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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. anwiii

    Hiya :)

    welcome! if you want hosting and domain credits, this is the right place. if you have any questions, just ask!
  2. yea, i used to keep a 60 gallon tank of tropical fish. i loved teaching them to follow my finger. and then i would dip my hand in. over time, they would get used to me and not swim away. the very interesting experience i had with fish though was at my 30 yards by 30 yards pond. it was a circle but i am too tired to do the math. i would feed the fish from one side of the pond. over time, the fish would get used it it(the food) so when i walked around the pond, i could see all the fish following me. it was an amazing experience to witness. the days when i wouldn't throw food but just walk around the pond and the fish would follow. granted, i believe they wanted food and this isn't a sign of loyalty, but still amazing none the less. we had all different kinds of fish in there but the ones that followed were usually the sun fish in a group of about 10-15 fish. they would follow really close to the edge of the pond. they weren't afraid. in fact, i used to hand feed them. i even had some of the jump out of the water to catch a piece of bread hovering over the water.
  3. i like nnn.....it rhymes with mmmmmmmm........
  4. i have a lot of examples. i used to live in los angeles, ca. i moved 1800 miles to live in missouri. before i left, i had a cat of 9 nine years i had to leave behind. it was more of a family cat anyway so it didn't really matter. i still missed samantha though. one of my favorite cats i owned. anyway, whenever i come to visit....maybe every 6 months or so, i get reacquainted with my long lost pal. after a day or so, she follows me around. she's around me more than all the other family members who live with her and feed her. loyal cat maybe? i think so! she remembers me and all the love i gave her and she gives me the attention i need when i come back home. samantha did not like my dog though haha and my dog was afraid of her! it's really funny to watch when my dog sees samantha and takes the long way around....i don't know about fish being loyal though. i've had fish before and even had HUGE pond full in the country of different kinds of fish. they pretty much want food but it's interesting to watch the fish as they watch you and come to you if you have the right touch.i think birds can DEFINATELY be loyal....at least certain birds. maybe not all of them.now my current dog is VERY VERY loyal. he has that 6th sense i was talking about earlier. he will actually mimic any mood i am in. and if i bang my toe and hurt myself, he will know i am hurting and try to lick me. he is a wonderer like me. he likes to venture out and explore things and i let him. he always comes when i call him though. he is always by my side when i am on the computer, and he is always by my side when i am asleep. i really don't think he's all of that because i feed and shelter him. before loyalty can occur, i think there has to be some sort of connection and bond between human and animal.anyway, i am tired and trying to post and cn't seem to get the right words out here....
  5. host gator is actually a very good host but you will still have to fork out your cold hard cash. Xisto, you post a few posts and you get a domain AND hosting. can't beat it.....except the mycents system is down now grrrrr! it's really hard to support a site when the system is faulty. even if people wanted free hosting and can't right now, it's still a good place to come and hang out expand our knowledge based brains of ours and even meet new people in the brand new chat room. does host gator have all that? i think NOT!
  6. i think itneed is an ok name ash. what i always hated about your domain though is that it was a .net also, ok isn't the best name out there that is available. it is a professional sounding name though. i'll give ya that...
  7. i don't know how i missed that post. anyway. something is off. i definately don't like the facebook logo. need something more original.... like three smiley emoticons or something. something else is off. i am too tired right now to give a good opinion though....
  8. you're only annoyed because you want to be first on the list. i say leave it there and let her pout! that's my vote! and are we sure it's from people who try to post but are logged out? i was logged out once and tried to post and it wouldn't let me until i logged back in!
  9. yea, i have to 100% disagree too. i have been around too many animals to know better and funny as it sounds, some of them have have those natural insticts and a 6th sense if you will. they are a lot smarter and have a lot more to offer than one may think.also, i don't feel loyalty can be defined by the one who is giving the so-called loyalty, but the one recieving it. loyalty can be defined as faithfulness or faithful adherence to a person. dogs weren't named man's best friend for no reason. it's up to me whether to say if my dog is loyal or faithfull to me.....not someone else and certainly not the dog. i have handled animals all my life and some of the loyalty may be from the food and shelter, but it's also from the attatchment and the love. you think animals don't feel loved and unable to give love? think again.deadmad says, "And im not trying to be CRUEL or COLD, its just simply FACTS and they are TRUE.", and i have to respond to that statement. that statement is completely 100% false except for the cruelty and cold part. it was VERY cruel and VERY cold to say what was said when one doesn't know any better. it is demeaning to all animals. the video was a good example of the love and loyalty. lions are natural predetors and all cats respond to sudden movement. it's a natural awareness they have. this lion didn't flinch when the guy was banging on the cage. i didn't see a lion who was nice because the dude fed him and sheltered him. i saw a lion showing love, faithfullness, and loyalty.i remember one day when i was a kid. i had my first dog named "britt". one of the nicest dogs in the world. got along with everyone including other dogs. it was a brittney spanial. one day, a dog started approaching me barking and growling and ready to cross the street on my. my little to medium sized dog starts to attack the german shepard. i had never seen my dog do anything like that before. it was protecting me from the other dog. that is called LOYALTY, deadmad.i feel it's a shame that some people are limited in what they see in other animals. in my opinion and experience, if you are loyal to them, they will be loyal back. it's how you treat the animals the proper way depending on the animal and it's needs. believe me, they will repay it back with their love and loyalty. now THAT is a fact you can believe in!
  10. haha yea, i would say much cuter than the nose picker thinker one. it's bruin. my "kid" i am no expert either that's why i agree with rob. i have no choice but to trust the experts on this one. if whatever they do works, they will be commended. if it doesn't, they will be crucified but something really does need to happen soon whatever it is. echo grew up on the southern coast so he has a sentimental interest. i visited once and when i see the pictures now, it makes me sick because i love the ocean and i love nature. groaning and moaning wont solve anything and saying something wont work one isn't an expert isn't really wise thinking either. if the problem was so easy to fix, it would have been fixed already. i would rather sacrifice what has already been sacrificed for a full proof plan rather than go in there and make things worse. that is MY opinion no matter how much i hate to see things the way they are.
  11. well let's get the ball rolling then if you don't want anyone else starting it. i love seeing the edited pictures and the first one died out months ago!he's a new user. i like his initiative and it was a good starting picture
  12. actually, the introductions is the worst place to post if someone wants mycents. it doesn't give that much because an introduction and a welcoming message doesn't take long to write. you may get 10 mycents. big deal. also, you mention the help link but people posting in the introduction are just introducing themselves. it doesn't mean they need help or mycents explained. if they have questions, they will post them. you have the introduction category all wrong. it is NOT the HELP category, deadmad. people who want to earn mycents should go in to the religion topics as those are the hottest debate topics here....and you can easily write 20+ lines in a snap
  13. well first, your not a dumb retard. second, your site works for me both ways so i don't know why some message is popping up. you might want to refresh your browser. i took time out to create the 3 seperate files you need. i tested it and it works so all you have to do is upload it. BEFORE YOU UPLOAD THE FILES- you will want to save your current index file to you computer as your backup. then delete it from you domain directory the three files i packed for you is index.html, menu.php, and .htaccess - you can download the zipped files here after you upload the files, open them up to try and see what i did. again, i tested the files, and they work. so good luck.
  14. happy birthday, bud!

