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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. Microsoft Messenger does exist, that's the name for Windows Live Messenger on Macs... lol. I do not back Microsoft's move to buyout Yahoo! at all. I believe that it will limit the competition and cause a larger monopolistic approach to the search engine market. It will allow Microsoft in control of all the email addresses provided by the 2 largest Canadian ISP, which proves to be a headache. I avoid Microsoft all this time about everything except XBOX. I do not want to use a crappier email service with a 25GB cap. I like my unmetered usage. Good thing I have my website's email addresses handled by Google and not Microsoft (or what will become part of Microsoft).xboxrulz
  2. I just got accepted at a college of choice in pursuit of a degree in Bachelors of Applied Computer Science (BACs) which is main software development and my professional option (can be changed later) is Game Development.xboxrulz
  3. I usually buy single sided ones anyways. They are a lot cheaper.
  4. Alright, thanks for the reply. The answers are very informative.
  5. Actually, a lot of Universities uses UNIX for education and not Windows and a lot of people go through university or college.xboxrulz
  6. Alright, here's a great question for the Xisto community and I hope you guys can answer this.My motherboard has 4 RAM slots, on the motherboard markings, RAM0 and RAM1 are grouped as DIMM1; while RAM2 and RAM3 are grouped as DIMM2. Does this mean that DIMM1 is its own independent speed bank with its own path to the processor and DIMM2 has its own path as well?I ask this because I bought DDR2-667 instead of DDR2-800 because 667s were cheaper than 800s last month, now they are almost the same price. I'm planning to buy 2 1GB DDR2-800s to make my system have a total of 4GB of RAM. Will the 667s slow down the 800s even if each of them are on different DIMMs?xboxrulz
  7. I hail from a town near Toronto, Ontario, Canada, but I still like to call myself from Toronto since I'm still part of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA, no, not Grand Theft Auto)*p.s* I do not live in an igloo.xboxrulz
  8. I really don't like having people creating browsers around the IE engine. Many people know it's broken, and the fact that it's slow. It'll be much better if they used KHTML, WebCore or Gecko instead and they are all open source.xboxrulz
  9. The one thing I complain about MySpace is that a lot of the pages are broken or only works with Internet Explorer, it's very inconsistent and a lot of them are filled with security holes because they are coded by people who don't actually know HTML or CSS. They just copy and pasting a cool design but a poorly coded design. I've seen many MySpace pages that are either butt-slow to load or a mess.xboxrulz
  10. It's best to back up your documents/pictures; then reformat your system. However, if you don't have the time to do so, just use the little toggle switch at the back on your power supply (it has a button that either says I or O), pop it to O to immediately cut power to the system to turn it off. Then after 5 seconds pop the switch back to I so that next time when u turn on your system, u won't be wondering why the system won't turn on.xboxrulz
  11. Actually, even though I support Apple, I must say that I just built a gaming PC for $500 CAD, it was great, it was comparable w/ an iMac with some stuff obviously axed. Main reason? CPU, I use an AMD chipset/CPU. That's the bad thing about Apple choosing one manufacturer, you may get cheaper parts from the competition instead of sticking to one company. xboxrulz
  12. Well, it's known to run well under WINE, it received a platinum status which is best available. https://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=49 xboxrulz
  13. Well, Linux's pro is also its con. There's a lot of choices. However, for some people that can get way too overwhelming. People have to make choices between KDE and GNOME, and etc. Standardization is still in progress. Some people can get frustrated from these choices. Thus, if you're not ready to make decisions like that, then don't jump to Linux. If you love choices like that, well what are you waiting for? Linux is the world's most customizable operating system!As for software support, you'll be amazed at how much applications Linux has especially since it is a free operating system. There are even some games that work on both Linux and Windows; which may not be available on MacOS X.xboxrulz
  14. What's sad is that a lot of advancements that are available on other more superior architectures like PowerPC aren't being tapped because of Intel and AMD being sticklers to the x86 architecture (and also Microsoft's fault). What got me really pissed off was when Apple swapped over to Intel, this just damaged the diversity and the industry as a whole since IBM/PA Semi are pumping out amazing chips that would've landed in Apple machines and increased the competition. Sure, I know IBM was plagued with manufacturing issues, but Intel chips are plagued with running too hot. Apple rushed their decision on it. I love Apple, but there are certainly flaws in their decision.xboxrulz
  15. It might work for DSL connections but it will definitely not work with Cable connections because your house only have 1 cable running through the house from the master cable which is threaded into many other houses in your neighbourhood. Even if you thread an extra cable, that's like cutting another piece of an already very partitioned connection. Thus, the extra effort wouldn't really be worth it since you're still sharing the connection anyways.xboxrulz
  16. Not exactly Yordan, Mandriva has huge downsides to it also. You can't upgrade to newer versions of KDE easily and the kernel, etc.Anyways, back to Ubuntu, have you used the Package Manager and used a repository that have an Audacity package? If you did it will be just as easy as going into the Package Manager (different for GNOME and KDE) and just search for Audacity, click on it and press the Install button.xboxrulz
  17. This is my code for an array sorter. It's quite efficient for counting too. /** * * @author xboxrulz * Source Code is released under CDDL if requested. * */import java.util.Arrays;public class Main { /** * @param args the command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { int intCount; String strNames[] = {"Gary", "Adrian", "Corey", "Alex", "Adrien", "Josh", "Zev"}; for (intCount=0; intCount<=6;intCount++) { Arrays.sort(strNames); System.out.println("Hello\t" + strNames[intCount]); } }} Unlike the code provided by the poster above, this one is very human-readable. Names are people in my class. xboxrulz
  18. You could use GIMP for photo editing, Audacity for audio editing and ClamAV for antivirus (not required). xboxrulz
  19. Have you tried this? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xboxrulz
  20. what's the point. It's actually not that good for your motherboard since it has to keep resetting.xboxrulz
  21. Humans have adopted the Internet so much that instead of calling long distance over the phone, they use the Internet. For example, I call using Skype. It also saves a lot of money. Another example is that we rely on the Internet to send mail. Instead of using postage and stamps, we use email to send mail FOR FREE and very fast too!We collect so much information off the Internet that we it has become PART of life. Like us here at Xisto, we are required to post to keep our little part of the Internet active.The Internet is not a product, but part of the electronic age life.xboxrulz
  22. There are only a few things I like about Vista ... finally a good implementation of the 64-bit architecture AMD introduced and for DirectX.xboxrulz
  23. try to uninstall and reinstall the drivers. Sometimes that happens on a new kernel.By the way, does anyone know what's the difference in the kernel between 6.0 and 6.01?xboxrulz
  24. After some system testing, Crysis ran at 85% GPU load most of the time, but 99% on water renders. The average temperature was about 62C for playing 30 minutes.EDIT: 3D Mark 2006 gave my system a 3D Mark score of 3806.
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