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About SuburbanalCuts

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 01/08/1991

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  • Interests
    Animation, Film, Web design, Buddhism, Writing, Music.
  1. I agree. It's just like in Iraq, we put Saddam up as a dictator because we didn't like the previous guy. Now the media pretends we never supported him, etc. Anyway, peace is possible if people just let go of fear.
  2. yeah I just finished hitchhikers. It's one of the funniest books I've ever read. you can tell that the movie would be worse (even though I haven't seen it) because many of the jokes can only be made in book form. See what I'm saying? Dat's the way it works, homie. 5/5
  3. just try to forgive the person and be nice to her and maybe she'll be nice back.
  4. thanks for all the info. I'm probably never to going to charge my current subscribers because right now it's just a newsletter. BUT, eventually, like I said I'll probably turn it into a zine later. I'm also thinking of using recycled paper eventually, which will probably cost much more too. Anyway, he reason I don't want to do a zine online is because...well...it's more traditional or something. I'm recieved responses from some of the people that get it saying it's better to get it through the mail. Besides, when reading from paper you absorb more stuff than from a computer. heh.
  5. this is what i see:is there a god? no.Why are we here: For no reason. We're here for the same reason snails and plants are here. To live. We humans seem to think that we should rule over everything though, which is wrong. You gots to live with nature, eh? We are nature. see what im saying?
  6. cool shtuff homie, even though i never do any 3d stuff. heh heh.
  7. people tried to have a 13 year old foster girl give birth after she was raped in florida. that's going too far. They said she wasn't capable of making decsions, which was dumb. Eventually though, with the help of some organizations she was allowed to have the abortion.
  8. Sorry to hear that wassie. sorry about your friend too liquid fusion.
  9. I've never been to anywhere in Britain. I guess they have more cameras than over in dah US? lets hope we're not dead by 2030. Someone will probably start a nuclear war for no reason and get everyone killed. Besides, it's obvious that Bush's plan is to try to "create" the rapture. I don't believe in that, but he's trying to end the world. Of course, while he's ending the world, he lets his rich buddies take over the country.(and other countries too. ) check out this very weird rapture site, by the way: http://www.raptureready.com/ . what the hell are they trying to prove with their timeline central? That all these events are causing the world to end? Abortion is causing the rapture!? scary stuff.
  10. i used to stereotype for real stupid things like if someone wasn't vegetarian I would think they were mean and stuff. Kind of dumb.kids on my bus scream at hasidics and stuff, its evil. Some of them tell stories about how they threw rocks at Hasidics walking by. And tons of people in my school make fun of mexicans too, for no reason.
  11. The repetition reminds me of the lyrics of slave sprirituals, where they repeat things as they work to the beat. see what I'm saying? wat genre is this supposed to be?
  12. i don't like all christian music, but I like African American Gospel/spirituals. Some of the best music out there. Anyone ever heard of Washington Phillips? Great gospel singer.
  13. oh yeah Cutenews is great for that but I mean actual zines, not on the computer. see what im saying, homie? I mean like people sign up and they get sent thru the mail.
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