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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. google doesn't ban people when they make a lot of money from adsense. that is absurd! there are a ton of websites out there making a ton of money from adsense that aren't banned. your friend or this person you know went against the terms of service. it's as simple as that.
  2. if you already have a google wave account mahesh2k, then please pm galexcd so he can take you off the list. your name is still on the list to get an invite. you need to make sure it gets taken off right away. how did you get an invite so quick? you weren't even ext on the list
  3. it's not that we are dumb or clueless. it's the fact that we just don't give a crap. there's a big difference.
  4. there is no loop hole. this is 100% against google adsense terms of service. you cannot encourage anybody to click on the ads google adsense puts on your website or blog.not only will they ban you from their program, they will take away everything you have already accululated in your account!people, DO NOT DO THIS if you ever want to start a legitimate website online or google WILL ban you and they might even ban you from their search engines for cheating people online.i repeat, DO NOT ENOURAGE PEOPLE TO CLICK ON YOUR LINKS. the original poster of this message will soon find out google's wrath. don't let the original poster sucker you in to a no win situation just because he/she wants to risk their own onloine livlihood!
  5. who is god. first of all. is there a god? i personally don't know. i do find myself once in a blue moon, praying to a god that i don't even know exists or not. is god a he or a she? i believe everything has balance so if there is only one god, then god is neither he or she....or possibly taking on both forms and genders. is there more than one god?i don't believe so, but i do believe in more than one higher power.god to me is a word people don't truely understand and a reason to believe in something other than our own selves where religions take advantage of it and created this word to have a different meaning than it's true purpose.god to me IS an energy that connects everything and everybody. god is nature and god surounds us. god is not religious and god is definately not related to any religion as much as religions want to relate themselves to god.my confusion of who god is and if there is a god comes from man made religions who try to preach one way for everybody when in fact, i truely believe god is more of a spiritual being that has the ability to affect people differently depending on the person or soul. an effect that no religion can ever offer anyone...except for your strong personal belief and understanding with god and nature. as all a religion is, is a strong belief.i believe god is inside us all and i believe that not only are we(everything that is) god's creation, we are a part of god. thus, we are related in the same energy. cutting down a tree isn't destroying god as the energy will still be present to reincarnate. just like when a person dies, god doesn't die. that's ridiculous thinking.this is one area i have very little words because it's hard to put what i truely believe in to words. my beliefs are there and to put them to words would not give my beliefs justice. i just know they are there. they are not just inside my head, but my soul.i don't believe in worshiping any god. but i do believe in unselfish prayer. i believe we all have the ability to talk to god as long as we understand what truely surounds us and is inside us all. because if you don't at least understand what is inside you and surounds you, who are you really talking to when it takes your heart and soul to talk to god. a strong belief that can only come from you. not what was taught in any church. i don;'t believe in churches only because i believe we have the ability to create our own "churches" and our own relationship to god. a priest or minister can only teach through their own relationship to god. not for anyone elses relationship.the bible? i believe in some of it but if all the books were to be burned tomorrow, never to be read again, i wouldn't lose any sleep as the most important parts of the bible are already inside of me....never to be lost or misunderstood. what's inside me can never be considered lies or misconceptions as part of the bible holds for interesting reading. what is inside me is truth....and i believe god has shared that with me and i also believe that it's not to be understood by anyone but me. nor will i ever expect anyone else to understand what is inside me as much as i sometimes wish people were able.
  6. where do you get your information? please quote a source! subdomains are treated seperate from their domains. alexa isn't a search engine. they are a domain ranker and shouldn't be given any consideration to any seo techniques. in fact, people shouldn't even worry about alexa rankings. it's just a site to allow bragging rights in my opinion. nameless, if you are planning to have your blog related to any information that is included on your domain name, create a seperate directory to give more juice to your blog and your domain. if your blog is going to be unrelated to your domain content, then create a subdomain and make sure your blog points to your domain and your domain points to your subdomain for the added backlinks. name your subdomain or your directory(however you choose to go) a name that has at least one keyword related to your blog. a keyword that should also be included in the title and description of your blog. the only site analizers you have to worry about is the search engines. NOT alexa.
