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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. True and GRUB in itself was built to load all operating systems using it's chainload system.xboxrulz
  2. This is what I have been waiting for since I got Google Docs. Now, I'm happy, I'll check it out.xboxrulz
  3. Opera has had a history of not always properly rendering websites. Just simply use another browser like Mozilla Firefox if it's unbearable. Else, stay with Opera. That's my opinion of course.xboxrulz
  4. wow, this is grade 11 physics, but I don't quite remember.I'll c if I can solve it when I have the time....xboxrulz
  5. Wow, I don't even consume so much water. I think that'll definitely cut down the bill and actually help the Earth since each bottle you buy is using new material from the Earth.However, DO NOT EVER MELT Nalgenes. They release hormone changing chemicals.xboxrulz
  6. It seriously doesn't matter. However, if you're just arguing about the concept, then I agree, Microsoft should actually let you install the update you want and to control the computer since it's your computer and not theirs.xboxrulz
  7. Exactly, that's what I do for Windows Update. Until more people create more games for Linux and more multimedia application for it. I'm pretty much stuck to Windows, which is a constant drag.xboxrulz
  8. You should just keep them there just for the sake of having the system running as smoothly and painless as possible. I don't think you'd want Xisto to reset your account and lose data from your account.xboxrulz
  9. I thought this was a "no duh!" situations. I've already noticed this for years. Not new at all. You do also realize that all you're doing to "buy" Windows is just the right to run it, you don't actually own the operating system. Therefore, they are in no legal obligations to say anything.xboxrulz
  10. If I have access, I just sit with my computer and constantly use it. Have been doing it for years, my body has adapted to it. It's not that hard really. Then again, I do take short breaks in between.xboxrulz
  11. Until we can unlock the power of the GPU, no. It's already hard to emulate many different types of consoles in the 6th and 7th generation consoles already. Try waiting 3-4 years, I think we can pull it off by then.xboxrulz
  12. It says that it only works with PowerPC, so I'm not too sure.xboxrulz
  13. sounds interesting, but I don't think everyone has a sed command though.xboxrulz
  14. I still rather suggest an ATi card better since it has extra processors to offload the physics calculations and etc. off the CPU, which is better in performance than anything NVIDIA can do since it's basically a renderer.Even Folding@Home takes advantage of ATi's processors.xboxrulz
  15. You should get an ATi Radeon HD 2600. It's a great card. It has DX-10 built-in and I've heard good reviews behind it. I would recommend the ATi Radeon HD 2900 XTX if money isn't an issue here.xboxrulz
  16. I would contribute more if the games area was more "significant". I'd say the best way is to have a better theme installed for Xisto. The default theme looks bland, and it's not good looking.Also, I think it's better if we had other mods to make this place a little more fun, like the gallery mod or random picks of the day (of topics).Yes, professionalism is obviously important at Xisto, but we need to be a little bit more laid back around here. We're not in those old-fashion office here where it's boring and bland.xboxrulz
  17. Well, a website for teens and adults alike is Facebook. A great, secure social network for teens and adults alike. It's basically a taboo in Toronto to not have a Facebook account, you'll get this eerie feeling that you're an outcast if you don't have a Facebook account. xboxrulz
  18. Interesting, when my system locks up, I just hit the reset button XD.I guess that's not a good thing, yet my Linux environment never screws up since it's the X server that caused the crash when playing a game that hung the server.xboxrulz
  19. I just feel that Linux fails to achieve standardization. If there were some standardization amongst the distros, then we don't need to constantly have different teams of people to right about something about a software that does essentially does the same thing as the next one, but look and act differently than the other one. It just angers me sometimes when using Linux with different distributions being so radically different.xboxrulz
  20. The problem is that the Linux community is so fractured that you get like a million little groups something else than a centralized belief. Yes, they believe in using Linux, but don't agree on how to put Linux together, let alone document it.xboxrulz
  21. I'd have enough with these spammers. I was creating ease of use for my visitors to drop support requests or improvements they want to suggest without registering. However, the spammers are abusing that, so on my forums (powered by Quicksilver Forums) is now registered-only users can post.xboxrulz
  22. I think this should've been the first thing people do. Reason is, forums are where users respond to each other. Not really a direct way to communicate with the central organization.xboxrulz
  23. what Grafitti said sounds like a probability, but when the USB doesn't have enough power, it should fail completely and should NOT run at all. Usually, in this case, you plug it in to a wall socket, provided that most EHDDs requires them.xboxrulz
  24. My post counts are slipping from my high of 45 days and I spend my time daily on this forum. This is my home for my forum traffic, aside from my own forum of course. Sadly, I don't have money to pay for hosting as I'm just a student who has spare time for an interest in building a website and maintaining it. I'd move to paid hosting if I had a choice.xboxrulz
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