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Everything posted by t3jem

  1. Wow, interesting. I know at my school (i'm a senior highschool) they protect it pretty well. It's difficult to get in; however, it is possible, it's not bank security. I think schools need to stay secure to not only protect their systems, but the systems of their students. Many students connect jumpdrives /flash drives they use at home to school computers and could easily transmit a virus. Also, schools need to protect their database and make sure their communications network is stable.
  2. Gmail is made by google, enough said . Anyways, invites don't matter anymore, gmail is now open to the public, but you could still send them. Gmail is just so user friendly and easy to use. The space is constantly growing and you never need to delete your mail. The way you can label your email and just search for the one you want is revolutionary. That's why gmail is so great. That and it comes with a ton of other google features like picassa and a free website .
  3. haha, i love that, "oops". Yea, hacking can be fun to show off to friends, but I never hack illegally, there is a website that offers missions that are hosted on their site so you can learn, but I would never do it to hurt somebody.
  4. I think I've always wanted to be a programmer ever since I got my first computer. I know there was a time when I didn't think this, but back then I didn't think about what i wanted to become.
  5. wow, that's wrong. Haha, I could see some fights coming from this. I think the fourth rule would be to make sure your big and tough and look like you could kick anyone's butt
  6. Runescape is a pretty good one I think. I don't play anymore mainly because I became tired of the competition and stuff and the time it took up, but it's pretty decent. The website is runescape.com
  7. I took spanish. It was a great class with a great teacher. We also had some students that made the class... interesting . Everyday was fun in her class though, we would sometimes make pinatas or tamales. There was always something new in there.
  8. Ok, I see what you guys are getting at, but couldn't you protect your email by using a PHP mailer function so that not even the regular users can find your email? I'm doing that right now, I just made a form for my users to send email to me with and I thought this would protect my email since PHP is executed servside, but I could be wrong.
  9. I've earned myself a tuition waiver that covers all, but the last $200 of tuition for 4 years. I am applying for a couple more scholarships to finish that up and then pay for books. I live at home so room and board will be free and my dad pays for everything car-wise so I'm pretty much set for a free ride through college. I do plan on interning at IBM though to make a little extra money and get more training in the computer programming area, but other than that, nothing too special.
  10. Ah, trying to see how strong you are, eh? Well, I wish you luck. As for me, I know I could easily go a week, probably even a month without my cell phone, the only reason I really have one is because my friends and family need to contact me. So if I followed suit, it would be more of a stress on my friends then on me.
  11. When I make my webpages I use a flat file system only because I have no need for a database; however, I did have to create a PHP program to store emails and send period emails out to them. I would have much preferred to use a database system such as mySQL; however, I was not in control of the server and had no idea what was on it other than php and the admin never used mySQL before so I decided to use a flat-file system. So it is good when you can't use a database system; however, I know my code will begin to break down after awhile when the email list becomes too crowded. Flat-file systems are also harmful if you don't secure your code enough and someone decides to inject malicious code into the system and manages to destroy your site with it, but you can even have this problem with a regular database too.So, like I said before, I would prefer to make a mySQL database, but I have no experience in it so I stick with flat-file systems until I need to move over.
  12. I don't think they out-did themselves in Halo 3, but Halo 3 is the best out of the them all. I love the variety of weapons and the new human catapult and Spartan laser. The gravity hammer is fun to play baseball with too (hitting rockets away with the grav. hammer). I haven't played the campaign mode in halo 2 or 3 yet so can't comment on that. Once I get my xbox fixed I will know though . I think they still could have done alot more, but that's always possible when it comes to gaming so it's nothing new. I don't like the limited amount of maps and how they have you buy more for it, but hey, that's microsoft. I would definitly suggest the game though to anyone who has an xbox 360 and like first person shooters.
  13. I think awstats is fine, you just have to press the update link at the top of the page, at least it works for me. Unfortunatly it still doesn't give the percentage of bandwidth used compared to the maximum bandwidth, but it's easy to figure out.
  14. Well, obviously I don't condone what the people did with the fake myspace page and all that, but honestly, it's sad that the girl killed herself just because some guy she never even met sent her a few mean messages. It's sad that there are people that care so much about what other people think of them that they have to end their life because one person doesn't like them. Now, I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just trying to point out how unstable some of these people are. I honestly don't feel the family should be tried for murder, but rather just harassment and/or fraud.
  15. I think the only two I'm looking forward to are "The Golden Compass" and "National Treasure: Book of Secrets". National Treasure is really good and The Golden Compass looks like it could be good; however, I don't have any money and it is likely I won't see any of these until it comes out on DVD.
  16. I believe that God created everything; however, Genesis could be symbolic and does not tell every detail of how God created everything so I couldn't tell exactly how we were made, but I know that we could not be here if God hadn't created us.
  17. That could be very useful. There are many times on a trip where I'd like to check my mail on the road, but it's a pain to keep my laptop on and check for them, especially since I can't usually charge my laptop while i'm in the car, I may use this on some other trips I'm planning on, thanks for the tool
  18. Your looking at it as if the 3-dimensional object is made of 2 dimensional ones. In reality there is no "read" 2 dimensional object, even a drawing on a piece of paper has depth. So when you turn a 2D circle into a 3D cylinder you multiply by the hight because that is how you find the area of the cylinder. The problem of your confusion I think lies in the tool of measurment. When you define the Area of a circle you use "units ^2"; however, when definining the Volume of a cylinder you use "units ^3" so you can't really add the area to find a volume. Since area is 2D and Volume is 3D if you tried to find the volume of a 2D circle you would come up with 2 because there is no hight; however, when you add hight to the cylinder you are able to find the volume rather than the area. I hope this was at least somewhat coherent, I just got home from school and i'm never good at relaying mathematical ideas. I apologize, let me know if there's anything you need clarification on, I will be checking back.
  19. I've tried it and the mail() function works great. I think it's all anyone would need and like Galahad said, you wouldn't be able to install PHP addons unless you were running your own web server in which case you could just enable the mail function.
  20. I saw this a few months back. It's very cool, I almost started building a flash game that would use the javascript to read the tilt and stuff, but I never got to it, oh well. I'm sure someone will find some use for this though.
  21. In my computer class they do this all the time. It's pretty funny. One day there was a kid clicking on his desktop for a good 5 minutes before the culprit finally burst out laughing.
  22. This is the belief of some religions I believe. That no matter what you try to do that God has planned every minute of your life from birth to death and there is no changing that, and no free will. This is based on one verse in the bible (I forget the actual verse, but it's in psalms); however, from what I read God hasn't set what your going to do, but rather he knows what your going to do because time is no constraint for him. He can put every action of yours in his book because he already knows what your going to do, not because he's making you do it, so you do have control of your life and what you do, but God already knows what you are going to do.
  23. Yea, i found this a while back. It is fun, but my keyboard is wierd (media powered) so it's hard to use as a guitar, but definitly great for those who don't want to buy the actual thing. Oh yea. Here's the link http://fretsonfire.sourceforge.net/
  24. That is actually the way I do my styles for different times of years, except because I'm too lazy to test on my website i do it in javascript, but it's almost the exact same code. Thanks for the code though, I can see it now.
  25. I first heard of Halo at school where we would play it on the PC. I never play Halo2 until I spent the night at a friends house. After that Halo 1 was no fun. But yea, nothing too special.
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