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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. why on earth would you want someone else to tell you how to do something when you plan on buying the game? that defeats the purpose. be crazy.....and let yourself be in suspense until you buy the game and figure it out on your own! you will have more fillfillment doing it my way than yours
  2. his system suggests that "all men are created equal". it's the american belief that is instilled in us from childhood......even if it's a lie in all seriousness, there are pros and cons to any society. anything can be argued. it's a give and take thing.....but most importantly, it's what the PEOPLE believe is the best for it's society.also, i love how obama can be taken out of context. maybe we should just kill him now because he is black.....
  3. actually, that is not true. hurt4love responded first in agreement with what you originally posted. don't know why. again, putting genders to nature is usually through certain religions. it's an interesting point though that certain languages put genders to nature and objects. spanish is one of those languages i studied that does this. i really don't have a clue to the history of languages to know why they do that, but i can assume it probably has something to with their culture. the spanish language also distiguishes between formal and informal.....depending on who you are talking to or who you are talking about.
  4. wd- you just have to face your fear. there is a saying. we are our own worst enemy. fear can do two things to us and we have to decide how we deal with our fears. fear can either make us aware of the dangers without being paranoid, or it can limit us in doing the things that we shouldn't have been afraid of doing in the first place. fear can be both a good or a bad thing depending on the situation and how we look it fear itself.do yourself a favor and don't limit yourself through the fear you have inside. that advice is for everyone. not just you and your fear of dogs. it sometimes seems that being fearfull and not facing our fears is the easy way to live when in actuality, it's harder to live with the fears we hold. facing ones fears takes two seconds while accepting to live with our fears takes a lifetime.
  5. hi chini, welcome to Xisto! it is true that this place is interesting because it IS informative. it's only as informative as the members who post. everyone has something different to offer and this forum is definately unique. i hope you enjoy your stay and can contribute to what makes this forum great.
  6. the best of both worlds, huh? well i have heard that ignorance is bliss. i tend to agree. have you ever heard of the expression, "you can't have your cake and eat it too"? you can't have the best of both worlds when in reality there is only one world. bliss is still an illusion it's funny though. those that do search for bliss will usually come out with more truth their life's journey. it's a little ironic. i remember when i was younger, praying for happiness. what i was actually praying for though was constant happiness which is actually the bliss people talk about. i also prayed other things i thought were important only to realize that the things i would want or pray for were actually distractions to life in general. what does this have to do with if jesus existed? the answer is simple. we all create our own reality at one time or another. jesus existed because people believe he existed. the more people who believe, the stronger his existance becomes. the real question should be did jesus exist as was written in the bible. the alternate question deals with a more realistic approach to try to find out who jesus really was. we can further eliminate beliefs that alter reality by asking more specific questions. one just has to use their imagination and logical deductions. my personal opinion is that jesus existed, but in no way, shape, or form, existed in the way the bible portrayed. therefore, i have to also believe that the bible is not 100% accurate. when i cannot distiguish all the parts that are inaccurate, i have to illiminate the bible as any source of information to be learned from. i don't think for one second that jesus died for our sins.....but he did die as a leader and to show us the way. that in life, there will always be unselfish sacrifices we have to make for the betterment of the world as a whole. jesus was called "the son of god" where in truth, we are all children of god and in some sense need to follow in the foot steps of the child that may have been put on this earth to lead the way. at the same time, he didn't know it all. just enough to make him a good "leader". i've known many. jesus is just one.
  7. you bring up a good point. bliss is a made up word for the ignorant. at the same time, i feel bliss is part of a bigger picture to know enough about the truth that there is no such thing as bliss. it could be taken as contradictory, but it's not. bliss to me is an emotion that you carry with you every day of your life. that's why i feel it's a made up word for the ignorant. people who tend to create their own realities to ingnore life's hurdles and teachings. to experience bliss is not to experience the hard choices and sacrifices we sometimes have to make in life. i agree. to combine both truth and bliss is impossible. you can only have one or the other and in truth, bliss is only an illusion.
