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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. It's not that ancient, it's just another old obsolete technology, just like Windows 2000. It isn't ancient, many computers worldwide still uses it ... lol. If that's ancient, then I wonder about Linux 2.2 and 2.4. Now those should be called ancient.xboxrulz
  2. Interesting, Yahoo is playing the choosing game now since both giants want a piece of Yahoo somehow. A Google-Yahoo pact would be interesting since Google isn't buying out the company and they are helping Yahoo and the consumer in the process. However, Microsoft is a definite take over, which we know is bad for the consumer (historically).xboxrulz
  3. Ya, UAC can get really crappy. I just leave it on because I rather not make a mistake. I'm very cautious with my computer and have a fair amount of experience with many different operating system security mechanisms. However, I turn it on just in case and it doesn't bother me. It's just an annoying version of UNIX's sudo or su security system. However, I highly recommend you to keep it on unless you consider yourself an intermediate user in Windows and you don't see yourself screwing up. There isn't really a reason to turn off UAC unless you find it really annoying because most software (and mainly games) work with UAC now. xboxrulz
  4. I thought the recommendation for running X server w/ KDE was 128MB RAM....xboxrulz
  5. You do realise that Hotmail was bought out by Microsoft in the late 1990s. xboxrulz
  6. That's just PRICELESS ... omfg ... ROFL!Anyways, Microsoft Windows Vista SP1 coming in March is suppose to make your system go a lot faster than it does right now.xboxrulz
  7. It's not a necessity yet, but for sure it's a long term investment. Plus, I don't mind the extra cores, I do a lot of movie editing, it will make encoding things so much faster. Right now, duo core is a requirement, not quad, maybe in 2 years, but not now.xboxrulz
  8. In my opinion, even though I back open source software and Linux, but it doesn't even come close to Apple when it comes to "eye-candy". Sure Linux is doing a better job than Microsoft, but when it comes to looks great and still working fast, I have to hand it to Apple, by piping most of the graphic requests to the GPU and freeing up the CPU for other tasks. Like I'm encoding a movie, and expose still works very well, without dumbing it down like Windows Vista does it. KDE/GNOME just starts lagging, the clock starts to freeze, but not MacOS X's Aqua GUI. Also, no lag when I'm trying to close other software. Of course MacOS X is not invincible like Apple markets it, but you've got to give Apple credits for writing such a fine GUI system.That's my 2 cents (or 0.02138 cents US ... lol)xboxrulz
  9. I say the thing I like about open source UNICES are that you can hack at any code you give it (not the third party parts that are closed source). Like KDE/GNOME are desktop shells for them and they are open source. Sure, Apple's Darwin kernel for MacOS X is open sourced, but Aqua's source code isn't. So that's the beauty of it.However, MacOS X like Linux are both built for SMP off the bat, even before SMP machines were popular. If I remembered correctly, when NextStep was designing OPENSTEP OS (precursor of MacOS X), they already had SMP in mind.My favourite thing to do on my Mac is to install unlimited amount of software, just by dragging and dropping them into the Applications folder (assuming you already downloaded it)xboxrulz
  10. Thanks, dserban for the update.@HiddenKenshin: that's exactly the problem, these companies are just being chewed by bigger corporation to strengthen their monopoly. Like I quoted a Sun Microsystems staff, what did Microsoft invent? R&D and M&A are the same at Microsoft (check previous post for full meaning of the acronyms). I back Google on their decision.xboxrulz
  11. There are plenty of similar topics, but none the less, the latest, I have a IBM-PC and a Mac. I have a 6 year-old custom built IBM-PC and a 5 month old Mac. You can find the specifications of my systems here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/86514-topic/?findpost=1064274606 (laptop on this list has been replaced) and http://forums.xisto.com/topic/86514-topic/?findpost=1064274606 xboxrulz
  12. You do realize that there are of course other search engines like Lycos, Ask, AOL and etc. Plus, none of these engines are large in China (including Yahoo, Windows Live and Google). Baidu (100 degrees in English) is China's largest search engine and has the potential to tap a market as big as 1.2 billion users (assuming they all have computer access). So that figure about Microsoft swooping the rest of what Google hasn't taken is false. xboxrulz
  13. I think this might trigger a larger migration from Yahoo to Google if the buyout does succeed as people are taking refuge from Microsoft ... that's why people fled to so many places like Google and Yahoo in the first place. xboxrulz
  14. Hell, instead of using Flickr, I use Facebook ... since I'm using it anyways. Good thing Yahoo! didn't swoop up Facebook, else I'm doomed.I hope those regulators get their lazy butt out and stop this monstrosity. xboxrulz
  15. That's what this guy said and I quote him on my Facebook: -- Scott McNealy's (Sun Microsystems) criticism of Microsoft I have yet found one Microsoft invention. Even Windows can't be called an invention because elements were taken from Apple which took it from Xerox PARC. xboxrulz
  16. Another thing you will need to know is that right now Service Pack 3 is currently under "gamma" testing (Release Candidate). So the final SP3 will come later.xboxrulz
  17. ummm... only http://www.msn.com/en-ca?checklang=1 leads to http://www.msn.com/de-de/. MSN.com doesn't go there. xboxrulz
  18. Innovation isn't even on Microsoft's list ... all they care is "search, buy, destroy."xboxrulz
  19. It won't be that cool since that means Microsoft is going to be buying other services like Flickr and etc., thus shrinking competition and make this race even harder as an industry, causing an oligopoly.xboxrulz
  20. All electronic equipment is subjected to wear and tear, be it through heat, electromagnetic migration or etc. It will eventually fail without any physical abuse from the outside. On the inside, it may be broken beyond recognition in the microscale. My brother's GPU died out of the blue and it was a new card, the core sputtered out, maybe because he used his card too much playing his games (no overclocking there). xboxrulz
  21. Ok, the news has been spreading since this morning when Microsoft announced that they will buy one of the largest search engine companies in the world, Yahoo! Inc. It has been speculating that they had a really close relationship due to the Windows Live Messenger and Yahoo! Messenger integration. Now that Microsoft is forking over $44.6 BILLION USD in cash and stock, one may wonder ... what will Microsoft buy next? The whole Internet? More on Ars Technica: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I'm totally against this takeover since I use some of Yahoo's services due to my ISP, since they have an agreement with Yahoo! to host all my emails and etc. This also means that if this goes through, all major Canadian ISP services are in the mercy of Microsoft since Bell already uses Microsoft services in the first place. xboxrulz
  22. You need a new card, it sounds like the card is corrupted.If your card is a PCI or AGP, they are not too expensive.xboxrulz
  23. Yordan, you know you can do that yourself. This time, I did it for you. However, al-rafideen, if you don't need the commercial options in Staroffice, you can always get OpenOffice which is always updated and improved upon ... best of all it's free! http://www.openoffice.org/ http://www.neooffice.org/neojava/en/index.php (if you have a Mac) xboxrulz
  24. Try using this Windows 98 SE floppy boot up disc image. This executable is 100% safe from viruses, I've used it many times on my desktop. xboxrulz
  25. ummm... thanks for the huge blocks of text, but can you please give us a summary for those like me who don't have the tension span to read that ... lol, sorry.As per cold fusion, it is a long way until we find a solution to produce it, and currently, even the Sun can't do it. It'll be great if we could do hot fusion locally to provide energy, but we can't, only something as big as the Sun can.xboxrulz
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