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Everything posted by arnz

  1. I'll presume the tabbed browsing is almost the same thing to Firefox's tab. I found the interface a bit similar to the latest version 6 build, although jazzed up with a few extra buttons and the rss feeds, etc as quoted by the poster above. However, as per usual, i think the first release will have probs and therefore the first release may be a BETA type version before any bugs or so are fixed.
  2. My current hard drive is around 60gb. Which is sufficient to cover my basic use such as school work and recreational purposes. I still got around 35 gig so that's a long way to go before it fills up. I'll prolly get another HD once it full, but untill then 60gb is sufficient enough for my use.
  3. I dont have any specific favourites.However, I dont mind the newest models of the minis (aka updated version of the mr bean can), with a nice body. Considering I'm a short-*bottom*, I wouldnt mind driving in one of those.Also down here in Australia, there is the tiring Ford -v- Holden war where some people may stick their loyalty to one or the other, and there are others (like myself) who doesnt give a stuff But I'll have to admit, both models do have their positive and negatives and the bodies on the recent cars would have to be nice and sleek.
  4. Just wondering the sports that you played in the past and present, and how you went/details in them.Basketball - Point Guard or Forward. Played it in my late high school years (1998-2002) Preferred playing Forward and have a few Invidual Player Achievements and Team trophies from those years.Cricket - Fast medium/No 8 bat. May have only played this for only 2 years at competitive level, didnt have the temperament or commitment to continue playing. I was told and I'll agree that I'm a bit of a slogger with the bat at times, thus batting at 8.Soccer - Played only during my primary school years. Was one of few having to play for my normal age grade and the age grade up during my younger days.Touch Football (non-contact rugby) - played mostly as a inter-school sport. May have been a quiet achiever in this sport, but did found it fast-paced and fun.
  5. I tend to agree that the Peer 2 Peer 'sharing' programs are legal, but as everyone in this thread said, pretty much the majority of the files shared on the programs are illegal.However though, there are some programs out there that are riddled with spyware, etc. I'd probably suggest getting a spyware removal program such as Ad-aware and scan for them (and eventually removing them).
  6. As said by the OP, a CMS is a good thing if you want to have a data-based driven web site enhanced with the goodies such as User logins, Albums, Games, etc . Yet do not want to either code the site or program the database yourself.From my experience, I've coded a site from a empty database to a working data-base site (through ASP) and to be honest, while coding your own may be good to some peoples eyes, personally I hate having to resort to coding the entire site from ground up! But I dont mind either tweaking modules or doing some of my own modules to enhance sites.As for my experience of uses Content Management Systems, I have used Mambo/Joomla, PHPNuke, Postnuke, wordpress. Out of all of CMS's I used, I'd probably have to find Mambo the easiest one to use, and also the easiest one to modify/tweak/enhance with own code/extensions/etc. The only prob I find of Mambo is probably the lack of components/modules as opposed to the likes of PHPNuke. But hey, it's open source and modifiable.If you're a beginner, I'd definitely probably have to suggest to start with either Mambo or PHPNuke as personally I find them the most easiest to use, and both have a good administration system. But you may want to explore into CMS's and either find some more modules to expand your site? or be adventorous and start coding your own?. Some examples of modules can be Photo Albums, Arcade game gallerys, or enhanced admin modules such as IP Blocker.In addition, you may want to use your own template. If you're a beginner,start by using the WYSWYG editors such as dreamweaver.. or if you're intermediate or above.. you may want to be adventorous by doing HTML code (although from my experience I use both WYSIWYG and HTML).This is just from my experience.. but good luck on whatever direction you may want to take! (either by taking a CMS, coding, and so on)
  7. All I can say, is holly mackerel.. this is one addictive game..I have sufficient knowledge at knowing how to type and I'm a pretty fast typist. On my first go however, It took me around the 7sec mark to do it. However on my second and subsequent goes I get around the 4-5 mark and cant seem to crack it.Nevertheless, it is one addictive game like Tetris and so on.
