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Everything posted by t3jem

  1. Well, you could go into safe mode to delete them, that's what i would try. The virus should not start up in safe mode. Also, for future reference if you ever think you're going to download potentially dangerous software or go to potentialy dangerous websites use sandboxie, it's a wonderful program that works great at protecting your system.
  2. That is unbelievable, I sometimes have problems jumping into an 85 Ferenheit lake, there would be no way I could jump in freezing water. She must have trained very hard to not get sick from that. That is truely an amazing feat and I hope she gets recognition for it.
  3. I would love to do that. I heard about this on the radio today and thought that when I get older, I'll just have to go do this. It would be pretty cool just to drop everything your doing, hook up a few balloons and go floating in the sky for a few hours, then when you land, call up a friend and have them come pick you up . Definitly something I would try, just need a parachute (never did think about bringing one before).
  4. I actually saw this a couple moths ago. I was really looking into the wiiflash, but my computer doesn't have bluetooth. Instead I found that you can use javascript with the wii (go to the wii.nintendo.com faq). I havn't quite gotten into programming for it yet, i'm mainly waiting for wiiware to come out, but i can do the javascript thing when i get more time.
  5. I think tutorial subsections would be really helpful too. Like at Xisto they have tutorial subsections and it's easy to find what you want, but in the tutorial section here it's hard to find the type of tutorial you are looking for.
  6. I'm afraid I can't help anymore, I've only tapped PHP so i was looking at it from a C++ perspective. I wish you luck on finding the problem though.
  7. Alright, i think i see your problem. From looking at the code, it looks like you are checking to see if the three variables match and if they do then you want to execute some more code to do that, right? Well, the way you are doing it is through the echo command to execute the code if i'm correct. The problem is, that when you execute the code using the echo command, you used " for everything, including the code you were trying to execute, so when you reached another ", it would bring up an error. I think a better way to do that, would be to cut out the echo statements and just do it normally (like in C++). Now, when I do this, I get more errors and am not sure if that's from not having all of your files (include statements) or if they are other errors, I beleive they are other variable errors; however, since I really am not the best at PHP, I'll leave it up to someone else to figure out.I have attached the code I have modified for you to view. slots.php
  8. haha, I never saw that one, but I saw the episode where the house got mad at him and locked him out because he missed dinner, I couldn't stop laughing at that!
  9. Well yea, that's basically what i'm saying. When your blood pressure goes low your brain doesn't get enough oxygen from the blood, so it starts to shut down, that's why pilots can black out when they are in high G-force situations.
  10. I actually ended up watching most of the first season during the marathon a couple weeks ago. I really like the show, but i'll miss the first show of the second season because i won't be home to record it. I love the show, it's funny and smart (like me!).I especially liked the mutually assured destruction one (where the guy accidently started up that death ray).
  11. Well, it sounds like your at war with the chipmunks . Don't worry, I fight rodents too, just not chipmunks. I have to fight pack rats, they love cars; Though, I don't shoot them, i use traps and poison, really does stink when they die under your house (literally, it stinks). I've killed too many packrats to count, they always come back, at least my car is clean now . Well, good luck with those chipmunks!
  12. From what I have heard, blackouts occur from the lack of oxygen to your brain. That's why if you "lock your legs" while standing up you'll black out (had a friend fall on me once because of that). The noise, I've had that too, but i usually only hear it when it's absolutly silent, maybe that's the lack of oxygen to the ears too? I don't know, but hopefully this helps clear up the black outs a little.
  13. Well, don't mean to be harsh, but flipping in the middle of an intersection isn't safe, for anyone. You could've been killed. I'm sure you backed up traffic as people rushed over to help. It may have looked cool, but I would try to keep that kind of stuff off the public streets.
  14. If I had one day to live, I think I would try to bring my brother to the lord with more conviction. But not just him, I would talk to everyone I know about god. Unfortunatly, it seems that it would take death to get me to do what i should have been doing my entire life.
  15. I'm pretty sure it was just a gag, not a malicious attack. Also, when I held enter, my computer wasn't fast enough to keep up with my keyboard so it opened more pages! Luckily since i use firefox all i had to do was hit ok then press ctrl+f4 immediatly after.
  16. Wow, that's one heck of a dream. I probably would have woken up my whole neiborhood if i had that one. I haven't ever had a dream that vivid or realistic, in fact, I don't have many dreams at all. I think more imaginative might have more vivid dreams because the mind can imagine the dreams better; however, I'm not sure that is right since i've never looked into it.
  17. I live near the mexico border and do see many mexicans and have seen illegals crossing the border. I definitly do not want illegal immigrants coming into the country, they can get in legally through a process set up by the government (i know it may take years). The biggest issue I have with illegal immigration is that the illegals don't even learn english before coming here, then they demand that people interpret for them. Seeing spanish translations on a product in a store deters me from buying it, if they are going to illegally come into the USA they should at least learn our language. They are tresspassing on our land and should abide by our laws and pay our taxes. I don't think the tax payers should pay for illegals to be exported, but unfortunatly we have to. The new immigration bill (the one that will make thousands of illegals, citizens) should definitly make the illegals take a test and know english before they can become citizens. I beleive the illegals should be allowed to become citizens, but only if they follow the naturalization laws that other immigrants must follow.
