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About TotalLamer

  • Rank
    Newbie [Level 1]
  1. Well, thank you all for the help! By scolling menu, I meant a menu that's affixed to the backround, so it scrolls when you scroll (like a fixed back round image type of thing). I mean, that isn't essential, but it'd be cool if it could work.Also, I can easily use HTML, but I only know how to change colors and text-sizes and borders and such with CSS. And how to fix graphics to the backround. Well, I'll check out those links now. Thank you for the quick support!
  2. Ubuntu, eh? Sounds interesting... I haven't heard much of it. In the way of windows emulators... are their any that are free? Given that I'm still only in high school and therefore have little to no budget for this sort of thing, I ask.
  3. Right, I want to make a personal webpage, but I don't want to use frames (too obvious and limiting) or tables (too long to load) and I have heard about the possibility of using CSS positioning to fit everything in place. Given my limited knowledge of CSS, I was wondering if someone else could give me the code I need:1) I need a menu bar type thing that can hold links to the extreme left of the page, that can scroll with the backround (note: the scrolling isn't necessary, but it'd be helpful)2)A title bar at the top of the page where text or possibly a logo could be put3) A main page where the actual data would be displayed4) a page to the extreme right where banner ads or the like could be displayed (needs the money..) Can anyone help me on this?
  4. Two HUGE web design mistakes are using large numbers of animated GIFs and making horrifically colored webpages (i.e. neon colors that hurt to look at and/or read against, especially when the font is equally garish). Also, using small, difficult to read font (especially when the font color doesn't contrast well with the backround color) and resizable hovering links that get HUGE (i.e. the link is regular sized, but when your mouse hovers over it BOOM! it supersizes.)
  5. That website is amazing! It truly must be a labor of love. Just thinking of the amount of time that must have taken... Gives me the shakes!
  6. Try this: http://www.phpbbforfree.com/
  7. Hmmm... nevermind. I have found a distro which suits me just fine: Damn Small Linux. I've got it on my Jumpdrive now. This has potential to be a very fun little project.
  8. After years of using Windows, I have decided to "throw off the chains of corporate oppression" and switch to Linux. My main question is this: which free (key word) distro would be best suited for a person used to working in Windows, and enjoys gaming?
  9. PSP-1 DS-0 Take THAT Nintendo!Still... how do they plan to market porn to the PSP? Sell it exclusively in porm shops? I guess so... even still, without net access, it'd be difficult for somebody underage to get a hold of pr0n.
  10. Obviously just the US. But still, you can't really blame them. These politicians are just going off of reports that don't even do the subject justice. Biased reports they didn't care to verify. Reports that came from SCIENTISTS!!! Therefore, science is again to blame for our precious video game rating system.Still, what are they gonna replace the ESRB with? Could it be a *shiver* Government controlled and regulated entity? Hell, they can't enforce their own TV rating system, and R-rated movies are allowing minors in all the time (often with parental consent!) so this whole thing is just ill-informed old men trying to get other old men to vote for them.
  11. My inspiration comes from existing games, and how they could be made better, or more interesting. Or, seeing a cool game that tries something new, and thinking how that game would work if you took pieces of it and integrated it into another game. Granted, I've never actually made a game, but that's where my ideas come from.
  12. Another easy way to save on system resources is to open up Quick Launch (right click the bar at the bottom of the screen (the one that's blue by default) and hover over toolbars and then click "Quick Launch". Drag all your essential icons into it, then right click an empty space on your desktop and hover over "Arrange Icons by" and then click "Show Desktop Icons". Now you compy won't waste time drawing your icons and all your essential program shortcuts are in one easy place. And, as a side bonus, your neato-keen desktop wallpaper isn't obstructed!
  13. Well... they have their own mail service, mapping service, and (surprise, surprise) search engine... Heck, "Google" has officially become both a verb and a noun in the dictionary... I mean, eventually Google might dabble into a new OS. After they own the internet, of course.
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