  8. preachers quote from the bible because it's the foundation of their beliefs and without it, don't know any better. they also quote from the bible to get people to convert to the same way of thinking i never contradicted myself. i knew exactly what i was saying when i wrote what i did. i fail to see the truth in what you think i said, but thanks for the play on words. i dare you to quote me in what you think i said. i always place pieces of the puzzle willingly in places where they don't go when i am trying to figure something out. sometimes it takes 100 wrong answers to reach the right answer. i am at least wise enough to admit that i am not right all the time. life is a mystery. it probably always will be. it's what makes it so great for those who study it because there is a wealth of knowledge to be learned. things that can only be learned from experience. not what you read in a book(the bible). again, a play on my words. it seems you always like to twist peoples words because you have no comprehension of what other people are trying to say. what you pointed out was not your opinion, true fusion. it is a fact in your eyes. you were comparing homosexuality with someone that goes against nature or in other words, you were basically stating that any homosexual act is unnatural. in order for you to claim this as a fact without quoting anything you read, you would have to define what nature is. you have yet to do this. only to make blanket statements and claim them as fact. if it was only your opinion, you would have stated it as such. you did not.....because you believe what you read in a book. there are many truths, bud....many pieces to life's puzzle. you can't know the whole truth however just by knowing 3-4 pieces of the puzzle. that's like trying to figure out 1+1+?=2+?. oh. you can assume.....sure....you can make things up all day long. what i do know is that our lives aren't just based on those who lived 2k+ years ago. to only take their experiences discredits our own experiences we live with today. i mean....come on....if life's answers are in this one book, why we born to live and die? it's becuase all the answers aren't in the book. the book you refer to is just a piece of the many pieces of a puzzle. now who is being contradictory? i think everyone is in agreement that it is natural to have sex and reproduce. but does it mean that any other sexual act is unnatural? no. you say yes. sodomy is just one example of a sexual act that ensures no reproduction. one of many....kissing is a sexual act but i don't hear you speaking out against that even though you can't reproduce through kissing.....or even touching. i mean, the logic you are using would dictate that the tongue should only be used for talking and tasting and maybe extracting that bit of food that is lodged between your teeth. not to be used to touch or play with another tongue. under your defination, that would be unnatural. more of a self satisfaction act than a natural one? like two guys engaging in sodomy? it's really easy to miss my point without carefully studying and knowing what nature is all about. morals are relative to an individual. laws are created to speak for the majority of people but it doesn't make the laws right or wrong. sometimes morals can limit someones thinking to be objective....objective enough to see past ones own beliefs.... we agree on something. we are born a certain way without outside influences. it's the outside influences however that continue to mold us and the experiences we experience through out life that make us better people(hopefully) and will eventually die with more knowledge than when we came in to the world. our soul becomes more complete through life's process. it is of my opinion that is is what reincarnation is all about and it would be counter productive to live the same life over and over again with the same experiences. make no mistake about it. ever choice we make is a selfish act based on who were are and our personal definitions of right and wrong. when i talk about selfishness though, i am talking about the understanding of life and nature combined. people taking the easy road for short term success rather than travel the hard road for long term success. but if we are going to have to define selfishness, i guess we have to define success and all the other words you have trouble understanding. it is not my role to take you by the hand and tutor you like a child. i am sure you can figure some things out your own self. if you can't, then you have a lot more to learn....don't you... there you go trying to define nature and define homosexuals as a deviation of what is proper. maybe your thinking is improper. ever think of that? if not, then i would have to assume that all your thoughts are proper, natural, and perfect. only a fool would claim that. oh....but we aren't talking about you since everything that your made up of comes from a book. so much for having an original thought come out of ya. you know truefusion, you talk about the past and and compare it to all the distractions you see today as if there weren't any distractions in the past. how can you even talk about the past if you never lived it? sure there are distractions today that weren't present in the past. did it ever occur to you that there were distractions in the past that aren't present today? you talk about the night sky. how often do you look at it? you also talk about the night sky like it's the only important part of nature. it's the only example you gave so i am assuming it's one of the most important ones in your own personal life. unfortunately, that example has nothing to do with this topic so how about talking about human nature and what is moraly right and wrong. you have read your favorite book so many times that you are stuck back in the past without ever really experiencing it. time to come to the present buddy. with all those distractions that you say limit us when *I* say those same distraction make us better people when we have the ability to illiminate those distractions from our lives. so since this thread is about morals and what can be proven as right or wrong, let's dig deeper on this homosexuality issue you have brought up in this conversation. is it the act of two men engaging in sodomy unnatural? is it two men kissing? is it two men holding hands? is it two men telling eachother that they love one another? is it a man who has any of those thoughts that doesn't act on them(you know....the closet gays). what about a person who is born with a penis AND a vagina? what about the ones who are born with no sexual organs? let's hear more about your views here, true fusion because i want to be really clear on what you are saying you believe is unnatural so i don't go off assuming things or twisting words like you do.
