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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. i wouldn't assume anything, but all my posts have been showing recently. rpg has been posting more than anyone and he said none of his posts have gone missing recently either. i do think it's safe to say that the majority of the missing post problems have been solved. deadmad has still reported a couple missing posts though so i am not sure what that is about.
  2. 20 hours a day? excuse me? where do you get that figure from. i want some sort of evidence to dictate that you actually know what you are talking about. yea, i am on here a lot, but i'm not even on here a total of 10 hours a day. this is one of the biggest problems i have. people will lie to try and prove a point or exagerate to suite them while making others look bad. so welcome to the club if you want to make me look bad by lying.i'm not burnt out. far from it. did you see my mood? it says "inspired". so that's two lies. do you really think i am trying to change buffalohelps mind or anyone elses? far from it.the difference between you(mod)/buffalohelp(admin) and me is that i don't tell lies. nor do i spread false rumors. your last post was ridiculously false which sorta makes your whole long post not very credible. buffalohelp told everyone i slandered his name and banned me for it when all i did was state the truth. i would like someone(even buffalohelp) to pinpoint any slander that i have cuased. please quote the slander.now see, the lies started with buffalohelp, and SM, your lies don't impress me either so either post responsibly with the truth or not at all. i don't mind you judging me with your own opinion just like i didn't mind rpg(although he seemed a bit confused and hypocritical). just do it with a little amount of credible truth.your right. i will solve this situation when my web page is done and i plan to add to it from time to time. that way i don't have to respond to people all the time who feel the need to post their opinion. i have made it clear that i am DONE taking buffalo helps abuse and me as a target for his warnings and bans. if my posting privlidges get taken away or i get suspended, so be it. my intention is not to be here as much or loyal to this forum that can treat it's members like dirt. at one time i DID consider myself a loyal member. i would stand up for this forum, opaque, and even buffalohelp. i know where my stand takes me. because i don't respect buff, i have a hard time respecting opa who can allow buffalohelp's emotions play a role in his responsibilities....which obviously leads to not supporting the forum as much as i used to. it is my decision. i don't expect people to like it or agree. all i ask is people respect it because i am not going off any anyone elses opinion in disrespect. some people are making a mountain out of a mole hill. the only reason why i am even still writing about this is because i will respond to EVERYONE who is talking publically about me. if i was a mod, i would have closed this thread a long time ago. it's not me making things worse. it's other people but i also know i don't help the situation by responding.
  3. hmmm it's a good topic, but not really something i need since i seem to annoy people naturally. but if someone is feeling up to it, i think a good way to annoy someone is walk up to someone from behind, smack them in the back of the head and tell them, "your it!"
  4. you seem a little lost. first, you never told me i am misinterpreting the freedom of speech. we never even discussed it before. have your opinion all you want. even if it doesn't make sense when you only have half the truth. that's your right. i know which battles are worth fighting for me. you are trying to get me to sacrifice my principles. that's not up for you to decide....is it? i'm glad your done with this conversation. you seem a bit lost in it. i am in fact not trying to turn anyone against anyone. ever since i have been back, it seem all i have been doing is responding to YOU. i have absolutely nothing against opaque. i have something against how buffalohelp handles his admin privlidges and degrades me(again, you only know the half of it) and targets me. so when someone like wants to come in for about a week and think you know what's going on, think again. just makes you look foolish talking about something you know nothing about. but hey- if you want to continue talking down to me, well that's your right too. i am sure buffalohelp wont apply the same rules to you as he does me.in fact, you have absolutely no clue what i think of buffalohelp or opaque. to pretend you do is foolish on your part. maybe you need to look in the mirror before giving certain advice too. i mean, why would i follow your advice when you yourself don't follow it? lead by example. then maybe you can start preaching. also, what's wrong with creating a web page anyway? a lot of webpages are dedicated to other website reviewing their business practices. mine will be no different. if you have a problem with how i am going to go about things, then i guess you have a problem with a large majority of web pages out there that have problems with certain websites and state their personal complaints.
