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  1. I'm not sure if you have solved the problem yet but I use InfraRecorder to edit/burn ISO to CDs and DVDs. If you still are having trouble you may want to try it, though I am unsure if it is capable of doing everything you need. It only works for windows I think, but I have gotten it to run on Linux using wine (I have never actually tried burning an ISO on Linux though). It is free, so that shouldn't be a problem. There is a lot of documentation and many tutorials online on how to use it, so just use Google if you need help. Hope this helps, Sparkx Links: InfraRecoder
  2. OpaQue seems to know what's going on. It makes since. If when they started a good post (good enough to receive some mycents) needed to be 10 words long then they changed it to 25 words and recalculated my cents it would make since that everyone would loose at least a few mycents while other could have lost many more. Similar bugs which apparently OpaQue is working hard on to fix may result in some strange numbers. I wouldn't rush OpaQue to get it fixed, none should need to program so much just so they can fix some minor display glitches. Good luck with that but, If you are able to get out of the hole by 381 that fast it means you either:A: don't have a life (not likely) or B: you spammed (more likely). Thanks, Sparkx
  3. So do you want to shrink the partition in other words? I know that Linux has something called "GParted" which does just that for free, I am not sure if it works for windows yet but I believe it is quite reliable (however I haven't needed to use it). An option of windows is Partition Magic which costs some money and isn't as reliable as "GParted" (from the reviews I have read)... After doing a quick Google search with "Partition Editor", I found "Beeblebrox Partition Editor" which is apparently a free windows supporting partition editor. I have no clue how reliable it is. I had used "partition logic" to arrange some partitions in the past. It is a simple boot editor so it really doesn't matter if you have windows or Linux installed. Personally I like it, and probably should be your first try if you have windows, but I don't think it is as functional as the other editors (as in fewer features and doesn't support as many partitions). (Note: Only Use This Editors at your own risk. Be aware that an error in the editor could leave your entire partition messed up.) Hope I answered your question, Sparkx Links: Partition Logic Beeblebrox GParted PartitionMagic 8.0 (Not Free)
  4. I think I figured out the problem. It is definitely a glitch... Look at your profile. All the posts are gone? So before you had lets say 1500 MyCents then the server glitches, now it thinks it deleted all your posts (but they are still there, they just aren't connected to your username correctly anymore). So it decides to remove all the MyCents except for the ones you have earned since the glitch (which must have been about 2 days ago). As a result you have negative MyCents about equal to the number you had before - total + mycents since glitch or some similar equation. Perhaps we could get a few administrators to go in and fix the PHP, then have it re-set and recalculate everyone’s MyCents while everyone else just calms down for a while... That's my theory at least.Sparkx
  5. I think there is a bug with the MyCents or the moderators are just getting lazy. I don't remember answering any spam posts (not laity at least). I would also hope that if the moderators deleted my post they would give me a reason (perhaps send me a message or something). If it is an automatic script, wouldn't it be easy to set it up so it will also automatically send a personal message to the poster? I think someone should really program that in, it would be very handy or maybe they could make a place where you can see your income and loss of MyCents. Have it say something like:01/01/2009 - Lost 0.50 MyCents - Post less then 25 words long.I am not the only one that has lost lots of credits overnight though. I have seen moderators with negative 1,000+ credits. Another possibility (not likely) is that the code is glitched so when it updates your MyCents somewhere along the line of moving from post length to the web server an positive becomes a negative or something strange like that.Sparkx
  6. sparkx

    C++ Time

    Thanks for the replies, I think timeGetTime() is the one I am looking for. By the way I was wondering, is there a way to debug a program to see how long each thing takes to execute. Before I was just using the sleep() function to update the time every 10 milliseconds then calling the time throughout the rest of the program (which works for development but I'm not sure how it works for releases). This seems like it should work better then anything else unless the total execution time is significantly larger then 10 milliseconds (of coarse it should be a little longer then 10 milliseconds because of the sleep and execution but that is why I am using intervals of 10 not 1 keeping my program more accurate). Is it method valid?Thanks,Sparkx
  7. sparkx

