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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. That's strange, it could be just a ISP issue? If both of you are on the same ISP network, then that may explain it. Just contact Microsoft support. I don't think we can do much here ;)xboxrulz
  2. That's exactly why I got pissed at the fact that they are putting inferior processors into the Mac. Picture this, the PowerPC family powers the computers in the International Space Station and the shuttles; also the world's best supercomputers. X86 processors are just ordinary processors for regular servers and desktop computers. The x86 has a history of not being the best processor. It's expandable but it's not computationally optimal. THis is mainly because the x86 has to be very backwards compatible. PowerPCs were built with backwards compatibility in mind from the beginning in the 1970s, the x86 wasn't really when they designed the x86 in 1960s (they never knew they were going to be successful in the first place. Plus, what really got me going was that Apple claims that the Intel Core 2 Duo runs cooler than their G5 counterparts, that's an outright lie, my Intel Core 2 Duo is running at 80 degrees when it's just running VMWare (CPU hasn't even peaked more than 30%!). My desktop which is Pentium 4, doesn't peak 65 degrees on heavy load. The G5s at my school doesn't peak 70 degrees ever on heavy load (dual core). xboxrulz
  3. I need a laptop because I actually lug it around school to take my notes and I travel very often so I must have a laptop handy so I can stay connected or as a "just in case" measure. (You know that you can actually rewire your battery if for emergency purposes, so you can power a light or make a flare or etc. if you're stranded).xboxrulz
  4. I think it's that patch you installed. My life revolves around the Windows Live network (and yes, I hate M$, but the majority of Torontonians use WLM). My Windows Live has yet to crash unless my connection died.Have been using MSN/Windows Live Messenger for: 6 years (since I was grade 7).xboxrulz
  5. cPanel works on my end with both 2082 and 2083 (https://). Both mail ports work too, 2095 and 2096 (https://)xboxrulz
  6. Yup, dual booting is supported, or you can do what I do, just run Windows in a virtual machine. Best to get the MacBook Pro if you want to game on it though (very comparable with the XPS M1710, and surpasses it in many aspects).Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Flash is available for Macintosh as well. Macintosh opens RAR files by default (if I wasn't mistaken, you can still download Stuffit Expander if problem arises to open RAR files.xboxrulz
  7. Another problem is that the reason why iPod was successful, was because of its simplicity in its interface and hardware design. Microsoft can try to copy (like they always do), but it wouldn't make them much better to the point people will get Zunes than iPods.xboxrulz
  8. I use:Terminal (the command prompt for Mac)NeoOffice (Open Office for Mac)Microsoft Messenger (MSN Messenger for Mac)FirefoxSafariiLifeMicrosoft OfficeSkypeVMWare Fusionxboxrulz
  9. That's why in Canada, we have metallic strips on the bottom of the road. If we detect a car, it will turn the lights faster if there's no pedestrians or pedestrians are required to press a button to tell the system there's people waiting for a walk light.xboxrulz
  10. I would just get OS X on the Macbook, unless you REALLY REALLY NEED Windows (like for games), then dual boot. Most of the programs that you need nowadays works on MacOS like on Windows. Most Adobe programs are written for the Mac, Microsoft Office was originally written for the Mac and has continued to be. I have yet need to run Windows, except for some quirky programs like GameSpy Arcade. Then again, I'm hacking around with CrossOver Office to see if I can finally get GameSpy Arcade to work with it so I don't need to dual boot it.As for HP, when I got mine (even though it was severely problematic when I had to replace all 3 that I returned and got a new one) I just uninstall all the crap right off the bat.xboxrulz
  11. lol, they should build like centre medians for pedestrians like in Paris and Hong Kong.xboxrulz
  12. I can't believe that people still reply to this ancient post ... lolxboxrulz
  13. I'd say 2 years, 3 years if it likes you and u take really good care of it. Dell has the worst track record for durability. Good luck. (for price over quality, HP is the best, good price, good quality).xboxrulz
  14. At this pace, nothing will dent iPods, Apple has created a juggernaut like Microsoft did with the PCs. They go hand in hand.xboxrulz
  15. You could always dualboot your system on both a Mac and with Linux. It's just if you like the hassle.xboxrulz
  16. Another bad part about the Macbook and I blame the Intel Core 2 Duo for this is that it runs extremely hotter than previous Intel chips or even Apple's own PowerPC predecessor chips. When I'm compiling something it'll peak up to 80 degrees Celsius!! That in itself is insane. My desktop runs at 57 - 65 degrees MAX and it has a Pentium 4 2533 MHz Northwood chip. Even the laptop that I refunded to get the Macbook had an AMD Turion 64 X2 1.8 GHz chip and only ran at a max of 65 degrees.xboxrulz
  17. To make to board cleaner, don't split it in 2 parts if it's on the exact same thing.I merged the two parts back to one.Thanks,xboxrulz
  18. I love the GMail system, hell my domain name's mail service is handled by Google through Google Apps, so of course I love it, else why would I bother Google Apps on my website! I also used Windows Live Messenger too (the "standard" in Toronto), so I just tag my email address to a Microsoft Passport account. Plus, I don't like Yahoo mail too much, especially their new design because it's quite slow to load on my desktop, and not much on my Mac. My ISP partnered with Yahoo, so I get all the Yahoo premium services... Desktop: xboxrulz
  19. For the clicking with touchpad, that can be changed in the system settings. Yes, I do agree with the GFX card, I was like, they could've put in at least a GMA X3100 to make it worth it. As for WiFi, it must just be his router, I have no clue since my connection is rock solid, even when I'm over at my cousin's house next door. xboxrulz
  20. I might buy the Orange Box for my XBOX 360, but that is really a maybe. I want Portals!First I've got to get my Dance Dance Revolution on my Wii first .xboxrulz
  21. You could've installed Linux on top of a virtual machine like Microsoft VirtualPC for free.xboxrulz
  22. The G-series processors are PowerPC processors. I think you mean an Intel Core 2 Duo? They cost like $2199... xboxrulz
  23. By PC do you mean notebook PCs or desktop PCs? I'm talking about laptops here and since laptops have more things to damage it, it needs to be durable and Apple makes very durable laptops. xboxrulz
  24. I think if we made like a list why NOT to use Windows Vista we can like find more than 1000 reasons .xboxrulz
  25. You just pay a bit more than usual, but the hardware and operating system can last you a lot longer. Many people consider Apple as premium systems because of their build quality. Especially for me, I use it at school, so I have to have a laptop that will survive a school setting. I basically destroyed an already 7 year old Samsung (it still runs but it's very dented and wartorn). My Apple is scratched but no dents in it. Previously I had an HP before I got the Mac and it failed 3 times and also it got dented, I exchanged it so many times that I got fed up. I was glad to pay more (yes, I used my own money for it) Exactly, that's what I say to many people, Apple create great hardware, and so far, I have no problems. Many PC users don't understand why, they think Apple is inferior because less people use it (which yes, there's a smaller population), but they don't understand why Apple machines are so good. Even if they do fail, AppleCare will fix'em up and it's a good investment. xboxrulz
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