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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. i think i understand what you are trying to say. but what you find the average of each group, you cannot stop there. you would have to average the average of each group. you have to include ALL data to come up with a true average. i can break the average down more specific and go through all your posts, count up all the lines you posted and divide 46 from that # which would give me the average mycents you would earn per line you write. from there, after you post any given post, you count up the lines and times it by the average my cents you figured out earlier to get a rough estimate of how many mycents you will get for each individual post. research how to figure an average and then come back here. i expect an appology :)but thanks for sharing wrong information anyway an average, web designer is always taken from different data inputs. you total up all different data inputs and you divide by the # of different data inputs. what you are talking about is trying to get a fixed input on something that cannot be done. they way you are trying to accomplish this is by seperating posts in catagories by the # of lines they contain. in this case, you might have 200 different averages or something(depending on how you are seperating the posts) and you stop there. you can't you have to average all the averages....in this case, 200. you have to add up ALL the averages and divide by 200(in my example). we can come up with an average that way too but my way is easier. my way is coming up with a true average. your way is coming up with a true average according to each group. your way is not a true average because your not inputing all known data to come up with only 1 average
  2. that image will have to be edited if you are going to use it. the color is off
  3. "To be foolish and to recognize that one is foolish, is better than to be foolish and imagine that one is wise."

    1. chini13


      wisely foolish or foolish wise whatever...but it makes u interesting

    2. deadmad7


      seems like anwiii is starting to get wise...

    3. anwiii


      ohhhhhh i can't wait!

