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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. I would rather you go out and buy new parts to reassemble this machine because it's very dated and is not designed to run Vista at all. A new basic desktop can cost you as little as $400 with all new parts.xboxrulz
  2. There are various issues with the migration, caused a lot of headaches since no one is answering my questions and a lot of things are not working. My website is completely crippled.As for the skin, keep it, I rather this skin than the other one. I've always preferred the default skin over the rv skins.xboxrulz
  3. no, keep your old ns1.computinghost.com and ns2.computinghost.com intact. The new change to ns.computinghost.com is for paid customers only. xboxrulz
  4. I'm planning to get it soon for my Wii ... I'm also interested in getting Elebits. I'll take a look at these two games. Like Call of Duty 4, Mario Kart Wii was on my must-buy list.Other than that, it's Tiberium and Spore both for PC.xboxrulz
  5. The activation over the phone is also quite simple since it's all automated. No lineups required. Something that Microsoft managed to do correctly.xboxrulz
  6. vujsa I also submitted a support ticket for this issue and the broken CGI implementation on the server.My site is completely crippled because of the ISP switch.
  7. Ya I can read it but I'm also getting random Chinese characters when reading that error out of the blue, but I still understand it (ref. the one u posted)I hope this gets rectified soon.xboxrulz
  8. UPDATE: apparently none of the CGI/Perl scripts work anymore!!
  9. It's still quite funny regardless, especially it's survey. A lot of past Google April Fools are obviously fake but funny none-the-less.xboxrulz
  10. Ok, this is weird, phpMyAdmin doesn't work on Gamma server what-so-ever. xboxrulz
  11. This is really odd. Suddenly after Gamma server's move; I lose my Movable Type control panel because mt.cgi states that it can't find mt-config.cgi at all. However, both of them are clearly there as shown below: Help? xboxrulz
  12. I couldn't find any possible solutions to this and sadly, you must buy a TV. There are small TVs going cheap at places like Walmart or etc.xboxrulz
  13. Unfortunately, by the end of the year, there's going to be a new socket that will replace Socket 775, so that phrase will no longer apply soon.xboxrulz
  14. Next time, you should also use try/catch to print your errors. try{//code logic here}catch(AccessControlException err){System.out.println("I can't access a file here! Access Denied!");} xboxrulz
  15. Please refer to this post for more details: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/95447-topic/?findpost=1064388246 xboxrulz
  16. This is becoming an issue I think. I hope that next time, at least there's some type of official announcement on the board than just have people looking here for information. I was wondering what happened to cPanel yesterday and what happened to my website right now....The Xisto system status page is broken since the support system was moved but the old link is still in place.Please rectify this problem.xboxrulz
  17. Ummm... dihydrogen monoxide is water (H2O) .... we need it to survive. It's basic chemistry, I don't think you need to go to highschool to know that dihydrogen monoxide is water.xboxrulz
  18. Nothing much, unless you do a lot of photo-editing and video-editing. Else, you won't really need to spend the extra money for performance that isn't going to be too astounding since most applications are not multithreaded.xboxrulz
  19. However, you should still be able to pick up the network better since your card has a better power to take in the signals better. However, as faulty.lee stated, it will still run in Wireless-G mode.xboxrulz
  20. Sounds like a dual core processor is sufficient for you. For me, I run games like Crysis and run virtual machines (and they are sluggish (VM) on dual cores, faster than single cores, I must say though; warning: don't run Crysis on single cores, you will suffer the consequences lol).Usually I don't follow their advertisements because they were created by marketing people for the purpose of ... you guessed it ... marketing the product! You should read real life testing reports on the Internet like Tomshardware or Reghardware.xboxrulz
  21. It really depends on what you're using on your system. Yes, as I explained before, FSB does have a great impact with system performance and so does clockspeed and how much cache it has. It also has to do with how many pipelines there are in the architecture. From the Pentium 4 mess, the more the processor has, it doesn't mean the better it is.As for a quad processor, it's not really that necessary unless the software you're using is already multithreaded. Software such as Visual Studio and Firefox are not natively multithreaded. Thus, it will require the operating system to split the thread. This type of multithreading does not improve the speed nor efficiency by a lot. However, if you have software like Sony Vegas, AutoCAD and games like Crysis and Call of Duty 4, you're going to use the full potential of the quad-core since they are natively multithreaded and trust me, on Call of Duty 4 and Crysis, if you have the money, get a quad core. The game runs a lot better since it can spread its task through 4 logical processors instead of two.Regardless, if most of your applications are single-treaded, go dual core. Else, I highly suggest going quad-core.As for me, I'm eying for an AMD Phenom X4 9550 (3600HT; HT is basically the modern version of FSB) this summer, hopefully the price drops again.xboxrulz
  22. Maybe for the G4 chips they were underperforming. However, for the G5 (PPC970), they were pretty good, they were comparably just as fast as Intel at the time. Of course now Intel's processor surpass them because of the updated innovations.xboxrulz
  23. Exactly my thoughts. They tried to work together, but Apple just ditch their talks and went Intel out of the blue on them.Which was very unfortunate.xboxrulz
  24. Today Forbes reports something unthinkable, something no one saw coming. Something so big, one wonders, WHY IS APPLE W/ INTEL IN THE FIRST PLACE?!?!? Today, Forbes reports that Apple Inc. just picked up P.A. Semi for $278 million. P.A Semi was founded in 2003 by Dan Dobberpuhl. Dobberpuhl was the lead designer for the StrongARM processor which became Intel's XScale when DEC Corporation folded. The company had 150 employees during the purchase, many of them had experience designing different processors from Intel Itanium, AMD Opterons to Sun Microsystems' UltraSPARC processors. Dan's team is dedicated to design a powerful PowerPC chip while using minuet power requirements. The dual-core processor clocked at 2GHz ran at only 5 - 13W. Source: http://www.forbes.com/forbes/welcome/?toURL=http://www.forbes.com/technology/2008/04/2_0422apple.html&refURL=&referrer= Now, I'm wondering, why oh why did Apple partner up with Intel and produce Macs with them? I would be using highly power efficient laptops if it weren't for Apple's grand mistake of going Intel. I wouldn't have to live with constantly monitoring my Macbook to see if it's going to explode whenever my CPU peaks 82C on heavy load. I just really really hope Apple goes back to PowerPC, the Intel deal was a joke. xboxrulz
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