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Everything posted by t3jem

  1. Looks alot like a pyramid scheme, where do they get their money? They can't just pay people because they joined their site, there has to be an income for them too. Anyways, i didn't even look at the site, it sounds like just another scam.
  2. I'm actually doing a current even report on this. I think it's ridiculous, obviously it's not fun when you buy something and then a couple weeks later the price drops a significant amount; however, that's how business goes and you have to deal with it. It ludicrous that she is sueing apple because she couldn't wait for an Iphone, apple did nothing wrong in dropping the price.This is alot like the McDonalds case where a woman sued mcdonalds because she put coffee in her lap and spilled it and it burned her, she won, how ridiculous, anyways, i hope this woman loses, she has no right to that money.
  3. I love this feature, helps so much for my programming and cuts tons of time off so I don't have to open it up and save it again. It's also great for files that can be used as zip files but named something else, definitly a very useful feature.
  4. I like the timed messages alot, those would definitly be helpful for those with a bad memory for birthdays :)Business cards could be helpful too I guess; however, the public emails would probably provoke even more google haters to complain about bad google privacy protection.
  5. Alright, I thought the problem was fixed, but apparently not, but I think I have found that it happens more often during times of extreme packet loss on my internet. It may be that headers are not received, but I'm not sure because I don't know how browsers work, any ideas?
  6. I tried blender 3D for a little bit, I found the main problem with it for me is that since I don't know how to load blender models into my program I couldn't use it. It doesn't have any cross-filetype functionality and it can't make ms3d models or load them either, so for now i'm with milkshape, but when I get unlazy I'll check out blender again and figure out how to use it.
  7. for the number one phrase, that would be false, as anti-depressants only give the allusion of happiness, not real happiness; however, if you wana buy real happiness buy a puppy .
  8. haha, that hidden test cheat is awesome, i just scored over 50 million points in 5 minutes, thanks a ton, now i can throw my brother for a loop and blow his scores away!
  9. I heard about this. I like Apples first comment on the subject of hacked phones "a future update may make any hacked Iphones unusable". That made me laugh, I'm sure they're purposefully breaking the ones they can, but I don't know if they are going to try and prevent 100% of the hacks from working, just all the easy to disable hacks. I don't think it's worth hacking the Iphone right now anyways though since it seems that no other phone company would activate it anyways, but then again, i don't know how the unhacking works either and whatnot, oh well.
  10. Happy birthday google. Wow, 9 years and microsoft is already warring with them, it's amazing how fast google has grown. They've definitly learned quickly and have the right idea. So again, happy birthday google and many more to come!
  11. It's amazing how much viruses have progressed. I remember a story a few months ago about the anneversary of the first virus, how it just started as a little joke, but now it's just amazing of the diverse ways you can get a virus. Anything you do you have to be so careful these days. Unfortunatly, we know that it's only going to get worse as time progresses.
  12. It has actually been researched and found that in the northern hemisphere toilets flush counterclockwise and in the southern hemisphere they flush clockwise. This is due to the spin of the Earth. As for me, my toilet flushes counterclockwise so you can guess where I'm from.
  13. I love my school. My school is working very hard to make the class room relavant to the kids coming through using academies. It's amazing to see the work that the teachers and faculty are putting into the school to try and make it a better place. It is a shame i'm going to be leaving before it's done though since this is my final year; however, i'm going to college next year and the school i'm looking at looks very cool. It's got a 30 foot rock wall and i'll also be rooming with my best friend and my other friends will be down the hall. I'm very excited.
  14. Hey, just thought I would let everyone know that gamedev's annual 4 elements contest is starting on September 27th 1100 hours EST. They have yet to post the prizes, but last year there were tons of prizes so I would expect the same this year. This year I also hope to make a decent game (I won't tell you my last year's entry due to embarrasment). Anyways, for those who don't know what the contest is about. You are given 4 different elements and 6 months. You must program a game that strongly incorporates at least 3 of the 4 elements to qualify. It is graded as if it is a real game released to the average consumer so it is rated on ease of install, playability, functionality and the likes. The contest ends in April. There have been some very good entries in past years and hope to see some good ones this year too. Hope everyone enjoys this great news. Also, the link is below. link to gamedev good luck!
  15. I've also found that excessive smoking can kill computers, yes. If people smoke too much around a computer it will jam the fan and overheat the computer. So cigerettes don't just kill people, but machines too, wow, they are very deadly.
  16. I occasionally find a really good post, but I do mainly just get on to post just to keep my hosting (which i currently don't use, go figure), but yea, there are some good people on here too, but I don't post just for the fun of it.
  17. I've heard of people using google for file storage; however, i've never been interested in doing it. I do know that you can get a googlepages account and upload files to that too, I did that for a little while and will again when my game is finally finished; however, I haven't checked the file limit.Also, i'd like to point out you no longer need an invite to get a gmail account, it was opened to the public a few months ago, can't remember exactly when though.
  18. Well, if your looking for an MMORPG, there's anarchy online. It's alot like everquest or world of warcraft except instead of the setting in a fantasy land it's placed far into the future and there is a war going on. The game is free to play without expansions until January if you just want to check it out. It's pretty neat; however, I don't have time to play it anymore. Hope you have fun with it though.
  19. It takes a few hours to become unsuspended. I have had my website suspended once and it took about 2-5 hours i think for it to come back up, if it's not unsuspended in a few hours then i would consider asking a mod about it, but until then you just have to be patient.
  20. Well, see, that's where the problem comes in. I understand refreshing to fix a problem and all, but there have been times where I can't post a replay here at trap because every single time I try I get the popup. I have yet to receive one since today though, so I may have fixed it by using one of the methods I mentioned using above.
  21. I just installed the the extension and am trying it now. I think firefox should know that if it is a php file that it should open it like a web page even without headers. a php file is just like an html file except it gets compiled by the server before being sent to the client. I think it has more something to do with firefox not know what to do with a php file; however, this is just my view on it, I could very easily be wrong.
  22. Well, I did have php installed on my computer, I just realized that it may be a problem since it didn't exactly have a clean install, I just uninstalled it to see if it will help, but it hasn't been long enough for me to know. Do you have PHP installed on your machine, street?
  23. Hello, There are times when (such as on here at Xisto) I try to submit a forum reply and instead of firefox loading the thread after submitting a popup opens up and asks how to open "index.php". I don't know when this started happening, it's been a little while now and seems to be on and off, but it has just recently become a large problem as I have just accidently submitted a reply about 5 times in another thread. I have already deleted the firefox settings from my application settings folder; however, that did nothing to help. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
  24. I think I would charge 50 mil for my left pinky, any other finger would be much much more money. Since my career is in programming it would be very hard for me to adjust to losing a finger; however, if I was paid 50 million dollars for it I would be able to compensate since I wouldn't have to program fast when I retire (which I would after I get 50 mil).
  25. My favorite series would have to be prison break hands down. It keeps the tension up and makes you anxious for the next week's episode. I can't wait until this season starts up.
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