  7. hmmm...actually, i have the exact opposite point of view. certain model nikons in my opinion, are the the best ever made. certain cannons are good but don't compete. i started off buying cannon, then switched to nikon after my cannon got stolen and never looked back. for a starter camera, i reccomend any rebel. they are cheap and they take great pictures. i messed around with a couple in the past. they don't have all the features for an advanced photographer, but they certainly compete for the beggining and lower intermediate photographer. like i said, they take GREAT pictures and the price is lower than most. a great starter camera. the only thing you would have to really be aware of is the lenses you buy. compatible lenses are good for a beginner as you don't really have to buy the name brands for your camera and you can save a lot of money while still taking great pictures. this is strictly for a starter camera though. when you get better and decide you want to continue your hobby, you would need to upgrade to a better camera and lenses if you want the truest quality and features. especially if you plan on blowing up your pictures.
  8. better off without ya? nawwww. you were always a welcome addition even though you do start some really weird topics like this one i have to agree with rpg 100%. although i AM here for webhosting, this site has grown in to more than just that for me. i know it has for others as well. it's a community. a community not just to get to know eachother but for the help that has always been offered here as rpg stated. this is one reason why i wouldn't blink an eye if my posts disapeared because like i said, tomorrow brings another day with new posts and new conversations. to me, this place has much more to offer than just the history of posts.
  9. as true fusion stated, this topic IS old and reading it makes me sick to my stomach. i disagree with watermonkey almost 100%. it's not the fact that giving them to a good home disturbes me, it's the fact that there was no discussion on the matter, it was out of the blue and without warning. not only that, they had to call him to tell him while he's on vacation?!?!? that's just sick in my mind....and i will tell you why.i am an animal lover by nature. i love all animals and have owned many....especially cats and dogs. my favorites were my dog trigger who is now passed on, and my current dog bruin. trigger was a truely great dog. was there for me through my hardest times. bruin....the same and possibly more so.i could never imagine, while on vacation, my parents giving up any of my dogs or animals. even if people think they deserve better attention, it's not the point because that is all relative. dogs are unselfish by nature. that's why they call them man's best friend. they are very loving and loyal. when you take in an animal, they are supposed to be part of the family. you don't get rid of a family member PERIOD! that's my opinion. if there is a problem, you work through the problem and try to find the best solution AS A FAMILY.it all also makes me sick that this was probably a plan all along before he even went away for vacation behind his back. i am assuming rejected is a teenager without looking at his profile and his parents thought that they had every right because he is living under their house and their rules. it's sad to know that there are some parents out there that don't show a certain amount of respect for their children wether they are of age or not. i hope and wish that rejected has come to terms with this after 4 years and has moved on from it. this can literally scare certain people for a long time.i don't know if the dogs were being abused or neglected or if they weren't even getting along with the cats. all those things seem like excuses to me because the parents just didn't like the dogs around and used any excuse to get rid of them.the parents originally let him have the dogs. this is what is so disturbing. they allowed him to get attached, and then snatched 'm away from him in the snap of a finger before he realized what was going on. i don't blame him for not wanting to go on that specific vacation.that is a sick and disturbing story and i wish i had seen this topic when it was written because i would have a lot more to say! this is the type of thing that just makes me ANGRY! the parents were 100% wrong and anyone saying otherwise is not looking at the whole picture!
  10. no offense, but if you ever decide to repost all your questions, i am going to have to kill you!
  11. seems to me your mycents would have just started adding up until your accounts were linked again. i had an email problem when i decided to change my xisto email address and trap address. they were no longer linked, but my mycents kept adding up to over 5 dollars or so until finally support corrected the issue.
  12. same domain, create a different directory or subdomain, and call it something other than "blog" please.
  13. i just watched the hangover a couple weeks ago and have watched it 3 other times since. this movie had me laughing throughout.i say it hits the top three funniest movies i've ever seen but it may just be at the #1 spot.i hate spoilers, so i wont go on and on what was in the movie, but it was basically about a guy who was getting married. he goes to vegas with the other people for a time they will never forget. basically the whole movie was based around what they did the night before and trying to find out exactly what happened the night before because the day after, they forgot everything from their hangover.when i originally saw the trailer, which showed a scene with mike tyson in it, i wasn't really too impressed, but the scene was ok in the trailer. i just didn't see anything special about the movie watching that scene during a commercial.i finally watched it because my mother had stated that my dad couldn't stop laughing when they watched it in the theatre together. so i thought....ok....it's gonna be good and cheesy at the same time. i'll watch it.i don't regret my decision. i can watch this movie 100 times and still laugh. i watched it again last night and although i know what happens in each scene, it's still as funny as watching it for the first time.i encourage EVERYONE reading this to go watch that movie. don't wait, or you will forget about it. it's not worth it to forget about this movie.i can't say enough good things about this movie. it took place in sin city and the acting was excellent! the characters fit together perfectly in one of the best comedies ever made!