    C++ Time

    How do I get the current time (in milliseconds or better) using C++? I need to find the difference between two intervals in time so my program can adjust so it won’t be real fast on some computer and real slow on others.I have tried time() from ctime.h. It turns out that it is not accurate at all (as it seems to round to the nearest second, which is not good enough for my program).I have also tried clock() then dividing by CLOCKS_PER_SEC but doing this worries me because it is a macro and is getting the CLOCKS_PER_SEC of the computer that compiled the program, not the one that is running it.Is there another option that works better?Thanks,Sparkx
  8. This is driving me crazy... I decided to switch from Linux back to windows because some software I needed didn't support windows but now I have an annoying problem. I like to keep all of my software portable so I save it on a flash drive and put it into my machine. Most of the time, I just leave it in so the next time I startup I don't have to go looking for it. But now every single time I start up windows with the flash drive in, windows runs a disk scan on it. On top of taking forever to boot I have already had two files get messed up (as in won't open or opens empty or with [] for every character) as a result of this scan. Is there a way to disable this annoyance? I know I will get about 10 posts right off the bat of "Just be patient and let it run" or "Just stay at your computer and press escape when it starts". Thanks for the help but I am really looking for a way to completely turn off the scan.Thanks,Sparkx
  9. Well as far as I am aware MyCents don't update instantly so it is possible that the time delay may have messed up your test. Example last night you posted for 30 MyCents then today for 0 more, when it updated you still got your 30 from last night. That is not saying that there is no possibility that there is a glitch. In fact I would think that there is a large possibility that there may be a glitch. Also some sub forms of forums that don't receive credits do receive credits. You may want to Personal Message a moderator if you still think there is a glitch and none respond to this topic soon. It would make things a little fairer for everyone else if there really is a problem.Thanks,Sparkx
  10. What problems (error codes est.) are you getting with the 5.1.7 version? Is there a chance that the older version 5.0.x has its required files in its library and the other version doesn't? Did you try just placing the required files in the same folder as your file for example folderA/myfile.java folderA/com/... or folderA/org/... est. There are multiple things that could be occurring and there is a possibility (though not too likely) that support for Connector/J skips a version of java or simply requires the latest version of java. In this case however you’re probably not the first one to notice this so there is probably a bug report if that is the issue. If this is the problem you may need to upgrade your java J2SE to the latest version. If you could provide a little more information people may be able to help out more.Hope this helps,Sparkx
  11. Thanks for answering my question. When you say this does that mean you need to raise an extra 999 MyCents every month? That could add up very quickly it seems. I mean that is not so outrageous itself, but add in a few new things like the basic services and soon it seems like you need to earn at least 1500 MyCents a month. Is the payment set up where you have a minimum payment time of 1 year with a monthly price (like bills) or is it just 999 MyCents per year (which would seem too good to be true)? I also have a question on the pricing for things. So I go to the "Order" tab and it says choose one. How do I know how much each costs without accidentally buying it? I'm just trying to bring up a few questions that I had. I am probably not the only one wondering these things. I kind of liked my little hosted tag lol. This probably means your going to take away my red name also. Seems like it would help you tell who is a member or not in applications. This brings up something else. With this new system would you still need to activate new accounts or would it be instant (assuming the poster has enough MyCents)? Overall I like the idea of a switch. It seems like a great idea and I really hope it lasts and doesn't end up being just a temporary thing because of people misusing it. Now this presents me with yet another problem that far too many people have. If only I had something worth putting online... Thanks, Sparkx
  12. I think 100 MyCents every ten days seems to be about equal to the current/old system. I figured out that a general post (6-8 lines long) earned me about 10-12 MyCents. That length of a post usually gave me about 1 host credit (sometimes a little more sometimes a little less it seemed). After an estimate, I received anywhere from 1 to 2 MyCents per line of content. This is what my results were after a little test I ran after reading a lot of people asking how many MyCents you earn per post. You will most likely get slightly different results so don't base your posts off this, but that is a general idea of MyCents earnings. *Note one line is equivalent to about 90 characters (including spaces) on my computer. This is what was used in the calculations above.I like the new idea that you can get domains and other things from this new system. I do have one question though. Is it possible to earn these things based completely off of posting and not having to pay any real money? Is that the whole point of the switch or is there something I didn't read that limits what you can get by simply posting?Thanks,Sparkx
  13. I’m a little worried. So you say it is absolutely necessary for me to join this new "myCents" thing to keep my free hosting? So I go there to register then I read that I need to put in my address and phone number. I want to know why? It's not that I don't trust Xisto but I have used services that seemed real (they were by Microsoft). Then my personal information got sent across the web. I don't plan on buying anything with this new "credit system" using real money. Sorry but I am a little hesitant to put that info in unless it is completely necessary. Could anyone explain this to me?Thanks,Sparkx
  14. sparkx

    C++ Struct?

    I think I solved that problem. Thanks for your help. All I did was change \"... ambientIntensity->amb, 17\" to \"ambientIntensity->amb, 8*1\" and it seemed to work but now I have a new problem. This is a little frustrating, seems like one thing after another. Now I have a \"GLfloat *\" and I need to convert it to a \"GLfloat\" but nothing I try works. I can\'t just do \"(GLfloat&) ...\" because it doesn\'t convert correctly or something (the color stays at 0.0 when GLfloat * is 1.0). I am trying to put in the colors with glColor3f(R, G, ; but it seems that I can\'t just put \"glColor3f((float) def_color->m_colorR ..)\". I get \"pointer value used where a floating point value was expected\". I read somewhere that I could fix this with an & but this doesn’t work either \"...&def_color->...\". What do I need to do to convert my \"pointer value\" to a \"floating point value\"? I have tried memcpy() and that won\'t convert it correctly and sometime it make my program un-responsive.Any Suggestions?Thanks,SparkxEdit: Smiles were on...
  15. sparkx

    C++ Struct?

    I am real new to c++ and really don't know much about it at all. I (always jumping right into a language) am having a problem while making a 3D loader. I have no clue how this works but I am basing my VRML loader off of a MS3D one I found. I can "dissect" the file just fine except for one thing. My struct seems to change every time I call it. Here is some code I’m not sure if you need more: struct Material{Â float m_ambient[8];Â float m_diffuse[8];};[...More code...]Material *def_ambientIntensity = new Material[1];memcpy( def_ambientIntensity[1].m_ambient, ambientIntensity->amb, 17);memcpy( def_ambientIntensity[1].m_diffuse , ambientIntensity->dif, 26);//Next my noob way to see what the variable is.MessageBox( NULL, (char*)def_ambientIntensity[1].m_diffuse, "Diffuse", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR ); //GoodMessageBox( NULL, (char*)def_ambientIntensity[1].m_diffuse, "Diffuse", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR ); //Bad? Anyone see a problem? I have no clue why the value of "def_ambientIntensity[1].m_diffuse" would change. Please keep your explanation as simple as possible I just started learning c++ about 4 days ago... Thanks, Sparkx
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