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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. Feung, if you wish to get hosting here, please DO NOT just copy and paste articles in our forums, it'll get you nowhere.However, thanks for the effort of contributing.xboxrulz
  2. I think the server should support Ruby on Rails since the famous blogging system Typo runs on it. I think we should open the server for Ruby since CGI is already supported...xboxrulz
  3. Ummm... problem for me .... yes it looks funny to have a "staff" to have issues with the hosting's systems ... but I have trouble.My cPanel statistics don't update at all like disc usage, bandwidth used and stuff like that. I don't actually know how much I'm using anymore.xboxrulz
  4. Try system reinstall via your disc. It shouldn't kill your files but only your system files. I recommend you to have Knoppix or another Live CD ready to back up before you try my suggestion. Having your lsass.exe is a pain in the neck. Bumped into that problem before because the system went corrupted.xboxrulz
  5. There's only one problem here, how would using up 60% of memory with only IEXPLORER and Vista be a good thing? Usually on Windows XP, IEXPLORER and the OS only takes up 40% or less memory on 1GB of RAM. That's basically a 20% jump which is really bad. I can run Safari and NeoOffice on my Mac in order to eat up 60% and NeoOffice is written in Java and everyone knows how crappy Java is with memory usage. Even Linux doesn't use that much, I can be running Konqueror (which Safari is based on) and OpenOffice and I still won't use 60% of physical memory. As for Aero, it's a fun interface to play around but it's a damn shame that Vista doesn't move most of the processing to the GPU than CPU compared to MacOS X with Quartz Extreme and Core Image. xboxrulz
  6. I guess Gmail loads just as fast as it ever did since maybe 'cuz my machine is quite fast for email?xboxrulz
  7. gedit and Kate are both great editors. There is no Notepad++ for Linux, don't bother. We've cover that base for a long time.xboxrulz
  8. Alright, I'm looking it this way, you're not really a tech-savvy guy, so I guess the Dell is great for you. However, the previous poster is right, if you know what you're doing, knowing what parts to get, you can build a very cheap machine. I know I can assemble a really cheap gaming machine for around $600, tax incl. (PSU + Case + DVD drives). To overhaul my computer, $400 w/ tax incl. As for technical support, YOU ARE the technical support, which can be fun, but to others very annoying. Like I said, the Dell may be good for you, but for a savvy person, you want the custom built machine since it's cheaper. xboxrulz
  9. I don't see a difference between the original version and version 2 at all. What the hell was changed?xboxrulz
  10. They say RAZR is thin? THIS ... IS ... THINNER!!!!!! :rolleyes:xboxrulz
  11. Thing is, he's not making a gaming rig, so it's quite useless to have a Quad Core. Even Quad Core, I rather suggest the AMD Phenom X4. As for custom building, I agree too, it's much better than sticking to brand names. xboxrulz
  12. True, older people take longer time to learn, that's universally agreed upon. As for Macs, I can make it harder by using crazy devices and also by digging into the system (UNIX layer) and it's just as hard as UNIX and just as messy. Also, why are we arguing again, I don't remember ... lol xboxrulz
  13. lol, of course Windows 98 would run on your system. I would just run it in VMWare if I were you, so you also run two systems at once.xboxrulz
  14. machine prices will continue to drop and new technologies will come about. If you don't make the leap of faith, you'll never get a machine.As for getting a large book from the library ... I just spend time to learn Windows myself, have been using Windows since I was 3, and really got into computing when I was 8, so I've been toying around with Windows for 14 years. However, Windows isn't hard to learn, just get the basics nailed down and you're good for the rest of your Windows life.Windows and Mac are just as easy, no books should be required.As for Linux and other UNIX (excluding MacOS X), that's another story.xboxrulz
  15. I don't know where you get the facts that aspartame is 100% lethal. It's still being debated by doctors and scientists worldwide. Until it's been 100% proven, you have a pretty wide chance of being wrong. All I can dig up are articles that say aspartame is safe and have no links of killing humans. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aspartame_controversy Other than that, I don't eat aspartame anyways, I eat real sugar, from sugar cane and sugar beets. xboxrulz
  16. It doesn't really matter, but ya, Windows (Windoze, Winblows) is not a UNIX OS, nor is it a Linux distro, but it's a poll to see what you use. xboxrulz
