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Everything posted by arnz

  1. I may not know you that well, but have fun, and we all hope that you reconsider and give it another go. Most of the admins/mods will be willing to help out on things.
  2. Perhaps she's been hanging around smokers and been breathing their air, passive smoking is just as bad (if not worse) than normal smoking. As for the smoking topic in general, anyone who thinks smoking is cool is pretty dumb. Like a previous poster said, it's like arguing with a doc. I've never smoked at all, and wont likely to start now. It's a shame when a nice girl is around, but when a ciggy is the hand its just wrong... cause personally I dismiss the ladies with a ciggy in their hand. But yeah, Ciggy isnt really the habit for many to get into (either timewise or financially).
  3. KFC chicken can be pretty oily and fattening, McDonalds are both the same thing, but if I had to choose out of both, I'd prolly say the salads plus off the McDs menu would do it for me.But if it was menu wise (off the fatty type foods).. then I'd say KFC.
  4. It's true what some people said when technology is a neccesity, at home and commercially. Considering there are many out there such as computers, cash registers, and so on. Technology can be good or bad, a good example is the internet and its relatively ease of accessing information within laws for a purpose, and there is the bad examples, such as a person cutting and pasting particular information and claiming it as their own on another website.Either way, the introduction of particular technology is bound to come with its positives and negatives/consequences. On the good side, technology has room for improvement.
  5. It's interesting how the aussies down here are jumping on the bandwagon despite soccer not being that popular down here. Regardless if the Aussies go far in the tournament, or if they get knocked out in the first round rather quickly, it should be some minor shot in the arm for soccer here considering they made the world cup for only the second time (last time was 1974 iirc).
  6. For me, i'd say 5, and 66... I dont know why, but those numbers seem to be the lucky ones every time i get those in a raffle or something..Also 69, although a known number in another sense, had won some cash under that number before (although something minor as a grand).
  7. I personally dont mind it the way it is, the credit system is a fair way of doing things. It discourages the one liner posts of "LOL", "good work" and so on. However, while other type of boards such as "Forum Games" may get the forum active, unfortunately.. that encourages short few word posts like "cat, dog" or a few words in a short sentence.
  8. last.fm is also another site, also can find users with similar music tastes. Includes own charts, station, selection of songs and so forth.
  9. It depends, if your site was incomplete/lack of content, and you have since improved the site. Then your chances of getting in would be greater now.But if it was for other reasons (ie banned in the past or something), it's better to contact google about it. As others said, Persistence and politeness does work at times.
  10. As said by earlier posters, killing and shooting are two different things..Again, he may or may not have killed him but shot him, but if he did kill him (or dies) sometime down the track in a hospital or at the scene somewhere, then i'd likely to turn him in, but most likely tip off the authorities where required to keep anonymous if I need to. But again, the person would be pretty cut if a friend turned him in for a shooting.If he just shot him, accidently or not, it really depends on the circumstances. If it did involve a family member or close friend, then I'd most likely wont hestitate to do so.
  11. Personally I dont see that'll flash would make a difference when it comes to a "better" website, as all programs have their own ways of creating/publishing sites.But I think a clean tidy layout would do it for me, just my thoughts.
  12. Ok I dont want this thread to turn into a list of examples, but I'd be interested to hear your views as to what makes a swear word. What is classed as an indecent word or what offends you, in your view? Are some words acceptable in some cases and not in others? Just use upper case first initial to signify which word you are referring to. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Title modified.
  13. People getting pregnant at a young age isnt really a suprise anymore those days. Whether if they like it or not, responsibility would have to come into play here, whether if the recipient decides to have the baby or not. I guess it's the curiousity of some of today's teens.
  14. I've started drinking at 15, but in small "in moderation" amounts. I am now 23, and still only drink in moderation those days.I guess it really depends on control, peers, pressure, etc and whether to take up those things as a result. I never took drugs or smoked in my life, and not about to either. Yet had a couple of friends that drinks regularly at parties/clubs/etc.
  15. The icons are very well designed, however for a site that may have crashed a few computers, I'm not really sure whether to trust it. There are a lot of "free emoticons" and the type out there that are ridden with adware, spyware and the like. So personally I'd check carefully before getting those type of things like "Free" icons or emotes.
  16. My thoughts, Phishing is a person, or group, or organisation masquerading (or claiming themselves) as a known or established company through a unofficial dodgy cloned looking website. Unsuspecting viewers then either enter personal information through there, thus it gets sent to a unauthorized (criminal )group for their own purposes (ie spamming, or used for other malicious purposes).
  17. I like most types of music, except for Country, Opera and any song that sounds teenybopperish. The standout bands I like is Foo Fighters, Everclear, Nickelback and U2. I'll admit however some of those songs are pretty catchy.
  18. Even though I didnt see much of the recent case, the moderators should not be obliged to answer to any normal member why a particular thread was closed, a member banned, and so on. The moderator has made thier decision and that should be it.
  19. I agree and disagree with a few points. First, we are there to learn, and some students (if not all) did pay for their course in some form. However, there are bound to be a few dud teachers that may either not know much, or is teaching something outside of his/her specialised field. I've only ran into one or two dud cases when it comes to teachers, but still at least raise the issue through the proper channels if anyone feels the teacher isnt doing it's job.
  20. I'll admit those "things" are very dodgy, especially those ones from the likes of geocrud, tripod and so on... What probably annoys me more is those in myspace that add animated gifs as a background, have rather annoying MIDI music (rather than mp3s).. then claim they are a web designer although it's very hard to read the text of some myspace blogs.
  21. It's worth having a look at, as for templates, would be interesting to have a go at designing them for that CMS.
  22. It seems the smaller the high-tech tecnology device is, the more expensive it is those days. But I'd have to say that this small camera is quiet handy for the reasons mentioned by the earlier posters. It would be a good laugh if MP3 players and so on was added to it.. oh hold on... they are already on various mobile phone models..
  23. I would also like to echo Buffalo's sentiments.It's the moderators and the members that keep this site going, through many methods such as keeping the site active, helping out the new members and giving out good debates and chit chat.Without nice moderators, there wouldnt be members, without members, there would'nt be a community.. without a community there wouldnt be trap 17.Well done to the Moderators that kept the site going, and to the members that keeps it active.
  24. I remember the old Bartman song, it was cool for its time. But it did get old pretty quickly, but wouldnt mind listening to it and seeing the video clip for a laugh.
  25. As for emails, I dont really bother with the chain letter types that much (usually delete or end in my junk box).. ie 'Pass this to 10 people and something wonderful would happen' or something else similar to those words.AVG would have to be one of the best free anti-virus checkers around, It also does your email when it either arrives or you're trying to send a email. Furthermore AD-aware SE personal is a good cookie and spyware, malware, etc checker as well.
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