  9. i hear ya. personally, i think when people say one thing in one situation and then the complete opposite when in another situation is just wrong in my opinion. i have met people like this before and i can only stand so much of it before i put in my two cents about the words of hypocrits. also there is a big difference between a private conversation among two friends and a group of people. sometimes it ok to tell a good friend what you don't like about another person without it getting back to the other person to protect the feelings of that person, but when something is discussed among more than one person, to me, it gets labeled as gossip and you really have to wonder why they would say something different if the one they were talking about was in their presence. i mean, why would they go out of their way to gossip bad things about people and then turn around to try and protect their friendship by hiding how they really feel? doesn't make sense to me. people are cowards and insecure. sometimes they even think they are better than other people. to go out of their way to convince others that they are honest when doing something as dishonest as lying to another friend or hiding the truth is not a friend at all.personally, i can't stand these types of people and i choose for my own self not to associate with these types of people. it can only lead to trouble in the long run. i wouldn't want anyone else trying to associate me with this type of group either as it just gives a bad name all around when the truth finally comes out.....and the truth always finds a way to show itself eventually. the thing about "true" friends is that trust has been built where one can always give constructive critisisms and talk about the negative openly. when friends can't do that, then i would suspect it really isn't a "true" friend relationship.i have personally called people on their lies before about others they say are their friends. they don't like it so they limit what they say when they are around me it's funny actually. it's fine. i was never one to feed in to the gossip people spread about others. some people thrive on it. ofcourse, i have kept secrets at my own discretion when talking one on one with people. i feel that is different than something discussed among a group were privacy isn't an issue.
  10. you are so funny, WD. i can just imagine you as stiff as a statue. you must have gotten mauled in a past life i can't imagine my life without dogs around me. they are such good companions. from my experience though, the smaller dog breeds are what you have to watch out for in my opinion because most are more territorial around their owners so don't let the size fool you the smaller rat dogs are what i call ankle biters. it doesn't hurt when they nip at you, but you still have to be carefull of those smaller dogs. if you ever get the nerve to approach or pet one, approach slowly and let them sniff you. i usually put my wrist out for them to sniff while watching their demeanor at the same time. if the dog is timid or skittish around me, i take more caution watching the tale and the face. i've been chased by dogs when i was younger but from all my exdperiences with animals, i have never been bit. and dogs are certainly nothing to be afraid of if you practice approaching them. dogs like to communicate in many ways, WD.....so just try to pay attention to the signs and what they are saying to you.
  11. hi webster! thanks for the traffic! btw- i have some duck tape for your broken nail. works like wonders! :)

  12. yea, i agree with rob and he gave some good examples how to approach unfamiliar dogs except i highly discourage feeding an unfamiliar dog. that wan't very good advice for a beginner who is afraid of dogs. that's the scarey part though. the unfamiliarity. if you already know a dog is nice and will just lick you, there really isn't that fear anymore. it's the not knowing what to expect that scares you.it's ok to be afraid, but if you really want to face this fear, then the simple solution is to face the fear. it's as simple as that. if the dog attacks and bites, you learn something from it. if the dog just licks you to death, you learn something. my point is, there is no other way to get rid of your normal fear than to just face it. by facing your fear and watching the dog carefully, you will notice patterns in the animal that will dictate it's next move and whether it is friendly or not. believe it or not, even unfriendly dogs can be approached without putting yourself in harms way usually. there are rare exceptions.i used to train dogs. you didn't know that WD. how did you get to be so old and afraid of dogs though? haha it's kinda funny but i picture you walking the opposite way whenever approaching an unfamiliar dog i have handled many dogs and many breeds and never been bit. i am sure eventually sheepdog will see this thread and post here. she breeds dogs for a living.for me, i love dogs and animals in general. my best childhood memories was when i got my first dog. i would try to face this fear, WD because there is a high chance you will pass your fear on to you child or children one day and they will become afraid for no good reason.i would never approach a dog that is wild or off a leash. if a dog is with it's owner and on a leash, it's almost safe to approach because you can ask the owner if it bites. if it doesn't, then start petting it and get familiar with the nature of a dog. they are really good creatures. to me, reading a dog is like reading a human being. just comes natural to me. dogs, like humans have different characterisitcs that you should be aware of. it's not really something anyone can teach you though. it is something you will have to experience and face your fear yourself.to ease some of your fear though, i can tell you this right now....most dogs are friendly.....especially when they are around their owners on a leash. and i would have to say, don't feed a dog because when they are eating is when they can become more aggressive so it's really the only thing i disagree with rob's post if you don't know what you are doing and how to approach dogs.
  13. i guess you didn't write a support ticket with "attn: opaque" so our admin could take care of your situation like he did so many others. i would highly suggest you do this and then pm opaque the ticket#. this suggestion as been pasted all over the forums for a couple weeks now. it was posted once by buffalohelp and reposted several times by myself because people aren't reading the forums and being active.....but still complaining...