  5. that's pretty sad then. i feel sorry for anyone who doesn't have the right to freedom of speech. i have noticed that you are beginning to sound a little hypocritical though rpg. maybe you need to think more before you post. in another thread, you were talking about freedom of speech and how you don't like it when speech is limited. now your saying that wd's comment is irrelevant when she was saying basically the same thing you were. so which is it? is freedom of speech something to fight for and argue or is it irrelevant? in another thread, you tell me to stop acting like a child. you even told me that i could leave. i guess you and others you know are people who pretty much go with the flow and accept the wrong doings to others. me? i am the opposite. normally, i like the rules here and the rules should be enforced. but when an admin is allowed to punish people for the same things they are doing themselves, then i will take a FIRM stand because that is WRONG. what is childish to me is abusing ones powers to benefit ones self. your last post is yet another i might include on my webpage. it will go very well when the facts come out and after i copy and paste when buffalohelp's stand is and how he treats his members privately AND behind peoples backs to other people. if i have to be accountable for saying that someone is "self rightious", then they should be accountable as well. since i can't ban or suspend, i can make a webpage and that is EXACTLY what i am going to do and i will let the FACTS speak for themselves and i reserve all facts to go on my webpage since facts can be considered slander here in the forums.
  6. i would like rpg banned for slander please. buffalohelp wont do it. he will only target me if i say something he doesn't like. other users against me are fair game. the last post will be going on my web page.
  7. the url in question i believe is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ when people log in, they don't have access to their account information and will get this error. it's been an error at the xisto website for a long time now which seems to come and go at random times for whatever reason. i was always curious about this error but i never really sweat it because i know if someone waits an hour or two, they will be able to log in without that error.
  8. well as it turns out, i can't talk in the forums about everything i want to say. so in that case, i think buffalohelp is a genious
  9. wd- don't listen to anyone who tells you i wasn't banned. i was clearly banned without any warning whatsoever. every person who wants to hide the truth will be going on my new webpage dedicated in buffalohelp's honor so i can lie in the forums as lying in the forums seems to be looked highly upon instead of criticizing when you think something is terribly wrong and if you fear getting banned frivolously without warning.thank you for your support, WD. you will be going on my new web page along with a few more loyal members that i will add to on a regular basis. this will create more balanced to my words against what i believe to be unfair here. there is a lot of good here. and there is also something terribly wrong. i will expose both :)and anyone who wants a lesson on keywords and how to rank high in google should pay attention to this web page. i will post a link to it soon.
  10. first, in response to buffalohelp, i never slandered your name here unless you consider "self rightious slander". in which case, i will prove otherwise shortly....admins take on a higher responsibility and therefore have the responsibility to hear more scruitiny from the members. just like a celebrity has to. just like a president has to. this may not be a democracy, but one shouldn't have to respect if one is continuously disrespected by an admin. almost considered harrassment in a sense(which i will also prove).opaque, don't sweat it. i will keep most of it off your precious forums since you don't want the truth to be told and your members left in the dark. this was never about any of my posting privlidges. i will create a webpage DEDICATED to buffalo help which will explain many things to members old and new. i am not going to walk on egg shells wondering what i can post and what i can't post. i would rather just not post at all. so the scrutiny will continue on a seperate webpage which i will link to in my signature. buffalo help wants signatures related to the forum? well, he will get his wish now and you can thank buffalohelp for my newly aquired inspiration.buffalohelp was not specific at all why i was banned from posting or what he considered to be slanderous....but i am too afraid to continue talking about this here so i will start on my web page bright and early tomorrow. my webpage will also be FULLY optimized for some really good keywordsas far as signatures, sky- it's a lost cause. it has been clearly shown people will be banned if they try to have a voice against an admin. they are protected even if they don't follow the same rules as members are expected to follow. opaque- i will prove soon that buffalohelp does NOT follow the same rules as other members of this forum while he has slandered my own name in public by openly saying i slander people... which i have NOT. i was blunt maybe, but i didn't slander anyone.peace out!
  11. after standing up for the members of this forum about increasing the limit size of signatures, buffalohelp has now suspended my posting privlidges. when they return, i promise to post something he wrote a while back which will let everyone know how he talks to the members of this forum and how he himself abuses his admin powers for his own selfish reasons and show why he is a hypocrite. it will give a clear view of why his is so widely hated in this forum by his own admition in his own pm.

