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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. you really think it was opaque's decision? he just made a suggestion and i really don't know why he made it because it's obvioius to me that he isn't going to use the logo. he's just trying to be supportive to you. you are right. the faces ARE silly and you aren't paying attention to the signs to know the truth about certain things. opaque is a nice guy with a good heart but he has no balls sometimes.if it was between the first and second logo, i choose the first and i really hated the first one so now you know how i feel about the second one. WD was on the right track with the theme of the website in the other thread. you didn't post yours in there because you thought your logos needed special attention. so a bit of advice. your logos aren't anything special. take the current logo, look at web designers logos, and come up with something in between and original next time.i like your dedication, but i feel i have to be blunt here to save you some time and money. and opaque? why are you wasting this poor guys time for suggesting silly emoticons for the logo?!? don't waste his time. yea, i am the bad guy now, ok.....
  2. let's please stop talking about opaque's balls no matter how colorfull. some things should just not be talked about.....
  3. it will, but this is a good learning experience for him none the less. he has to learn somehow and i think buffalohelps original post is the best way to go about it. there is also one more way to do it, but i don't want to confuse the poor guy learning how to give his server certain instructions to have more control over his website is just as important as learning a little php along the way. sometimes the easy way isn't the best way
  4. yea, this last post of yours was really a good one...hahaha! and why ya mentioning MY name? i always have more to say than "thanks for sharing". nobody understands what i write, but still! simpleton, i have already dethroned the king if we start from two years ago with the new mycents credit system. but WD is the queen of posters now and does a good job....especially welcoming people in the introductions thread. i don't think anyone minds you posting a lot, simpleton. it's welcomed! wish you could pop in and out more often than ya do though but it's all good. we haven't forgoten about ya. we need more members though. it's the same people posting all the time in here. it really gets redundant.......we need new blood!
  5. "[#103128] The administrator has limited the number of new posts you can submit within a short time frame. Please wait 15 seconds before replying or posting a new topic." - i got this message after posting one post in one hour! we need to change the name here to KNOWLEDGE(only if you can post) SUTRA!

    1. OpaQue


      Anwii, kamasutra will not solve your frustration permanently. KnowledgeSutra can :)

    2. deadmad7


      ewwwwwwwwwwww on opaque

    3. anwiii


      really? are you going to bend over for me? NO! wait.....i figured out i am not that frustrated...that didn't come out right...

    4. Show next comments  105 more
  6. that is a good thought. if his hosting doesn't support php, then all this is for nothing. i am going on the lines that his hosting DOES support php since most hosting sites support it. also, his website as it stands now is in html so he will have to add that code to his .htaccess file to support php codes within an html document. changing his document from html to php doesn't make sense to me if he is only going to add one line of php code but that would work too, you are right....
  7. you are doing it right if you followed my instructions. you just need to upload that file to your domain directory with your ftp program or from your cpanel. if you double click it, your computer might not know how to open it, but if you manually select a program to open it with and select notepad, it will open. the reason why you can't see your file name is because you saved it the RIGHT way and the computer is recognizing it as an extention. in your folder options in your control panel on your computer, you have your extentions HIDDEN. so again, from how you explained it, you did EVERYTHING correctly. you just need to upload that file now. don't give up or be impatient! this is a learning experience. we are not getting frustrated with you so clear your mind of that. i WILL be frustrated with you if you give up!
  8. no no no. you don't select all files. just paste the 2 line code in notepad, and save as ".htaccess" WITH the quotes. the proper format would be a text document so don't select all files. if i wanted you to select all files, i would have told you to originally if you run in to any more problems, please post!
  9. the post limit has increased, but as i noticed yesterday, if you post too much within a certain amount of time, you wont be able to post again until you wait a certain amount of time more. ysterday, i had something like 20 posts. i tried to post again because i was helping a member in real time since he was online and i wasn't allowed to. so yet ANOTHER limitation....hope the member figured out his problem or he can blame "knowledge" sutra for the limitations of knowledge here
  10. i can't find my lighter! bani???????

  11. haha it's a barameter. i am the human barameter! haha

  12. i've never heard of it before but the company you bought the product from has to have a few days to actually ship the product. i would wait 3 days, call the company for the fedex tracking # and then call fedex. i don't know why you would have a tracking # if the product hasn't shipped yet. from my understanding, the product would have to already go through shipping before they can even tell you the tracking #.so wait 3-4 days, call the company you ordered the product from and get the tracking #. fedex should already have the package and can tell you the exact location of it. you want to track the package not only to verify that your package is on it's way, but to also make sure you are at home at it's estimated arrival time since sometimes fedex will not leave a package at your door if you're not home.if the package takes 3 days to ship, you should see the package at your door in 7 business days on average depending on your location. that's from my own experience.
  13. you need to check to see if you have an .htaccess file first. if you do, ad the code to that file and save it by the same name .htaccess. if you DONT have the file, you will have to open up notepad, insert the code, SAVE AS ".htaccess" WITH the quotes or it will automatically save it as .htaccess.txtthen upload that file where your main domain directory is at. did i confuse you yet? i hope not....i have a bad time explaining sometimes....
  14. ohhhhh a big milestone. 2,000 posts! Weeeeeeeeeee!!!! :)

    1. web_designer


      hmmm 2000!!!

      i have now about 700 posts in six months...so..i need ....one year to beat you...but should ban u from posting more..hmmm...i will find a way...

