixelated, yet enough to keep me busy. I still do like nintendo and their revolutionary Wii gaming system (have one myself too). I think Sony and Microsoft are working too hard on the graphics. My other favorite gaming system would have to be the PC , I just like how you can look around with the mouse rather than with an analoge stick, its easier for me, but Nintendo definitly has the right idea for the future of gaming.
  22. Mentos and coke is one of my favorite pranks to pull on my friends (they always drink diet coke at lunch) I just wait for them to turn around and when they reach for their soda again they find that it is spraying 2 feet in the air and they can't stop it. definitly a great way for kids to safely play with exploding chemicals
  23. Very good explanation, thank you. Helps me with what weapons I should use while playing, hopefully will help improve my game.
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