  18. dude, that is awesome . I hope you don't mind if i use it . If you do please message me. I've got to show this to my friends, haha, thanks for the laugh!
  19. Allegiance (also known as free allegiance) is a first person shooter game that is heavely based on team play. It was hard for me to decide which section to place this game as it is a combonation of first person shooter, real time strategy, massively multiplayer, and simulation. The game is placed in space where you can have games as big as 200 people playing at once against each other with up to eight teams. You can have different rules, but the most common is conquerer (you control all stations in the game). You can download the game at https://www.freeallegiance.org/. Below is a more in depth review. history The game was actually made a few years back (2000 if memory serves) by Microsoft; however, due to under exposure and perhaps other forces, the game never became popular and a few years later microsoft dropped the game, made it public domain, released the source code, and stopped running the server. After this, some committed members of the allegiance community took up the task of keeping the game alive, they have their own server now and there are numerous modifications for the game. To this day the game is still updated. Fun fact: The game received the "Best game nobody played award" from gamestop in the year 2000. gameplay possibly the most attractive part of this game is the gameplay. This is not a simple first person shooter where you take your ship and go and kill the other team; instead, each team has a commander, the commander can be chosen by the team, or the previous commander can have designated the current commander, usually if the current commander leaves the game, it is given to the highest ranking player in the game. Being the commander is like being the player in a real time strategy game, you are given all the money of all your team mates by default (they can decide to stop donating though; however, it is against the rules if done without permission). With the money you are to research items in the research tree (it is a generously large research tree) to improve the vehicles and upgrades your team can get. The commander is also responsible for giving commands to all players (including non-real players). Players are not forced to follow orders, but giving orders helps keep your team organized and helps them know what to do. There are resources that must be collected by miners. Miners are required to receive orders by the commander, along with constructors. Some constructors require special rocks to build on. The commander also usually receives the most criticism in a game and is usually given credit for a win or loss; however, it's may not be the commander's fault. The real aspect to winning a game is teamwork and coordination. The best coordinated team has the upper hand and can easily take out opponent bases. If a team is uncoordinated, their base may be attacked, but it will not be defended by the team because they are out going rambo by themselves on the enemy base. There are countlessly different strategies a team can use to attack and destroy the enemy. For instance: in big games, teleport bases are often used to get to the other side of the system quicker and even to help quickly get to the enemy base or back home. graphics obviously not great, since it was made in 2000; however, it is very light on the computer and any semi-recent machine can easily run it. The graphics are not horrible either, it is easy to see, and the interface is quite nice; however, if you do not like the interface, you can easily modify it to a different look if you like. controls The controls are configurable and easy to understand, but if you want, you can even plug in a joystick and use that to play. The game has a virtual joystick too so you can use your mouse to turn or you can just stay with the keyboard to turn and everything. (I personally prefer the joystick, but shoot better with the mouse). All-in-all, I think this is the best game I've found so far, and it's free! It's fun to play and quite addictive, big games are extremely fun to play. The game also has protection for new players and has a simple yet effective tutorial. Try it out and have some fun, if i'm in the same game as you, you'll know, it's an easy name to see . I hope you try it out and have fun!
  20. I noticed I signed up for this awhile ago (I couldn't create a new account). Yea, not much pay, but you know, something is better than nothing, and seeing as i'm always on the computer with nothing to do this gives me a couple minutes of something to do . Thanks for bringing me back here, this time i'll bookmark the site .EDIT:Zak92, i'd add you as a referer, but1) i already signed upand 2) I never do the referer thing, sorry
  21. Well, what are you going to use this for? if its a forum or search engine, I would make it adjustable like many forums and google has, that way the user defines how many is too much. If that is too much, I'd probably scroll about 1-2 pages (I have widescreen, 2 pages is smaller for me than 2 pages on a regular screen).
  22. I think a good question to ask him, would be how much he likes/loves his girlfriend. Some guys tend to think they need a girlfriend and always try to have one; however, it seems that he loves you quite a bit and he may just be confused and doesn't want to break up with his current girlfriend if he isn't sure he can date you. That what it sounds like to me anyways, I hope this helped and everything works ok.P.S. Don't stop talking to him just because your in love with him, you don't want to lose a great guy because he has a girlfriend, just don't tempt him to cheat on his girlfriend.
  23. That's a cool thing to know, i'm sure someone will find it useful, but I must say its just a whole lot easier to use the key combonation windows+d.
  24. hehe, pets can be so funny sometimes. Well, my mom's dog is only about a foot and a half long (part maltese, part poodle) and white. When ever we sit down to eat she begs (my mom isn't a very good trainer), but we have taught her to be entertaining while she begs. Instead of standing on your knee, she'll actually stand on her hind legs and walk around. We can get her to walk back and forth around the house on her back legs several times.
  25. Lol, well, just goes to show ya, crimals are the the sharpest knives in the drawer. Haha, if it were here in the states I bet you the robber would sue the cops for not following the time out.
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