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Everything posted by arnz

  1. When I first came online in the internet world, Yahoo was the preferred search engine and email before changing email providers to Hotmail (which in turn got replaced by Gmail) I hadnt used Yahoo messenger, and will not likely to use it anytime soon. Interestingly enough the local yahoo! site in Australia just recently went into a JV with "Channel Seven Australia".. and therefore Yahoo Aust/NZ is known as Yahoo7!.. It's a similar venture with MSN and particular organisations in the local countries.So yeah, I still use Yahoo every now and again for news and some Yahoogroup sites, but not as much as I used to.
  2. It really depends on how the internet is used, for example, if you just use it to play games the whole day and so on, of course it may happen. If the primary use of the internet is for communicating, emails, messenger, etc.. probably neutral but again it depends on what the topic between the communicating parties is about.Furthermore, if the main purpose of using the internet is to read news and find out about other information, you'd definitely be learning something and perhaps even make ya a bit more smarter.But again with positives, comes negatives, as others said, people can also lie on the internet and exploit it (ie tricked in a chatroom, paedophilia (sp), etc).Personally I think it's good and has a mountainful of useful information for most purposes such as study, work, and so on, but again as others said, it can easily be exploited
  3. I'm studying at the moment, but i'll be honest.. I dont really give two hoots about a teacher or tutor's privacy. Like the saying, private life is separated from school stuff.But of course, I had seen some of the teachers around down the street, and they are a few young ones that even go out clubbing on the weekends. I even had one teacher that offered one of my classes to play football (touch football) after the class every now and again.
  4. I barely wear jeans, but when I do I prefer black jeans. I do have a few blue jeans though and do wear them occasionally. Most family and relatives comment on how I suit using black ones rather than blue. But really it depends on the selection of clothes and pants you choose to wear on a particular day that may make you look good.
  5. I have a logitech cordless mouse. Pretty handy if you ask me, especially on a laptop and being on the move throughout some of the week. The only probs would be the use of batteries and how long it lasts, but other than that.. they are a good mouse.
  6. Human beatboxing in my opinion is a real unique and flashy way of doing music. Down here in Australia, in one of the recent Australian Idol seasons, there was a real good beatboxer that managed to get a record deal.. and he hadnt even passed the three main judges.Those that live in Australia and/or watched Aussie Idol would've heard of Joel Turner and the modern day poets. Real good beatboxer and he was only 16 at the time of his aussie idol audition.
  7. I had used hotmail for a few years prior to changing to gmail. Since then had gotten many email accounts from work/studies/et al. Now I use my hotmail account only for messenger, g-mail for main emails, and other accounts for other purposes (ie study, and work).I have to admit I was annoyed with hotmail's then 2mb limit, but being one of the earlier ones to get g-mail, It was bye-bye hotmail, despite hotmail upgrading to 250mb shortly after in reponse to gmail. Definitely will be sticking to gmail in the long term.
  8. Signed up with them, but hardly log into it. However, I do read their emails and surveys whenever I can.I dunno about getting easy money from emailcash, although I had seen some blantantly advertise to try to get their credit points up. But that is only a minority, and those members that can genuinely gain credit points/cash through referrals or other methods must have their ways.
  9. I may only visit America every once in a while, but when I'm up there, domestically its either SouthWest or United, from my short experience on United, they werent too bad (I've heard of many ppl having bad experiences with United.. but again it happens on all the legacy airlines in the USA). It really depends on what crew you may get on the flight.Air Canada aint a bad carrier either, had last flown them from LAX to YYZ in 1998. Just a pity they dont fly wide-bodies (ie 767) on LAX-YYZ flights anymore.
  10. Starting off, my fav food is (not in any particular order) is-- Chicken Noodles-- Spring Rolls-- Stir Fry/Chicken/Beef and Rice-- Beef Casserole-- Pasta-- and Egg/Chicken Noodles with garlic, etc.Some of the food maybe the types that the Aussies eat every day, and many are those that were brought from elsewhere. Considering that Australia is a multi-cultural nation with many people from all-over, its great to try all types of food from all over.My olds were both from the Philippines, so I'm used to eating rice with most dishes. As for rice, I like eating it with the majority of dishes, especially stir fry.
  11. When I was 14 and still in high school. I had to balance school work, extra cirricular activities (ie Basketball and other sports), and just getting out there by getting a first job (paper delivery). It was interesting and was a self-teaching method of how to manage your money. Even if the income is pretty low at the time.
  12. I've read them when i first signed up, and read them every now and again to check for any rule changes. I just do it to make sure i'm not breaking any rules that may have changed.
  13. I'd have to echo "peaktaos" thoughts in regard to showing dreams from a persons mind. Especially if being under stress, dilemma, a sticky situation and so on.But generally, imo, I dont worry a lot about dreams. Considering many dreams could be about nothing at times, and there are the ones that have meaning as described by the posters above.
  14. I probably dont fall under any categories although I am a bit of a nerd at times... lol. But I have to agree with "dontmaimyourself", that everyone is unique in their very own way and that you dont really need to have a label to be "cool" among a group of peers. Some of the labels listed seem to more of cultures, especially punk, which is more of a musical genre rather than a label.
