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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. It's much better if you use gcc 4.1 instead of gcc 3.4. I know that gcc 3.4 is the last stable release of gcc 3 but gcc 4 is more streamlined and is faster at compilation.xboxrulz
  2. you have to give us the full error if u want us to try to see what's the problem or give us the source code for us to try to debug it.xboxrulz
  3. that is true, so you just need to setup a webserver I guess. For this case if you installed WAMP, you should be ready to go and you'll have MS Access once you install the Microsoft Jet Database Engine. xboxrulz
  4. The Xisto network only have 2 nameservers (which is enough), your registar lets you put up to 4 name servers as an option and is not required. Two nameservers are the norm.xboxrulz
  5. There's an issue with the PHP coding, talk to the game developer. It can also be a server issue, so please contact your webhosting provider (since you don't use hosting from Xisto Corporation networks.)xboxrulz
  6. As far as I know, Visual C++ is only an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for C++ programming, which is provided by Microsoft and is part of their Visual Studio. I tend to use Netbeans since I can program in C, C++ and Java on the same IDE and it's free!Visual C++ is not another programming language.xboxrulz
  7. The bootloader became confused from what I'm reading. Just try to flush the hard drive using a Linux Live CD to boot the computer and completely flush the hard drive and reinstall it. Else, I think your SATA controller driver is broken on Windows XP.xboxrulz
  8. Thing is that you need a webhost that supports MS Access, which unfortunately since Xisto only offers Linux hosting, you cannot use MS Access databases. You would have to resort to SQLite or MySQL for your databasing needs. They work similar to MS Access, but they just require server access, which Xisto provides. If you truly need MS Access databases, you would want to get paid hosting at Xisto - Web Hosting. As for having your form to be able to connect to a MS Access database, just simply upload your form and your database in the same folder and use ASP to store the data into the MS Access Database that you created. xboxrulz
  9. Just make sure that you have folders to share as well. However, I have gotten Windows Server 2003 sharing files to Windows XP and vice versa without a problem after changing my IP to a static IP.xboxrulz
  10. I still get it on Vista and XP SP2. It's a hardware issue if it's not a software issue.xboxrulz
  11. It was? Alright, typically quad cores are better if you need to handle more threads. So for gaming, heavy multimedia editing or using virtual machines; a quad core is recommended. Else, I guess a dual core is good for your needs. I'm not sure what you're using your computer for. xboxrulz
  12. I think I should just stick to shooters, strategy and racing ... lol. xboxrulz
  13. Well, it's really your choice. I like it so I don't mind it.xboxrulz
  14. Why not simply give the Xisto servers full control of your domain name by giving GoDaddy our nameserver address. It reduces problems and it's known to work for a lot of people including me (I use GoDaddy as well) Our nameservers are: ns.computinghost.com ns2.computinghost.com As for having the site work, I meant that you can load your own web page hosted on our servers. xboxrulz
  15. Does your website work and only your FTP isn't? If so just use gamma.xisto.com as your FTP URL. xboxrulz
  16. That's true, I have Windows Vista x64 and glad I do since I need to have those 4GB in my system, Vista is not optimal for games unless I have 4GB ... I would've suggested you to get a quad core with a little more money.xboxrulz
  17. No, this is the proper way Windows Vista does its alt-tab: If you use Aero's Task Switcher (WIN+TAB), it should look something like this: ] I rather have the Aero interface than this PowerToy. xboxrulz
  18. Formatting is legal as long as you reactivate it with Microsoft again. As for partitioning, you should have defragmented your filesystem before you partitioned it. The reason for the data loss is that some of the data went to the other partition and was formatted. It happens when you don't defrag the drive.xboxrulz
  19. I tend to stick to OpenSUSE since I find that maintenance and package availability and customizability is a lot better than Ubuntu. Especially when you want to tinker the underneath parts.xboxrulz
  20. Remember, it takes UP TO 48 HOURS for your domain to propagate to the proper nameservers. If it doesn't take effect, call up GoDaddy and ask them what's going on. I use GoDaddy and it took my domain less than 6 hours for it to switch.xboxrulz
  21. Thing is that regardless of your default browser, Windows Live Messenger will still call upon Internet Explorer in order to open the link. This ensures that people will use Internet Explorer than Mozilla Firefox, Safari or Opera on their Windows machines.xboxrulz
  22. They really can't make MySQL closed source either because once they do, there's going to be a swarm of people grabbing the newest version of MySQL and just branch it off and just make an open source version since the community version of MySQL is open sourced already. Thus, that's why it's so popular.xboxrulz
  23. Sounds like a broken ISO, file a report at Fedora's bugtracker. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/index.cgi Have you tried to see if there's anything about it in Fedora 9's release notes? https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora/9/html/Release_Notes/ Else try not to install this evince ... I'm not even sure what type of package that is myself. xboxrulz
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