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  4. may data isn't wrong but thanks for sharing wd . the key word is AVERAGE. i didn't say this was an exact figure per post and you will get that much for each post you make, but see, the next 443 post you make, i bet your AVERAGE will still be around .10 since 443 is a pretty high # to determine such an average. 500 is better but 443 is good enough. look in your profile and you will see your average posts per day. you have an average of about 5 posts per day but that doesn't mean you will post that exact amount tomorrow haha. it's an AVERAGE and that average will not fluctuate up or down that fast since you have already established a good average with a high # of posts already.it's just like a coin flip. the average time it will land on heads is 1 out of two times. that doesn't mean if it lands on tails, the next flip will land on heads. it's an average and it's based on the law of averages. also, figuring out these averages is really good if you want to make more money in the casinos like i do very usefull.deadmad- i thought you were a straight A student.... and 400/4 = 100 not 10 haha do you need mosre rest today?
  5. not exactly deadmad you reversed the #'s. you divide the smaller # from the big one so in web designers case, she earned $46. you divide that by how many posts she made which in this case was 443. 46/443 = .1038 which averages out to 10 cents per post.little A- you don't have to go through your whole posts. your posts are posted on your profile. although some members posts don't count for mycents, it will still give you a rough estimate. then you take your total amount of mycents earned which should also be posted on your profile and you do the math it will kinda give you a rough estimate of the quality of posts you make. the higher the mycents per post = higher quality according to the algorythm. from there, you can figure out about how many posts you need to make to get anough mycents for a domain and hosting and the nver ending question of "how many mycents do i earn per post" is now answered.
  6. WOW! i can understand you points about your ancestors and being pushed aside, but deadmad is correct. if they weren't strong enough to defend their land then, they wouldn't be strong enough to defend it now. and our strength is one of the things that makes this country great. now you mentions that you believe we should let whoever wants to come here and live.....come here and live. that is just so wrong and i think your viewpoint is distorted by your own bitterness of the past just like some blacks are bitter because their own ancestors were slaves. personally i think if anyone got screwed, it was the blacks. who can you ever expect to defend a country and make it safe if you just let anyone live on the land? while we're at it, it's let osama bin laden come here with his clan and blow up some more buildings and planes. also, if you don't want to call blacks, african americans which was ALWAYS the politically correct term, then why do you call yourself "native american"? lets just call you what you really are? an indian. and let's face it, your view is not really a typical "american" viewpoint. personally, i hate made up words or phrases in order to be politically correct. i mean we have gotten so customed to respect everyone, we are losing are culture. i celebrate chirstmas and i was raised with saying "merry christmas!" but not it is politically incorrect. we have to say "happy holidays". it's all ridiculous to me. that's why i think it's ridiculous that you call yourself a native american. your an indian. indians didn't even coin the phrase "america" so why would you put "american" in your name? and if you ask me, the blacks had it a lot worse than the indians. it's a shame they couldn't live in peace or the land couldn't be shared in piece, but it was a war to control the land which happens all over the world. the indians lost but some of them still have certain rights that americans don't if they wish to limit the control the government has demanded over most all people here. so it's not like we didn't share the land. stop being so bitter because your ancestors lost a war. it wasn't even your fight and the indians were going to lose their land regardless. it was just a matter of time. also, the old saying still holds true. don't ever bring a knife to a gun fight
  7. i understand rpg. that's why i reported my own post 2 seconds after i posted it and found out i couldn't edit the post. it wouldn't allow me to. opaque has been online and has not seen the report i guess but this is highly off topic. in the future, if you personally have a problem with a post, you need to use the report button and not complain about it in public or send the user you are having a problem with, a pm. i only state this publicly because there is other people out there trying to moderate the forums by posting irrelevant information in a thread and i have seen 3-4 posts in a row before on a thread talking about something that had nothing to do with the topic. the report button serves it's purpose. let the moderators and admins moderate. that's their job. also, until we can edit our posts, there will be mistakes made that cannot be altered so please keep that in mind before judging people with your high authority on plagiarism. deadmad- i share the same opinion as rpg. anything copied should be quoted or you are misrepresenting yourself as the unique writer of whatever was copied. the place i see this the most is in status messages. sometimes i get irritated but since buffalohelp(the admin) can copy things without quoting i guess it's not against the rules here but i still get irritated sometimes :)i am sorta anal that way.wd- if you plan on building your post counts by "thanks for sharing comments" our bet is off
  8. first of all, those stats are not accurate since mine will not be updating anytime soon and i should be on that list :)and i made the majority of my posts before i was ever warned and wasn't my fault that the credit system wasn't working. web designer is clearly the winner from the list with the most mycents AND the most posts. but credit has to go to truefusion as well. so on a lighter note, i will do some more calculations.... webdesigner averaged 10 cents a post truefusion averaged 36 cents a post rpgsearcherz averaged 19 cents a post k_nitin_r averaged 23 cents a post so with these new statistics, and assuming we are going by our Xisto motto that quality is better than quantity, truefusion wins by a landslide! but it was always the quantity and the respect and loyalty from wd that has kept the forum alive. i think they are both winners and the rest of you need to catch up! i am hoping for an increase in traffic now that the mycents are working again! thanks opaque!
  9. ohhhhh i really like that feature! it is well needed and a good addition. it will help promote more new topics. it might give the moderators a harder job if people start new topics about topics that have already been started if they know they will get more mycents. that will be a concern. litte A- i would assume a referral would actually have to buy hosting to get any credit for a referral. i may be wrong but that seems like common sense but a good question none the less! i am curious about the answer
  10. we left him alone on his birthday! now i feel guilty! happy birthday! btw- don't be fooled by unwanted flower haha

  11. i don't know if this joke will hold up, but it sure is funny! my mom sent it to me in the mail and had to google it to share it. it's a religious joke....
  12. cha ching! thanks opaque! i am curious if the correct amounts are being displayed in the profiles as well....anyone verify this yet? i have to wait for mine if i kiss peoples feet
  13. a snowball fight isn't a snowball fight without ANWIII!!! now.....where's the snow???

  14. do a diddy diddy dumb diddy do!

