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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. Vista is a completely rewritten Windows, it doesn't even follow the old Windows NT design concept much. Just look at the UAC, a very different approach to how Microsoft manages software security (more of an annoyance since they still haven't got it fully working), they try to really be as close to UNIX as much as possible without actually implementing UNIX into Windows. However, their efforts aren't quite what most of us expect, it doesn't work really well.They finally got 64-bit working, but haven't rapped their reads around that in order to push the industry, they must push the 64-bit version as the primary version than pushing the 32-bit. However, granted they haven't got it fully working, it still has bugs.I still highly recommend UNIX based systems like Linux and MacOS X anyday over Windows NT based.xboxrulz
  2. Yes, Macs run on Intel, therefore you can run Windows, but why would you? Running Windows isn't it's raison d'ĂȘtre. Buying a Mac includes buying a license for MacOS X.A Macbook starts at AU$1599 (the base model).xboxrulz
  3. Some people have asked me is the Macbook worth it to buy, I say that it's been great so far, only problem is the fact that there's no memory card reader, and I don't like the fact that its display chip is an Intel GMA 950. I'd be happier for a GMA X3100 for the price I'm paying... As with all laptops, be sure to buy an extended warranty from Apple. I got AppleCare for C$299 (it's a ripoff since my American counterpart pays $100 less and our currency is on par. They should drop the price, the whole industry should, I feel ripped in this sense). However, that said, AppleCare is really worth it since like all other electronics, Apple hardware also does fail; my friend's iBook G4 just failed and he got it in February 2006.If you are planning to get a Macbook, wait until MacOS X Leopard to come out later this month if you can wait for it. If not, get it now. You'll wish you never had your parents, teachers or friends introduced you to Windows.xboxrulz
  4. A possibility, and yes Microsoft tends to copy UNIX right now as it's basically MacOS X on the visuals anyways. However, the UAC is quite annoying and causes compatibility issues with legacy applications. People say that Windows Vista (SP0) is really a bigger beta test while Windows Vista (SP1) is the true release of Windows Vista since there's a lot of performance improvements and security patches. Linux has it's fair share, however, it's still fixed faster than on Windows or MacOS X. As for the Macbook, I answered it here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/94285-topic/?findpost=1064378481. xboxrulz
  5. Doesn't really matter since Microsoft already releases an update almost daily, so it won't be a problem for them to update the firewall and the parental controls at all.xboxrulz
  6. You do remember UNIX is statistically safer than Windows NT no matter how you look at it. It was designed with stability and security in mind over "ease-of-use". Does this mean that it's invulnerable, no, however, chances are a lot lower than Windows NT and installed userbase doesn't really count. Look at Linux, there's more Linux users than Mac users; you don't see too much critical exploits on Linux than Windows or any other operating systems. xboxrulz
  7. I never used the Parental Controls on Vista, and don't plan to. It should only work on IE if I'm correct.xboxrulz
  8. Linux is a UNIX-clone, and it's open source, that means that it's software "blueprints" are available for you to edit and customize. Best of all, it's free! It was started by Linus Torvalds, father of Linux in 1991 and is the core of the GNU "operating system". It started out as a hobby for Linus to learn the i386 architecture, however, hobbist and now, corporations have interests in Linux. Linux powers many servers around the globe including Xisto's servers and even as large as Facebook. For more information on Linux, look here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux I recommend SuSE Linux for desktop uses and Red Hat Linux for servers. xboxrulz
  9. I got really confused when I read that, that's why I pointed it out.xboxrulz
  10. It feels like so long ago since Xisto Network website forums had ads. I already forgot how the forums looked like with ads... lolxboxrulz
  11. I don't know if I already posted, but I'll post again. Sorry about this guys.I use Google 95% of the time because it loads fast and fast is all I care. I don't care how the website looks like.xboxrulz
  12. I'm running on MacOS X on my Mac, so I guess there goes another exploit that doesn't affect me .xboxrulz
  13. Perfect Dark Zero flopped. I rather play Halo 3 or other amazing shooters like Gears of War and the soon to be out Call of Duty 4.I hate PC shooters, so ya, I'm a full out console gamer .xboxrulz
  14. My parents know that putting parental controls into my desktop or laptop is futile because a can do one of few things:- crash the house network (since I created it, I can take it down with ease as I control the network)- bypass the system with ease- reformat the system if neededSo, you see it's useless for them to put restrictions like that on me.As for parental controls, you need an administrator account to turn off the settings.As for UAC, I think it's just Microsoft's answer to a 30 year old design that has been proven over and over again but since it's Microsoft, it's annoying. I don't mind entering my administrator's password to make system changes. However, I will start flipping out when it warns me everytime I download something and run it. Else, I would care less since I'm used to it on UNIX and now on MacOS X.xboxrulz
  15. Hell, if our sites are listed, you just open doors to self voting .xboxrulz
  16. graphics adapter is the formal name for graphics card.NVIDIA and ATI always update their card every month (at least), so you should go check.xboxrulz
  17. It's ok, it was just hard to understand. Goodluck on your English.xboxrulz
  18. Just as long as you don't use the Xisto account as some type of storage-only account, then you should be fine. There hasn't been something specific that had been said about not allowing remote connection to MySQL*. Heck, some standalone programs people write tells it to store things into a remote MySQL database.* don't quote me on it. Be sure to double check with an administrator.xboxrulz
  19. If you scroll down the list of forums, you'll find the post where Microscopic realises that I'm homing in to overtake him ... lolYes, I have broke the 2000 barrier. I aim to be first .Sounds sad at the same time at how long I've been here XD.xboxrulz
  20. Jimmy89 could be right or it's simply the fact that your graphics adapter is dying. I recommend you to replace it with a new one. It could also be a driver problem. Be sure to install the latest graphics card driver before you test it out.xboxrulz
  21. Thanks for your addition Impious, but your post is very hard to understand as it's in severely broken English.xboxrulz
  22. For me, I look at Linux as my jump on to MacOS X. Now I can really pry Darwin up pretty nicely and I have also toyed with FreeBSD before my jump to MacOS X.xboxrulz
  23. I agree with Apple on this one. The iPhone was never meant to be worked on other networks than the ones specified by the contract agreement. Also, if you want it for WIFI iTunes Store, just get an iPod Touch. If those are the only features you want.xboxrulz
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