  15. welcome to Xisto! i see you have posted a couple times and have been in the chat room already. have fun bud! can i call you, "nnn" for short?
  16. well ONE thing wrong with it is that the logo gets cut off on the top and the bottom. i am not a huge fan of pasting a logo that doesn't fit in the detentions. it's unprofessional. you can also hardly read the words at the bottom of "Xisto". i really absolutely love the logo even if the shading is off and needs more brightness. i can see the line where the logo ends, AND the middle part looks too empty to me so a more rectangular logo is needed unless opaque plans to put some text in the middle...you guys haven't found the other thread yet? find it! wd, did a great job in creating some sample logos! truefusion and sant michael gave a go at it too, but i really didn't like their much.
  17. i really don't think it's necesary to put it on the front page. it's been a problem for a couple months now and it has been repeated over and over that opaque is crediting people right now so they don't lose their hosting, AND it has been repeated several times that every post right now will be credited after the new mycents system is ready. so i figure about 90% of the old members know what's going on already.what i have a problem with is the new users. some are coming for the mycents. they don't have hosting yet. this can in fact lose potential valuable members and posters and i think a system should be set here for the new members in the meantime. i really do feel sorry for those guys who have come here for hosting services but can't get any becuase the whole forum right nownot only has bugs, but doesn't have the credit system implimented. the old users have been complaining, but it's the new users that are getting screwed the most.and then i see people posting or explaining in the chat room to new users how the mycents system works still. it's like the old members are encouraging these new members to post KNOWING the mycents system is completely shut down right now. it's only a matter of time before new members think they are being screwed or cheated.
  18. i will lick you to death, deadmad.....and then i will pee on you :D

  19. i think it's a chat room thing. i never get logged out when i am not in chat, but when i enter chat and start browsing the forums, it logs me out. soooooo, do your browsing before you enter chat
  20. i quit that position :)i didn't mind doing my job, but just a little too many politics to suit my nature

  21. I just uploaded a new avatar of my best friend. He(Bruin) is very loyal :) I had to take the picture with my laptop because I don't have a digital camera, but it turned out ok....

    1. Hurt4love


      Where is it I can't see it?

    2. web_designer



      GOD..i knew you are dangerous...hahaa

    3. anwiii


      H4L- it's in my avatar. the picture next to all my posts. :)

    4. Show next comments  102 more
  22. WD- please just reformat again. i know it's a pain to reinstall everything but i can't possibly think that it is a hardware problem if you weren't experiencing this slowdown before the reformat. and make sure you reformat the hard drive and not just reinstall the operating system. there is a difference. the last suggestion saint michael had is also a good one. i always go through my startup programs and disable the ones i don't need to load. i don't know if you know how to do this manually or not. if not, use the program SM suggested.you need to know if your os and programs installed properly or not. i would reformat. if the slowdown persists, then you probably know it's something else that you need to be concerned about. reformatting and then reinstalling the os is your best option right now.
  23. as what i mentioned to WD, i actually like them and i like their positioning better now. it makes everything more naturally centered with the xisto logo on the right. they also add a little color which this theme needs.
  24. personally, i like the status updates shown. what i DONT like is when a user logs in and links their account to a twitter or facebook account and never logs back in. why in the WORLD would i want to see an update from someone i don't even see in the forums???i like when people post about their personal life or something off topic from the forums. makes for an interesting read and sometimes i like to comment on them. i will even read when people post song lyrics that have absolutely NOTHING to do with anything :)btw everyone- check out my new status message, it is AWESOME! haha
  25. that IS news!!! welcome to Xisto! come back often so i can bug ya some more. so you are HERE....finally! can i like it and hate it at the same time? i hope that photo tennis picture you uploaded spices some things up. the old picture has done it's time....Jbc- you beat nobody. i welcomed funnyman in the chat room
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