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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. It's even better if you print out the detailed specifications of your machine using CPU-Z (http://www.cpuid.com/) and posting it here. It'll help us understand your machine and help you to find the root problem that is killing system resource on your machine.xboxrulz
  2. I actually don't mind their computer products because they are absolutely fantastic. However, the iPod ... seriously too pricey. If you say Apple is trying to reinvent the wheel every couple of months, look at other companies, they update their computer line every couple of weeks or months! Apple only does it every 6 months.xboxrulz
  3. Make sure you follow Jimmy89's suggestion (I don't know for sure either). Then, connect via the shared IP address for the Gamma server at Be sure to connect to port 3306 (MySQL default port number).xboxrulz
  4. Windows uses "Local Time" according to Linux's set up. Which means that it doesn't necessarily follow any standards. Whatever the BIOS says the time is, it follows. You can set it to whatever you want and Windows will follow it. However, Linux will not follow the BIOS time, and make sure that it's set to UTC, unless you told it to do so.xboxrulz
  5. A few of my school friends are excited for it, for me, I never even liked the iPod in the first place, so, it doesn't really interests me too much. iPods are simply overpriced, especially after you look at the inner components. The interface isn't really revolutionary when compared to other good MP3 players at a cheaper price.xboxrulz
  6. Be sure to use WPA-PSK instead as it allows you to make your own password instead of having the system do a random code generation. WPA is safer than WEP too. Best to use WPA2-PSK if the router supports it. As for Mac to Windows sharing, be sure to follow this window properly: xboxrulz
  7. I think they meant the time it takes to boot until the desktop is shown.It wasn't really clear.xboxrulz
  8. I'm sure all of you would eventually get to celebrate it. Just keep posting. (keep it legit though) =)xboxrulz
  9. WINE works with most Windows program dating back to 1998. More recent ones are harder to have compatibility of since the newer Windows API has changed a lot since and the community is having a really hard time catching up.
  10. Not necessarily, unless they have a great advertising campaign behind it. That's the main problem for all Linux is that there's no advertising dollars going to the mainstream market as apparently Linux is not yet ready. The only UNIX that is ready for the market is MacOS X with its Mach Kernel and BSD userland.xboxrulz
  11. Heck, most of my friends on XBOX Live are playing Halo 3 at the moment: I have a friend who always skips on Halo day. He skipped for Halo 2 and 3. Won't be a surprise if he skipped Halo Wars Day. My physics teacher allowed me to bring in Halo 3 so we can use Forge to calculate trajectories and grenade blasts. Also, tank dropping. xboxrulz
  12. EA has announced that starting with Command & Conquer 3, Need for Speed: Carbon, Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix, Battlefield 2142, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2008 and Madden 08; that they will simultaneously launch with PC versions during WWDC 2007 (as what I've heard).xboxrulz
  13. It takes my MacBook under 15s to load up through the system loading and account login. Specifications MacBook MacOS X 10.4.10 Intel Core 2 Duo 2.16 GHz 667MHz FSB 4MB L2 Cache 120GB 5400RPM HDD 1GB DDR2-5300 RAM 8x SuperDrive xboxrulz
  14. Lol, I'm as old as my post count XD. I finally reached my year of birth XDXD. Check it out: YAY for me! lol xboxrulz
  15. True, I just recently got my first Mac since I've been dying for one since 8 years ago when I was 8. I finally got one after my new HP bricked on my 3 times (3 separate laptops). With no better alternative, I made the fateful leap by smacking down double the price to get the Mac. A bit less features, but got what I wanted, a Mac with MacOS X, and a great machine.Macs are gaining a lot of grip at my school, with the laptop segment almost 60% PC - 40% Mac (of all people who uses their laptops at school, not counting ones at home). It's most popular amongst the grade 9 and 10s. Not so much the older grades. However, the trend is shifting to have the whole school.If I split that estimate even further, Apple overtook HP and Acer in one school year. People say it's just the Intel processor. I say it's because Apple finally nailed the correct laptop solution, but it so happens to have an Intel chip instead of the great PowerPC chip, which I'm still disappointed that they ditched it. They were so close to closing a deal with P.A. Semi to produce the next generation PowerPC chip that ran at about only 25W TDP (desktop, dual core).xboxrulz
  16. lol, I agree with you Jeigh. I think they are utterly pointless. Even for video game consoles, just preorder the product, you'll get it for sure. I have my preorder good until Thursday. I couldn't go tonight because I'm busy with homework and studying for Physics for tomorrow's test >.<".My friend during 4th period spare rushed in his van to Futureshop just so he can have the Legendary Edition Halo 3.I just simply love the Halo storyline. I have all the games (incl. Halo 3 since I have it preordered) and all the books. The game is fun, and the storyarc is utmost interesting.xboxrulz
  17. Who here is excited for the all new entry of the epic trilogy that is known as Halo? It's going to be another runaway success like all other Bungie games. Now, for the first time coming to the XBOX 360, the game has been estimated to make $20 million the first day of the game's release. Is there anyone who's going to the midnight release event? Unfortunately I'm not because of school reasons . Visit my Halo 3 Event Centre! xboxrulz
  18. I still don't understand why people still ask this question, but usually the answer would be, just go out and try them, most of them are free anyways. There is no such thing as a specific Linux distribution that's great for Windows users. Some Windows users uses their machine differently, have different requirement. Thus, there's NO such thing as a universal "ONE" for Windows users.xboxrulz
  19. I think our air tickets are already expensive. I think we should just charge separately. Period.I would definitely want this so I can go on MSN whenever I want to talk to my friends, even if I'm going to my annual trip to Hong Kong and back.xboxrulz
  20. I tried Vector Linux during the time when I tried many Linux distributions. After searching a bit, Vector Linux isn't really good. Especially since there aren't a lot of precompiled packages for it. You'd have to compile a lot of your own software. That's why I stuck on to SuSE Linux most of the time.xboxrulz
  21. There isn't even a cPanel option anymore for SpamAssassin. Which is very odd, I'll see what's going on, or just bring the admin's attention when I have time.xboxrulz
  22. People have been using satellites to connect to the Internet for years. However, it's still way too expensive for the average person to use it. Therefore, it's not too popular either.I would definitely love it if there was WIFI internet on the aircraft, like it's own little router in every single commercial airliner in that airline which offers it.xboxrulz
  23. Ya, I'd think USB 3.0 would be expensive since it has optic fibres. However, I think the prices would go down once fibre optics prices come down.xboxrulz
  24. Sounds great. I just hope that Apple and the IEEE updates Firewire or at least make Firewire-800 the standard. I don't like using FireWire 400 for my external drives.xboxrulz
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