  14. yes, i agree 100% and couldn't have said it better myself. soviet- although unofficial, it has been made semi official when this thread was moved to the announcements. that's a given. you started something and now it's your responsibility to follow through, not give up, and make it a success. if you can't do this, then you will have less credibility in the future when people put their trust, faith, and support in you. i want to see great things come from this irc channel and i don't want to hear blaming that it's empty because the forums are empty. you started this to benefit the forum. not the other way around. so this will be a time to prove yourself and what you are capable of. you wanted the responsibility. i told you it will be a big one. now that you have what you asked for, what are you going to do with it? amaze us, soviet. with the ambition and dedication that i see from you, i know you have it in yourself but it's not going to be easy.
  15. i have. actually, a god-like experience. it was an experience where someone or something was telling me something. either that, or this someone or something gave me the power to see. it was an experience that cannot really be defined in words as words could never explain the experience justly. it's an experience i believe everyone should experience. don't sit there and tell me you don't believe in something because you can't hear or see it because that would be the sumbest rationalization i ever heard anyone say and actually requires very little thought proccess. i have come to understand you a little bit and you are smarter than that you know why words wont do my exprience justice? it was an experience for me and me alone. it was only for me to know and understand. well....to this day i don't understand fully.....but i understand enough. did you ever stop to think that god is talking to us? that god is showing us things? but we aren't paying attention? it's more than just sitting and waiting for god to speak or show us something. first, everything will be shown when the time is right and when we are ready to see. secondly, when god speaks, he wont be speaking through vocals, but he will take over your thoughts and speak through your thoughts. so sometimes what people are thinking is a rational and amazing thought, can in actually be god speaking to them and allowed that thought to appear. i am using god, because you did. in fact, i don't believe fully in any one god. i do however replace that name with a higher power and someone or something i can't understand or explain fully. some people believe in god or this higher power and have yet to experience anything close to what i did. i can tell you one thing though that all the bible preachers are telling you that isn't true. you don't have to believe to experience a god-like experience and you don't have to "believe" to know. but when those things do happen, you DO have to pay attention to them or you will never be able to see clearly and you will walk this earth not knowing what you should....therefor making your life less meaningfull than it should be with less fullfillment.
  16. your statement cracked me up! haha it's so true. everyone sees things different. i think it's more important to just be happy with ones self without being influenced by the opinions of others.
  17. your assumptions and conclusions are mind boggling sometimes. i can use your theory and the belief in god and the bible and easily conclude that it's not in someones nature when they are born to end up not believing in something that other people say exist. therefore, why on earth would the bible preachers say everyone will be damned if they don't believe if in fact it is not in someone's nature to do so. but you know what? your basis to your conclusions are full of it. just like my example. if there is one thing i know about nature is that we are all the same and we are all different at the same time so there is no right or wrong. there just IS. and personally, it's not up to you to define what nature is. there is a truth though so maybe that is what you are talking about and not so much "nature". sure, having sex and reproducing is natural. we wouldn't have the "equipment" to do so if it wasn't. on the other hand, if we do the opposite, does that mean it's unnatural? ofcourse not because what i also know about nature is that nature has a balance to it. life isn't perfect in everyone's eyes nor was it meant to be. in fact, there are many so called "imperfections" such as a person who is born without their arms or legs......or god forbid reproduction organs where it is so natural to reproduce as you say. this person without reproduction organs would have no purpose in life. that is just absurd to compare nature and "straight" people the way you do. nothing at all implies that it is unatural to be born gay except in a homophobic mind set that has no objectivity where it would be impossible to see further than ones own hand or what was written centuries ago in some book. i like to refer to those people as followers or people who were taught a certain way and has no original basis to their opinions since in fact it's not their opinion but someone elses. followers just along for the ride who are afraid to even create an original thought. i have traveled many places and they are everywhere. but hey, i applaud them because at least they believe in SOMETHING even if it's not theirs to believe in. when you get right down to it, the only thing that is natural is life itself. like i said, there is no right or wrong, but we need "right" and "wrong". we need to search for that truth and take our stand which would dictate right or wrong for our own selves......NOT for someone else. to dictate right or wrong for someone else is to say they should be no different than you when in fact, i think everyone will agree we are all born different.....and the same(which isn't a part of this discussion) at the same time. it's the differences in people that make us stronger and better people. it's our differences that allow us to make mistakes and learn from them. but to have an opinion about nature where everyone should be the same is just ridiculous thinking and there is absolutely NOTHING that implies that homosexuality is unnatural. just like someone who is born without the chance to ever reproduce is an unnatural human being. what you are ultimately saying is that if i had a penis and no sperm, i shouldn't even be allowed to have sex. not to mention all those ways we have tried to limit those natural occurances of conception due to birth control. is that unnatural too? to me, your way of thinking is primative. bani- right and wrong is an illusion. there is only "right". also, you can't have "right" without being right and wrong at the same time. every action, every choice, every thought has a consequence. there are pros and cons to everything in life. if we end up being right the first time, great, but there will always be a sacrifice to the right which would dictate something wrong in other peoples eyes. but if we end up being wrong, we are still "right" because we learn from those things that were wrong which eventually makes us stronger and better people. i wouldn't call this proof by any means. the proof can't be taught or shown.....but it's still there to be seen for those who open their eyes to it.