  8. Well to be honest, like many others I'm in for the hosting. But when it comes to forums, I dont read every post from every person on the forum. But if one or a few topics on the first page is something that interests me, I usually read the first post then try to skim through the replies untill I find a bit that interests me then I reply to the bits concerned.My style would be that I casually browse through the forums, find a topic that may interest me to read it, start reading the first post. If I find the first post interesting in any way then of course I'll reply to the bits I found interesting. If I dont, to be honest I skim through the replies (at least read a few lines off the replies) untill I find a bit that interests me to reply to the topic.Also another interesting thing is getting into debates on the forum, which to be honest actually takes up time, and it does interest you to read the reply from the person or people concerned. It can be addictive at times To conclude, as many people said, if a topic doesnt interest me, I dont bother reading it at all.
  9. I'd have to say that being 21 is not about drinking and partying. Most seem to learn about responsibility, independance and needing support from loved ones when you need it the most. For example, some may go on to college or university and get a degree (well its a competitive world out there in the job market) or some may do a trade or apprenticeship from a training insitution such as TAFE (in Australia).As one person had said, a lot of people seem to change when they hit their 20s, and it does happen to many people. Some may have had smart minds and may have been a top achiever at school (like a School DUX) for their whole life, but a few out of that group may have cracked under pressure when they are on their own, and unfortunately some say screw it and end up turning to crime which in turn they end up in jail (which does result in ruining their life).Also in addition to those that may be studying now at a college or uni for their degree, i would suggest getting some experience in your chosen field (even if its just volunteer unpaid work), some experience is worth it... more valuable than a high grade on a degree without any experience at all..
  10. To be honest, its a interesting layout but personally I prefer PCs with either Windows or Linux as the operating systems! I aint a fan of macintosh at all, I remember using them in a graphic design course and it was already a hassle having to use many keys as well as the one button mouse!Another thing, I dont know how the mac users get used to having one button on their standard mouses, if it has the seethrough covers with optical light like the optical mouses.. fine, but for plain ones its pretty difficult to see in the dark imo.I aint a fan of macs, but after using them, I do realise that they are there for their purposes after understanding how good print graphics and web graphics come out of the macs after doing a graphics design unit at uni.
  11. I hadnt seen a terrabyte HDD before but I'm sure that governments and big companies of the world do have em. I've only saw a few pictures, but like one other person said, it's like a big box. Its interesting how 'bytes' is termed after a large figure, ie gigabyte, megabyte, and now terrabyte.I wouldnt be suprised if its many HDD's fused together or if it's 'networked' in one whole box, but then again I either dont have the time or too lazy to research and check the actual facts.I've only got 3 computers in the house, but if I add all up the hd's (this Laptop = 60gig + 20gig Pentium 3 + 80 gig Pentium IV) that pretty much adds to 160gig all up. It'll be a lot of space, but would be hard to full up if you intend on only using legit and legal stuff (if you know what I mean).
  12. One of the longest names that I can recall of is notably the Sri Lankan Cricketer Chaminda Vaas, where the full name would be 'Warnakulasuriya Patabendige Ushanta Joseph Chaminda Vaas' As for those with a sense of humor, or just a word that rolls off the tongue is the infamous or worn out ' supercalifragilisticexpalidious' or however its spelt. lol
  13. Probably a pity if anyone is looking for competition, although in my opinion It'll have to be a good thing considering it costs a lot to start and to go up against a monopoly in the presence of everyone's "best mate" called Bill aka Microsoft. There has many companies rapidly expanding against established competitors and then going broke shortly after, which IMO which would have to be one of the big mistakes when a startup doesnt have a lot of cash, and their research hasnt been done. In regard to Google, them beating Microsoft in the email and search stakes is a good platform to build on, followed up by being innovative in G-mail signups (ie the mobile phones) and its simple 'Messenger' aka Talk service is a good way to make their mark into the internet/software industry.
  14. When I first started, I've earnt up to 10 credits in a few posts, it really depends on how long your posts is (and the quality of the post). If a post is long its generally because its usually of the essay or analysis type, makes sense and is with the topic. Generally most of my posts take at least a minimum of a paragraph. As for most credits I've earned in one day.... I dont remember to be honest, but IIIRC i'd have to say around 12 credits before Christmas (which was shortly after I got hosted).