    1. anwiii



    2. chini13


      im already part of the group :P

    3. anwiii


      yes you are! so is wb even though she just stands there confused not knowing what is going on in here....and in fact....neither do i haha

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  15. uh oh. she DARED people to post in this thread! who will be next? who has the guts? who are going to be the ones who chicken out? stay tuned!
  16. that was so funny when i read that. recently your sense of humor is coming out more and more i think i am low on fiber! number 2 #1!!! well the votes stand at 3 to 2 with 2 nuetral votes. i voted for the murderers because i think limiting your meat intake is a lot more healthy than no meat at all. even if it was ever proved that meat was more unhealthy, i would still eat it because it not only tastes good but it adds to the variety of food. also, if i were so health conscious, i would be quiting smoking and alcohol LONG before i stop eating meat!
  17. moderators don't have their mod abilities to ban anymore so the only one you have to watch out for is buffalohelp except.....can an admin ban an admin? i know moderators can't ban moderators. i tried once
  18. that is good to know! ohhh i like that. that was a big problem in the past. i was tired of hearing multiple complaints about that. interesting. will there be time limits set to edit your own posts? you lost me there wow. i never knew the megative mycents would have affected the credits already earned. i believe this is a good change since it would be unfair to negate past performance with present performance are we supposed to be getting email reports on posts? if so, i am not getting any. or is this a new feature? this is great news. thanks for the update. i also really like some of the changes you implemented good job! is there a projected release date if there aren't any unforeseen hold backs?
  19. for anyone who uses the chat room, it has been buggy recently. we have been given an error message when we try to enter. it's almost like when we click to enter the chat room, the request gets stuck in a queue or something. i have successfully entered by hitting the back button and trying to enter again. sometimes it takes 20 attempts but eventually, you are able to enter. once you get in there, there are no worries. it's just when you try to enter the room.
  20. well this isn't the vent category, is it....it's alerts and notices. i can be VERY positive and supportive. anyway, i just feel really bad every time i see a post like kira's.
  21. i really love your most recent post!

  22. wow. great post wd!you know i have been a member here for a while now. i have had many ups and downs. most people know me as being the most vocal in a rude or harsh way in my bluntness. what some people DON'T know me for is... over time, i feel a lot of people have helped me here and for different reasons. it's really hard to make a complete list and vocalize what these individuals mean to me. i think most people have helped me in ways that they don't even know but it's hard to put it in to words. i think if i were to name one person who helped me the most, it would be opaque. i admire how he built this forum from the ground up. i admire his patience and understanding. i admire his spirituality and beliefs. i highly respect he can put up with my bluntness sometimes even when he may disagree or wish i was never here sometimes. i admire his work ethic and his perseverance. i also highly respect his trust he has in his moderators and even his admin, buffalohelp. this man has many many great qualities and i notice them and in some ways, i have learned from him by just watching him in the background.to start listing people wont do a list any justice if i forget anyone so i can't really make a list. this forum is not just for knowledge in posting and reading posts, this forum has built itself a community that is ever changing. i am one who likes to open myself up to others and involve myself with others on a more personal level. that's why i think the chat room was a great thing to implement. i have also noticed that for a chat room, there is a lot of respect given in there. with this new chat room, the community as a whole has risen to a new level and i have learned different things from so many different people.
  23. you're not alone, kira. i think 100% of the people here share your same view. even buffalohelp and opaque. there isn't a solution for new members, but members with hosting already should keep posting so they can accumulate mycents when the script is finally finished. also, don't forget that opaque has publically stated that he will help current users with their hosting needs until the new credit system is in place. you just have to write a support ticket with ATTN: OPAQUE so he can handle your hosting request personally. also, it doesn't hurt to pm him the ticket # here as well. i have always recomended people having a credit reserve of at LEAST 3 months. i have always openly stated this even with our old credit system before mycents. it just helps protect yourself and your website for unforeseen events like the current one we are facing now. it's unfortunate that we aren't able to transfer credit because i have so much in reserve, i wouldn't mind helping out certain people who are active in the forums. i know for a fact that opaque has been hurt the most by the recent changes with domain name, bugs, and the credit system not being fuctional yet. but i believe he has a purpose in mind that will make this forum better that it was ever before. even christmas comes once a year
  24. hey- you should post some more cooking stuff! :) your comment section looked too clean. i had to dirty it up a bit :)

  25. is there a food shortage in india? :)why does it have to be cow urine and feces? why not human or another animal? because cows are worshiped? is this even healthy?!? i wonder if andrew zimmern would eat it....
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