  18. what this forum means to me? well first, there are many forums out there. i chose this one for two reasons. it offered free hosting services and this place was hopping with content and knowledge. now it's different. yea, the hosting is a bonus and i like the fact that if you need help with something, someone is always willing to take the time to answer and help. but i am here more for the community aspect. i think it's important because i think it is the base foundation to success in any forum. i see many people post, but i don't even know who they are and it's something i would like to change. i have met a lot of great people here, but why should it be limited to those who have no problem standing out from the rest? this is a great community and one i am loyal to because i think it's a great place for many reasons. i love the community and this place hs a chance to be great if we can change with the times and not only make this place an institution of knowledge, but a social atmosphere where people can get to know eachother better.the problem with tightly constructed communities is though that some people will feel like outsiders....like new users who don't know anyone. also, along with tightly knitted bonds, you have the exact opposite and arguements can tend to occur more frequent.even though this place hasn't fully lived up to my expectations, i still love it. great people with a great atmosphere and still a great community. it's a great place to even meet new people in the forums or in the chat room. not a lot of people think the way i do though. i just think it's always interesting to get to know the people behind their posts
  19. i do see what you are saying, deadmad, but to make such a blanket statement like you did makes it so untrue. it's just not true at all because in the end, we still have control over our own selves and the ability to make our own choices. other people don't control that. yes. influence at times like general society tries to teach us a certain way to live. subconsciously i would think would be the most dangerous. doing things or acting a certain way and not knowing where it came from because some people don't really pay attention to their lives.
  20. when i used to have a scale, what was fun for me was to weigh myself right before i took a crap......and right after. i miss my scale! actually i am glad i don't have it anymore. i have gained so much weight recently that it would just be a constant reminder of how fat i am haha. i gained 40 pounds last year. i really do need to start excersizing and burning off a few hundred of those caleries i take in per day!
  21. you saved yourself! haha i was really going to start in on you haha. i really was...whew! hahaha anyway, the official announcement was late. it was upgraded on the 5th. web designers announcement would never lie to you though...in the hot topics section
  22. loved the story....but i really hate snakes. spiders too. i have experience handling snakes, but it doesn't mean i wasn't sweating inside. wether it's venomous or just a typical garden snake. they all make me nervous. i even had a 15 foot python once named jake. i think i talked about him in another thread.....not to mention all the snakes i have seen in the wild.also, there ARE snakes in the big cities too. don't anyone be fooled. they can survive and they do. there just aren't as many. i am like indiana jones when it comes to snakes. i just don't like them. i keep having reoccuring nightmares about snakes too that i am all of a sudden surounded by rattlers and i have to tip toe out of the danger zone. believe me, it is no fun haha. dreams are sometimes good to face your fears in so you aren't so insecure or afraid in real life, but these snake dreams don't help me one bit!and spiders! i hate them too. i will kill any spider except a daddy long legs that want to think they can make a home inside where i sleep at night. that isn't going to happen!
  23. yea, that was a pretty far fetched statement there. i don't think anyone around me makes me who i am. although who i am dictates that i will mirror peoples image sometimes only to make the situation more comfortable and trusting.i don't even get what that statement even means. does it mean we act a certain way because others do and we want to fit in? peer pressure? if people are caught up in being anything but themselves without outside influence then i am sorry....they are leading what i would call a fake life. the one aspect of this that i have seen more than other aspects is the expectations of others that might control who we are such as parents but we are still in control of our own lives and choices.fake or real though, we have that choice.....
  24. happy birthday!

  25. he's already commented on that in another thread. it is 80% complete as of yesterday. also, it hasn't been 2 months, it's been exactly ONE month to this day. sheepdog- i am glad you have things in order. it just goes to show that opaque is on top of things and if anyone needs personalized help with their hosting that is about to expire, please write your support tickets with attention opaque in them and pm opaque with the support ticket# as well.
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