  15. I had a few favourite colours in the past and still would be the same today, all are because of specific reasons.. At the moment it would have to be green because of the trees, and the grapefruit.. which the fruit (green apples, grapes, etc) sorta gives me a good taste and flavour. Although at one stage in the past my favourite colour was red because it sorta stood out, and at times sorta yelled out a position of 'authority'. The same can be said for colours relating to the weather, Blue, Yellow, Grey and White... It sorta reminds me of the mood i'm in when it happens. As a previous poster said, people do tend to wear colours depending on the weather... well where I am anyways.
  16. But keep in mind Google also has to balance resources considering their expanding range of services.. ie Google Earth, Talk, Mail and so on. It's just like our mate 'Bill' and his range of 'MSN' servicesI wouldnt be suprised if "marketed" gmail as 2.6 gigs but the servers initially gave the user say 250meg or so, but it doesnt really say it when the user logs in. The server gradually expands to 2.6 gig when the user goes over particular limits untill it reaches 2.6g.
  17. Come to think of it... After using the space mainly for attachments from Uni Assignments, Funnies from work mates/friends and other emails.. when it all adds up I dont really need 1 gig. I've used about 100+megs and still accounts up to 0-1% of 2.6gig capacity.Then again, it is useful as a data backup to a USB drive in the case of losing the USB drive somewhere. It could be argued as the reverse as well.
  18. I've gone through many hosts during my time, and I've been through 3 hosts that support PHP, and so far Xisto has to be the best for mine. Even though I've been a away for a little bit, Its been the most stable server so far in my short time here. Fantastico and the Cpanel here is the most up to date and has a lot of pre-installed scripts.In addition to the hosting, the community here is very helpful when you need help on scripting, design tips or whatever, the users are happy to help. The forum has helped me with information and given some good debates. Virtually everyone here is friendly and I would probably recommend this host to anyone else.Cheers
  19. I've been through a few hosts.. ones that dont support PHP at first, untill now where my last PHP host was 5gigs. After getting a recent announcement that 5gigs were going to place small banners on their pages, I decided to look elsewhere (ie Google) and checked out a few sites. This site seemed to be the best option with its more than fair posting system, generous enough space, and stable servers. So here I am, and had started set up the site here since..
  20. A great alternative.. better than those so-called ringtones or jamster type clubs where the first one is free.. then like $3 or $4 for a ringtone or picture each.Or alternatively, on some phones you can make your own tunes.. easily google for the notes making the tone and put it in..
  21. I think its a good innovative way to eventually make their service public through the web. By going through mobile first, its a great and ideal way to spread the word about Google's (Gmail) product.. while at the same time occasionally send messages about other services in the Google network.
  22. Merry Christmas to all Admins, mods and members of Xisto.Even though I've only recently joined, this has been good community in the short time i've been here. However you spend Christmas, whether if its with the family, friends, close ones, or even with some liquor.. please do it safely.It's been fun and looking forward to debate some topics and to contribute a lot more on the boards in 2006.-Cheers
  23. I use google's services every day, but I would more likely be using their services less if either their services stopped being free or either started charging for premium features of the Google website. As said and pointed out many times by various people, the people flock to google because their services are free. If google either started charging to use their search engine or either introduced a premium version of their search. Then people are likely to use it less, just like the lack of people using MSN's premium services (especially when MSN started charging people to use their "MSN Chat" service in 2003). But who knows, if google does come up with technical advancements and innovations that are worth paying for, then people may flock to it and pay to use it. Although I'd probably wouldnt use it myself. The Cinemas are a good example, a good movie comes out.. people go and see it.. however some people do prefer to wait untill it gets released on DVD.In conclusion, there are many alternatives out there if Google decides to charge for using whole or part-thereof of their services. Saying that, it doesnt mean its worth it, but like a few posters said earlier if all services were paid I'd have to say I'd pick google over the rest.
  24. It's a tidy layout although I'd probably get rid of the falling snow, and the music in the background of the site is a big no no..Perhaps, assuming you know a bit of HTML, use a WYSIWYG editor such as Dreamweaver and start creating some simple layouts to start with. It doesnt have to be flash if you're a beginner, but at least make it simple to read and understand.
  25. I remember reading this article some time back. By the sounds of it, it can prolly be useful as a heater in winter..
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