  14. where is simpleton at! hahai personally plan on watching this movie in the near future. i didn't read your post since you warned it contained spoliers. just read your review at the bottom.
  15. no doubt what nasa does is interesting....but interesting doesn't equal usefull. we are talking about the moon here with 25 buckets of water. it's been over 40 years now since we walked on the moon. let me ask you....throughout those 40 years, how usefull was that? your damn tootin' bilions of dollars is a lot of money to the general public! so i stand by what i said about putting the money to better use. and you're right. 17 billion really isn't a lot....but wow....it's helping us find water on the moon that we will not be able to touch for another 40 years big deal. i would rather hear about how money can save a family's life because the economy took away their jobs. or how the money could be used for new clothes for the homeless so they don't freeze to death in the winter. or hearing about when a certain area goes through a natural disaster and the area is declared a natural disaster area, that there is enough money to go around so the people who lost their homes and their livelihoods, are able to get it back. those are the stories i want to hear. not finding 25 buckets full of water maybe one day, armageddon wont just be a movie and nasa WILL find a way to save millions of lives. that would be a story i would want to hear. maybe nasa should start budgeting their own money for something more usefull. saving it and pumping it in to a real project that can have a little more significance to the world population sad part is, the "water" is probably not even drinkable without some form of fliteration. i mean come on...if someone handed you a glass of newly found moon water, would you drink it without it even being tested? they say there is a bunch of moon dust mixed in. i wouldn't drink it.
  16. all your type of shyness is, is a fear of something. most commonly, rejection or a fear of what others may think of you. although you will probably be shy the rest of your life if you feel you were born this way, you need to sometimes get over your fears by facing them and confronting them. it will be hard, but good practice for those times when your shyness will get in the way of what you want. you may be tired of people noticing how shy you are and stating how shy you are and asking why you are so shy, but as far as the opposite sex goes, some women find it appealing rather than dealing with the opposite of shyness. to say you can't change is the most ridiculous and untrue statement i have heard in a long time. you can change....but since you are believing in something different, it just means you WONT change. that's your choice. you would rather be shy all your life rather than face your fears. you ever heard the expression, what doesn't kill ya, makes you stronger? this is true in your case right now. do something for yourself. one day, decide you aren't going to portray yourself as the shy guy and do everything opposite of being shy. no matter how hard it is for you. do this all day. call up your mother in law and talk to her on the phone. initiate something with your wife that you wouldn't normally initiate because of your shyness. when in public, say hi to strangers.....men and women and acknowledge their existance. if you can do that for one day, you might decide never to do that again.....but you might actually learn something about yourself and other people that you didn't know before because you took one day out of your life to fight and stand up to your fears. think about it. one day out of the rest of your life. it ain't gonna kill ya no matter how much you try to convince yourself otherwise. good luck if you try to choose a day to be different. shame on you if you never give yourself that chance and that day because you will just die never knowing your true potential.
  17. you guys are soooo funny and ridiculously stupid. mythbusters even did a show on daddy long legs. guess what? the spider puctured adam's skin. it turn red and he said that it was a lessor version of a bee sting or something like that.i have seen this thread so many times and so many times i just passed it on by thinking people will grow some common sense. but that never happened. so let's get rid of the myth right now.the answers to daddy long legs are out there if you just google it.....except here. people are being really stupid in this thread thinking that daddy long legs are the most poisonous "thing". and go so far to say that they can't even puncture the skin when the true fact prove otherwise.wake up people. don't be STUPID. you're pissin' me off!
  18. hunk of rock? you mean a hunk of cheese, don't ya? anyway, this is somewhat old news. they say they found a significant amount. to me, 25 buckets full of water is less than significant. but why does it even matter when obama right now isn't even budgeting for a moon expedition? and anyway, why should he? so we can put up another flag? it's an amazing feat, we proved we can get there. let's leave the moon alone now and spend money where it's most needed.
