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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. Sounds like there's a faulty part in ur drive because none of the NTFS drives I've touched had any corruptions.xboxrulz
  2. I never had any problems with using proprietary drivers. I have yet to see why people complain so. It's just not practical to complain about it. Just use it, if it works, don't fix it.xboxrulz
  3. I don't exhibit any of these problems on my Vista installation that came with my new laptop....xboxrulz
  4. Thing is Sony always introduces new formats out and they usually fail. The Memory Stick is ok, but won't be industry standard since it's not opened.xboxrulz
  5. My parents always tell me that the quiet drives are beautiful, but they don't see the technical standpoint. A quiet drive means it's dead. I actually want a drive that's not too loud but not to the point you can't hear the drive spin or click.xboxrulz
  6. I would actually go for a phone and music player. I recommend the Sony Ericsson W810 (i/c depending on region) or the newer Sony Ericsson W580(i/c depending on region). You can constantly upgrade it's storage size by buying a larger Memory Stick. The W810 has 350 hours of standby and 8 hours of talk time. The W580 has 370 hours of standby and 9 hours of talk time. Both have radio tuners, but sadly, no WMA support. My Sony Ericsson W810i on the left and my old Motorola ROKR on the right (man, that phone lagged and sucked, especially iTunes). xboxrulz
  7. Well, I hope that this SP1 actually fixes a lot of things wrong Vista has created. The system is buggy as hell, and causes several memory leaks.xboxrulz
  8. It's a scripting language since it requires an interpreter in order to work. Java is a mix but mainly a programming language because it can be a stand-alone application and an applet.xboxrulz
  9. Announced last month on August 21, 2007, Paramount & Dreamworks will drop Blu-ray support and backing only HD-DVD. The decision behind this is because the two studios claim that the HD DVDs are "market-ready technologies" and that the cost for manufacturing HD-DVDs are cheaper than Blu-ray discs. The first HD DVD to be released by Paramount under this exclusivity to the format is Blades of Glory on August 28 (which is now released), followed by Transformers and Shrek the Third. "I believe HD-DVD is not only the affordable high-quality choice for consumers but also the smart choice for Paramount," said Brad Grey, the company's chairman and chief executive officer. For more details read here. I myself, cheered for this announcement as I'm an HD-DVD backer myself (even though I have yet to have the means to buy a player, because the discs itself are still too expensive for me) xboxrulz
  10. Ummm... dual layer DVDs cannot have 30GB of storage. I think you're referring to a dual-layer HD-DVD. Note that HD DVDs are different than DVD even though its structure format is the same.
  11. I don't quite trust those software, especially when they are bundled with other things like toolbars and etc. Plus, another way to save energy is to actually shutoff your computer when not in use or instead of having ur computer run 100% on ur processor when idle will actually reduce heat and cut down energy usage!
  12. wow, I think u are going to be even able to download the whole Internet with your storage capacity XD.xboxrulz
  13. It doesn't take too long, I think it's about 20 - 30 seconds. Then again, I don't have a lot of startup programs as I usually eliminate them.xboxrulz
  14. I still like having my movies on a disc since I can pop it into any system that can read the disc and play my movie or video. It's also easier to burn it to the medium and send home videos from point A to point B instead of pushing the data from one end of the world to another through the Internet, which may take hours if the movies are huge with the HD cameras.Plus, the 200 layers will cause the laser to wear and tear faster than our current discs. I would rather them using a finer blue-violet laser and less layers than this disc technology. For now, I rather stick to HD-DVD for movie and once there are affordable writers for HD-DVD, my home made movies (HD perhaps once I buy an HD camera).xboxrulz
  15. When was competition crap (except to the monopoly, which in this case, Microsoft). Aren't we suppose to embrace competition, so that we get new and better technologies and not sack the industry with shotty products?xboxrulz
  16. try init 0 in the terminal. It's universal amongst all UNIX systems. Else, contact Apple Forums.xboxrulz
  17. True, coaster is due in May 2008 and it already has successful cousins in the US and at La Ronde in Montreal. So it shouldn't have any problems. Plus, throughout its 26 years of operation. There has never been an accident relating to a ride at Canada's Wonderland.xboxrulz
  18. lol, or go to North America XD. I love roller coasters. Hell, that's also why I'm always antsy to go to work, because I work at Canada's Wonderland XD (too bad summer is about to end, which sucks for this reason).xboxrulz
  19. Nevermind, didn't catch that. Back in the day, it was different. I think we'll get an admin to look into this, if I can get their attention....xboxrulz
  20. The name, BEHEMOTH, was chosen for the 2008 roller coaster at Canada's Wonderland (located in Maple, Ontario, just 30km from Toronto). News broke out about the construction early during the season as visitors reported that there has been construction near The Italian Job Stunt Track in Action Zone. Statistics: Length: 1620.9m (1.6km!!) Lift Height: 70 m Angle of Descent 85 degrees! Ride Length: Approximately 3 minutes, 10 seconds Speed: 125km/h Ride Capacity: Approximately 1,545 guests/hour Train details: Three 32-passenger trains; Eight cars, with four seats per car, per train; Prototype seating Ride Design: Fiberglass and steel coaches with lapbar restraints and interlocking seat belts Manufacturer: Bolliger and Mabillard (B&M); Monthey, Switzerland Cost: Approximately C$26 million Image of the new coaster: It's due out in May 2008. More information can be found: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ https://kwokinator.com/?a=topic&t=55 /login.php?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fgroups%2F5508526893%2F&_fb_noscript=1 http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xboxrulz
  21. It just store all the unimportant memory pages into the USB key so that the important data stays inside the RAM instead of filling it with both.It's just a simple theory like that, but that theory doesn't work with faster computers. At least for now...Also, I just read that NOT ALL USB KEYS WORK WITH READYBOOST! Check that yours can.xboxrulz
  22. The 10 credits account shouldn't have unlimited email accounts last checked, so there must be something wrong with your cPanel account. I hope an admin floats to this post...xboxrulz
  23. I'm not too sure as I've actually only tried ReadyBoost once it gave no effect so I just ditched it. It wasn't important for me either.Btw, where did you find the screenshots?xboxrulz
  24. A must have gadget is a portable computer that can be your phone, handheld console, number crunching machine and a whole lot more. Also as an access point to other electronics across the Internet that you own.Also, it has the latest POWER processor to ensure that it runs fast and efficient.That's my dream gadget.xboxrulz
  25. Just create a MySQL or PostgreSQL database in your account, then just upload the MediaWiki files, and then just follow it's instructions to install it to your website. Shouldn't be too hard.xboxrulz
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