    1. Hurt4love


      hmmmmmmmmm I smell danger creeping up...Shall I be scared of your inspiration now?

    2. anwiii


      only if you piss me off :) are you going to piss me off? haha

    3. Hurt4love


      maybe a little :P

    4. Show next comments  93 more
  12. opaque already answered the question, deadmad. it was pointed out to sky. now it's being pointed out to you. i don't think opaque need to be interogated here. this was not the post to my thread here.
  13. yea, i just lost another one just now in another thread. i didn't copy it first
  14. if something is buggy, the best thing to do for the time being is disable it until we can figure out a fix. this is one of the biggest complaints. buggy features that aren't disabled are upsetting the members here. it makes absolutely NO SENSE to enable something that is buggy and upsetting the majority of the users. NONE.
  15. yea, if there was an activity generator, it couldn't hurt the form one bit. it could only help it. sky's whole point is that he is insisting that opaque is lying and should just come clean and tell the truth. i personally believe opaque. i would be terribly hurt if i was meant to believe something that isn't true though but i have no reason not to trust opaque in what he says.
  16. what?!? you are on record pace today my friend! haha you have almost 50 posts! do you mean you would post more than 50 posts a day if the shoutbox was back???
  17. oh man! haha that analogy is the funniest thing i heard in a long time. that is something i could see myself saying. i couldn't stop laughing when i read what you wrote! it's personally one of my biggest complaints because new users ARE offered hosting credits to post, but when they get here, they are getting nothing to show for their posts so they leave. it's not them leaving that bothers me as much as them being told they will get something and they aren't. it leaves a bad taste in my mouth right now and i still see people trying to help others by explaining the mycents system in the introductions. but also, ever since opaque put in the chat room, it allowed users to get to know eachother on a more personal level and i agree 100% in his words about a community and the chat room was something to help bring it more closer together in this tough time... yea, my title was changed. i didn't like that either but i can't sweat that small stuff. my venting and complaints was not about "me".
  18. personally, as long as people can post, ANYTHING that is acting funny or strange or a possible root of a problem should be disabled for the time being. the only exception would be the chat room unless the chat room is a direct serious direct cause of something else going wrong. i HIGHLY suggest gjust getting the forums working even if it's at a basic low level. that way, there will be no complaints when the credit system is back up, we can enable more features GRADUALLY on by one. this is all i have to say for the time being....
  19. i agree 100% and couldn't have said it any better myself and admire people who can do that for the many reasons you mentioned! well i have said pretty much all i had to say for now. i see someone changed my title.... opaque quoted your post as rpg stated and he responded to it saying there is no activity generator being used to simulate visitors. even if there was, so what. i don't think it hurts the forum any and there are more serious concerns than that to worry about in my opinion. i don't think opaque would lie to us when he posts something. at least i hope not so i would just let it go and take his word. i think ash was creating a stink about the same thing in the chat room about a month ago.
  20. although i am sure the quick reply has it's problems too, the post not showing is not just due to the quick reply since i never use it people were already complaining about the quick reply a while back and although we were assured it was fixed, i never trusted it and always replied the standard way. so the 3 posts i made which i mentioned in another topic were from a standard reply.i am curious though now if this is limited to replies only or if anyone tried to start a new topic that didn't show in a non moderated area of the forum. it's something think about too just in case.
  21. i see your point, but most of the outdated information wont be in the new topics or posts sections. when we are researching things on google. the most relevant stuff pops up first which means normally the new factual information that has been posted most recently will show up first. the searches are becoming more smart while people update the algorythms to show the most relevant information first.for the forums itself though, it benefits the forums to leave old and outdated topics up. it creates more relevancy to the categories and more links to attract new members even if it is old, outdated and useless from a member standpoint.