  19. they are already taking our jobs. there's a positive and a negative to it. with the automation and the fact companies wont have to hire workers, prices of product is lower. that's a good thing. the bad part of it all is that the way things are going, the unemployment is sure to continue to rise unless they can use the technology of the internet to their advantage. people are lazy. this is a fact. people would rather go through the drive through of a fast food joint and stay in their car rather than park and walk in because it takes more time and effort. business are taking advantage of that fact. as you will soon see in the future, walk in businesses will be closing down as all their business and orders will be transfered to the internet knowing people would rather shop from the comfort of their home rather than walk around the stores all day with few exceptions. the operations will be limited to a warehouses and robotic operations that pulls and packages orders automatically. this is why it is so important that people are able to adapt and change with the times or be left not knowing what to do....jobless and possibly homeless. schools need to start offering more programs that allow people to do this. this is the least of our worries however. the more unemployment there is, the more crime there will be. the more crime, the more government control which will eventually initiate a silent police state. then we have coning that is just being touched on the surface right now. eventually, there will be a time where creating that perfect person and people and society will be an issue and concern for those against it.....like me. everything we are doing right now is creating a domino effect for the future. if you are able to see the effects of the domino effect, you are able to foresee what the future holds. for me, i don't see it as anything to brag about unless we train and prepare ourselves today for our future generations
  20. my #'s are very accurate as well. i took my total mycents earned from my profile, i then looked at all the money i ever spent for domain and hosting and minused it from my totle earned. i compared the total to what shows is left in my xisto account and both #'s are the same. i think the people who show differences don't know how to add or subtract because it doesn't look like there are any bugs with xisto adding or subtracting
  21. nope. i would not care one bit. i am one to always look on the bright side. once in a blue moon, i actually post something worth reading by the whole world. and this is exactly what this place is. a gateway toi the whole world. the whole world has the opportuinity to read what we type. if it does ever happen, i will be content knowing, i can always repost and get double the mycents for it i'll tell ya who'd be hurtin' though. it would be nameless. if all his posts got deleted, he would never get the help he needed to get his website online
  22. two to three sentences? i can sum it up in two words. "WHO CARES". first of all, it is never gonna happen unless trap shuts down. second of all, if it DOES happen, WHO CARES! tomorrow brings another day and another 15 posts from you, maybe 10 from nameless, 5 or so from me, etc. life will go on. trust me...
  23. that may have well been the likely outcome for valdimir putin. but when one doesn't truely know, it's better to look at the more positive possibilities. i've owned dogs and cats my whole life and it's the cats that have given me the most unnecessary worry and grief. i remember one time a week went by when i was a kid and my cat was still nowhere to be found. it was a year later for some strange reason it returned like nothing happened. 3 years ago, when i was living in missouri, my fiance and i drove to california to be married. we left our cat with one of her friends. while we were in california, we heard the cat got out and ran away. after we drove back to missouri and i found a job in a new town about a month later, my cat shows up a block away from my work. when we got a house, this same cat was left outside to roam(i hate that phase when you have to trust your cat to come back). never came back. i was told many stories. one of which was the people in the subdivision like to shoot cats for sport along with the squirells and such. personally, i can't allow myself to think that if i don't truely know what happened. so i leave myself with the thought that someone found it and took it in as it didn't have a tag. my fiance and her kid at the time named this cat after me. "dufus" was it's name. it was one of those cats you loved to love and hate at the same time. love, because it was very good at being a lap cat and loved attention. hate, because it was also very very playfull and would pounce on people's heads. what i know about cats is that they are independant and have a mind of their own even when well loved. cats have put me through more worry than anything else and sometimes they are just meant to venture off to experience life on their own terms. not ours. they have their reasons even if we don't understand them fully. think the best. for all you know, vladamir is alive and well....and although not with you, he is surviving. i write this only because of what i know through my own exepriences with cats.
  24. i am seeing a lot of posts for invites from people who aren't on the list. if you want to be next in line on the list to get an invite, you need to send a pm to jhaslip or galexcd!don't post for an invite. you wont get one. only those on the list will be getting onei have 8 invites. i'm giving 3 away to trap members next on the list.
  25. it SEEMS to be an unlucky day because people make themselves believe in those superstitions. the more people believe in something that is true, the more it IS true. the fact still remains that friday the 13th is just another day except that people have the fear of god in them that somethging bad is going to happen. for the majority, nothing bad happens. you might as well start talking about why there is more suspicious activity when there is a full moon. there is more credible evidence to support this without the idea of superstitions. in fact in some cultures and belief, the #13 is lucky.
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