what?!? you claim to tell everyone what you think i meant but you claims are all wrong. it's no wonder you seem so confused sometimes in what you write. haha i wasn't even thinking if there was only 1 other man in the universe. haha! i don't how you can twist peoples words so easily! i laughed pretty hard on that one.
anyway, i just found out where the difference of opinion lies. you think love is a choice. this is where i have to strongly differ. we don't have a choice in who we love because i believe love is part of people's nature already when we are born and een before we are born. we DO however have the choice NOT to love. you of all people know what jesus said in turning the other cheek. that is a good example of free will.
now believe it or not, i love freely. it's in my nature. i never made a choice to love....ever. it's just something that comes natural so i am speaking of my own experience. i have have however made choices not to love....or better put, love to different degrees. you, my friend, are underestimating love and the power behind it because it is a part of nature. not a choice.
so something funny popped up in my mind when you said what you did. here is an example exertp in what you are saying. one day, true fusion meets some woman. their relationship progresses in to something special and one day she says those magic words, "i love you" and because he has made the choice to love her, he says those words back". her only response to HIS words that she can say is "thank you" since it was a personal choice. which in the end, was nothing more than just a favor to her. it's like someone choosing to buy me a present for christmas. i think thank you is in order. so. a bit of advice true fusion, dig deeper in the things you think you know, or never EVER tell a woman you love them because it was your choice to do it.
a person who says love is a choice says a lot about that person and part of their personal background. now SELFISH love is a whole other type of love......and THAT CAN be a choice. not a very good one though but i don't believe you were talking about selfish love.
but i really don't get your point where you can still say homosexuality is wrong or unnatural. all it is is two men or two women who fall in love even if it is by their own choice. in fact, you ARE saying you are better than them when you say acts like that are immoral and you would never lower yourself to do that. again though. selfish love is different. it's wrong. the acts of so-called love for self gratification only cannot be considered love.....but you see those relationships in homosexuals and heterosexuals a like. it's not just pinned down on the gays relationships.
your whole basis for your arguement is the act of something that you think is unnatural. you can't bear children being a homosexual, therefore it is wrong. so in actuality, you believe strongly in pro creation. but wouldn't your logic also dictate that if we don't do what is natural(pro create), we are therefore doing something unnatural? so two heterosexuals who don't procreate are effectively doing something that homosexuals are. knowlingly engaging in an act NOT to do something that is supposed to be natural.....pro creation.