  22. i know. but that is the sad part to me. i see these loyal members sticking around doing whatever they can to help this place. i already know my tctics are someone not the best in other peoples eyes to get heard around here. but it's just sad to me. take for instance soviet who tried to start a contest for Xisto. no warning was ever given about the forum upgrade andthe contest sorta get brushed under the carpet one someone was going out of their way to try and spice things up around here. same with the idea of his Xisto irc channel which i thought could have been a good things, but he sorta gave up on the idea(which was wrong of him) but just shows one persons dedication. i i can talk about everyone's unique qualities here that contribute to the forum and there is just not enough of us to go around. so yea, i think it's really sad it has to be this way. the last update opaque gave, i sorta teased him that it would be a year before another update will be given. with all the problems and confusions, if opaque is really putting full effort in to this things, he should post a small update every day. let us be a part of what he is trying to accomlish. help the members understand what is going on. a small update every day would help do that. he put in the mood things but there was no updating to alert people to the new changes. i've been biting my tongue for 2 months. i even had to lie to people saying things will be fixed soon. i regret that now because it's not a reputation i want to have. but i have been biting my tongue not saying anything. well now i say something and it's too harsh. i just think the whole situation here is a sad one and the only one who can fix it is opaque. unfortunately. i don't want to put more pressures on him, but he has made a choice to handle everything himself. the forum has been around for 6 years and buffalohelp is the only one he trusts? he doesn't even trust anyone to help with the coding. he cannot do this alone. the crap of what is happening now is the results of opaque being stubborn and untrusting after 6 years in business with this forum. i understand 100% his concern about not trusting people with the coding, BUT sometimes you have to give in and take the advantages that come along with the disadvantages. yes, there are advantages of coding everything by yourself, but the one main disadvantage is what we are experiencing right now. there has to be some giving in and compromise. changing with the times like he changed the domain and theme. he has to change gradually over time as well. he can't just expect everything else to change around him or too worried or scared about his own changes. it's only going to limit him as a person and his capabilities in the future in what he has the potential to accomplish.
  23. hahaha this is why i don't mention rules so much in the introductions. although we have many, sometimes the introductions can scare people off when people are always pointing out the rules which would make it hard for anyone to be laid back and relaxed in the forums haha welcome to the forums, james! we really aren't THAT strict around here. everything is common sense so enjoy your stay and thanks for your introduction!
  24. see? that was my whole point. people have their own definitions of what this place means. the fact that you are happy makes me happy! BUT! there are a lot of people here that aren't if this issue was just about people suggesting ideas, that would be one thing. this is about fixing what needs to be fixed. i am not going to argue with the definition of hostility in your eyes. let's just say i am full of hostility then in your eyes. i can't really help how people see the world or other people so i wont try to change their views. i just wanted to explain mine a little. i don't know how one topic i started marks me as a hostile person....but ok i also don't know how someone can come in after being away for so long and even have a clear understanding of what is going on to even make certain opinion....but ok. everyone has a right to their opinion. whether objective or objective. it just that your opinion and anyone elses isn't going to change how i feel or the way i react to certain things right now. just curious if anyone heard the expression, "the squeeky wheel gets the grease" anyway, this is getting off topic here. this wasn't about judging anyones character. the topic was about the problems going on in the forum that need to be FIXED
  25. deleting old posts will hurt this forum more than help it. why is old and outdated information bad? if it was, we should ban history books and eliminate history classes. all posts here are recorded in the google serch engines and believe it or not, i think outdated information can sometimes be helpfull. but even if it wasn't helpfull, someone would have to be the judge in what IS or ISN'T outdated. what if this person just don't have any common sense and starts deleting things that AREN'T really outdated but just seems to the person at the time that the information is outdated? like i said, it will hurt more than help. while we are at it, i have seen you bring back 3 year old topics since you've been back that could be considered to be outdated. :)what's wrong with you! haha i am teasing ya....
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