    2. Baniboy


      wd, it's easy to post a lot when half of your posts are "thanks for sharing" XD and gratz, anwiii, may the spam be with you, always and forever

    3. web_designer


      well then i will post another 700 "thanks for sharing" posts bani and beat you all :)...hahaha...

    4. Show next comments  105 more
  15. anwiii


    hey there. welcome to Xisto. we are always looking for more blood in here sit back, relax, and enjoy!
  16. yes. buffalohelp is correct. it is very simple. first you want to add what he said to add in your .htaccess file. if you don't have one yet, create one since your site right now is in html format. this code will allow you to use php in your html document..... RemoveHandler .html .htmAddType application/x-httpd-php .php .htm .html then what you want to do is figure out what you want to put in a seperate file. some people like to seperat a lot of things like the header,footer,menus, etc..... since we are only talking about your menu, then you would cut out... <div id="left"><h2>Golden Age Gaming</h2><ul><li><a href="home.html">Home</a></li><li><a href="reviews.html">Reviews</a></li><li><a href="links.html">Links</a></li><li><a href="staff.html">Staff & Contact</a></li><br><br><img src="images/1.bmp" width="100" height="100" alt="Space Invader" /></ul></div> in your html document and make a seperate file "menu.php" for that part of the code you just cut out from your main html document and save it. if you are going to make more than one include file, you might want to create a new directory to store them for organization sake. now all you have to do is insert the code... <?php include 'menu.php'?> where you originally cut the code from you html document and you're all set. that should be the right step by step instructions there for you. it's really not that hard. so whenever you want to edit the menu now, you don't have to change each page. you just have to change your "menu.php" file. i hope this helped since you were having trouble. i know it can be confusing at first but we are a patient bunch. just list any troubles your having or tell us exactly what you did so we can help you figure out the errors
  17. good call in posting this announcement. i only wish it was more closer to the holiday so people will remember better. we will have to remeber to bump this thread possibly when july comes. even the most loyal dogs will run away. my dog is known to stay by my side no matter what...but i remember one year, i took him outside for the 4th and he ran away to the other side of the house. scared the crap outta me because before you knew it, he was outta there. he's a golden retriever. now our standard poodle was a different story. THAT dog not only didn't mind the firewors, it would chase them along with bottle rockets.but i am with sheepdog. it doesn't really matter what dog you have to ensure it's safety! so be safe and ensure your pets are safe as well!
  18. sorry, but i don't really see how a weather guy and a dog breeder know any better or can have a stronger input on this subject than the experts. if either of you have credibility and knowledge in an area nobody knows about, please tell us. otherwise, i will take both posts as a desperate attempt to release an already vented up anger in what is going on. without really knowing much of anything except knowing you hate what has happened, and you want an end to it just like everyone else does. let's not even make this overly dramatic anymore and compare this situation to the movie 2012. come on guys.......this does more harm than good.
  19. that would be a thought. a natural instict is something you do naturally without thinking. give an example.
  20. see, right there i have to disagree with making a list of any kind. happiness or internal contentment doesn't come from a pre planned list. in this example, not everyone is blessed with shelter. not everyone is blessed with a balanced diet. not everyone is blessed with internet or even owning a computer. some people aren't even as blessed as others when it comes to friends or family. a 4 wheeler? come on now.... a big part of happiness or contentment is being happy with what you have or are blessed with(if you're not taking things for granted) and making the best with what you have. one problem i see in society is that a lot of societies are goal oriented and driven. in essence it means whatever they have, they always want more. few people are rarely ever satisfied with what they have and want more even though what they may have is more than enough for others who may seem to have less.
  21. killing cows doesn't differ than killing whales? sure it does. there are a lot more cows than whales and you have already stated that a lower # of a species would be considered more important. now my whole point to this was trying to figure out the "need" to kill. you said in a previous post you accept human nature and what is, is. shouldn't there be a line drawn between what is right and what is wrong or at least take individual stands by our own individual definitions? i would also like you to give me examples of natural human instincts that we are born with for survival purposes. in fact, i challenge you to name any natural instict we are born with. sex is not a natural instinct btw. in another thread, truefusion stated love is a choice and i disagreed with him but SEX certainly is a choice. so give me an example of what comes naturally, but more importantly, instinctively in humans. killing? no. killing is a choice despite how long we have done it.
  22. haha i had to laugh at that. both of you are really good at welcoming people here. welcome, mcknight!
  23. you are totally off the point. buffalohelp stated something that was absolutely false and the past posts prove this. i am not going to sort through all of it.i am not arguing that the mycent system ever disappointed anyone. what i WILL say, since you brought it up is that the non activation of the mycent system is a disappointment to a lot of people. even those who never had an issue of an expired hosting or domain account. people are afraid to post under the current system and the complaints speak for themselves.so when i see an admin making light of a situation, i am going to give my 2 cents and i gaurantee you that i am not the only one who feels this way.
  24. humans are one of the very few species that don't use natural insticts for survival. in fact, it can be easily argued that we aren't born with any natural instincts whatsoever. this is an important issue when you want to bring up human nature.you bring up cows. well cows are a somewhat similar issue when we talk about producing more meat than is needed for a healthy body. this is why i brought up the point about if killing the whales is needed or just a selfish act.you can accept selfishness and luxury desires all you want, bani.......doesn't make it right.so now i am curious. if a species were endangered, would that make a species more important to preserve than another?
  25. thanks again for the traffic! :)don't make me be evil again. it's not in my nature. :)

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