  17. True, but not in some demographics. I see a surge of new Mac users, mainly at my school. Apple has really pulled through in recapturing lost territory in the early 1990s. There's nothing new to learn in Windows Vista, if you know XP, you know Vista (except you just need to refine those skills for the newer version). If you say the leap from Windows 98 to XP, I'd understand, but there hasn't been any extraordinary things in Vista. As for the password length, it's as long as a filename byte you can store in NTFS, which is 255-characters. xboxrulz
  18. I used to have Windows Vista on my machine, I eventually can't stand it anymore, since it's a resource hogger. Either I get a new upgrade or when Microsoft finally decides to release SP1 is when I would retry Windows Vista. I haven't found any useful features than the fact that Windows Explorer and the Start Menu is easier to use and it automatically reorganizes itself. Else than that, all I see Windows Vista is a bloated version of Windows XP with not many things that have been added to the system. Oh, and also by imitating a few things from MacOS X.Also, a Macbook's price is only $100 more with the similar components in a Dell Inspiron 1420, so I don't know why people complaining that Macs are so much more expensive.My brother has Windows Vista and has been causing him a great deal of problems of late, so I really want that SP1 to see if it patches anything. Else, I can conclude that Windows Vista is junk.xboxrulz
  19. If you like Dell, then power to you. However, most of the machines I fix this school year have mainly been a Dell. Acer almost tied. Also, I haven't seen a Dell machine that lasted more than 3 years at my school. Then again, it's quite a small demographic. I've had bad experiences when servicing a Dell than any other machines. You're also the first person I've heard that would even remotely miss the UAC. As for ease of use, sure, Macs were meant to be easy to use, but aside from that, it's a regular UNIX system with a very good desktop environment. Dive right in and you can basically tinker it as much as Linux (minus full system customization). I've got many command line software for my Mac as much as I did on Linux. Hell, I can use a lot of those command line Linux software on the Mac since both are POSIX compliant. If it wasn't for its UNIX ancestry, I won't even go for a Mac. xboxrulz
  20. I'll just give you an advice that most computer experts will tell you, no matter what the price is... DO NOT EVER EVER IN YOUR LIFETIME GO FOR DELL. It is just that bad. As for processor, I always go for AMD because of the price per performance (and per watt). I recommend any machine with AMD Athlon X2 4200+. Else, go for Core 2 Duo. The Pentium D overheats too much and uses a lot of power to run, so you'll lose money through your power bill. It is also recommended to go Windows XP until Vista Service Pack 1 because Microsoft has to iron all those performance issues first. If you always use memory cards, then a memory card reader is the most logical way to go. Unless you have dial-up, do not bother with the modem, get a WIFI network card instead (that is if you have a wireless network in the first place). Actually, now looking at your price range, I'd just highly recommend an iMac instead. The base model starts at $1,299 and are a lot better. For that price, it already comes with an pretty good graphics card (Radeon HD 2400) and has a better processor than what you listed. Even better, it runs MacOS X Leopard! http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Also remember, that you can always dual boot your system for Windows for gaming too . As for warranty, you can always purchase AppleCare and it provides one of the best tech support I've ever encountered, it's highly suggested. Truly the only computer you'll ever need. iMac tech specs: https://support.apple.com/specs/ (All Apple iMac processors come with a 1066 MHz FSB) Happy hunting! xboxrulz
  21. It's basically like Windows Genuine Advantage. Meant to deter pirates, but makes life terrible for the legitimate consumer.xboxrulz
  22. You're just lucky that you can spend your USD directly in from the US since much of the Western consumer products come from there. My family's earnings are in HKD, but the family mainly resides in Canada. It causes major headaches since most of the money, (education included) is spent in Canada due to higher cost of living, is skyrocketing, so it's hitting families like us. There's many families like this in Canada and it's quite a popular method for many Chinese Canadians. Work in the "home country" to provide better living abroad.xboxrulz
  23. That's only for SATA or SCSI drives. For ATA/UATA/PATA drives, you use /dev/hda1 (if your primary drive is your C:) xboxrulz
  24. It's good that you have Euro as back up when currency fluctuates too much, like the Pakistani Rupee. xboxrulz
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