  15. I dont mind the majority of sports but one sport that really bothers me would have to be netball, you hardly move around with the ball.. and its a non contact version of basketball. Out the major sports down here in australia, soccer my least favorite of the major sports (the majors here is: Australian Rules Football, Rugby Union, League, Cricket.. followed by minors such as Basketball).Also some really minor sports that would be considered for a general age group, can be a bit fun at times... one example being Lawn Bowls (considered as an oldies sport).. But if you know the rules and get the hang of it.. it looks like a good sport to play socially.. (but I wouldnt do it at competitive level IMHO). Another is Darts (if some of you's call it a sport)... requires co-ordination.. just stay out of the way of the dartboard!
  16. Lol.. this is what i got when i went to shutmail recently. I'm guessing the service must've been run either cheaply, or got a third party to provide their email services (ie everyone.net or a similar provider like Zap).
  17. Easter Eggs, I tend to put easter eggs on particular pictures or portfolios I happen to be doing at the time. Also like the easter eggs that jazz up a particular website, even if its a ISP for instance.In life though.. it's all about the choccy and any extras that comes inside it
  18. If it was out of the 2, then Dell all the way. I use Dell branded PCs at University, and their service, especially after sales is quite good. HP lock their hardwares, not suprisingly, because it got bought by compaq which does a similar thing.. and to be honest, its a good tactic, but wont get any sellers that knows computers very well.But personally, I'd rather build my own computer if it comes to a overrall preference.
  19. This would be the 5 situations where i wouldnt eat the food (not in any order).If its fallen on the floor in my house, I'll let it pass. Anywhere else, especially in public places such as shopping centres, then no way.Getting onto it.-Food sneezed on (by someone else)-Food being handled unhygienicly (ie dirty hands, no gloves etc).-Food on the floor (out of home)-Insects/flies/etc in food-Partially cooked food (ie steak, etc).
  20. It really depends on what type of computer you are after, and what type of software/hardware you are planning to use for your studies.My uni as of late had recently installed wireless Internet in various places around the univesity, but not all of them are operational and all of them are protected, which no-one but probably the techs can remember as it's only been recently been implemented and they have been on catchup.There are lot of ppl that do bring laptops in to use at university/college/high school, but the prob is that it can be easy to slack off if your mind isnt really to it. So if you do get a laptop, as someone else said, use templates in particular programs such as Microsoft Word and Ecel to make it simpler and quicker. It is strongly recommended to get a laptop bag as those computers are indeed expensive. There are many retailers that also sell laptop bags, and as one the posters said, there are also extras such as shockproofing, etc which would help in the case of accidently dropping the bag.Thats all I got to say for now, so happy laptop hunting.
  21. I'll never change my eye colour. I was born with brown and if were given a choice to change my eye colour I'll keep it. To be honest, others may have differing opinions about eye colours, but a eye colour is a eye colour IMHO. I may be a non-practicising catholic, but as someone else said, god made you the way you are.
  22. In my days of being a kid, I preferred winter because it was more cooler, and getting into comfortable jumpers and was more interesting going to the beach in the winter (waves etc). Of course, since leaving school, i came to prefer the middle seasons of Autumn (fall) and Spring.Summer, while its hot, you get to do things like swimming in the pool, going to the beach more or even heading off to a water park. While summer is a good time to whip out the air con, and mind you I'd sit under the air con on a HOT day.. unfortunately the electric bill goes up with the use of other fans lol. As for the winter, its sorta the reverse when it comes to air con.. thats when it changes to either reverse air-con or heaters. While winter does bring a cool change from the summer, etc.. unfortunately colds tend to be common to catch :S!Spring, tends to be a middle transition between winter and summer... reverse in autumm. Both are in the middle. Where I live, autumm seems to be a traditional wet season, while Spring.. brings out lovely weather after winter.. although it does get to be a bit hotter once summer comes around. Summing up things, I'd prolly prefer Spring, followed by Autumm... the middle seasons do it for me.. not too cold, not too hot.
  23. I was only around 12 or 13 when I got my first cassette, and iirc, it was the best of the "eagles", followed by one of the earlier Blink 182 tapes (Cheshire cat). I have a mix of music tastes and still have them today.My first CDs however would be the Presidents of the USA and the follow album (II). Following that I bought the Batman Forever and Men in Black CDs, which were pretty much the movies out at the time. I still have them today, but I'd have to say the most regrettable CD purchase would have to be one of em 'Hit Machine' CDs, which then and today is full of teenybopperish type music.
  24. Knowing a few people from a popular but random compuer-based forum, I got the invite from a mate in that forum sent to my Hotmail account. At the time Gmail only recently came out and If you were one of the lucky few to get a account, you were considered very lucky. Not too long after, I got about 6 invites (which in those days invites were rare, unlike now where you can get up to 100 invites). When I got my first bunch of invites, I started sending Invitations to my close mates and usually left one or two up for grabs in the same forum. Those days I only visit that forum on occasions.Like the original poster said, G-mail is now common on the internet and its much easier to get invites from forums and even mobile phones. To sum up it up, like i said in earlier posts on gmail, I'm sticking to g-mail for the long-term, maybe even forever.
  25. Touch Football is another fast paced sport.You can say its a non contact version of rugby, gridiron, etc. Similar rules, but more of a tag, rather than a tackle. This is just my suggestion, there are also other sports as others said that may suit your tastes.
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