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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. Then again they can earn a lot of money just off advertisement.xboxrulz
  2. I seriously recommend ATi, since NVIDIA usually just makes renderers but no co-processor to take the load off your CPU.xboxrulz
  3. ReadyBoost boosts up your system automatically, it doesn't have to tell you that, it's enabled. It'll just start making you computer faster. However, it has been found that it has almost no effects on computers with more than 1 GB of RAM.xboxrulz
  4. I can't play the beta yet since it hasn't launched in Canada yet. I'm going to get the beta when it launches.Most likely I'm going to buy the final game for the XBOX 360 anyways.xboxrulz
  5. I have yet had any games that require FAT32 because shouldn't Windows handle all the I/O requests, and not the game?xboxrulz
  6. Nice tutorial, but I don't think a lot of members here need it since it's such a basic task . Great work nonetheless.xboxrulz
  7. Oh well ... that's why my gaming platform is the X360. Simple, just plug and play! I can play many PC games on my X360 without any hiccups (as long as they are also released on the console).xboxrulz
  8. It's never too soon to create a new product. The search for a new XBOX was underway just months after the original XBOX release.Large companies take years to create a large product. Next Windows release is set to be 2010, which isn't too far away.xboxrulz
  9. Ya, usually ASUS has the best boards on the markets, so just use them instead of MSI or some other brands.xboxrulz
  10. First of all, in today's world, who in the right mind still uses 28.8K modems. Most people broadband connections which have speeds up to 10.0mbps or more! I myself have a 6.0 mbps connection. xboxrulz
  11. Yes it would work, you'd just need a dual core system.xboxrulz
  12. I just ditched Symantec period. It lags and pulls the performance down.xboxrulz
  13. You'll eventually have to. Like my desktop lasted 5/6 years, and it's due for an upgrade, which I haven't yet. The reason I need the upgrade is that it still runs AGP 4X and doesn't even have AGP 8X capability.xboxrulz
  14. Interesting, never knew people could list the commands that way. I think it's easier to learn the commands this way.xboxrulz
  15. You DON'T HAVE TO have these software. Macs are still more out of the box than Windows is. It takes me 30 minutes to restore a Windows installation, if I do it very quickly, 20 minutes on a Mac and 40 minutes on Linux (because I have a lot of manual settings that I have to set on Linux). These times DO NOT include installation itself. Only data transfer and the set up process.xboxrulz
  16. I use FTP all the time, but I access cPanel regularly just to check uptimes, bandwidth and space usage, and stuff like that. I also have to manage redirects, stats and many things. I'm one of those who wants the regular cPanel too. Why can't we just have the option of both the rv theme and the regular theme?xboxrulz
  17. Competition is great. However, just like the video game crash of 1984, you can accidentally have too many companies competing for the same market. If Linux was a bit more streamlined, it could happen. The biggest problem is that there are too many versions of Linux, too many installer tools, no standardization. It's a problem, especially when all the resources are to duplicate the same task. Thing is, Linux developers need to ALL agree on one thing and go with it. Also, we need to somehow merge KDE and GNOME so that there's a unification of desktop GUIs, so it won't be confusing for most consumers. For example, continue the look & feel of Windows from KDE, use the QT engine (as it's faster than GTK anyways) but add the concepts which makes GNOME successful, like it's theme system.Also, Linux needs more hardware support. Especially from big hardware companies. Companies like ATi (AMD) need to create better drivers for the operating system so that consumers can actually run their games on Linux properly. Also, laptop manufacturers need to also build around and install Linux or else no one really wants it as the major trend currently is everybody going mobile. Linux currently has a huge problem with power-saving mechanisms. A battery that lasts for 2 hours on Windows will last only 1 hour on Linux due to the power-saving options.Another thing that's been hindering Linux is the over-obsessiveness of open-source. The idea is great, but you can go too far with it. For example, Richard Stallman's call to ban ATi drivers just because they weren't opensourced is a stupid call. There are reasons why it can't be opensourced, and it's a good thing why it's closed or else companies can't remain competitive.Also, contrary to popular belief, Ubuntu isn't that easy to use. Especially if you want to dig a little deeper into the system, it gets a lot more complicated than it actually needs to be. Ubuntu is only easy on the top (GUI wise) but underneath it's messy. Try installing the NVIDIA driver manually, you'll find problems, minor to those who understand Linux, but you won't find that on OpenSuSE. This is my opinion. Unless these things happen, I don't see Linux being dominant among the desktops.xboxrulz
  18. I don't really recommend 5200+ since it's going to be expensive as they're not produced as much as the other boards and they have a higher electricity consumption. If money isn't a problem, go crazy with a Radeon X2900XT (w/ 512MB GDDR3).xboxrulz
  19. EMP can't kill people. It can only disable electronics. EMP does exist and if a terrorist plants an EMP bomb at a place like the NYSE, then all of us are screwed. You won't even notice that a blast occurred, you would just think that there's a blackout everywhere (unless you have a battery powered device, then you would notice something fishy). It will destroy all electronics but won't kill a person.xboxrulz
  20. I would get an AMD Athlon X2 4000+ and pack it with an ATI Radeon X2600 (w/ 256MB). This would be the true AMD machine ... lol.xboxrulz
  21. KDE is always faster due to QT being less bulkier than GTK. Especially with QT4, KDE 4 will boost way faster than QT3/KDE3.xboxrulz
  22. Your IE crashed. Next time when it crashes, please also post the screenshot with "View Problem Details" expanded (button on the bottom left of the box).Windows Vista reports most of its problem compared to its predecessors, so you'll get what just happened to your software.xboxrulz
  23. I think your website has a lot of missing formatting or it's just out of whack because a regular PHPBB2 forums look like this: However, yours looks like this: I think there should be some work on the CSS file of the forum's design. If you're interested, this is my website's design (I only modified the original skin's CSS a little bit, without breaking it): xboxrulz
  24. It won't grow THAT big. The biggest I've seen is only 10MB max and I have tons folders of photos in my storage.xboxrulz
  25. Thing is that both systems have their own advantages and disadvantages:Vista's advantages are clearly in its redesigned security system and better SMP and 64-bit support. It's disadvantage is in it being a hog for resources and some compatibility issues (which I have yet to run into one that I can't circumvent).XP's advantage is in it's speed and compatibility but is a nest for exploits and security issues compared to Windows Vista.Another thing about Vista is that it has constant patches compared to Windows XP which doesn't get patched that much frequently. Another thing people overlook is that Windows Update is now actually built into the system instead of requiring you to go to Windows Update's website to get the update. This makes it so much safer since some people still remember the day when someone cracked into the website and starting to employ virus codes into the update system. No further attacks can be made since it's now embedded into the system.xboxrulz
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